You HAVE started making raiding and pillaging plans already, right?

You HAVE started making raiding and pillaging plans already, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>bernie bros didn't prep
>now they're stuck with their s o y l e n t and their vidya acting out their fantasies in larp threads
>as tyrone and vestabius eye that nintendo switch propped up in the window

Raiding no raping yes


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>Tips for New Yorkers?
Put a bullet in your brains

military will be on the ground by then

all those white people and then la ogre de la niggera

Pro-tip: If you want to find preppers, go to the shooting ranges. They love telling you about being a perpper. Noted, buddy!! Take care, lmao. I'll be seeing you later.

Both yes

>I wrote for @marvel

Thanks for the intel, they'll have their addresses somewhere on file. No need to play the guessing game, nothing like a red circle on a map to simplify things

I bet lots of aspiring deserters would be interested in free access to their bosses food and daughters especially if the situation prolongs.

of course this piece of shit has a blue checkmark.

Go fuck yourself Johnny Reb, we can burn your backwater shithole down again

>loot the people with private security
I foresee a bunch of leftist leftovers who dindu nuffin.

This time we have the resource superiority.

>That one part of World War Z (the book) with that private security guy where he's guarding some rich celebs making a party of the apocalypse when a bunch of poor people attack the compound and he just says "Fuck this" and bails
Right on schedule apparently.

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not quite, the niggers will indeed burn things down, but they will not be constructive about it. chimp outs don't help anybody.

Would have been better if he joined the raiders

>private security
implying they wont be the ones doing the raiding

What the fuck is in the Hudson valley?

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I'm going to make a nativity scene out of the bodies i collect trying to raid me and my neighbors

I mean yeah just do what i do in rust in real life

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More of a rape guy. Don't get me wrong. Pillaging is fine and all, but you just can't beat rape.

A Jew , on an account confirmed by other jews , posting a jewish website link that is telling niggers to rob whites.

>fleeing to long island
that is beyond asinine
this place is a giant thunderdome in any situation of civil unrest
no way off (except through NYC) and enough tension under the surface to start a race war at first loot
also, no one here likes the hamptons crowd
t. 516

>I recreated my Neighbours bunker on my Private Server
based Rust poster

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>trying to steal from a group of people who stockpile guns, ammo and survival equipment

Is this like the nigger who tried to rob the gunstore in texas with a cop car outside?

Oh yes

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I just stealth kill raiders and take their stuff, wait for the next boon and continue like that. Selling some gear to boomers.

>raiding rich families
>raiding rich families hired private security forces

These larpers are getting out of hand. The stupid die first. Remember that. Follow the herd, get what you deserve.

What will happen is you just rape each other in the pit

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Just like the other Jewish Bolsheviks did. It's really too bad for those rich white boomer yuppies that they didn't listen to Dr William Luther Pierce. I remember him talking about that bit of history once, how Jewish Bolsheviks gave power to criminals to go rob people.

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do they think niggers don't use twitter?

Many of those wealthy peeps are liberal yuppies who've never even lifted a hammer let alone shot a gun, kek

The raiders will be organized. Hymie is already repeating history ;) see &

I hope niggers try to loot the hamptons we will see police state death squads lmao

of course not haha

Suffolk county fag here. This guy gets it. The race war would be first,
Then we’d take out then bridges and have paradise.

>tfw shit ton of old people around me
>half of them are probably already sick by now and waiting to die

I just have to go a few feet to loot

I'm too lazy to raid and pillage.

Time to re-read Masque of the Red Death.


I'm never not impressed by the level of seething hatred burger millennials have for their own parents.
You're generationally D&C'd so well. You truly are the small-hats' finest golems.

Yeah biggest and best houses get raided first, isn't that the most logical approach?

Cause they left their children with absolutely nothing, and a horrible future to look forward too

rust is the most based and redpilled game that I know of, it preps you for the reality of what's coming

I've stocked up on whiskey, crystal meth and poppers. I'll be heading to the local primary school to do some looting of my own. Made a sleigh like santa and I want nude children to pull me along while I shoot up and throw poo at people.

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Can’t wait to raid!!! I’m giddy, can’t even sleep so excited!

>Pro-tip: If you want to find preppers, go to the shooting ranges
>Many of those wealthy peeps are liberal yuppies who've never even lifted a hammer let alone shot a gun

Attached: genius.jpg (637x720, 332.09K)

Post original size pic if you have it.
Can't find it with reverse image search

Not in America

Scared little faggots.

These brainwashed liberals are going to be murdered by horses of niggers because they're anti-gun.

They also gave you times of unprecedented wealth and safety. You just were accustomed to it and assumed that's the default state that everyone had always had and that it wasn't something they worked for.

niggers are shit raiders, whites are the ultimate raiders and can easily tame packs of niggers

>imagine being so dumb you believe they are actuall anti-gun and not just pro-ruling class being armed
>imagine believing these "antigun liberals" dont have hired top tier mercenaries as bodyguards and security

man that ones pretty bad

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Are you going to test that hypothesis in Somalia, Sudan or Eritrea?

I’m a spoiled rich kid with no complaints about my wealth status. Most people have nothing to look forward too in this country. Also, safety is boring and gay

Ehehehe Of course not. That would be illegal.

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>You HAVE started making raiding and pillaging plans already, right?
Yeah, I don't live in a third world country

They are shitty raiders, were they white they’d have conquered half of Africa already

QED. For joining the wrong side in the war, I'm glad the young people of the US are just like you.

whites are the first to die in survival setting. black cock will rape white asses to death

looters will be shot
survivors will be shot again
assrapes for everyone post mortem

"Are you going to go there and try to tame them?", is what I'm asking.

now recruiting raiders to take over a toilet paper factory and become a local post apocalyptic superpower with these ''boomer gold'' loots

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I was so excited yesterday. I was really looking for the loot riots of panicked America. I had expected it to be my weekend entertainment. Hopefully soon though.

They’re already pretty tame, most blacks in the US are fat lazy natural slaves in the Aristotle sense. My state has almost zero black people tho

They're 56% immune, though.
I'm thinking they'll have an elderly holocaust, reddit will celebrate and they'll move on with their lives not even knowing what they lost because they hate themselves even more than they hate everyone else.