This is a bigger hoax that 9/11

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 07.38.54.png (612x515, 91.06K)

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What about nigger violence

Liberals and Leftists are immune to facts that do not fit their narrative.

They just want to dump the retirements of normal people so they vote for Joe Biden. That's all it comes down to. Dont forget 2016. These people will do anything.

It's 9/11 2
a fake emergency used to foist a new regime of governmental controls
For 9/11 it was body searches/scans, international monetary controls, and deepstate surveillance.
Now they're abrogating your right to travel, freely associate and assemble.
And throughout all of this no border will be enforced and no international trade will be restricted. Only YOU will pay the price.

You realise that deaths add up right?

These are the numbers:

45% of the entire world will get infected with SARS-CoV.

Of these 20%, both the young and the old, will develop COVID-19: viral pneumonia where lungs fill with fluid, and breathing becomes very hard. Multiple organ failure and sceptic shock is possible. There is no effective treatment, just intubation, and providing extra oxygen.

Of these, if in a hospital: 11% will die. Mostly older people who can't survive.

Of these, if not in a hospital: 80-90% will die. People drown in own lungs and die of oxygen depletion.

Hospitals will get crushed on the workload. People over a certain age, or who present with too severe symptoms, will be denied a hospital bed. They will be given masks, and anti-virals, and sent home. Or taken away and put in stadiums for the 1 in a 1000 World War 1 veteran who survives having no ICU treatment.

> 1 in 48 Americans will die.

> Everyone will know someone who got infected with SARS-CoV.

> Everyone will know someone young who got intubated and strapped to a hospital bed for weeks fighting for a breath.

> Terrorists all around the world will have access to SARS-CoV-2 and know of its potential for chaos, damage, and despair.

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You are such a dumbass.

You're right. We should wait until it kills way more before we begin to care. Why wouldn't you wait until it's too late?

Well yea. Theres been 4-5x as many OFFICIAL corona threads as there were Q threads and its been what a month and a half? Nobody does that for free. Nobody.

>people still not understanding that it isn't just about the deaths
The deaths are the least significant thing about the virus.

exactly. the news is literally scripted. trump is an actor just like tom hanks.


its the biggest psyop of all time. a global psyop

I can’t handle this fear of dying.

>j-just wait 2 more weeks guyes

it broke the computer when it attempted to calculate a total

Holy kek


I think it's the main thing driving panic amongst the masses.

lol you are an idiot dude. do you really think that there is some kind of secret fraternity or secret society that exists in almost every town in the world exists and works together to reach certain goals?

>They just want to dump the retirements of normal people so they vote for Joe Biden. That's all it comes down to. Dont forget 2016. These people will do anything.
Fuck off with election bullshit, stay in your containment:

Yes, don't worry about getting into a pit of hungry tigers because more people have died of smoking.

professional wrestling.

H1N1 had 12,000

Im pretty sure the common cold doesn't like 35 million people every month user...

The jews and the masons you dumbass

This is where my head is at too user...those old enough to remember before 911 can attest to how much life changed after...all over some bullshit we know wasnt legit

it starts at the top and works its way down.

There have been no containment measures to slow the spread of any of the listed diseases.

Coronavirus is ACTIVLY being worked hard on to contain it.

Reason numbers arent sky high right now.

Imagine what would have happened people just continued with their lifes without goverments doing anything in wuhan, rest of china, italy and now europe? Imagine the death numbers


the user is right.

Stop, just stop okay? Deep inside you you know very well that nothing will happen again.

lets give corona to everyone that drives a car in the world for two months and compare afterwards.

this is honestly the funniest shit ever

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>he doesn't know

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>Of these, if not in a hospital: 80-90% will die.

you think the death rate for untreated is 16-18% (which what 80-90% of 20% is)? take the pringles can out of your butt, idiot.

I mean the issue with it is that Corona clearly illustrates the flaws of both globalism and "individualism" perfectly and it is breaking people's minds faced with the fact society is an illusion.

Also you midwit "it's just the flu" people aside from not considering point one do not realize, at least for a place like Leafland, our "healthcare" is a government run industry. If the government openly does not act then it is an obvious example of acceptable losses. Then why do we have it? The system already struggles with regular flus every year, then we do nothing to right this new novel virus? It is activating almonds.

Thanks, Nigel. That’s why the number is higher than 1. Now brush your teeth and promptly kys.

i genuinely don't understand this phenomena. do normies actually use unholy amounts of paper products every day, or is this some kind of NPC hoarding glitch, like they were supposed to hoard x number of each item, but the data got corrupted and all the integers ended up in the toilet paper column

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That's right, it says 35 thousand right there. And that's worldwide

UK wash your hands good luck

>me laughing at TP buyers while I buy ammo, supplies, and canned meat.

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day of the grill soon

for sure NPC hoarding glitch, there are multiple ways to clean your ass and it's absolutely not a necessity but because others see people buying it droves, they do the same. It's like FOMO soccer mom addition.

Why TP? If their fart holders stop working then their investments were pointless.

>this random twitter account can't possibly be making shit up

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>secret societies

cringe bro

is this pasta? or are you newly arrived from reddit?

if you visit kijiji they have a notice saying they have banned all toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and face bask scalping posts. imagine how hard they are seething, chink were selling toilet paper for $300 a package up until today.

you're right, they can't think for themselves, they've never in their life for an instant used their mind to imagine a scenario which involves scarcity and disruption of normalworld. so they soothe their confusion by emulating the paper hoarding behavior of the npc they see walking in front of them at the human supply shop

lol so you really believe that freemasons use their power and influence in society to orchestrate events from behind the scenes to move the world in a certain direction via the media and connections to powerful corporations? lol bro you are insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are you saying there used to be such things, and people used to conspire together but present year, dude, all that is dissolved somehow because, present year?

Honestly you people laugh at numbers, but you really dont have enough numbers yourselves. The average person uses 1 number per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 numbers a week. Over 100 a month. Numbers will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone uses them.

You said 35 million

not freemasons (meme smokescreen) but the (((chosen)))

what panic?
who's rioting?
>in b4 you'll see
what panic, nigger?

damage control already, chill out schizo

No dis is because exponent

Praise be unto ye, brother of kek. Trump will drain the swamp and deliver us into the promised land during these troubled times. Trust the plan.

>mOrE pEoPlE dIe FrOm CaR aCciDents sO It'S nOt A pRoBlEm!

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Legit went to do grocery shopping today, Hand sanitizer shelves are completely fucking emptied out. right next to it, 70% Isopropyl Alcohol bottles completely stocked.
It's Absolutely NPC glitch.

Try harder ruskies

Trump's a puppet of mil int. The storm is raging youre just too dumb to notice. Its the end of the kali yuga

It doesnt need to newfag. They control the mass media. You have no idea what is ACTUALLY happening. You only know the illusion they created.

No. You though are a massively faggotty cunt tho

Subtract these numbers from the total and it will give you that figure

>he doesn't know about infectious car accidents
git gud faggot

>Common cold
Doesnt actually kill
African countries cant cope
Who gives a fuck its their choice
One of the most broad diagnoses for negative cell mutation

>There have been no containment measures to slow the spread of any of the listed diseases.
yeah no stop signs no cancer reasearch no aspirin no anti-smoke campaign no condoms no mosquito repellent no malarone no AAA

OP doesn’t know shit. This virus is a sinister creation bordering on genocide, if you don’t live in a country that can’t support an outbreak, say goodbye to your elderly and impoverished

It's really hard for people to get their mind around 7 billion. It's such a huge number that it's hopeless. You see 35,000 and think that number is so large that it couldn't possibly be correct. But that's only because you just can't wrap your head around the population size. That number is tiny, it's not even a molecule in a drop in the bucket. Even if corona becomes a seasonal thing it will barely effect us in the long term.

holy FUCK you doomers are retarded

youre right

This is a Twitter tier post feel shame

Nonetheless, I’m still afraid of my own death from this.