Why is CCP propaganda at exponential levels?

>China says the virus is contained in their country
>Sends medical supplies to Italy
>Chinese billionaire sends tests to U.S.
>Twitter retards praising China because orange man bad
>Shill accounts hyping up China will talking up the U.S. response as a Black Plague tier catastrophe
> global economy volatile as shit, mostly sliding

Wtf is going on?

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Take your meds schizo


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China gets an opportunity to show how their system works better in crisis mode, Russia sees an opportunity to throw the US economy into chaos and strengthen their own economy. Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems like common sense to me.

chynee amazon veeyyy goo. yoo no nee americuh wun

The US tried the HK propaganda against China, now China is fighting back.

War is coming


you people are retarded hope majority of pol btfo by corona chan

You’ll be fighting on the frontlines like a real man, right?

i for one welcome our new chinese overlords

Jack Ma would have personal interest in trying to damage control because his businesses are the first in line to suffer from this.

The rest however is just cuck nonsense as people consume CCP waste for the sake of sticking it to "The right".

Fighting on the frontlines for Based Emperor Xi.

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jesus, user
if you're ever going to pull out occam's razor, do it for the one-two propaganda / saving your customer base punch

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You could be right but it just feels like there’s more at play

>>Twitter retards praising China because orange man bad
A decent percentage of these will just be Chinese bot accounts.

What happened to HK?

They want the average murrican to develop a feeling of
to manipulate your public opinion into pressuring your government to lift any trade limitations they've put on Chyna

>Why is CCP propaganda at exponential levels?
They want Trump out because they're losing bigtime having actual fair trade deals.

His BLACK BvLL told him to do it.

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>we gud now boi

It's the same tactic Mao used, letting impoverished chinks die while giving a lot of shit to foreign countries to farm influence. It worked then, it will work even more now when their target audience are either vested business interests or brainwashed self-hating parasites who will lap this up. By the time the truth comes out it won't matter.

Fuck China and fuck Chinks.

China fucked up big time, after we get over this shit drumpf better declare war.

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chinks bought the patents and rights to manufacture early experimental coronavirus drugs, US already got fucked over, they have to choose from the other 80+ companies with experimental drugs and vaccines.

Other nations get to flex too.

EU will flex when we arnt gunning each other down in the streets.

>id: cox plz
I don't know what to do

>Take your meds schizo
>Chinese flag

Nobody will give a fuck about the drug patents once it gets really bad.

It's not really propaganda if it is true.
Another country succeeding while we are failing is not propaganda either.
And people reacting to a benevolent action from a foreign government, is not propaganda.

Your reaction to it is extremely telling though isn't it?

At Trump's press conference today 3 chinese state media cretins asked Trump about common CCP talking points too like 'are you thankful for China sharing data'. Another guy asked about the China travel 'WHEN U LIFT TRAVEL BAN CHYNA NOW CORONA FREE HAIL CCP WHERE IS MY 1 YUAN DEPOSIT'

This virus has humiliated China and outed them as being just another disgusting disease-ridden shitpile. Will take them years to not be laughed at by the world. Even India is less disgusting at this point.

>i for one welcome our new insect overlords

Trump will never declare war. That shit would fuck the markets up too much. The investors money is more important than your lives. This shit will get swept under the rug and the media will convince the normalcattle that China was treated unfairly.

China will come out of this with an even stronger influence on most states, especially the US. Sure, a fuck lot of chinks will have died, but they have plenty to spare.

This is what I'm thinking.
The actions of the inept CCP toadies in Wuhan who killed that doctor who tried to warn people and mishandled this into a global epidemic have totally embarassed the regime and they are now on full damage control to not look like clowns

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New thing happened so we forgot about old thing.

Russia's primary commodity is worthless, how are they winners here?

China's system is not legal outside of communist dictatorships. No one wants to address the elephant in the room as to what happened to all those infected.

Because you mutts are low iq and easy targets. I realize know americans are only succesful because the jews made them their hosts. Seriously you niggers would be poorer than canada if it was for the kikes economic jewry.

They're terrified of people figuring out that their failure to maintain adequate safety standards at the Wuhan BSL-4 lab caused this all.

if a commie speaks at all it is propaganda, under communism all is state owned (what they mean when they say people or worker owned) that includes thoughts and words, ergo, if commie speak, commie speak propaganda. if a commie tells you water is wet, excercise doubt and paranoia, for even agreeing to this simple thing will be taken as tacit consent for whatever bullshit they try to do next. would be better to just kill or exile commie than to interact with them at all.

Can we get a BC flag here so we can identify and ignore the leaf chink shills?

It isn't their fault that you went all America First (TM) and decided to dial down your soft power to zero.

>china to donate 1 000 000 spitted on masks to the us

Are you poor? Have you not stockmarket analytics on your computer? I wont spoon feed you nigger.

Shale shits the bed and they casually pick up the pieces.

don't hate the hobbitses because the darklord chose us to play hide muh golden spiritual cornhole. you are just jealous of the precious, away, out of my mountain. filthy faggotses.

Donating backorders the CCP is kind.

Disgusting Chinazis media at their work, they will bring the news back to mainland and make sure every chink live there feel the might of their great communist party of China.

faggot detected

>tfw you've grown up around filthy Chinks and have always known that they are clowns

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communists trying to cover up their sins

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Thats more of an east asian thing. Japanese men pull this shit all the time if they believe they have authority.

china has spent $100+million in the past 48 hours buying up media/culture "influences" (Blogs & other media), they are spinning this whole thing. Chinks are as good at manipulating as the Jews are!

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>muh Russia

Who the fuck ever mentioned Russia

China has the advantage of complete government control of evening. And they’re not communist, given that there Are billionaires

Russia has been the scapegoat for Chinese interference in western culture for too long
It is past time that China gets exposed for their crimes against humanity

Fuck the CCP. However, if Ma wants to send supplies then let him. It's kinda weird, cause alibaba ain't here in America. But, if they were they'd be a competitor to Amazon. This might be him trying to get a foot in the door with a show of kindness. Smart move.

a bit of gloating mixed in with some smoke screening.

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If they're made in China, they won't work anyway.

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>putting a chink mask on your face
>thinking it's going to help
most of the masks people are wearing right now are probably made in china
do you really think that dude with connections with the CCP is going to be sending masks that are sterile?

that's a man

Full-fledged propaganda campaign from CCP shills, they're out in full force, never seen sth similar, it's even bigger than the HK protests. A SIGNIFICANT portion of the Chinese pop. now believe the virus originated in the US

t. user retarded enough to marry a chink

I can answer need more info for calculation. Do the bro’s from 8kun know if China is playing ball with everything going on? As in they too are taking out their evil ones?

If so China good.
If not China bad.

But something tells me that it is so. The evil Chinese that were partners to the cabal Illuminati banker government are also being taken out due to “Covid19” but actually they’re just getting China Gitmoed.

Well that’s amazing now isn’t it. China will share their secrets too! How exciting, truly is the greatest time to be alive.

I think wishful thinking on your part.

If covid-19 originated in the wuhan wet market, that means chinese are dirty disgusting people
If covid-19 orginated in the wuhan virus lab, that means chinese are dirty, disgusting world destroyers and their surrogates in the US MSM need to be dealt with accordingly

No amount of Chink propaganda can bring back dead parents and grandparents. The hatred will be long and fierce. Chinese goods will not have a market if this kills enough.