Earth Politics Thread

Literal Alien here. Just landed. I'm having trouble understanding your Earth political system. How do you choose your leaders? How do you decide who is rich and who is poor? Have you evolved past racism and sexism?

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We are full space nigger, you can crash on the moon

We do not. That is all a ruse. Just like your low iq larp

>ayy lmaoo

Post proof.

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>Have you evolved past racism and sexism?

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Faggot grey why dont I probe your anus HAHAHAHA

can i fuck some tight alien pussy?

We made some research and it seems white normies decide primarily by facial features.

Fuck off cunt ya full of shit .

We went to the moon with Nazi technology, product of evolution?

>evolved past racism and sexism
no sadly we still have many many races, we where down too 2 genders but just recently we added like 86+. one day we will evolve to a state like yourself. one race and one gender.


Do not worry you are only in a state of transition it will happen sooner than you expect.

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We need a fucking machine that materializes pasta god damnit

>one gender.

Ask the Eshakani or any of the hybrid races. They know almost everything about humans. Comeon bruh, synchronicity should get you the info you need without even asking anybody.

>not a real ET, just a LARPER

Post it or the frog gets it.

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>Literal Alien here.

Fuck off homo. REAL xeno here. Why you humans not just eat your poor and starving people, pussies?

Step up your game if you want to join the Galactic Federation, homos.

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How would a sexless alien know about sexism?

no he can't
fuck off back to pluto

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the answers you seek are in my ass
that's your thing isn't it? ass probing?

Fuck off space niggers


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>fly across the universe
>can't understand the Jews

We still kill human life development in the sanctuary place ( womb) it’s a miracle of life you should go to a clinic and see how it’s done since you kike probing questions.

Please twerk.

fuck off space nigger, we're full

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Ayys are fucking stupid to ask questions like that.

You want sympathy for death? That’s the result from probing humans. How about you get in that mother ship and learn that you will be destroyed for entering our realm.

Czech'd and kek'd

haha why do i find these man eating aliens kinda sexy haha

You need to go back

there was this horrific photo shared in this board that makes threads go 404 in seconds. As soon as someone posted it the thread is gone and rumor is that even looking at it makes you sick. I cant find anything about it on the internet and it was only posted here by some C*A user. Pic related is something similar to what was posted

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post feet

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OP is a LARP. I have a body temperature of 35.5°C and am xenophobic/racist more than most Humans.

Have you heard of the corona virus?

The jews

We've been irradiating our own atmosphere and creating viral chimeras "for research purposes" shits whack yo

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My name is Skaarj'thulu I come from alpha centauri. Our species are reptiloid so I change shapes, OP is faggot and liar.

>Literal Autist here. I'm having trouble understanding your Earth political system.

Hello, I'd like a qt alien gf for snuggles and snusnu, are their any qt alien girls who like fat loser shitposting neets?
Also, when connection to galactic internet? it needs earth bants

Cap this

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oh i dont feel so good... i think im gonna puke

i assume actual aliens would probably be racist as fuck if anything. think about those fbi crime stats and how an objective outsider would see that. those aliens would likely be more racist then i am since i at least kinda blame the establishment and weaponized ghetto culture for what happened to black people. aliens arent even going to know the full situation.

Look at this dude

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Don't work just take a nap

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You acclimated quickly lol

Cool copy paste thread, space nigger.
Now give me my lizard waifu

Shut the fuck up and hand over your toilet paper and cash.

Extra-terrestrially underrated

let me tell you about the juden..

>Have you evolved past racism and sexism?
No we are still giving lesser races and genders a chance, still too bluepilled.

go back to your country alienniggerchink you look like a ball sack with only one ball


E.T. tour guide here,

You must understand, there exists many perceptions/ knowledge of this world, to 'Earth's' many populations:
Since 'Earth' is not a post-scarcity society, they have economic based class systems, variant in "freedom", in every soverign economic territory, abiding by different laws. This creates the 'elite', and 'the global elite'. The later having a larger grasp of Earth's technological progress as a planet, as the later consist of groups whose monetary systems create the backbone in capital society; the later having a 'break away' society in their many factions, from the regular humans they call "citizens".

There is the military-industrial society. A run amok dooms-day machine bent on bettering "the other tribe/nation" and getting to the attack first. Not because humans are bloodthirsty, but because 'standing troops' are expensive and it makes elites wealthy. Over time, these 'yes men' become a 'shadow government', where the status quo is cold-warrior spectrum dominance and following orders for the socio/cultural elite. This group of elite dictates social structure as political/industrial/media (celebrity as their front people).

Then, there is the mass. The classes of 'rich', 'middle', and 'poorer than middle'. In this corporate based market society that is the interest scheme of the global elite, there are those whose labor is invested into this market, and those who never "invest".

Finally, those who never invest and are lesser than elite, but possibly still rich. Might exists as celebrity and 'useful idiot'. Everything else is human cattle for the global banking monetary confederation, in human labor.

Racism and sexism exist rampant. As disclosure of E.T. is strategically mocked to preserve 'golden age' global elite dynastic control. Wealth is determined by legal charter/contract, and monetary tokens - backed by resources like gold, silver, and oil/military response - which create a phantom economy invested in bets.