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If we all fuck niggers maybe we'll be immune to aids too! BIG FUCKING THINK

I really hope the memes about Coronavirus ruining fertility in survivors are true, we need less bongs in this world.

Imagine looking like that

Chris Whitty has actually been kind of based through this. It seems everyone else is just disregarding his advice.

he's a top lad. Brainlets think he and Boris are trying to kill off old people.

It's great that the government is taking counter-intuitive steps rather than just trying to signal that they are doing something (look at New Zealand's fucking stupid overreaction to 6 cases - let's see how that works out when people are fatigued by the restrictions and start disobeying them at the peak of the outbreak - oh yeah, that's right, their leader is a hysterical woman, newly a mother).

Well no you're a moron. Whitty isn't the advisor who proposed the pig brained scheme to infect everyone and do nothing. Whitty has been quite proactive and encouraged measures.

it's not 'do nothing', it's staging

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>italy on lockdown
>everyone gets bored in 2 weeks and leave the house
>virus spreads even more, millions die

>waiting until the virus is at its peak
>press the button and close EVERYTHING
>millions of lives especially the elderly saved because the virus was avoided.




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I can't believe this "herd immunity" bullshit is real. It's like something out of a made-for-TV cyberpunk movie.
It's clear Anglo countries are rapidly turning into failed states. Meanwhile, China - the fucking EPICENTER - pretty much has the disease contained.

Frankly, I don't mind China becoming the new superpower and eclipsing the West. The West proved itself weak, incompetent and avaricious. Let the era of the bugs begin.

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Don’t worry you little Jewish incel, we will make plenty of space in the oven for you and your bug people

No you won't.

let's see what happens when your hospitals are collapsed from so many cases, doctors and nurses start to fuck up from overworking and you have need to be taken care off.
Pirates gonna pirate.

NHS should reject all patients under 30, the elderly clearly need the most attention.

You're not welcome here you disgusting rat. Fuck off

Thankfully all the decent EU doctors moved here prior the outbreak, is there any doctors left in spain?

sounds like an excuse to cull their elderly pensioners

Make me, faggot


>UK response to a pandemic

>eating bugs cures the virus

hey did you hear eating bugs cures the virus?

eat bugs

you WILL eat the bugs

Unlikely, considering it's a Tory government and senile old farts are their main constituency.
Same with Trump in the USA.

Don't attribute to malice what can be easily explained by simple incompetence.

i dont have a loicens to watch that m8

>here's your staging bro

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lmao @ you parroting the government line

they delayed action and they're out of their depth

Fuck off jew. China just stopped reporting like they were doing during the start trying to hide it.



let's see what happens when your hospitals become war zones when you lift the ban in 4 weeks and have to do it all over again, let's also see what happens to your economy when that second wave hits

I want to see how this turns out, purely out of curiosity.

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As long as Emilia Clarke escapes I look forward to the UK's mad max future

And the facts that their cases have been going down according to a logistic curve, and they have been shutting down corona hospitals are just fake news.
So of course the simple explanation that the government's quick, decisive and effective response had nothing to do with it. It's just "not reporting". Meanwhile, in the USA, the government purposefully avoids testing for the virus to keep the confirmed cases count artificially low...

You people live in a fantasy world where the only things that happen are what you want to happen.

this all relies on the incredibly stupid assumption that the immunosuppressed and unhealthy can just sit in a safe little bubble while the rest of the world gets on with life to "build immunity". it's not as if many of the immunosuppressed and unhealthy have children and jobs of their own, fucking rent to pay, etc.

also the sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 are unknown and the predecessor, SARS-CoV, had some fucking awful ones like femoral necrosis and osteoporosis. letting this burn through some 40-50 million people is reckless stupidity.

>So of course the simple explanation that the government's quick, decisive and effective response

The CCP knew about it back in December but pretended it didn't exist for an entire month and actively silenced anyone talking about it. If they responded back in December, the infection rate could have been cut down by as much as 95%.

You're the one living in a fantasy world you fucking wumao.

>blocked in my cuntry

How does it feel that everyone on this website hates you publically and everyone in the world hates you privately.

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they know we don't have enough beds so they are spreading the burden by doing this and allowing the gov to turn the taps e.g. shutting schools later because kids are super spreaders, if you shut them to soon nurses will need to take time off to look after their children, or kids have to live with grandparents and make them sick.

is it only us doing this meme? are we an experiment for the pozz overlords?

I mean, on a purely theoretical level, the idea of letting the populace slowly develop a herd immunity while old/weak people stay indoors does make sense if the disease went global and uncontained. The problem is that nobody actually seems to have thought through on how to make it happen. It seems like just something government officials say to avoid facing up to their failures.

I like Jews.

But I HATE niggers

>NHS should reject all patients under 30, the elderly clearly need the most attention.
NO! the reverse!
Remove the boomer!

Yeah, mistakes were made in the beginning, but then they owned up to it and started responding in the way pretty much no Western government could.
Because the Chinese government is actually competent, and shit actually gets done in China.
The fact you people are so triggered by anyone who says this really shows how insecure you are in your own supposed "superior" society.

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It was also initially treated using witchcraft.

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other countries isolate to stop spread, we encourage the spread..I'm surprised to rest of the world isn't condemning us or bombing us tbqh.

>just allow government to weld you in your workplace bro, government says it's working!

But they've never owned up to it and are now looking to put the blame on other countries (internally they've been calling it the Italian corona virus, and publicly they're trying to blame the US for it).

Hell, they purposefully obfuscated figures in an attempt at making it look less serious than it actually is. They've actively harmed the rest of the world by not informing them of how serious it is and how they need to prepare now, all because of their hubris.

No you don't. Boris said if you have even mild symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days. How is that "encouraging the spread"? They are just trusting you with it - for now - instead of being dictatorial.

I'm sorry, but it IS working.
The ideological rigidity of retarded (capital-L) Liberals like you is part of why the West will sink and fall in the next 50 years.

>Boris said if you have even mild symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days.
most people cannot afford to; they live hand-to-mouth. most brits are also fucking retards and don't understand the gravity of the situation.

>They are just trusting you with it
exactly, this is the tory way. absolve themselves of responsibility. whatever happens happens.

They're not doing that though. There are zero measures in place to slow the spread.


Look buddy, believe whatever you want to believe. These are only symptoms for a much broad trend that's been happening for decades now. It's bigger than either one of us. If you want to stick your head in the sand, be my guest. God knows you'll be in good company.

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Britain's strat might be a good idea desu.
China isn't going to have city lockdowns for longer than a few weeks and surely corona will come back after that.
Will be interesting to see how it works out

>They are just trusting you with it - for now - instead of being dictatorial.

barely anybody is going to do that.

I have symptoms, cough headache etc. can't get tested & am starting a new job monday.

I have no way of claiming sickness benefits as am out of work, so there is no choice & many are in the same position.

from what I have read these advisors he has are not even medics just bloody social scientists..

"there's an epidemic coming who you gonna call? the doctors or the social scientists?"

Ok boomer

It's a good idea in the abstract. In practice, like , pointed out, they've done nothing to actually make it work in practice. All this is is just shifting responsibility and preemptively excusing the government's failures.

Yes so they will have at minimum broken the peak into two. Realistically more as their processes also slowed down the previous peak. That might be enough.

In the UK we're going full steam ahead into one ass fuck bolus the likes of which has not been trialled anywhere else. Even italy put in place town quarantined and gradual shutdowns.

The fuck are you even talking about now?

You want hard evidence the CCP are responsible for this entire thing? They were caught bribing the WHO so they wouldn't call it a pandemic until it was too late.

The CCP have actively taken measures to hide how bad coronavirus actually is, and as a result the rest of the world were ill informed and ill prepared to deal with the spread of it.
Had China come clean back in December and accepted outside help (which they also refused as it would have allowed the outside to see just how bad it really was), things would have died down already and the spread of it would have been minimal.

No immunity for stupidity

>They are just trusting you with it
Not Gonna Make It

Italians are retarded. Their "lockdown" will just lead to more deaths in the long run.




Herd immunity is an outcome not a goal you retarded brits.

>The fuck are you even talking about now?
About the effective response.
I'm not denying it'd taken them a while get at it, but in the end they had all their shit together.
That is NOT how it goes in the West. Because the West is too incompetent and avaricious to actually do anything. Western countries only maintain their built-up institutions of civilization out of sheer momentum. Anglo countries in particular are uniquely incapable of dealing with crises.

One is a civilization on the rise, the other is a civilization in terminal decline. But please, keep whining about "they're been hiding the virus" as if it matters in the grand scheme of things.

notice how only UK flags are defending this insanity from a gang of nonces


WHO call it a pandemic because of the silly slow response of your western countries.
China locked down the whole country, 80000 patients were diagnosed, lost trillions of GDP. Hundreds of millions of people stay at home for 2 months.
Then your country pretend to be blind, and said "it won't happen in the west"

i like the british strategy
bojo's plan is to

Ah yes, social isolation will in fact lead to more person to person transmission. Now i see the light.

What happened to us? How did we get here? We were once the greatest country on Earth for night on 400 years. We were invincible! The greatest minds in human history were all British! And now as if overnight we've turned into a laughing stock. At first I thought Brexit would forever be remembered as a willing national suicide but now I'm not so sure. Now it's looking like it will be Covid-19. Herd immunity? This is our fucking strategy? Jesus wept we deserve to be wiped out.

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Yes lets tell everyone to stay in their houses for 6 months, this will surely work and no one will get agitated and leave anyway.


If you get decimated by the virus you win.

>Effective response

The rest of the entire world is infected because of China. How in the fuck is this effective?

People were calling on the WHO to call it a pandemic weeks and weeks ago, by which point it had already spread to over 100 countries. They instead decided to call it "multiple simultaneous local epidemics" or something retarded.

It's pretty obvious you're both being paid to shill for China.

Because it's not as bad as people pretend it is. Yeah if you get it you'll be ill for a few weeks and it'll feel like shit, but it's not going to kill you or even permanently damage you unless you're very old, very sick or very Chinese.

>yet another verbatim copy of the government line

I'd rather trust BoJo than this bribed cretin.

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>is the descendant of a criminal bong

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Who gives a shit about dying Italians laughing? Covid-19 will be the end of EU because every nation is now self-isolating. No country is helping another.

We are following that kind of approach too here. We still have less than 50 cases tho

> 6 months
Most countries are proceeding on a rolling basis and its likely only a couple of months will be needed. Plus yes in a pandemic people are quite capable of sitting still. Maybe you need a weekly outing to G.A.Y or your asshole gets uncomfortably fibrotic but that's on you.

>or even permanently damage
how do you know this?

>Herd immunity? This is our fucking strategy?

this is what we came to, hating the old for their temerity to get old, letting a bunch of tory idiots tell us what to do in a pandemic disease.

It was effective at making sure China wasn't the only country affected.

>>everone gets bored in 2 weeks and leave the house

God damn i hate normies. 2 weeks of Neetlife too hard for them