Is.. Is this true?
I mean, it kinda makes sense when you think about it. Earlier, someone made a thread about a woman infiltrating Mensa and she found out that the group is full of "right-wingers" And well, we all know the hillbilly idiot rednecks who are also considered "right-wingers". The left are the ones in the middle, hence this bell curve.
So it this accurate?
IQ between right-wingers and left-wingers
Not really, you're just convinced that relying on pseudoscience to affirm your biases makes you smarter than everyone.
Society does hate them, but Leftist mouth breathers and their organ grinders are SUBVERSIVE
The middle part are the people who know they should question things but they don't know how to do it correctly and come to right conclusions. They have heard of concepts such as criticism and sources but they don't understand the world well enough. For them, criticism and questioning means they can't come to a conclusion other than "well, everyone is equal and there are good and bad people in all races lol"
There are similar examples of this where people think every side is the same and everything is in perfect balance.
Chimps don't think "tech bad", they just don't understand it.
Asimov disliked Mensa because of pic related.
It’s just that’s people associate hating niggers with Nazis. What they don’t know is that Nazis weren’t racists, they were eugenicists. They though every race should kill the weak members, but they still believed every race should exist.
I’m opposed to Nazi ideology as I do not believe niggers should exist.
still waiting on someone to disprove this
Tested 128 here, and yes, I hate niggers.
If they don't understand something it is usually bad. Self preservation of nature.
So what he said confirms the graph? Mensa members do tend to be right-wing.
what's the redpill on asimov
i've not read anything he's written
Yep its true
Low iq people go off instinct, they dont like the coloured because they look different
100 iq people will eat any propaganda, and feel like smart caring people saying "we are all the same"
High iq people see the obvious truth of different genetic behaviour, intelligence, crime, and the environments they create. They are less effected by propaganda
there's nothing wrong with cool spaceships and space travel
niggertech and AIs are the real problem
High IQ doesn't determine anything. The last thing people expect is intelligent people to be stupid. People are limited to expertise in specific fields yet, claimed or admired to know all. Real sign of intelligence is understanding your own stupidity.
High IQ individuals are too afraid to say it out so they consider themselves just right-wing in order to maintain social status. Other high IQ individuals are jews who just use niggers against us.
no news that nazis are higher quality. problem is the sheer "quantity" of losers on the left
What about AIs that kill niggers?
The vast majority of people with any power in society are midwits, they always have been.
Basically this
Instinct is generally correct. Thinking is needed to solve more complicated things
AIs are neo-juden
they'd want more niggers to use in their pods for energy like in the matrix
Quiet, nigger.
I swear most of you here are either niggers or bigger apologists.
Fuck this place.
Most on the left are mid IQ people who thing they're galaxy brains, common mid IQ interests:
- Communism
- Post modern art
- Deconstruction
- Craft IPAs
- The Kite Runner
- Jon Oliver
- Rick & Morty
- Open concept offices
- Expensive yet shitty coffee
- Cliff bars
- Programing with libraries made by actual intelligent people
- "Why yes there were black people in medieval Europe, what about the Moors & Turks? checkmate racists"
- Adulting
Niggers will always be niggers, but black people are not always niggers, for the label is not bound by color and is freely available for anyone that exhibits niggardly behavior, be they black, white, straight (aka normal) or fag, male or female. Get colorblindpilled, sheep.
plus i'm white and i've only ever banged ebony queens, dr. shekelstein and his NWO propaganda be damned. not my fault black women are the only ones worth a fuck in terms of actual relationships and good sex
Niggers don't hate tech
I just realized something chat!
Someone made a thread on Yas Forums a few days ago about more women being on the left than right, and no one was sure why.
Well, I think this is the answer.
Pic related is the infamous gender bell curve that says that men tend to be more low IQ and more high IQ, while women are in the middle.
It fits with my OP image, which says that right-wingers tend to be more low IQ and more high IQ, while left-wingers are in the middle.
It fits the puzzle!
fuck u maine dem IQ test wuz invented by whyte devils! black folk really be smarter u just be givin test that be makin us look bad
this doesn't necessarily prove a correlation with IQ, but a correlation between maleness and individuality. CEOs, and criminals. Geniuses, and retards. Men are extreme.
More of these pls
just consider the fact that schools are in the hands of lefties...
that's how they operate... through infiltration. and a lot of times it's calculated and deliberate.
once they get in and get in position...only their people are allowed in. which, ironically, but not really, it's exactly what they accused big bad racists of doing and who apparently were more accepting that these shits ever were.
>I broke out, under difficult conditions, once in May of 1977. On that occasion I shared a platform with others, among them Elie Wiesel, who survived the Holocaust (the slaying of six million European Jews) and now will talk of nothing else. Wiesel irritated me when he said that he did not trust scientists and engineers because scientists and engineers had been involved in conducting the Holocaust.
What a generalization! It was precisely the sort of thing an anti-Semite says. “I don’t trust Jews because once certain Jews crucified my Saviour.”
I brooded about that on the platform and finally, unable to keep quiet, I said, “Mr. Wiesel, it is a mistake to think that because a group has suffered extreme persecution that is a sign that they are virtuous and innocent. They might be, of course, but the persecution process is no proof of that. The persecution merely shows that the persecuted group is weak. Had they been strong, then, for all we know, they might have been the persecutors.”Whereupon Wiesel, very excited, said, “Give me one example of the Jews ever persecuting anyone.”
Of course, I was ready for him. I said, “Under the Maccabean kingdom in the second century B.C., John Hyrcanus of Judea conquered Edom and gave the Edomites a choice—conversion to Judaism or the sword. The Edomites, being sensible, converted, but, thereafter, they were in any case treated as an inferior group, for though they were Jews, they were also Edomites.”
And Wiesel, even more excited, said, “That was the only time.” I said, “That was the only time the Jews had the power. One out of one isn’t bad.” That ended the discussion, but I might add that the audience was heart and soul with Wiesel.
I might have gone further. I might have referred to tbe treatment of the Canaanites by the Israelites under David and Solomon.
>And if I could have foreseen the future, I would have mentioned what is going on in Israel today. American Jews might appreciate the situation more clearly if they imagined a reversal of roles, of Palestinians ruling the land and of Jews despairingly throwing rocks
Had he lived a few more decades he could have told him now about the genocide of palestinians.
goes against (((Critical Theory)))
You're aware that word has nothing to do with acting like a nigger...right?
Implicit verses explicit knowledge.
Retards have the evolved implicit knowledge.
Midwhits have partial explicit knowledge which 'debunks' the implicit knowledge.
Intelligent have full explicit knowledge which explains the implicit knowledge and expands on it.
Basically, retards think brown people bad because they're different colour.
Midwhits think brown people good because we all bleed red.
The intelligent think brown people bad because of genetic differences in IQ, behavior, group structure, criminality and cohesiveness.
>- Adulting
Fuck I hate that word so much.
Give me a grug brain slav or chav over a city midwhit.
confirmed by memeflag
I'm not, but I'm smarter than a lot of other people.
The group of right-wingers I hang out with are either all 125IQ+ or 95IQ and below.
There's not a single person in the middle.
>durr mensa full of evil men
>evil because right wing
>hurr pseudo-science
High IQ bong
instinct is just something your brain has understood but you cannot quite put it into words.
when something doesn't feel right...there is probably a reason. and you might understand it later.
>Lord of the rings
>Harry Potter
>Craft beer
>Smug virtue signalling
I would be ok with them if they remained isolated tribes on their continent and Christian zealots stopped sending them grain ships.
Cat’s out of the bag though.
Of course. Don't you know which countries produce the most posts here?
best iq range is 85-100 and 130-x
No... highly intelligent people CAN however be realistic and honest about race realism without being hateful towards other races.
unlike usually low & average IQ people who deny cultural & racial differences and obvious truths just so they can virtue signal and maintain the anti white diversity identity poltics status quo.
I can still laugh at humorous racial memes without hating the people, just as I can luagh at goofy Trump memes while still supporting him.
You just stated that lower IQ people are pieces of shit who cannot live an ethically balanced life. You're absolutely correct, not sure if you're seeing it yourself.
I was in Mensa for two years after graduating from university. I'd say members were more lolbertarian than anything else. Some of the women were liberal because, well, they're women. The men were a mix of apolitical, libertarian, and yes, some conservative but mostly on things involving money or bothering other people. No one really cared about anyone being gay (this was the 90s so gay wasn't trendy yet) but really hated minorities moving into their neighborhoods. Diversity and multiculturalism certainly wasn't celebrated. From what I hear the group is mostly pozzed now but I stopped paying dues twenty years ago so who knows.
This. Very based. Much redpilled
IQ is a predictively valid measurement that correlates with g at around .8.
IQ is predictive of a myriad of life outcomes and there may be better predictors for them individually, but when you take several of those life outcomes together then IQ becomes the greatest predictor full stop.
It should be James D Watson on the right hand side
>Real sign of intelligence is understanding your own stupidity.
Based and wisdompilled.
Libertarians are confirmed to be the smartest among all political alignments, then?
Friendly reminder that hi iq people who are “ not racist “ are only pretending to not be racist to serve their own interests which are further benefitted by different lower iq groups squabbling.
Low and average IQ whites like pretend than people of mulsim decent simple are not more prone to male superiority behavior & acts of terrorism, authoritarianism, religious fundamentalism when the data & historical & current evidence overwhelmingly suggests otherwise.
This explains the WE WUZ KINGZ AND SHEIT meme
2) Furthermore, mid iq non racists are only pretending to be non racist because they are trapped between the low iq savages and the high iq conquerers and want to survive a two front battle.