Why the fuck do women design shit

Take a look at this shit some woman designed while her male counterparts had to figure out how to make it drivable. It's the 2020 mustang. Person there is the COO, soon to be CEO, of Ford. Rather than taking an iconic car and just putting in a better suspension or engine, some woman said this looks not feminine so I'm going to make it look like garbage. Fuck you ford for running a shitty but iconic vehicle. I hope coronacham wipes you out

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That front end is ugly as fuck

I looks good when you compare it to the version where the grill part isn't all black.

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Is it wrong that I like both very much ?

Looks like a Ford Fuzion.. LOL

it looks the same as any other mustang

Why are the front wheels lifted up with wires?

It's not like you're ever going to drive one, shut the fuck up back into your Corolla.

means you're not a homosexual aka OP

Only women and faggots buy any of the newer model Mustangs. Their prime was decades ago.

>providing a mustang as an example
really dude?
you could have posted almost any modern BMW instead

What the fuck

I bet the all black front grill option is exclusive to the Shelby Cobra version since I see the cobra emblem in OP pic

I want a cybertruck

eh it looks fine, although a bit like a Audi TT that ate too much

Real niggas drive Dodge

same reason the back ones are you dolt

I couldn't a Ford it anyway

Foxbody will always be the best looking. This motherfucker is as good looking as a Japanese race car. But even Japanese cars don't look good anymore.

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>I looks good
no, you dont, lady, and neither does that awful car.

the best example would be the NSX

Ford Mustangs haven't looked good for a long time. I hired one a few years back and the interior had way too much cheap plastic. I felt like the knobs were going to fall off at any minute. An iconic car which has been cheapened and diminished by awful design. Cars looked better when they weren't optimized for aerodynamics and still felt solid.

Ironically they had to make it look like that for Euro pedestrian crash standards. The gayest continent strikes again.

That's fine go but some of their stock instead it's in the gutter

Let's take one of the most iconic cars ever and make it look like every other fucking car....

I think the real problem is that most professional women, like most women in general, are incapable of innovation. It now looks like everything else on the road. Same curves and edges, looks like a running shoe. They just tack "feminine" onto it to get other empty headed women to make the right noises, and to keep simps from arguing with them. "Daryl, it's feminine. It's for us, by us. Please don't interrupt..."

I don't see how it looks feminine.

How is it feminine?

Feminine cars are cute or dainty, like the VW Beetle, the Mini Cooper, or the Audi TT. Or pic related.

This Mustang doesn't look feminine at all. I'd drive the hell out of it.

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Aerodynamics are for fucking faggots.


Who gives a fuck what they look like, so long as they do the job well.

You sound like a homo, caring what other people think about looks.

How embarrassing. Sweden is officially dead.

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They're optimized for pedestrian safety scores not aerodynamics.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeep. I think this is a rare opinion. But it's correct. That boxy little beast is my favorite.

I fucking love my corollas pal, based car.

Says the Italian cum guzzler. The corona has rotted your brain.

Look like a retarded fish

Ugly pos and I love the other mustangs. You posted the worst gen.

>Who gives a fuck what they look like, so long as they do the job well.
Yup, found the girl.

pic related looks just like the mustang dude

That's because niggers are so low IQ they don't know any better.

The s550 was created by a male.

For a better example look at the Ford Mustang models from the mid 60s, when it was first introduced, to the early 1970s, when Wymn's Wrongs first started becoming a thing. YOu can actually see the car becoming pussified in less than 8 years. Just ruined, all to sell to women.

I'm retarded with cars, can someone explain why this one looks bad?

It would be fine if they didn't look like the mechanical equivalent of a pink ballerina outfit.

>implying you can even afford car insurance
do millennials even have cars, or houses, or families. no, we don't, so why should we care. boomers will buy whatever they are told to buy so the car companies don't have any reason to care if it even looks good.

Nigger please. I dont need curves and shit on my vehicle that packs an actual engine rather than that eurotrash

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I love cars from this period, reminds me of the BMW M6 from the 80's

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It looks like the second Mustang in this thread, which DOES look like shit. Like some God awful couple version of a Ford Taurus. But it doesn't look like OP's pic at all.

Why would anyone drive a modern Ford?

This is what everyone says.

Everyone is wrong.

>I hired one
Was it your secretary and did it let you fuck it up it's tailpipe?

Now I've got it.. that cars knocking off of a toyota
and another car, a hyundai

Attached: toyota-c-hr-2019-gallery-004-full_tcm-11-1776333.jpg (1920x1080, 383.59K)

by second do you mean the red convertible?That's the same shape and proves my point.

Because they're slightly richer than niggers, but almost as dumb.

Classic Chevy diesel Pickup is the best choice.
>t. redneck

You guys are mad at the dumbest shit.

Yes it is. But only the 500 model. You see the Shelby 350 at the bottom left.

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You talk as if I like that Volvo. I'm saying it's a feminine car. Which makes it a shit car. Cute and bubbly? No man wants that. Obviously your pic is based. OP 's pic is not as good (nothing beats classic cars), but it's front end is still hyper angular, robust, masculine. Not sure about the rear; hard to see from that pic.

Holy fuck I've been in that piece of shit car. It feels like a moving coffin. One hot by another vehicle and you are fucking done for

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>Outdated shitty company makes outdatet shitty car

lmao bro just fucking buy a tesla and shut up

Yes. The lines of the front ends on the two are very different. The back shares soft curves though. I don't see how you're missing the sharp angularity of the grill, headlamps and air dam of OP's pic.

That's most feminine car of all

looks a million times better than the boring shit that we've been driving since the 2000s

So you're saying you are falling for the visual tricks that try to convince you the Mustang is a cooler looking car than that Volvo despite being the same basic shape.

Still better looking than the Ford Fuckus.


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I've seen worse

It looks like an oversized Miata, what the fuck is this faggot shit

I like them too

consoom automobile

500 is based. 350 is definitely a woman's car.

Spoken like a true dick-loving faggot. Dont you have gloryhole appointment in hicktown you need to get to?


But yeah Hyundai was kinda doing it right for a minute.

Nothing looks as bad as a Hyundai, designed to look melted or 'pre-crashed'

look up fascist futurism and communist futurism, the cars you do and don't like easily fall into one of the two styles, it's why the architecture in halo looks cool, you kinda like the tesla truck, and the architecture in socialist visions of planned cities look like anathema to your fuckin soul

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It's a fatter heavier clone of the Hyundai Genesis coupe.

Imagine if those smelly koreans had the balls to put the 5 liter v8 of the Genesis luxury sedan in this.. too late now. The Genesis model became their own separate brand and aren't doing sporty cars anymore.
The biggest mistake of those betas lives, their micro genitals let that opportunity slip away in the midst of the "pony car" war that was going on at that time.

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almost 100 grand for this gay ass car, Henry Ford is cumming in his grave.

Visibility looks like shit but I don't hate the look. I like the new bronco too.

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Take another looks at his flag

It seems to be designed for the next Gen of women who either have no children or a child to a nigger who is long gone so no need for the back seat.
I don’t understand what your issue is.

>haha it looks different but it doesn't!
Glad to know you're serious


Yikes from me. I'll take the last gen Corvette pls

Some of us live in actual countries that require long-distance travel and we don't have time to be stranded on the side of the road, waiting 2 hours for a recharge in only very sparse locations, locked out by our electric door handles, or distracted by a giant ipad on our dash like some child.

>Tesla, it's like a classic muscle car! Macho as hell!


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What they call "safety regulations" are an insidious plot to reduce your ability to see outside the car. Eventually you'll be staring out a tiny pillbox between the airbag-filled pillars and hideously tall belt lines.

That thing come with tampons?

>we aren't selling enough muscle cars to women
>have a woman design one
>women still don't buy it, men are pissed
>no one buys new mustang
Women don't drive anything but SUVs because they hate cars and are scared of them. They think having an extra bigass vehicle makes them safe. It doesn't, but don't tell them that.

Not a single video of Elon musk driving in a Tesla with the self driving feature exists because he knows it's a gimmick and gets people killed

Yes. And removable colored seat covers to match your outfits. I wish I were joking.

This thread reaffirms my decision to buy an older car.

Also affirms the fact women ruin everything.

looks just as shit as all the other mustangs before it.


Get woke, go broke.

There will be nothing left for men eventually

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No, weak men do. If men weren't weak faggots, women wouldn't get into positions where they can do harm. We have to fix men to fix women.

this means woman will like this car
and you get endless pussy for driving it

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The Mustang have always been an feminine car, like the Miata. Ingen fård på våran gård!

Women don't know what they actually like. You ask for that, you get confusion.

not a single sharp and definitive design cue. all rounded off like a big tampon.

It looks badass. Still my childhood dream car. Pity they are taxed more than 100% in Vietnam. Dropping over $100k on a car is out of the picture until the kiddos finish school.

He's hitting on you, wants to "see the rear"

It looks like decorated like jewelry, and thats gay cuz girls like jewels so ur homo for being gay

Dude they fucked Volvo up too. They might as well have cut the arrow off the Iron Mark after 1998.

"Jane Walker will appear on 250,000 bottles nationwide in March. For every bottle produced, Diageo is donating a dollar to organizations that promote women, including Monumental Women and She Should Run."
Can we just start putting trannies on labels?

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Modern car design is fucking garbage