>A man was stabbed with a wine bottle over a pack of water at a Sam's Club in Atlanta.
>A man was stabbed with a wine bottle over a pack of water at a Sam's Club in Atlanta.
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kek georgia is a nigger state so idc
i live in a comfy rural area where everybody's nice and when we say we have ethnic people we mean welsh and finns
everybody stocked up already because it's like 1/2 hour to the store, and that's what you just do when you live in a comfy rural area, plus we all have gardens and hunt and fish
it's going to be amazing watching places like socal and nyc and chicongo melt down, and they chaos has only just begun
>Nigger stabs nigger for noggerish reasons
If it wasn't over water it was gunnu be over sheboons/drugs/'disrespect'/shoes. Who cares.
>Imagine if he gets the coronavirus at the hospital.
I have a question... why are people buying cases of small water bottles, and not a bunch of the 1 or 2.5 gallon containers??? Please help me understand.
you mean a nigger was niggerknifed by another nigger
>If you listened to me you're not out facing the panicked mob. I've been telling you for months to prepare. Nothing crazy, just have some things on hand, so you don't have to go out and take part in the insanity.
You mean an american state. Just mutt things.
Tomorrow's going to be even more insane in the ghetto. And when lockdown happens, expect a lot of breakins
Haram in Hiram
there's nothing to understand, the average IQ is 100. People either think you can only drink water if it comes out of a plastic bottle or they think the water will be shut off for some reason. I don't know, someone ask one of them on twitter why they're rushing to buy water bottles.
checked and styxpilled
he did warn us
Stupidity and availability. Just get some bleach.
Ok boomer.
>, the average IQ is 100
for niggers it's 85. for spics it's 90. for whites it's 100.
reminder that 100 iq is still dumbass-tier
>Well because everyone else is doing it.
Mutts. The jews were right. You people are only good to money money off.
>Hiram is a suburb of Atlanta.
I have elderly poor neighbors and the dude's wife's son doesn't help much so I got some extra TP and soups and shit.
L.A. riots all over again.
That's a new one. I've seen two prairie niggers get into a fistfight over mouthwash but not this.
Theres no true whites in america. Scandinavians are 110, germaics and anglos are 105, meds are 100. Americans are mutts. White is a cope what matters is being aryan.
There is not even a shortage yet and mutts are already on each other's throat over a 24 pack of fucking piss.
Looting will commence within the next week, perhaps before the week is over shit is moving too fast I can't predict anymore
>You people
take it easy there memeflaggot, I'm sure you're a real Ubermensch
>Scandinavians are 110, germaics and anglos are 105, meds are 100
please provide a source for this memeflaggot
>in Atlanta
Ever randomly selected answers on an IQ test? Impossible to get a score lower than 95, yet Billions of people are that retarded they get lower. We can't fathom what goes on in sub 100 brains.
there is literally a paper plant within sight of me that makes tp and paper towels
like 5 miles away across my little bay in my little town far away from the hustle bustle of the newly imported hordes of diversity, we also host a fishing fleet and several military installations
it's quiet out here, just how we like it
Shop til you get dropped nigga
>Shop til you get dropped nigga
Anglos aren't 105. Brits might be, but Britain includes over a million niggers and millions of assorted shitskins scoring sub 100.
>carts full of boxes of cheerios, fruit snacks, granola, those veggie straws, hi-c, sugar (!)
>nobody has spam, deenz, beef stew, canned corned beef, rice, or beans
people are going to just waste away on empty calories, meanwhile i have so many deenz that it's getting hard to store them
>100%, 150 IQ, Scandinavian, NAZI
A dindu in a motorized cart rammed into a white man's kid and the guy just defended his family.
>Shop in america
>Get glassed
You can still get water from the tap. Do people know this?
Camas, Wa?
that sounds like something one of you guys would come up with
>absolutely hiram
niggers are so fucking gay
>anus sandpaper
I'd rather train my dog to lick me
The water isn't going to stop working. Fuck why are people so dumb? And it's not just black people stock piling useless shit so don't pretend.
Shut the fuck up ching chong
I'd wager that most online ones have a minimum possible score. Can't have the normies who followed somebody's social media link there finding out that they're literally dumber than a sack of potatoes.
Finally things are starting to heat up. can't wait to watch the looter gangs rob people when they step out of the store and everyone starts packing heat to go grocery store. Stay frosty boys.
>I'm losing face in humanity
>Hold on let me post a picture of this bleeding man on social media
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
How is it impossible to get below 95? What if you randomly pick wrong answers? Also, are you saying an average person gets less than 25% of answers correct when there are 4 options?
It has begun...
Speaking of prepping: you DO have at least one firearm you are proficient with and have abundant ammo for, right? Because if you don't, I'm sad to say that all you accomplish by stockpiling food is ensuring the pack of feral nog looters that break in and kill you and your family will not go hungry.
Get guns. Any means necessary, You are not done prepping unless you have a gun, preferably one per adult/teenage member of the household. Without a gun your prep stash becomes Tyrone's and Jaquan's or whoever comes to raid your home, it's only a matter of time.
And it shouldn't need to be said, but absolutely DO NOT publicize that you are prepping. In fact you should be concealing the act of bringing supplies to your home as well as what supplies are being brought into your house. Telling others that you are prepping is like advertising to the world, 'Come and take my stuff, there's plenty for everyone!'. And it won't just be feral nog looters you have to worry about, members of your neighborhood who didn't prep will come looking for handouts, or even try to take if they think they can manage it. Cruel as it may be, no one can be trusted in a SHTF scenario, friendships mean little when starvation and desperation and fear set in. Even the state and government may resort to looting ('requisition' they will call it) if they are desperate enough - Federal government already has broad powers to do this in the event of an extreme national emergency - they will be ARMED.
Keep it secret, keep it safe, and most importantly, keep it defended, with lethal force, from whoever tries to take it,
What kind of funky shits do you take where you use one roll of toilet paper a day? Change your diet fat ass.
west of there
GA fag here. Hiram is nearer the Tennessee border than Atlanta. It's in the middle of nowhere. The population of Hiram can best be described as your stereotypical slack-jawed yokel. It used to be a part of the carpet manufacturing towns until all the factories closed. Now the residents more or less just stand around, mouths agape, blasted on meth and big gulps, staring into the abyss. If you want to see white trash in its full glory, hiram is the place to go. I used to drive to Hiram to duck a girl there (worth it at the time). This is a normal day in hiram, this isn't a pandemic thing.
>tfw when whites are so cucked they need synonyms for nigger
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
never change burgers!
Get the shotgun, it's possessed.
not humanity, just america
This is obviously copypasta even if you've never seen it before, newfag.