Post your Corona Chans!

I need to fill my Folder in order to worship her

Attached: 1584171515977.png (1151x1512, 818.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:!GWADQaRS!3yuOGCae39EvDkVH3a5tyQ


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I want her to infect me.

Attached: 1583673271457.png (457x550, 146.37K)

Bug chasing is for faggots.
Let me be clear, I mean actual faggots

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posting uncommons and rares

Attached: 14809_oWgiwJSA.png (600x600, 16.42K)

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Attached: corona_uwu.png (928x598, 564.46K)

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Attached: 1580609862996.png (1758x1854, 1.12M)

Attached: 6iEfhP5.png (728x1324, 156.02K)


need more lewds
im searching for the one with her presenting the Brapper with a Doughnut Bumhole

Attached: 1581339804568.jpg (1060x1800, 1.46M)

Attached: lewdcoronaebola.png (883x883, 1011.42K)

Attached: 1581858480558.jpg (918x1200, 512.16K)

checked & very nice

Attached: 1584156410237.jpg (443x1024, 62.47K)

original Corona-Chan is cutest Corona-Chan

Attached: 1579884483444.png (792x1505, 280.96K)

step your game up user!GWADQaRS!3yuOGCae39EvDkVH3a5tyQ

Attached: 1583234878121.png (500x504, 165.56K)

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kek, good one

Attached: 1582369999819.png (600x600, 315.47K)

Attached: 241972_Q0spUfk0.png (600x600, 175.33K)

thank you user

Attached: nice man.gif (492x249, 2.96M)

another rare, save only if you have symptoms

Attached: 1580420419252.jpg (687x687, 94.34K)

this one is better imo more bat like

Attached: 1583213185069.png (600x600, 285.97K)

Attached: DISNEYSWUHAN.png (900x1333, 2.15M)

she's not hiding anymore

Attached: 1580839702609.png (640x768, 11.1K)

Attached: 1579858620149.png (1156x640, 1.14M)

Attached: coronachan-nurse.jpg (434x403, 30.41K)

Attached: 1580751698179.jpg (717x1024, 45.95K)

Attached: 1583704796184.png (1483x1445, 676.8K)

I talked it over with my lads and we all agreed this is the best and only true Corona-chan and we only want more of this mutation. Please provide.

Attached: best coronachan.jpg (680x446, 51.5K)

Attached: 1581345578354.jpg (640x640, 76.7K)

Imagine what a 13 inch BBC would do to her

Attached: happy_new_year_from_corona_chan_by_chromeflames_ddp0g3lfullview.jpg (451x648, 62.59K)

too western

Attached: 1580414548260.jpg (743x538, 133.36K)

Attached: 1581824555424.gif (384x384, 1.04M)

>Talked with friends

Attached: 1580639468660.jpg (891x597, 210.55K)

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Attached: 1583962140499.gif (797x1024, 494.82K)

Guess you want her love to be contained then. Zaanen.

Attached: how unfortunate.png (192x217, 116.03K)

Attached: 20200311_004151.jpg (1080x1096, 757.58K)

Attached: futacorona.jpg (1600x1600, 342.2K)

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Attached: 20200228_222246.jpg (1080x1068, 254.61K)

i love a healthy political debate. nice tits.

Attached: 1583961820843.png (400x400, 183.08K)

gtfo newfag

Attached: 1581821589517.jpg (853x1024, 155.33K)

Attached: 1583647109069.jpg (892x494, 103.1K)

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Attached: 1581625057704.png (2020x2020, 329.37K)

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brb, daily national crisis report time

Attached: 1581197366480.png (1447x1072, 1.56M)

Attached: 1584140050350.png (514x514, 242.34K)

Ebola-chan would never

Attached: 1583746932004.jpg (700x394, 39.27K)

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well you’re sorta in a bug chasing thread m8

Attached: 1580386249911m.jpg (1024x1023, 119.33K)

Attached: 1580593068491m.jpg (724x1024, 74.91K)

Wow, there's zero consistency in Corona-chan's design. Her appearance is always different. At least with Ebola-chan, there was a single design that everyone agreed upon.

Attached: CharaStudio-2020-03-11-13-01-18-Render.png (2631x1522, 2.71M)

Attached: 1583801494022.jpg (1059x1200, 377.02K)

the early ones were pretty adorable

>red Chinese dress + hair buns + bat wings (optional)

Personaly I see her more as a force of nature than an infection. She basicly grinded the world to a halt while spreading death and fear accross the Earth. That kind of power is realy hot to me

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Attached: 1583412668894m.jpg (1024x636, 121.49K)

Ebola-chan is an opportunistic body hungry slut, why wouldn’t she try to do the nasty and mutate with another virus?

Nobody expects Corona-chan.

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I love how this is the way humanity will react to any new threat

i need more futa corona chan

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i’d be lying if I said corona-chan hasn’t been giving me a bit of a chub.