Katyusha Rockets Hit Americans In Taji Base At Iraq
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Death to america !
>Katyusha Rockets
Katyusha is best girl
Things are getting hot. This is second attack in short time.
Exactly that.
Not truck mounted tube launchers, though. Rather, single ground rails. Literally the most common rocket used in Iraq since forever. Sometimes Grad or the stubby 240mm Iranian ones.
O, and helo rockets are big too.
Time to unleash another MOAB
Are these the same attacks from like 2 days ago or is this a new attack?
New one.
I mean are burgers calling every rail rocket Katysha or are those literally soviet ww2 missiles?
I have a better idea. Why don't we bring 100% of our military home and defend our borders. March into Commiefornia and take over their state government to clean up that shithole.
>Muh power vacuum
Bring it on
Idc you deal with it Saudi trash.
Reports say more than 30 rockets that did great damage. Will see soon.
They're most likely genuine 107mm copies.
i say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit
it's the only way to be sure
82mm actually
Iran very well could be testing the US right now. Like a shark before the attack.
Truth is, Iran knows that we're in no position to attack them. And no position to threaten all out war as the public normies are freaking out over this virus here. If this is them or their proxies, what is Trump going to do right now? They must've calculated that their best shot at beating the sanctions and surviving as a government is trying to create as much trouble for the Trump administration in an attempt to make him lose the election by destroying him publicly.
Any division they can sow, and crack they can find right now is, in their mind, big. But if they are actually doing this or guiding proxies on how to do it, which they likely are, they are risking everything. They have put their eggs all in one basket. Because if the USA does recover rapidly from this, or if Trump wins the reelection, then it is likely the case he will spin it as he was being merciful and gave them so many peace options even after these attack but they tested him too much—all out war then. Iran is exposing themselves as being geopolitically desperate, like a wild animal backed in a corner. And for stability's sake we can't have desperate countries willing to risk it all. Especially countries we have a history trying to muzzle.
Iran's desperation and stupidity is going to cause a crash in the middle east. First them. Then it will embolden Israel with Syria. Then Turkey is going to make some move.
So there could be big trouble later on if not now.
Iran is in bad shape from Corona, though.
2 million infected is a number thrown around, and assume a 10 percent death rate from that.
This is just Iraqi proxies doing what they've always done.
>Katyusha Rockets
Nah, they'll be goners once we hit their logistical lines around Tehran, military bases, and other forms of infrastructure.
Do they even have S-400s?
gog and magog, just wait, it's happening
They're working with idiots. I guess it takes an idiot to be a militant proxy soldier against the US and Iraqi forces though.
Of course shia scum enjoying turning this country into a battlefield again
Oh yeah i'm thinking this is extremely based
Let the shiatards and mutts kill eachothers while sunnichads sit back and watch kek
Ripley would be proud.
Bonfire night in the UK is more impressive than that, have you got any fuckin evidence or you just making this up?
>Just take american occupation and orders while they're attacking you and do nothing
Just kill yourself and bend to american cock.
dude are you sane?
>bend to american cock.
>that flag
>that post
Evidence that your mother is a whore? No need for that she is British.
He's shitte himself
why didn't they just use tennis rackets to send the rockets back?
Vit nigger you still go to /SG? Didn't you American passport yet with all that shilling?
I think he has brain damage kek, a saudi telling someone else about sucking jew and american dicks this is surreal.
Fuck gulf shia niggers subhumans rats
I hope saudi arabia execute all of them
How many sand niggers does the US have to kill this time to make you understand -- Shia, Sunni, Kurds, Bahai, Jew... all Muslims and Arabs are shit no matter the type.
You are the slave of the white man forever.
>T. shia
I'm more of Iraqi than you now kill yourself.
>How many sand niggers does the US have to kill this time to make you understand -- Shia, Sunni, Kurds, Bahai, Jew... all Muslims and Arabs are shit no matter the type.
>You are the slave of the white man forever.
>desert shitball that exists only by the grace of the USA
top kek shitskin
Yeah sure, you live in yahudia gayrabia faggot, you deserve to be beheaded.
>tiny cock servile shitskin
>be shia
>in saudia arabia
>your head off
>>desert shitball that exists only by the grace of the USA
>top kek shitskin
Mutt didn't you get killed in rocket attack?
Most arab world is pozzed do you want me to immigrate to where? This is my land. Do I empty it for jews? Even your country have deals with jews.
You are too broke to produce enough of covid test kits and you think you have enough money to start another war?
Why're gulf shia funding sectarian in this country?
Literally anywhere on the planet but yahudia gayrabi, literally the worst country in existence, should be gassed entirely, anyway you're a shiamutt living in a country that despises shiamutts so you also have no shame.
Oh my dear
We better get out of here
— Rod Stewart if you want my body
Actually it was very good for living when it had more sharia and less masonic UN laws and western degeneracy. There is no shame in living in your land some prophets lived in corrupt societies too.
You're too retarded to understand shit or just a shill. A waste of time.
Just stop funding sectarian guys like ياسر الحبيب
He is in UK. I don't trust anyone there. Divide and conquer by anglo scum.
rawr it's a catfight in here lol
will you girls all get a room?
I dont necessarily hate shias its just that you guys should stop scheming against sunnis, we should be together against the western menace.
Shia militias are supported by significant part of Iraqi population.
In Eastern and Southern part maybe majority.
The Orange Bozo and Jared Wormtongue are dragging US to a war against Shia militias.
We pretty much have no problems with sunnis. I actually agree with you. Problem isn't with shia or sunnis but people who sold themselves to international jewry and westerners and UN atheists that pretend to be muslims to get atheists and masonic laws in our lands.
The fuck are we trying to win? Iraqis are like a defeated dog that rolls over for whatever occupying government or puppet dictator occupys them, they had no nationalism until we beat it into them and with the oil reserves in Montana we can let Corona sort them out
You guys had to nuke this islamic shithole in 1991 or 2003
I agree with this I’m Arab Christian and I’m sick of hearing about shia uprisings. In 1979 shia wanted to export their gay revolution everywhere, threatening Saddam and saying they’ll liberate Iraq. So of course Saddam invaded Iran to strike first. Saddam had Iraq as the greatest Arab nation in the past 100 years and those majoosi fucks ruined it all. Why can’t arab shia see they’re being used as human shields by Iran? It’s a disgrace they’re demented. Middle East was better under Egypt, Iraq and even Turkish rule compared to this KSGay vs Iran nonsense
when has a katyusha ever hit it's target though?
Shia militias were more violent than daesh. They ethnically cleansed Baghdad of Sunnis and Christians and went on an insane killing spree throughout Iraq for 10 years. US had no problem allying with Iran or shia militias against Iraqis so don’t pretend like politics are static. Today Iran is ‘based and redpilled’ yesterday it wasn’t. They’re trash all of them
hope more amerimutts got killed