/cvg/ Corona Virus General #2042

► Detected: 145,857 ► Died: 5,436


Spain using hotels as hospitals

France closes schools and universities

More than 100 US colleges shut down, go online

Spain declares emergency, shuts down schools and public events

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Virus invades nervous systems

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

01:42: 1 new death in the Philippines.
01:25: 1 new case in Puerto Rico.
01:06: 107 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea.
00:35: First 2 cases in Puerto Rico.
23:46: 120 new cases in Norway.
22:59: 4 new deaths in Switzerland.
22:00: 559 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
20:50: 1,001 new cases and 12 new deaths in Spain.


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Ever since the first CVG I always felt like I was at least 3 weeks ahead of normies, but now that we are quarantining, I literally don't know what's next.
What's next?


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How long before Africa starts getting rekt?

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I hope I will land some position in the new reich after this shit is over.

> 3.4% of Americans are LGBT
> Corona-Chans deathrate at 3.4%
The Unfaggening is upon us, anons. Sucks for you, OP.

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>china epidemic in january
>lol fucking chinks, we are too safe because we are americans
>europe epidemic in march
lol fucking yuropoors, we are too safe because we are americans
just why
i dont get it
we have been yelling like maniacs telling you mutts to prepare for it
and you just laugh at us
is this darwinism?
natural selection?
what the fuck

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inb4 WebMD-tier faggots wondering every sniffle is Corona.

>tfw two of your exes call you asking for advice for the kung flu

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Honestly, you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>what's next?
A grave



Calm down Causescu-sama

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Reminder that Italy and Spain are fucked

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2020 has been an exciting year hasn't it?

Boredom. Then it's over. Back to work.

It's probably already too late.
But this time no one will save them except themselves.

Just keep prepping.

I only really use toilet paper to wipe the rim of the toilet when I get piss on it. I wash my ass after shitting. Toilet paper is barbaric and only for emergencies when using a public restroom or camping or something. Be a civilized human being, and wash your ass.

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Give it straight to me: are my balls safe?

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>1 roll per day
In India


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Congo already banned europeans from entering. So not as soon as we'd like.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Is this you, user?

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A-a-are 41%ers going to survive this?

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You are not alone user

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No... you should take painkillers for the sore throat and stop being a fag. In any order.

Your country is in dire straights right now, but it doesn't mean you have to lash out at us.

"Just let the boomers die" isn't a solution. The point of society is to serve people, not the other way around. We cannot just kill people off as soon as they become economically inactive because the whole point of retirement is to relax and be taken care of as a reward for all your hard work across life. A society CANNOT continue to exist if it kills people for not working because then there is nothing to work for, no reason or reward.

this tbqh senpai
I don't mind having a lot of sick time, but not sure if I'm ready to have an actual ball-smashing.

tell them to drink bleach

Kill them. Corona-chan will do it anyway, so being shot isn't that bad after all.

Second dead in Greece just reported.

92 year old from Ptolemaida


Oh my god. The S oy will inherit the earf.

I would do it even if it meant getting infected

I don’t fucken know but I refuse to believe they aren’t. I’d rather learn the hard way when it’s time desu.

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>lash out
do fucking something
holy shit

They won't notice

>m-m-muh scary Europeans
lmao you're more likely to get turned into nig-soup than for a pure Northern European to infect you

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Anything interesting happened in the last few hours?

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Source on German quaranatine ?

They will die from their anxiety and mental illness anyway, they arent made to handle this level of stress anyway.

If you are lucky lmao

what's this about balls?

>"Just let the boomers die" isn't a solution

It actually is. It's a temporary solution. The alternative is the young dying while people waste medical supplies on the old. You act as if we're saying everyone should be killed as soon as they hit old age and that's not true. It's just something we have to do right now for the greater good.

synchronized russian shitpost, proud of you, bro

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This is a top tier fucking meme topkek

>ball smashing

Wait, what?

> cuck, the post

>Report unusual behavior.
>Barricade your homes.
>Avoid all contact with infected individuals.
>Wait for official instructions.

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god I need to choke on that ass

Rumors. JUST rumors mind you, that infertility issues post corona-chan could be real.


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Bros I’m having a hard time coping that my parents may likely die from this. Fuck.

Spain and Italy are now the epicentre for the virus

To late to close the borders...

Just coof for 2/3 weeks and you'll be fine. Totaly worth it

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>beats the virus easily
>laughs at China
>cucks weak japanese bois

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>Boredom. Then it's over. Back to work.
This is what I'm leaning towards, though I have no clear idea how long it will last. Maybe a full month? We'll be Wuhan I guess.
I try to not go out anymore. The supermarkets are PACKED right now, it's a circus full of coofers AND THEY AREN'T WEARING MASKS.
That's actually insane, they probably don't suspect the virus being on their toilet paper plastic either, than store it in the basement where it can survive for up to 28 days.

what the fuck is wrong with you? you think using a whole roll a day is normal?
Even when I had bad hayfever I wouldn't use a roll a day
I use 8 squares a day to wipe my ass. 8 measly squares. Eat healthier you spastic

How horrible experience for an autist introvert to be locked down with his coworkers?

What are the most plausible conspiracy theories on corona?

Fuck off chong gooks are dropping like flies and you know it. Stop Shilling for CCP

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Speculation about Corona getting an ADE boost from other coronaviruses, and why Wuhan had such a high mortality rate (which is 25 or higher in some studies).

Can you help them quarantine, and enforce it? If so you have a good chance, if they won’t bother nothing you could’ve done will prevent it.

Posting again
Had a cough a couple of days ago
Later a ”cold” sensation/pain in my throat
I now feel ”numb-ish” in my throat and breathing heavily
Am I infected? I don’t have any fever

Just have them stay indoors you fool, do all the shopping yourself and protect them as well, use your second amendment.

We’re next

It feels so good to be vindicated. I prepped in late January and everyone fucking called me crazy now they are panicking going from store to store getting their "essentials". Fuck everyone else, I was god damn right and you deserve it for not listening.

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>do fucking something
I'm leaving the house only when necessary. That's about all I can do.

Shall I go to the supermarket to see if I can get good pictures of boomers panic buying toilet paper instead of canned food?

Some said that it's not Corona, but shitty chink medicine that was responsible for the testicle demage

Rate my setup

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how do I into roll iframes in DS1

I think we all are, fren, at least those with good ones.

It sucks.

>Source on German quaranatine ?
not enforced (yet), just recommended and lots of events terminated. i hope it's going to happen gradually though

What happened to svenanon?

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>Wait my ass.

yes please!

don't know if this counts but in my opinion the Chinks are lying and have an enormous death toll as well as it not being remotely under control.

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>Heubei providence begins being unblocked from the internet
>Shills return to duty shitting up the board
>Q posters return on the same day
>21 year old american shot through his bedroom window in political assassination
The old world was fun.

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Started as China fucking with viral forces they had no hope to control, Shinji cult in Korea busted it loose and shared it with the world.

The Chad herdimmuner vs the virgjn quarrentiner

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Italian rate of added infections didn't rise from day to day though.

>Toilet paper

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Calm down, retard. Normies in every country caused this to happen the way it did. Greed and progressive politics have finally reached their pinnacle, and now we will see the unraveling.

Bioweapon theory still isn't official