Dow Up Almost 2,000 Points Friday, Corona Fags BTFO

Where is the faggot that said that the Dow would droop 10,000 points this week? Is he sucking a big black cock somewhere? Why are you panic fags such liars?

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nothing but a pathetic death rattle

Beware the ides of march. We are in recession territory. Lasts a couple of months. Invest at your own risk. Enjoy life, its shorter now.

Thank G-d that the stocks are high, right goys? Americans might be getting infected in droves because Zion Don dismantled the Pandemic Response Team, but the booming stock market will ensure his reelection!
>Also Mutt's Law

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Hi im a white talmudist destroy shitskins and give them nothing

>he didn't buy the dip
Never gonna make it.

>he thinks that was a real dip
watch what happens when the first major american city gets quarantined.

Low days are followed by high days. Just wait till next week. It'll probably get whacked again.

I bought the dip but not as much as I wanted to. Hopefully it gets hit again. That seems to be the case.

what is this complete faggot post?

You created a thread about Dow Jones and somehow still managed to mention bbc. Do you understand how sick in the mind you are?


>jew fraud makes me happy

OP is a stupid

Kek with how many ungrateful 3rd world transplants we get you actually believe that guy is American?

Got dammit not yet i was going to put all my tax return into it :///

I'll the buy the dip when it actually comes

VIX is still at 54
It could crash again on Monday

the dip was just the virus scare.
shits gonna plunge more once the actual economical consequences hit

dow weekend futures down 400 points
you think the ride is over?

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I'm a traitor because I'm disillusioned and disappointed with Trump? Or because I mock Americans who fell for the BBC meme?

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And it will be 2000 points down on Monday

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>FED prints a ton of money to bump the market
>Corona Fags BTFO

imagine being this stupid.

They had to create $1.5 TRILLION to achieve this.
So currency is worthless, yes? Because they can just create it from nothing

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based trump

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>I'll be waiting for you user, hot and
"red-dy "

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Of course it will go up after fed injected 1.5 trillion dollars. Wait till next week it will go again. Green numbers are artificial and won't last long.

Why cant Yas Forums fags talk in objective and clear ways? Seems to be some made up lingo to pretend its very complicated, much like the jew politician, lawyer and investor

Mate. The market has a LONG way to go down. During the GFC in about march 2009, it hit into the 7,000's. We are still three times that now and coming off an ATH. Even with inflation and average growth accounted for, the market was overvalued. Now throw in corona fuelled panic and economic bedlam as a result. That was just because a bunch of dodgy loans got written. Guess what? This time a bunch of loans aren't going to be payed because there are going to be job losses up the asshole across almost all industries. Stock is running out across all different industries, sports/arts/cultural events are being cancelled, conferences have been cancelled, restaurants are going to be empty, workplaces are being shut down, workers told to stay home, unprecedented sick days are being taken and what's next I hear you say? Quarantine zones are coming. What happens when entire cities, states or even countries start getting locked down. We've seen it in Italy and China. It's going to be worse in the USA without universal healthcare. I've been to the USA. I know what the people there are like. Insane numbers of homeless and most people are dumb as fuck. It's going to sweep through the country and the repercussions are going to be insane.

Seriously. You need to, at a minimum, be entirely in cash/gold/btc, or better again, shorting global markets. As the US government tries to stem the economic bloodflow while this emergency unfolds, debt is going to rocket from their already unsustainable levels, destroying the national economy. Businesses are going to go bankrupt. Celebrities are going to die. People are going to be laid off en masse and homes WILL be foreclosed. All of it is going to be live on the internet for everyone to see and that's only going to exacerbate the sheer panic that is already manifesting itself among the populace. This is an economic black swan event. No one expected this to be happening just a couple months ago.

Be financially prepared.

When that happens, investors will already have seen china and europe pass the peak and controll infections. The biggest dip has passed, not to mention america will handle it better than europe

That end spike is the usual Jew trickery, they buy a few shares at the end of the day to make the final number higher.

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Exactly. This is just early panic. The real dip is still a way off.

Trump guaranteed another dump yesterday. When tens of thousands of Americans test positive the dump will continue.

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They have a military to back it up

i can has kill niggers and jews now?

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I can't wait for monday

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Soon my summer flower, soon.

The fed reserve budget is only 4 trillion, and we dumped 2.3 trillion into it with a week. And yet you say this is progress? This is not fucking sustainable.

weren't the chinks in China dumping 1 trillion dollars in their economy every month now?

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No - you cant redeem currency for "military action". Currency needs to be redeemable.

This is a actually a brilliant piece of stagecraft by Trump, Mnuchin or whoever set it up. Have a press conference at 3pm when they know investors will be covering their shorts on a Friday late-day rally, and you get to claim all weekend that you led the biggest single day rebound in market history by speaking.

Yeah, market values going up by straight up just dumping a load balls deep into them is a fair win.

Go to bed, John

>biggest single day rebound in market history
i sold $100K in equities yesterday.

Fed is backed by Bullets and bombs, bong

Nice coping

No - thats not how it works.
I mean - the european empires existed under a gold standard.
You cant redeem currency for "the military". The currency has to have a value

>1 day

Look at the 1 and 6 months trends pls

you know why

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bears and bulls
dont step in the trap now

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Yay, MUH ECONOMY. Die faggot.

fucking lol

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So is this a good time to buy a house, or should I wait a few months

Oh fugg that looks just like my Grandpa.

Glad I know for a fact he spent the war in Ft. Dix banging waitresses.

It will crash again by noon.

>The DOW went up 2,000 points after dropping nearly 10,000 points and us pumping almost 1.5 trillion into it what a nothing burger!

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Trump saved the world.