/cvg/ Corona Virus General #2044

► Detected: 145,857 ► Died: 5,436


Spain using hotels as hospitals

France closes schools and universities

More than 100 US colleges shut down, go online

Spain declares emergency, shuts down schools and public events

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Virus invades nervous systems

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

01:42: 1 new death in the Philippines.
01:25: 1 new case in Puerto Rico.
01:06: 107 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea.
00:35: First 2 cases in Puerto Rico.
23:46: 120 new cases in Norway.
22:59: 4 new deaths in Switzerland.
22:00: 559 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
20:50: 1,001 new cases and 12 new deaths in Spain.


Last Thread:

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> exponential increase in spite of 34°C/93°F weather


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Is 60 euros too much for a P3 half mask and protective goggles?

LOL,still only 145k?

hoping it would just "go away" when it got warm was always a forlorn hope. literally no different then praying to space jesus every night for a cure.

this is a shill thread. There is nothing going on. 5000 people die each week. The virus does not kill you and does not affect you in the slightest.

>Is 60 euros too much for a P3 half mask and protective goggles?
2x the normal price

well that's the best I can find, fuck

Normies are already complaining about being stuck indorrs and are going outside. Quarantine hasn't even fully started yet. Is this literally natural selection?

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What's your favorite virus of all time?

>believing chink numbers

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>believing Yas Forums schizos

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Situation in Switzerland, 14 March.

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Stay comfy anons


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You're the shill pal. All you did last thread was spam porn and now you're just repeating same points every cunt has said since this general started.


Norway first Nordic country to join the 1k club!
>Norway first Nordic country to join the 1k club!
Norway first Nordic country to join the 1k club!
>Norway first Nordic country to join the 1k club!


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2 more dead in Greece this morning
Ages so far are 66,67 and 90


Which 3rd world country is this?

>Dead: 5,436
lol, still only 5,436.
How many days has it been stuck at 5,436? Four days? Five days?

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Can I talk with you about our Lord and Savior: Exponential Growth?

please don't tell me you believe that the Italian peak death toll was higher than Chinese peak death toll.

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*blocks your path*

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belgium + 133 total 689

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The WHO leader is under the thumb and heavily empathises with the CCP and he has a communistic history himself if you research his past. He's abetting and/or being manipulated by them in some way. They spent a lot of time and resources to deliberately pick and disseminate a "region neutral" name at request of higher ups in China because China did not want the world to point fingers at them in hate.

China wants to distance themselves from this virus as much as possible and not be associated with causing problems to the world. They are trying to "save face". Look at many recent novel diseases, epidemics, pandemics etc. worldwide over the years:

MERS - Middle East Respiratory System

Norovirus - Named after earlier 'Norwalk Virus' where it was identified

Zika Virus (named after suspected origin in a forest in Uganda)

Ebola Virus (near a river in Congo)

German Measels (first observed/identified by German scientists)

Spanish Flu (didn't originate in Spain but first country to widely report it because of more lax media censorship)

Lassa Fever - town in Nigeria

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Guinea Worm Disease
West Nile Virus

There are many more. Most of these are the official name of the disease/condition yet this new disease/event caused by SARS-CoV-2 is named something sterile like "COVID-19"? Why is it fine to name diseases after the Middle East, places in Africa, places in Europe, places in North America, but when it comes to Asia we get shit like "covid-19", "swine flu" "bird flu" as if they want to shrug off any responsibility?

Start calling it the Wuhan Flu and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't let anyone call you racist or tell you you are not PC for calling it Wuhan Flu, because that's exactly what it is. Let the CCP take responsibility for their failures.

scandinavia totalling 10k in less than a month!

not too bad but you'll have a hard time finding filters for the mask

This image make my pp big

imagine 5 something odd thousand people dying and the globe collapsing in panic lol

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actually there are plenty on that website + the 2 filters that go with the mask when you buy it


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Brazilian official who was infected with the Wuhan Virus leaked on TV yesterday that the people at the most risk are Kids and Old people, while giving an interview to a local TV show, I wish I had the video but he is the same official who was pictured with trump
Before this everyone was saying that kids were safe and the mortality was 0%, this is why they're closing schools everywhere, kids are going to start dying very soon

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are all the countries on lockdown run by Yas Forums schizos?
face it, you're gonna lose your job/bankrupt your business/watch your stocks devalue and there's nothing you can do about it

Went shops this morning and people are panic buying. My pasta sauce was completely sold out and most pasta and rice was gone. Saw a guy bring a pallet of bog roll out and everyone jumped him. Glad I am a neet and have been going to the shops on weekdays while normies work so I have stuff prepped.

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One week

can I talk to you about our lord and savioU*r basic mathematics&definitions?

New Zealand just started locking down its borders.
All public events cancelled including the yearly virtue signal over Christchurch.

I want to go and get wanked off in the Thai massage place. Good idea or not?

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yesterday they announced a lockdown

i'd go for it then

china had 10k cases in a day


>A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection
A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection
>A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection
A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection
>A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection
A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection
>A human monoclonal 1 antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection

surely no one's retarded enough by this point not to think the virus is an act of war

imagine not being prepped now dutch/flemish normies will keep hamstering till they shutdown supermarkets now kek

>went to store
your a deadman walking comrade

>just the flu bro
>it's a nothingburger

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All the countries are on lock down because they want to avoid the spreading of the virus. Do you actually want them to do nothing? I bet you do because then millions WOULD actually get infected and your schizo prophecy would materialise

Fucking normies. I was easily doing bulk purchases just a few days ago, now I hear people are nearly ransacking the supermarket I was shopping in.

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Explain this chart for me

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Blood type A- entirely immune to WuFlu

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Influenza is already a virus, should be the Wuhan Virus

French anons, how's your situation?
Store depletion?

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>Mercado-ona, Mercado-ona!!

That's what you get for being a kike loving faggot nation that has stolen the world's gold supply and replaced it with fakes.

Enjoy getting blacked when the food riots begin.

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I thought you were a native speaker. And By the way, singular "they" is incorrect grammatically speaking

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For 150k make her hips bigger

Mandatory quarantine for Brabant when? I want my paid vacation

lol no i'm glad there's a lockdown, the economy is going to shit regardless of what we do, might as well save lives

All I want to know right now is what the fuck is going on in china.

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Normies gonna norm.

Based Dutch bros.

You have the flu for life too. Via antibodies

Yes but italy had 200+ dead in a day, more than Chinks reported at any time. Chink numbers are fake and gay and they are lying commies as per usual.

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fake charts made by literal retards

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How many in Sweden?

Big if true cause that's my blood type.

I had to take my daughter to the Children's Hospital last night. She developed a fever of 105 over the day and has been confirmed to NOS Pneumonia. Which, is not good. She is already immunocomprimised from her recent round of Chemo+Radiation(Multiple Myeloma).
Luckily, they were able to put her in a semi-isolated part of the Hospital. They are doing more testing on her and the Doctor comes around again at 7:30am. She will need to be held until next week, at the minimum.


>no link
fake and gay

>tfw I have to break my 2 week isolation next week
Between heading to the city center for immigration and some crazy Jap girl wanting to meet me in Shinjuku I think my several months of dodging this virus may be up.

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The thing is, my cigan friend, most of them did it three months after first infected started to arrive to Europe and prolly Americas too.
Too little too late.
Now relax, get some wine and watch the shitshow. It's not end of civilization of course, but still pretty fun.

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Get laid at least.

post pics of her


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What's the humidity, and how many there are traveling chinks?

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so the Virus is not a Nothingburger but requires actual countermeasures like we've been saying for weeks?
Thanks for clearing that up.

I want to smell S types stinky bRAPS.

Get a CBRN respirator and P3 filters - you'll save oodles in the long-run. Look for milsurp on eBay.

But Brad Parscale's boys seem a bit worried

The virus is a nothingburger, but the response is not

Imagine one of them being infected and coughing amidst that crowd.

Guys I wish back the good old days

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I think Barcelona has just gone into lockdown now.

My retard sister who works as cashier probably already has it and has infected me. What should I buy bros? Some nice pijamas so nurses in hospital don't think I'm a bum? Tea? Coffin?

idk about the chinkoids tho

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What's the easiest way to get a trident in Minecraft?

italy is a shithole that lacks equipment so they wont be able to save anyone.

your head is a nothingburger

this is such a cope there's cases all over Brazil

dafuq is good in the old days stfu

How are ABC/liquor stores looking? I need to buy more vodka today.

Imagine china shutting down entire cities over a nothing burger. Oh those silly chinks, always putting people before profits

>italy is a shithole that lacks equipment
top 5th percentile for health care in the world


Was it ever explained that even though asians should theoretically be more susceptible to the disease, the mortality rate in Italy is higher than China?

Is it because China is hiding the numbers? Or is italian medical care shit?

For me, it's the chink plague.

what does nothingburger mean?
anyways,ANY disease needs to be contained. Are you telling me that you WANT to get infected?

Creative mode retard

>Madriles running to the periphery
A fucking joke, that what it is. This gonna fuck up the rest of the country. Pure incompetence.

Wouldn't it be kind of a gamble though? How could I tell I'm not being sold a faulty piece of shit that would give me cancer thanks to asbestos?

Garbage tier bait chink lover

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If the log curve keeps following the line the growth is exponential. If the rates of infection decrease the curve will be lower than the predicted line. Btw this was made by 3blue1brown and it's not retarded.

Also happens to be where lots of rich highly connected countries are

italy is just more honest than the rest of the world now.

Translation, please.

Italy before outbreak was even above China in terms of hospital beds per capita and ICU per capita.
Now imagine what is going to happen to USA or England.

corona is based

I've been stocking up slowly for a few weeks during week days and putting it aside. I still do my usual groceries run on Saturdays for the upcoming week and shit was sold out so now I'm glad I have stuff prepped. Just a little sad I have to start digging into it now instead of later.

I'm not old or a geneticlet. I also live up north in a really small rural town so my chances of getting sick are low

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China only had 100 influenza deaths in 2019 while the US had 12000-60000. That either means the that almost every Chinese is superhuman or that the Chinese are lying about everything and you shouldn't trust a single word they say.

there are 200 countries in the world. top 5th percentile=...the 10th? Which countries are better? France,the UK,Germany,the United States...China...Japan...south korea...Canada etc.
Also,they said it themselves:they have no hospital beds


Anyone have experience with this? The mask market is slim pickins. I know you guys are asked mask questions all the time but I'd really appreciate your help. I fucked up and waited too long

Thanks for sharing, mountainfirend, compared to your population, that's actually quite a lot, stay safe.

If you believe the Chink numbers you should be shot on the spot. Italy is on pace to supposedly have a bigger death toll than china. Chinks are probably at hundreds of thousands of deaths

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Are you pretending to be retarded?

Is this teargas or is it disinfectant.
if its disinfectant, then europe is forever fucked.
THERE IS NO WAY a german wont accept a coughing little migrant child.

Based but you need 1 year to scale up and produce 100k units per day.


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I don't care about this pathetic virus. But this panic gives me great pleasure. We need more panic.
Need to spread all sorts of fakes. Boomers should be afraid.

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You'd need a shitload of filters and desinfectants to desinfect the mask every time you go out.


Speedy recovery for your daughter user

right type

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all I've learned is that boomers are retarded and use an entire roll of TP and melt down an entire bar of soap into lather for every shit

>Now imagine what is going to happen to USA
I am excited but also afraid.

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Going swimming then off to the pub later on, literally zero restrictions here
Enjoy your 3month lockdown eurofags

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Imagine being so clueless.

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Say that when we have outbreaks in the northeast.
Viruses like travelling through water droplets.
In a semi-arid, hot and dry as fuck, region where people aren't mosque licking idiots that share their religious leader's spit like beer, we probably won't see much cases from there.
Southern/Southeastern Brasil is fucked though.
São Paulo will be THE major outbreak in South America.

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Italy is holding the EU hostage for gibs. The EU is trying to hide the numbers and the pastaniggers won't hold up until they're flooded with gibs. Watch as they get a massive EU bailout and before the funds clear their numbers start slowing down drastically.

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Italiabros and all other lads, where do all the Italian corona statistics come from? I need to look them up.

I've come to realize that people's reaction to my mask is a good indicator of their general intelligence.

Anyone who still laughs at me at this point I assume have an IQ in the double digits.

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They want to treat people by injecting them anti-bodies from others.

yummy cunny corona-tan


Thread themes:



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the only shizo in this thread is you, gyppo.
you don't even have a point.

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Goddammit, Gary

I'd be fine with that, at the moment I'm able to stay inside for 5/7 days, I'm just worried about using n95 paper masks once Washington gets really bad

Mask market is fucking aweful, everything simple to clean is 2-3 month backstocked. I have no idea why I waited so long

what a fuckin brainlets.

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besides it's probably a sure way to get handcuffed by the cuck police, I might buy one but won't use it until we go full mad max

Italy's curve is still almost perfectly exponential lol

We all need to get infected, ideally before winter
It's the only way we will develop immunity

why don't Europs wear mask? are they afraid of it?

Has anything really significant happened in the last 3-4 hours?
Sorry for asking for spoonfeeding but I don't really have time atm.

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I appreciate it. They may be testing her for COVID since she is already so sick, immunocompromised and, older(14) than most kids that catch it. That is, if they can get a test kit for her. Myself and all of the Medical Staff will have to be tested and isolated too, if she turns out to be positive.

don't worry bro, we are also at sub 100

>no one wears gloves and/or masks
It's like asking to get it

so you're saying that I'm right? That's what the graphic says

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Stop overreacting kaibigan. It's obvious the cases will increase once the kits were ready to use for testing.

>У двyх житeлeй Кeмepoвa oбнapyжили кopoнaвиpyc.

>if you arrive to Canada from China, you get asked a few questions on a monitor about whether or not you've visited the Hubei province before being let through
>it's a touch screen
can't make this shit up

Italy's outbreak is highly concentrated and therefore experienced a collapse of treatment centers quickly, and has no (major) censorship or media blackouts to hide the numbers.
China is/was bullshitting, but they've gone North Korea mode to enforce their "social distancing" etc. protocols in the worst areas so I can believe they're "slowing," for now. But the virus is inevitably going to find another vector back into the country and they can't contain it or maintain such insane social control everywhere or forever.
South Korea is probably lying too but they've also been extremely proactive about testing/containment. They're still fighting a losing battle.
Japan is completely lying its ass off to protect "muh Olympics," they're treating testing like they treat their crimes, no investigation unless it's 100% going to be a conviction. Only the worst cases are being confirmed and treated, and with their fucked up culture most of the vulnerable old people would stay home and wait to die rather than burden anyone.

We're afraid of looking silly.

Not much happens after the world shuts down.


The virus can't replicate without living cells, so no need to wait for the virus to die. Just don't touch the filters. Use them until they're clogged up. If you have one of those masks that basically is a filter like pic related, you could use a UVC lamp to sterilize the surface to make for safer handling. I guess rotating them so they don't get damp would be prudent, but soaking them sounds like a bad idea and completely unnecessary.

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It doesn't kill you. It has a 0.2% mortality rate ,kys. Most patients show no symptoms either LMAOOOOO

I got extremely drunk and thought how it would be great to die from corona-chan, I'm only worried for family