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they actually care about gays in other countries?
imagine my shock!
I'm from Syria.
We don't go out of our way hunting down gays and trannies, but usually the people you see who get punished for it are the outgoing jessica yaniv type.
I always said to myself, if I was "lgbt" in a strict country, I would be clever enough to keep it to myself.
Then why are they always blaming the only people who allow them to exist and defend the religions at the origin of most of the anti-lgbt laws?
In the USA, I believe the guy is right. Being conservative is frowned upon now in the way that being gay as frowned upon in the past.
Personally, I cannot personally stand gays OR conservatives. IDK. Is that really so weird? Like both groups fucking suck, and IRL most conservatives are actually latent homosexuals who just haven't admitted it to themselves yet for feelings of deep seeded guilt, self-hatred and repression.
And they never protest those countries bc they dont give a fuck about trending twitter hashtags or some liberal faggot emailing their sponsors about throwing homos off buildings.
Who gives a shit?
every fag I've seen punished in Iran had diddled a kid or outright raped and murdered one, the clerics just deem it: a homosexual crime and the pozzed western media runs with that angle, that they're being killed for being a fag, not a violent molesting monster.
The dangerous nature of faghood is that it ruins the most wonderful love of all, that between men.True male love HAS to be protected from sexual inuendos and fagdom all togeather it it seizes to exist. Fags have basically ruined society by making the most innocent and best thing, bro love and bromances into a minefield with their disgusting ways.
Fuck, now I wish it was punishable by death!
>Islam is actually very tolerant of gays!
How do they not see the disconnect?
this is very true
these people wouldn't get caught if they just acted on their degeneracy in their own homes, alone. but instead they take it to the public, and are shocked when they get flogged or jailed.
the ones who get executed are almost always pedos.
His talking about in America, why would someone who is not a Globalists fuck care about other nations, thats the major issue with oeftists faggets, they are so worried about the world... yet they live in one nation, scatter brains.
LOL at gays pretending they’re oppressed in the western world in 2020.
muh feels tho
This is how it used to be in the West; fine, whatever, JUST KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. The problem is that most gays nowadays seem to be narcissistic cunts and CAN'T keep it to themselves. They NEED everyone else to know they're gay. This is where the problems arise.
Being a dumbfuck meathead who talks about pussy all day or a stupid slut who talks about sucking dick all day are both considered distasteful. So why to gays think everyone wants to hear about them and their nasty personal lives? It's narcissism, they plaster 'LGBTBBQDJWMF' all over the place because they're attention whores. On top of being faggots.
And yet you want these people who want to stone you to death as neighbors?
Get your fucking priorities straight
based uganda
If you work in corporate America or the institutions amongst fags, you get what you deserve. Any serious rightwinger should be defecting and helping to build the alternative economy.
you realize the left guillotines and hangs people for being conservative right?
fags hardly ever get mistreated
One time in history the majority has the divine truth.
Except that's true for the west
I can only imagine this is a problem when you are so basic and boring you have to centre your whole personality around your sexuality.
Either way you are a genetic dead end so who actually even cares, not like you will contribute to future generations.
Someone states a point.
Someone else gets triggered!
"Look at these non-western countries, so STFU".
Case dismissed.
Classic leftist censorship.
Of those 70 and 10 how many of those countries are majority white?
Good thing you're not in all those 70+ countries faggot. Or not...
Actually true
And modern 'conservatives' are all faggots anyway who don't want to conserve anything and cry on twitter
The op is obviously talking specifically about their own country.
Fags forget who used to tolerate them when the normies didn't.
We need to expand the list
In how many countries is it illegal to be a nazi?
That is a point against, not for white people.
Because they’re ideologically possessed.
Get outed as bi, lost zero friends
Talk about conservative politics before I realize its conservative, lose all my friends from college
Based Sloveniabro, when will you let me enter your country to buy fuel? Here the taxes are fucking retarded. I won't coof I swear
Trust the swede to be a fag
>Being conservative is frowned upon now in the way that being gay as frowned upon in the past.
I see what you are saying, but it is not near the same level that gays were hated.
Why do people always try and compare rights in shithole countries vs rights in the countries that are actually being referred to?
>western faggot pretending foreigners explain their daily bullshit
>will rather die than ever set a foot in any of those "shitholes" anyway, not even for humanitarian purpose
Every time
Ok that’s it, fuck Syrian refugess
And the fact that we don't punish LGBT people in western culture just shows how we have a higher moral expectation.
She's retarded. He's talking about his own country, which in that context makes it a true statement.She needs to fuck off with feeling oppressed by a country she can't even locate on a globe.
It’s weird that people don’t hate faggots more, considering all the kids they molest.
why is it wrong to cull degenerates?
Easy for you to say. Hiding it all the time is difficult, especially when you already have a bf (if you are lucky enough to find one, because the “keep it to yourself” makes it difficult). It really sucks to be hiding something so social and essential in human life. I am speaking of your sexuality, of course. I am not saying that we all feel the urge to cross dress, act like bitchy divas and tattoo the rainbow flag on our forehead. Things like going out to dinner, kissing, holding hands or hugging in public already offends a lot of people like. I am pretty sure you’d already find these things to be “shoving gayness down your throat”. Meanwhile, straight people get to do all those things rest assured (not in fanatic muslim countries though). While straights get to openly express and develop their sexuality in their early teens, gays have been forced to repress theirs and to live it in the down low (like you want us to do). This is why gay sex culture is so seedy and degenerate, because it has been forced to develop in the underworld. Any sort of movement or reformed to change this so that gays can live happy since their childhood has been perceived as “shoving the gay down our throat” or “they want to corrupt or rape muh children” by those like you. We gays are a tiny percentage of the population so I am sure that you believe “why should we adapt to their well being, fuck/kill them”. Luckily the West has evolved in kinder societies that procure that everyone can live being their own self as long as they don’t harm others instead of just shoving the rules of the monolithic majority down eveyone’s throat like fascists fantasize
The crazy bitch complaining about fags getting stomped in other coutries is the same kind of person that would happily accept refugees from those countries. Silly bitch.
Do you live in one of those countries?
the same country you're trying to import savages from? maybe you shut the fuck up nigger
You mean outed as a faggot
>It really sucks to be hiding something so socia
Wrong. There was a time you kept that shit to yourself. Society fuck up when that became a broadcasting point.
Tom is right though. If I came out as gay (I’m not) the only person who would care is my girlfriend. If I came out as a conservative (I’m emphatically not) the only people who wouldn’t shun me are my parents (both Trump voters unfortunately). It amazes me sometimes that fellow lefties don’t realize how thoroughly we’ve won the culture war in the West. We’ve got a whole generation of leftists fighting the same battles from 60 years ago. If we keep doing that then eventually she’ll be right about places that aren’t backwards shitholes.
based bashar keeping the kike agenda down
Fucking subhumans
Fucking subhumans
10+ countries have the right idea
This. So much this.
I read the tweet and some of the replies and it irks me how many people misunderstand conservatism in general, democracy is the worst thing to ever happen to the west.
Reminds me of lynching in America and how they are perceived by modern people. Modern people believe Americans were just going around killing blacks for fun, when in reality it was largely as punishment for something.
Those are rookie numbers. We gotta bring those up.
What an Islamophobic cunt. She should be reported for hate speech.
Yes. They just murdered an innocent young libertarian in Maryland sleeping in his home and wounded his wife.
City gov cooperate with mobs of criminals who attack and murder them.
Twitter mob mentality. Reported for low effort posting. Fuck off cocksucker.
>x is illegal in most of the known world
>complain about dangerous being you is in one of the few places it isn’t illegal
>being you is so fundamentally disgusting that most of the known world legislates against it and you still don’t see yourself as the problem
most of those countries are christian i bet...
It's almost like normal people don't want to watch faggots be faggots in public or something.
I know an Iranian dude cuz I've played games with him, he says more or less the same. There's a fuckload of fags in Iran and usually if they have pious neighbours or some shit who will call the police on them, one of them gets told to wear a drag and they're both told to move out. The death penalty only happens to child diddlers.
Being Conservative is okay, being a homo isn't.