What’s the real strategy to survive the coming pist-apocalypse? Gasoline and diesel are only working for 1yr, solar cells fail after a decade... where to get electricty and food?
It’s 2030, corona has killed billions, society has broken apart
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kys faggot
How many people survived?
Why do you need electricity? We did just fine without it for a very long time.
And where were they buried
Once i get infected i take i flight to germany and infect every mother fucker on sight. Germany especially have elder population. Pic related are in their 80, 90.
Not needed. Theres nothing that needs electricity anymore anyways
Start gardening and/or fishing my friend.
It will take a few decades before wildlife is restored enough to hunt.
Or develop some skill that lots of people need so you can trade them for food. Something like carpentry or pottery.
Hunt, gather, fuck electricity
basically, this. electricity generators will become a very powerful tool, that its usage will be reserved for only truly important issues.
You will need gold to pay a warlord for blood plasma from someone recovered to survive under their tyrannical feudalistic rump state the warlord makes up of serfed survivors who are milked for their plasma monthly for national economic purposes
nuclear power plants destroy much of the nation for those sick survivors to endure much longer after 2030, at this point already drained and demented by SARS 2 immunodeficiency
Band up as group of raiders modeled after pre-ww2 America.Raid industrial sectors to produce weaponry. Acquire territory, mainly close to flowing water for cheap logistics and power. Take capital as symbol. Make your team the new congress. Invade the south, push past the darien. Take vuvuzeula. Reinstate monroe. This is easy mode.
>Soi Horizon: Zero Masculinity
Fuck off, resetranny.
>It will take a few decades before wildlife is restored enough to hunt.
I don't think so. Animals breed pretty fast without predators around. It depends on the area and how quickly the population falls.
300 million, mostly in higher latitudes of North America and Europe due to light skinned, fair hair people being more resistant to corona.
Some areas will be quicker, but here in the netherlands and in much of (western) europe there isn't much wildlife left anymore.
And whats left will be eaten in the first month or two after a real collapse scenario.
>where to get electricity and food?
What, did all of the white people die or some shit?
Fucking migrant, imagine this: they built the magical world you’re inhabiting, for now
what’s the sea?
True, the animals in the reserves would probably be hunted to extinction or near extinction.
Shit game
It was an excellent game. Not sure what you are upset about.
I just took a random image from Google images
No,it wasn't.shit tier story with ubisoft tier missions and forced diversity with boring female lead character.
>What, did all of the white people die or some shit?
Probably, seeing as though most US whites are fat, old, and retarded enough to panic buy TP while a social collapse is imminent.
>But TP will be valuable for trading once it collapses.
No it won't.
Ammo, batteries, sanitation products, and food and water are going to be the currency after a potential collapse. Nobody is going to choose having a convenient way to clean their ass over anything else.
Whats your point. Fishing will probably be doable, hunting isn't gonna be viable in large parts of europe.
Don’t need electricity.
Will most likely eat veg and wild game as no humans will cause an explosion of wildlife.
I am surrounded by apple orchards so October will be especially nice with cobbler and cider.
Children playing in the windswept autumn leaves.
Horses are restless as they sense winters approach.
Dogs are lazy and napping in the warm sun.
Wives are fat with babies and rosy cheeked as they whisper and giggle amongst themselves.
The men are busy chopping wood and storing harvest.
Pumpkins, potatoes, corn abound.
Dragon flies darting to and forth.
Spirited young men prepare to hunt,
cinching tight saddles, a final inspection.
There’s word of a merchant and he must be found.
This is the final solution.
BMAB relationship.
The BLACK MALE provides protection while the Asian boi repairs society. Together they adopt Whitoid children.
Be Mormon
All you folks that are implying that wildlife is low right now... I didn't realize that people were unaware of how much more wildlife there is than nature would typically allow, simply because humans don't like to have predators alive anywhere (except for their faggot cats, which don't hunt because they're well fed and inbred). Fucking deer in the US have been limiting human population moreso than humans controlling theirs. (car crashes and even motherfucking plane vs deer crashes are common here because suburbanites don't want hunters nearby, but want to feed squirrels, think having a dear walk up to their house is a good thing, etc.
Use steam or a water wheel to turn a generator. Use pic to catch fish.
Shit in a hole.
Wipe with a leaf.
Spirited young men taking sheep as brides.
Starve to death in the smoke-filled hut after another barren winter.
I'd probably kms in the first few months unless I found a tribe and we just hung out but if it is fight for your life shit I will just explore as much as possible and then shoot myself not a bad way to go honestly.
>Germany especially have elder population
retarded jew has spoken!
(one of the reasons for Germanys economic success was exactly the lack of ''elder population'' to feed and nurse, so those resources could be used elsewhere)
>wildlife is low right now
It is in large parts of the world.
I live in whats called the randstad here in the netherlands (en.wikipedia.org
Everything thats not city or mega greenhouses in the netherlands is mostly just flat farmland.
It's national news if an actual wild animal is spotted in the country that wandered over from eastern europe by accident.
That is false, deer and pigs are overpopulated 90% of the time. Just go outside at dusk.
see There are some around but theyll probably be eaten within the first month or two after a real collapse
>fantasy posting
There are ducks and birds literally everywhere though.
Good protein.
Thats a good point actually.
Total apocalypse averted.
come over faggot, enjoy your last beer while I whip you into the oven fucking kike
Impossible. They can easily feed everyone, they breed like rats.
Im going to be a post-world pimp who has a travelling gypsy brothel where i steal the elite stacies who had great lives pre-corona and sell them off to the feudal lords.
Actually it's blacks that are resistant to coronavirus not whites. Germany and Italy are proof
Youve never been to the netherlands, have you?
>solar cells fail after a decade
tell that to the 30 year old satellites orbiting us
and white people are left
Based and actually Basedpilled.
Good troll I love it
Germany is also full of elderly jews lol
>only the healthiest survived
>shut-in PC gamers have all died from the virus or having no survival capability
>Australia is only populated by the comfy chill aussies
>all locate to the coasts
>everyone lives in comfy coastal villages and everyone chips in to survive, growing food, running solar power setups to harvest power etc
>off time is spent fucking, surfing, drinking, playing footy, education
>australia becomes a proverbial paradise
Pigs are everywhere
oh no, please don't, that would be terrible
>Theres nothing that needs electricity anymore anyways
even my refrigerator?
Did you seriously post a picture of Horizon: Zero Dawn? That shit is trash dawg.
Found the Aussie with shit taste.
the game is coming to pc, you can stop hating it now because it was exclusive for so long. i think it will get a sequel on the next gen.
If only there was a way to store knowledge for future generations.
I'm a sony-bro. Most boring game I've played. Couldn't even stand the bland protag.
that's true, but the worldbuilding is really nice. i like more dino robots. less wokeness
>solar cells fail after a decade
OP is a faggot
you dont lmao