I can't wait for the fucking boomers to fucking die. I'm sorry if this thread seems stupid or immature, or like I'm trying too hard to be a "edgelord". It's not meant that way. I'm so legitimately serious. I hate boomers so much. They're so entitled and narcissistic and evil. They fucking murdered my life and murdered this planet and caused so much pain for no reason. And when you try to explain it to them they just call you stupid, ignorant, crazy, entitled or lazy (meanwhile, that's literally all the things THEY are so it's 100% projection).
Often when a boomer hurts you or causes you pain, or causes immense pain to the Earth or its people, he will turn around and use some retarded mental gymnastic to tell you that it's "for your own good", and that you should actually be GRATEFUL that the boomer is hurting you, because you wouldn't live without him. This is the case often with industry, all questions of economic policy in politics (many boomers believe you should be happy and grateful to work for lower than minimum wage and basically be a slave), the "jobs provider" argument which boomers love, and the general concept of slavery / employment.
There's really nothing to it about this question. The boomers really do deserve to die. And I'm genuinely happy that they are about to. This next part is gonna seem like I'm LARPing or being satirical here, but I'm really not. I'm kind of crying right now as I write this post. It's kind of sad, cuz my parents might die, and lots of other people's parents might die. But I truly, genuinely believe all of these boomers deserve it for their deep, irrepressible evil for which they are totally unrepentant.
The eternal boomers will soon be eternal for no longer.
Day of the coof is coming for them, Inshallah Covfefe-19 will direct many to eternal hellfire.
Evan Gray
100 % Agreed
Boomers destroyed this planet.
Noah Butler
Shut the fuck up
Bentley King
I'd prefer that they actually have their lives prolonged and they have have to witness the doom they created. they need to have their entire realities shattered before they die
The great boomer remover is in full swing. The orange one dies in 32 days.
Logan Butler
I understand exactly what you mean, but I think if they haven't gotten it by now they're not going to. From this point on, whatever doom or havoc is wreaked upon this earth, via THEIR actions, they'll just blame younger generations like they do for everything. They'll blame selfies, or instagram, or technology (that they invented), or "the socialists" or whatever retarded thing they think up. The boomers narcissistic wall of protection from self-reflection or blame is impenetrable. I've tried my whole life to explain it to them, not because I wanted to hurt them or shame them but because I wanted them to get better so the world could start to heal and even so they could heal on some level. But it's impossible. The boomer is nothing but narcissism and psychological defense mechanisms to avoid blame or culpability for the evils they partook in for decades.
Owen Powell
This should be a hashtag, man. Yas Forums should really try to get this one trending on twitter. #TriageIsJustice OMFG. I mean shit, if "boomer remover" got to trend, then who knows. I will def do my part to post on the hashtag lol
Brandon Taylor
all of your excuses for why you suck at life will really pay off one day.
Aaron Thomas
Whatever, you're gonna DIE soon, faggot. Corona virus gonna eat the entitlement out from inside of you and then fucking murder you. And your own children will celebrate because, because THAT is what a rotten piece of shit you are.
Ayden Adams
By 2030 Boomers will have lost all their influence in politics, media and the economy, just wait more one more decade.
Andrew Robinson
Nathaniel Watson
And you're gonna be sitting there in some hospital that is overflowing with faggots just like you, and thinking "but im ENTITLED to this medical care! I worked my whole life and im PAYING for it!" and nobody is gonna fucking give a shit, cuz there are only so many beds, and the younger "socialists" you hate so much are gonna get triaged. Everyone fucking hates you. Your death means nothing to anyone else. EVERYONE is rooting for coronavirus over you. And that is how it's going to be, you gay fagot bitch.
Xavier Green
In like fucking 2 weeks, boomer POS. 2 fucking weeks is the most you have. Maybe at the hospital they can prolong your miserable life for a bit. Maybe sitting in that hospital bed you'll have time to reflect on your mistakes and failures and evil upon this planet. You miserable fucking faggot POS. I hope coronavirus gets everyone like you. Coronavirus is our savior from YOU. Corona virus could never cause as much as boomers have on this planet. You fucking monster. I hope you contract coronavirus and die and my only consolation in this Earth is knowing that soon you're gonna.
Nolan Moore
Boomers are narcissistic as a rule, but they're also usually completely oblivious to just how much the younger generation dislikes them. Or why. But I know the reason. When I was a kid (27 now) my grandparents were the WW2 generation. They re-built the country from the ground up and were full of knowledge. Usually classy people who went through hell and came out the other side with perspective and stories to tell. They were the elder statesmen of society, the ones who'd you look to for wisdom and guidance.
Boomers have none of that. They were born into prosperity, smoked and snorted their youth away for 20 years, fell ass-backwards into opportunity and wealth over and over (many of them completely squandering it) and enter their old age with literally NOTHING of value to pass on to their children. All their stories of the "good old days" just piss us off and all their "advice" has been outdated for 20 years. But they still want to desperately play the role of 'muh wise old sage' like their parents got to. But they just don't have 'it'. They have nothing. Like most narcissists they're just empty shells, putting on whatever image they think will get them the best reception. But there's no 'it'. There's no wisdom, no knowledge to pass on. Just bloviating and condescension.
I won't say I hate them, but I do dislike them intensely and honestly won't miss them much when they're gone. My parents didn't teach me a damn thing, they sure as shit don't have any folksy wisdom for kids younger than me.
I unironically agree lol it's been hilarious watching all the old wealthy people in full panic because this virus is basically built to destroy them. For the first time in their lives they're feeling fear and powerless. It's hilarious. I hope those numbers get pumped up soon.
not even close nigger. just thought you should know that cry-posting on Yas Forums is fucking weak. ask your doctor about transitioning to a boy. it might work for you.
Gavin Sullivan
>irrepressible evil for which they are totally unrepentant. That last part is really is the sad part.
Ryder Johnson
We've been cheating nature for decades by keeping these people alive with "heroic" medical efforts. In a previous era few if any nursing home residents would still be alive
Julian Myers
Boomer remover is here
Angel Flores
i work in a nursing home and most of the people there are white. its sad to see one of the last mostly white generations disappearing and being replaced with the shit i see on the streets.
you're not any of the things that you say you are. you're a filthy JIDF poster praying on some weak minded fools hoping to create divisions.
Yes, this is exactly right. Boomers are the embodiment of decadence. They never thought anything bad could happen because they never dealt with a real problem in the world. They never thought "oh, the environment will die and cause all this trouble" because they never experienced a tragedy or strife. It's all like some hypothetical make-believe to them. And with their decadence comes a narcissism that does not allow them to feel empathy, even toward their own children. So when their own children have to contend with the problems THEY created, they feel nothing.
The decadence of the boomer made him entitled and narcissistic. THAT is the #1 charge they level at younger generations. This is 100% projection. Understanding projection is the key to understanding the boomer. 100% of the claims that boomers make about younger generations is what on some level they know that they themselves are guilty of.
They call you "entitled" because you want the Earth to exist in your future, then they turn around and "ask to see a manager" over every little thing. And when that manager comes they tell them "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" even though it's actually just a totally normal and understandable thing, and they berate everyone around them knowing that those people cannot speak up or fight back because they are slaves dependent on wages. And then they turn around again and lecture their children on what entitled little monsters they are (because boomers also hate their own children).
Isaiah Robinson
This is what I've been saying, the quality of life falls off drastically around 80. And boomers are already insufferable. What are they going to be like in 10, 20, god forbid 30 years? Are we supposed to crater the entire civilization so former cokeheads who blew their kid's inheritance gambling in the stock market can live to 103?
Charles Cooper
>Corona virus Boomer Remover*
Owen Cooper
this, that's what nursing homes are for, so they can get beaten senseless by the niggers they voted in.
Jaxon Reed
I like threads like this because it is overflowing with genuine emotion not like other dozens of shill attempts.
If you want this to happen. Pray. Swear your fealty to whoever gods you believe in. Swear your oath that you will never betray goodness and justice.
Jaxon Gonzalez
You should go back to /ptg/ or T_D to live out the last few weeks of your life. Nobody wants you on Yas Forums, boomer. /ptg/ and T_D are like the fort lauderdale of the digital landscape, and you better hurry cuz time is definitely ticking for you, old man. And I'm gonna dance on your grave and celebrate your death .
Xavier Lopez
Gen x is arguably worse so I don't particularly care
Brandon Bell
mfw I live in a small ass village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere mfw tomorrow is the election day for mayors and micron said it's ok to go vote even tho gathering of 100+ are banned and school closed too mfw average population age here is like 70+ mfw I'm coooofing
1972 ; Nixon ends the Bretton Woods agreement and currency is disconnected from value allowing it to be printed to infinity debasing it on the way. Boomers are the first generation to get this freely printed debt currency (see The Cantillon Effect) .Boomers are 7 - 27 years old.
70s - 80s ; Boomers go to college/university and get grants to go, ie. they get PAID to go. Or they enter full time employment with a school diploma and a firm handshake where they are guaranteed work for life, health insurance, company car etc. etc. with training and support. Get 10-15% on their current accounts just for keeping currency at the bank. Merger laws were relaxed which ended free and fair capitalism. Divorce epidemic ends nuclear families.
1972 - 2001 ; Boomers ride the biggest most consistent rise in debt that has ever happened ever watching the national debt clock rise and knowing full well you cant just print money. Boomers were between 27 at the youngest and 56 years at the oldest.
2001 ; economy shits the bed and has never really recovered. Corporate bailouts become a thing. Boomers bail out their own corporations. Boomers are now 36 - 56 years old. Established. Home owners. Children. Families.
2008 - The debt binge has banks bankrupt and need constant bailouts to stay afloat starting with $700Bn. Boomers bailout their current accounts and pensions. Boomers are 43 - 63 years old.
2019 - Boomers have orchestrated this regime of constant bailouts to keep their pensions funded. Boomers retire en masse. Constant bailouts are needed to keep the economy afloat. Boomers are 54 - 74 years old
CAN YOU SEE WHAT THEY DID POL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
>INB4 Yes - jews. Jews are ultimately behind it all, but boomers knew full well what they were doing and why its all fucked now. Boomers facilitated this hole debt based money and globohomo situation.
Boomeranon. I..........IDK man. I mean I do feel sort of bad about writing this. You don't understand, I wasn't joking in the OP when I said I was sort of in tears. I mean, I sort of am. My eyes are a little watery, you know? I understand the gravity of the situation. It's just that your SO evil. I don't really take any joy or penance in your death or misery boomeranon, that is the truth. I wish you could just wake up and stop being such an evil person that hurts everyone around you, and hurts the Earth, but you refuse to do that. So, I don't know, even though I am not someone who indulges in violence or harm towards others, I just have to objectively recognize that the world will be better off without you, and that your death at the hands of coronavirus will be a sort of "cleansing". And that this will be OK, because it is a "natural" cleansing. Not a war. Not a genocide. Not a violent upheaval that is dark and aggressive. Just a sort of natural "cleansing" of you, and wherein you can just get sick for a couple of weeks, make your final preparations, and then pass quietly into the night so that everyone else can be free of your tyranny and evil
Colton Mitchell
so angry. assume what you want about me personally. i don't give a fuck at all. i just think you're a whining faggot that prefers to lay the blame for his problems on anybody except himself. but , whatever, let's say that all the boomers are dead. give me an intelligent argument as to how your world will improve.
Joshua Turner
faggot nigger seethe more
Thomas Phillips
>Posts picture of a cop >As if cops are cool and not the scum of the Earth >Probably is a fucking old man boomer who will be celebrated by his own children once he passes on.
Luke Butler
They always like to talk about how "hard" they had it, like every single one walked 10 miles to school uphill bothways barefoot in the snow backwards. In reality, the interstate system was built when they were kids, major diseases were eliminated around the same time, when they came of age they could get a job as a high school drop-out that you could buy a house and start a family on ect. They always bring up the 1973 gas crisis like it was the apocalypse, but that shit lasted under a fucking year. Meanwhile, the economy completely shit the bed in 2008 when I was in high school and never recovered. They had EVERYTHING and blew it all, now get mad at us. There's a reason everyone under the age of 50 can't stand them, and it's not just whining. >I like threads like this because it is overflowing with genuine emotion It's something we can all agree on. Most of us feel personally betrayed by our own parents and their entire generation. Any time over the years we've tried to bring up our concerns we've been met with dismissal or insults. I don't WANT to think of my own mother as an ignorant, oblivious, moronic dipshit but she IS. And zoomers aren't as polite as millennials were at their age, they HATE boomers and show it. The seething anger towards boomers has been a long time coming. We tried to be nice, but now I do kind of just hope a virus wipes out half of them.
Look how you won't even admit you're a boomer. >How will the world improve without boomers How will it NOT improve? It will become literally pic related.
The day will come dude, personally I can't wait till holocaust remastered
Samuel Taylor
Not all boomers. Have some sympathy for those who lived a decent live. Conversely not every zoomer is a useless piece of crap. Generational division is weakening us all.
okay. that's your argument? this is your thread fucker. i'm just wasting time here. you proved my point way better than i ever could have by being such a useless vapid faggot.
Dylan Ortiz
Nut up bro it's been bad a looong time
Isaac James
He said an "argument". You showed a pic and stated the opposite of what he said. Typical shitpost. I hope you get the corona virus and die.
Ethan Collins
Its weird because I agree except my father is a boomer. He would actually agree with everything you said though. He openly said one time his generation ruined everything
Grayson Barnes
Tick tock boomer. The thing you fail to realize is that you are now officially superfluous. Nobody needs to justify themselves to you anymore. You're just a piece of expired meat that's been thrown in the trash. Just waiting for the dump truck to come and take you away to the landfill now. All of your words and gaslighting will be meaningless soon, as the light fades from your eyes, and the merciful corona virus frees the world from your tyranny and evil
Dominic Howard
This was nicely written. Have a (you)
Lucas Williams
See here . You boomers no longer REQUIRE explanations. I've spent my whole lives trying to argue with you about what you did. To plead with you. To try to wake you up or talk sense into you. Now it doesn't matter, because now you're dead men walking .You're just ticking corona timebombs now. And so, mercifully, the days of my getting down on my knees and pleading, and providing you monsters with citations, science, rational arguments, hard data and objective truths, only to have you wave your hands and say "SHUT UP AND GET A JOB FAGGOT!" or something along those lines is over. Because now you're reign is officially over. Now you're going to find out what it feels like when the king is no longer king, and has to play by the same rules as everyone else. And when that happens the first thing you're going to find is that nobody will expend the energy to offer you ANY explanations.
Aaron Ortiz
The Boomer deserves it. It is the rightous judgement of God. Soon they will be punished for their wicked ways.
If the boomers die to corona the result is turbo globalism. Refugees Welcome, Open Borders, and socialism are most popular with the kiddos and they're only kept in check by old, angry white people.
Leo Watson
necessary cleansing, they will surely die soon, god will purify their hearts and scatter their dust into the cosmos for another chance to become something. the boom marches straight into its tomb
Grow up you stupid faggot, most of the things they tell you are for your own good. This is the easiest generation to live in ever hence why wages are low. They are low because even low wage people have fucking iPhones
Lucas Clark
fuck you with your orange one bullshit. GTFOff my board faggot
Joseph Butler
>You have an iphone >You don't have a home >You don't have enough money to eat or pay your bills >You will never be able to retire >But you have the cheap plastic iphone >You are privileged and have it too good I have an idea, how about if I trade you my iPhone for your home. SRS you can have my iPhone, and I'll have like.......a house instead. So that I don't end up in prison for vagrancy when I'm fucking homeless. Even if I'm working multiple jobs
Gen x are your new overlords in a post-Corona world.
Bentley King
>So that I don't end up in prison for vagrancy when I'm fucking homeless. And thanks to evil boomer republicans for these laws, too, BTW
Nathaniel Martin
Fuck off Jew
Parker Baker
Agree 100% with OP. I am from generation X and my life has been hell for 50 years. Everyday I put shit from these entitled Boomer douchebags. They have concern for others and they would rather throw you under the bus rather than look at you. They are the lowest form of human scum to have walked the Earth. I only live for the day these shitbags are all dead and off my plane of exsistance.
Jayden Turner
you fuck off you boomer nigger
Adam Collins
You sound like an old person who complains about teenagers.
Justin Sanchez
you sound like nigger faggot
Jonathan James
literally every generation doesn't know what the fuck they're doing
Sebastian Morris
>They are low because even low wage people have fucking iPhones That doesn't even make sense. Typical lead gas brained boomer.