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>media matters

seeing as how obama is a satanic globalist firing his pandemic response team was probably a smart move. replaced them with people actually interested in stopping a pandemic instead of a team of satanist hired psychopaths looking to rack up a kill count as a sacrifice to molech.

i wish that was hyperbole

Good, let it all burn

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He didn't "replace" them with anyone, and you're a deranged nutjob.


Would they have stopped all flights in January, because that's literally the only fucking response that would have mattered. You should be happy Trump fired them, because now he's fucking useless instead of the CDC

Pandemic panels are supposed to be temporary dumbass

Look at all the past ones, they all shut down after a few years because that's standard operating procedure.

he has gathered together an expert team from the cdc and who, you would know this if you watched his speeches directly rather then through the filter of braindead mainstream media

look, i don't believe in this shit. but a lot of the people in power do. you can ignore it if you like but you haven't even looked into it because you prefer to have kneejerk reactions and think with your feels.

satanism is real and at many points in recorded official history it has come into power and sacrifices were made. this is nothing new

He actually relocated the positions from the NSC to USAID. The NSC positions for pandemic response were removed because pandemics are not a national security issue and you dont need a national security response for them.

b-b-b-but the news on the tv said orange man bad!

>look, i don't believe in this shit. but a lot of the people in power do.
Lmao, a classic

>Literally file a pandemic response team out of petty dislike for Obama
>This is okay because everyone I don't like is a satanist.

> petty dislike
Did you just wake up from a coma?

Not really, that's why I got to witness in real time as Trump systemically got rid of stuff just cause he was seething over Obama's signature on it.
How about you? Did YOU just wake up from a coma? Did you not get to witness Trump tearing up a perfectly good Iran deal?

stop parroting talking points you got off the tv and try to figure shit out for yourself. just turn the tv news off please. you are too young to tell the difference between news and propaganda, educate yourself first before you crawl back into mainstream medias lap

Wouldn't that be part of FEMAs job anyway?

>fires the pandemic team
>catches a virus
>pence tries praying away the virus
>gets infected

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>fires corrupt obamas lackluster team of ineffectual retards and diversity hires
>listens to actual doctors and experts instead
>in god he trusts because it's america you fucking fag gtfo and come live in canada if you dont like it

Probably a bunch of corrupt beaurocrats. They might have even made this pandemic worse.
Everybody that Trump has fired so far has been some sort of unelected official, totally unnecessary people on the dole. That's our fucking money, I don't need a pandemic response team, I take good care of myself and my family.

>claims theres a site being built
>even google is ??? about what hes talking about
>diverts responsibility like a true leader in time of crisis
>last week it was a dem hoax
>this week its a national emergency
>still no fucking testing

I too have faith that prayer will save our leader

stop watching tv news
all your parroted talking points are out of context misinfo

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trump 2020: "i take no responsibility at all."

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Stop breathing.

you cant explain anything yourself because you know fuck all talking out your ass for Yas Forums points. fucking pathetic


First leaf best leaf

So? He can just rehire them.

i bet if the tv news told you to stop breathing you probably would. why think for yourself when the "trusted sources" can give you their hot takes.

>pandemic response team

what the loving fuck is CDC and HHS et al. supposed to be?

imagine (You)r smell

Speaking of seething,
>seething this hard
Holy shit, is Trump all you think about?

Your projecting. The measurement of reasonable data given should tell you this. Your trying to lead horses...and yourself to water YOU know exist but no one has any proof for. Stop.

They couldn't have done anything since authorities refused to call it a pandemic so they could insist borders must stay open.

No, Trump didn't fire them. John Bolton fired them.


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and it was a set up!

Not only was Bolton aware, he met with Bill fucking Gates about it before Bolton was assigned.

It was all a fucking set up.

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and when pray tell was Bolton in office?

Just a coincidence isn't it?

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Obamas team of traitors?
Yeah I would to

40 whole deaths in a country of 350 million people

Oy vey...KYS you commie cum gobbling POS

There wasn't a pandemic in 2018 though. Sounds like he made the right decision. Do you want to pay people to sit around doing nothing during all the times where there isn't a pandemic?

>Media Matters
Go fuck yourself.

>Media Matters

That's literally a propaganda group you idiot.

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how else would he help facilitate the global spread 33 of the gates/lieber virus?

>on the basis of these things that I believe with no evidence...
I thought that the left were the ones who engaged in mental gymnastics?

omama's team fired
omama holdovers
he fired a lot of holdovers, which is what EVERY PRESIDENT DOES FROM AN OPPOSING PARTY you fucking twat.
Where the fuck are all these twatter fags coming from?

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There is no reason for a team like that to stay assembled unless under a current pandemic protocol and Trump did so immediately. The only reason Obama put together a team was for a huge virtue signal show.He needed to make people think a magical government team was needed full time after he handled the sars outbreak so poorly and further demonstrated his lack of leadership.

It's China's virus you fucking nigger

...and that's a good thing. We need maximum chaos.

Who gives a shit

he fired them because they probably wouldnt play along with this whole facade about this pandemic. They got in all new elite approved drones to act in the show.


>obama is a satanic globalist
Post proof

The important thing is that those TBTF Wall Street casinos got over 1.5 TRILLION to help them thru this crisis with anudda' 1 trillion and more coming next week.

>Wanting America to be spared

Neck yourself faggot, this virus is the greatest thing thats ever happened.

Appoint Obama administration Harvard jew Rod Rosenstein to the number 2 job at DOJ after Jeff Sessions fired him. Get fucked over by Rod Rosenstein and a pack of jews on a political witch hunt. Let jews, including Rod Rosenstein's sister, continue to control the CDC. WTF was Trump thinking?

Democrats think that $500 million dollars could be used to pay every American $1 million dollars with some money left over.

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Does this mean when he’s re-elected you’ll kill your self faggot OP?


Here you go tranny faggot

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Good leaf. I'll make sure you survive the day of the rake.

what if there's less than 500 americans though?

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Is this a meme..?

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and yet, the US will be less infected than yurop

Truth be told, the last actual pandemic was ages ago. If you consider it, a pandemic response team sounds like a huge waste of money to this point.

I asked for proof. You submitted an obsession wall collage of who?

Try harder

>butthurt over trump
Why is it so obvious that you're a kike

>Cheerleading fluffer for Drumpf
Why is it so obvious that you're a kike

I gave it to you. It's not my problem you are a 3rd world jungle dwelling, tree swinging nigger with an 80 IQ.

>oh noo, that sucks...

>I won't work to advise the Government cause it's not my team and I don't get paid.
They didn't deserve to have jobs in the first place.

>why aren't we undermining the leadership of our country in time of crisis

>listening to demonrats

Im whiter than you, soi-wrists.

I see no proof of your claims in the image shitpile you posted. You're terrible at this