Every other government in the world

>every other government in the world
Closed down everything, do not let this virus spread!
>UK government
Intentionally let it spread, so that millions are infected.

I need to escape this fucking Island.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>US government
Europe can get fucked, we bros with UK tho

The common cold has killed more and infected more this year than coronachan. UK's response is the correct one.

Same in germ-any


lol read the news m8
corporate whores in the usa are determined to infect everybody because borders are racist

>common cold meme

now tell us the per capita deaths like if 100k people had a cold and 100k people had coronavirus

>I need to escape this fucking Island.

Yes you do, you fucking pussy.

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Your family is going to die for your beloved Boris, and his gang of corporate lobbyists.

EU loves Eugenics

We're not dying for Boris, we're dying with Boris.

Suck it up.

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Redpill me on herd immunity.
No doomlarpers.

>let the disease spread slowly
How exactly do the plan on controlling the rate of spread?

lethal virus mutations, if contagious like this, take years to fade

>I need to escape this fucking Island.
The sooner you and all your type are gone the better, take brothers, sisters, cousins, take the paki with yer and fuck off.

he doesn't know shit and 20% (number of people in need of hospitalization) will die because of a mere lack in clinical capacities.

Some people have strong immune systems and will live. Everyone else will die. Now the survivors have herd immunity. It's like nazi eugenics programs cranked up to 100

OP you Gaylord dust your boy friends cock in vit c powder then do 30 min on a sunbed if your shiting yourself that much.

Boris just wants to kill his in-laws

Why do people like you think they're smarter than epidemiologist and doctors that have dedicated their entire life studying things like this?

Do you actually think you're smarter than all the other governments and scientists across the world that are actively dealing with this?

>Intentionally let it spread, so that millions are infected.
The UK will be permaquarantined and sealed off from the rest of the world. Will become the coronachan dumping ground for all infected undesirables.

I know I shouldn't laugh but Britain is beyond repair at this point, might as well use the virus to reset it.

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I've been ill the last 10 days, not confirmed coronavirus but ive had all the same symptoms. ive been travelling around and doing all sorts trying to get my superspreader status lol

>tfw bugman is the only who knows how to deal with a virus

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trouble breathing even?
I'd be worried that the virus sterilizes people

If Boris tells me to die I'll do it for Queen and Country. You cowardly fuck.

It’s unironically a good idea.

The weak will die, the strong will survive and society will be all the better for it.

not really, ive had a chesty cough and slight pain when I breathe in all the way.

any 'emergency legislation' to restrict day-to-day life is open to abuse and I will not support any move to restrict people's freedom.

noooo nooo but per capita is only supposed to be used when we can be edgy posters!

It's Joo World Order central, what did you expect?

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Chip chip cheerio mate. Enjoy the coof.

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>We're not dying for Boris, we're dying with Boris.

Speak for yourself, also, rope.

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>Countries that are not the UK
>Complete lockdown for weeks
>Cases drop at the cost of the economy
>A few old fogies are saved
>Lockdown is lifted and the country is still in recession
>Resurgance of coronavirus
>Another lockdown forced, country gets even more fucked

>Countries that are the UK
>Quarantines are for pussies
>Slowly but intentially spread the disease
>Old and the weak are culled
>Emerge from the virus having lifted a massive strain on the NHS
>No resurgance as herd immunity now in effect
>Economy enters a golden age while every other country is still on lockdown

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UK plan looks good on paper. But i don't know how they think they can micromanage the infection rates so well.

Why are britbongs so convinced that herd immunity will emerge? This doesn't work for all pathogens and there is evidence that corona reinfections do occur and are deadlier.

fatality rate should drop as more people are tested. Also we just isolated the virus 2 days ago so all other test are trash.

[citation needed]

it's not fair if some get sick and others don't everyone has a right to belong to the infected

Ah no, hes dying for that forex trader farage and his mates and his quen dawd bless her and pritti patel of course who wants to import a billion poos. He's the dim little England gobshite with a copy of the express a tiny union jack on a cocktail stick, no land, no religion and damp copy of the daily express and a failing food bank. Britain's been a laughing stock for a decade because of his ilk. He's never been anywhere else but his chav land and a larger holiday on spain. Brainwashed, fucked over, retarded. Gawd bless their german quen and her million acres of cornwall and Scotland. The UK, a country that relies on food and pharma imports and cuts his free trade agreements with its neighbours just before a pandemic because an embittered Australian media mogul and a clique of morally bankrupt forex traders fronted a movement to line their own pockets at the expense of his poverty. Luv a duck and a zero hour contact.

>immunity doesn't work
>oops teehee we have to quarantine London
>it gets completely purged
4D chess.

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ya britains white/nigger ratio is about to reverse in a few months
frankly all other europid sub racial groups won't be to miffed to see you all go

The sheer amount of cope one could only expect from the irish.
Nice checklist of lefty talking points by the way.

>government bans everything pointy and refuses to address shitskin crime calling it "knife crime" instead
>literally puts people in jail for being mean
>allows rape of thousands kids and tries to cover it up
>when it surfaces no one is hanged and nothing is done
Its like they work against you or something. Hmm.

You can't kill the virus by drinking, bucko

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hahaha, holy christ that was some kino eireann bantz

If 2/3 of the herd are immune, the bug will fuck off over time (in theory).

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>not being a conservative party member.
>not being given the cure already.

all you sheep will die

London, its goingt o be nice watching it burn from a safe distance, one of the nastiest collections of people on the planet, divided, impoverished, cruel, stupid and criminal in one gigantic overcrowded slum where the biggest property is owned by wealthy foreigners, even their beloved sky and express and their german sectarian cult monarchy the saxe-coburg-gothas and their pathetic family soap 24/7 gawd bless him


Dosent matter how smart you are 3/4 of the people in the world are dumb as rocks and will just do what they want. Look what's going on already retards going mental spazing out.
What makes you think muh government can stop a virus when it cant stop litertally any other problem.
The best they can do is stop spastics fucking the place up and try to stop them hording petrol in their houses!

>let coronachan take out all the boomers
>hold a Brentry referendum with UK new brown majority
>UK back under EU kike control
>NWO back on track

Look at the gobshite who fled to Australia proving my every point while his skinny fingers, beady eyes and anglo pencil peck hammer the keyboard and spit at the screen
Ah yeah, your right, I guess our fuck huge pharma industry will be useful then. Muh Brexit

>You see, coronavirus has a preset kill limit. Knowing it's weakness, I sent wave after wave after wave of my own men at it, till it reached its limit and shut down.

Boris is taking a gigantic Russian roulette tier gamble with this. The apathetic bongish populace couldn't care less though, so they are deserving canaries for this goldmine.

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I am sincerely baffled that every single third world shithole has been able to handily outmaneuver the very same virus that ravaged wuhan and is currently pummeling Italy, Spain, and the US.

I'm fucking confused. You're telling me the corrupt, incompetent, underfunded, understaffed, undereducated, under trained, governments of shitty countries NEIGHBORING china like Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc. They all acted before community spread began? Nobody came home asymptomatic and spreading the virus in some shitty junk city for 14 days before they had symptoms?



i wish every irishman typed like a frank mccourt novel

The theory is that once you get the virus you are immune to it, so if it spreads slowly through the population, the health system will not be overwhelmed and eventually everyone or enough will be immune for the virus to die

That depends on various uncertainties, for example there is some evidence that you may be able to get reinfected, e.g. unreliable or no immunity

>TFW Boomers die asp punishment for brexit
>tfw less spending on pensions medicare and shit
>tfw more moneyz fo dem migrants and refugees
>tfw whites will become minority in 6 to 12 months
>tfw Islam is official religion since 2021

Pure goyincidence...

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So like us

Shhh. Don't think too much.

Isn't it more likely that shit countries citizens don't have enough money for traveling and thus fewer people from those countries have the sickness, severely limiting the spread compared to ten or hundredfold more visitors from the first world?

>Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.

It might be the hot weather. The last SARS/Corona virus got glassed by the summer heat.

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if there would be a herd immunity against corona viruses we wouldn't have this problem now. a new mutation will show up in a few years and your actions where pointless. but keep slaving for your overlords. retarded brits deserve to die on their god forsaken island.

>once you get the virus you are immune to i
wrong only a small number are, very small, the rest are setup for a reinfection that is much worse than the first encounter and possibly fatal. Don't worry though pritti patel has a billion poos lined to come and take all those zero hour contacts and luv the quen

i think we have a concensus here
meeting ajourned

>do nothing
>health infastructure runs at breaking point for x months
>health service and health workers most susceptible.
>doctors and nurses are exhausted making them more likely to be killed by virus.
>people who would have survived now die.
>less health workers
>need to import 3rd world niggers to fill gap
>bring new strain of flu
>flare up starts again.
>cycle continues.
gg no re.

No goy. Summer wont fix it. And this is good.

>Sauce: Every liberal shit-rag fake news super spreader

>frank mccourt
Shame he was a lying self pitying cunt who made shit up who his own neighbours said was a fucking liar. He was a millennial before his time. I'm your real green shady

All coronaviruses can't spread over a certain temperature.
It's not a fix-all because we have air conditioning and shit, but it's still a factor.

he wrote proes like yeats
i literally dont remember any of his stories just the patterns some were very platonic

Every day i wake up trying to be wholesome and then you post that picture and suddenly my breakfast is disturbed by the desperate need to rape. Arrg.

Sure, but wuhan had a patient zero at some point. One person became hundreds of thousands.

Yet that hasnt repeated in any garbage shit country. We all can agree that a place like India or Cambodia etc would fair far worse than China in this situation. Have you seen India? They basically swim through oceans of other human beings just to get to their designtated shitting street.

At one point, only one human being had covid19. Why didnt those 1-4 people in Thailand and all the other countries reporting 2 or 3 cases or wherever start a chain reaction?
That makes sense but isnt Brazil experiencing some sort of outbreak at the moment? Yet its seemingly not wiping out Rio like Wigan yet every major politician has it.

we don't even know if this protein can loft into the atmosphere and precipitate. noone has even mentioned biological convection properties yet. it is the main effect of a well deployed bioweapon that it should be during light rain in order to spread further. personal transmission is secondary to quick and saturative deployment
-t. fas.org scientist

yaya, faget.
Has a 7% death rate in Italy.
You are a faget

If you think this tactic is going to overload the health service more than countries on lockdown, then you don't understand how it works. Flatten/delay the peak and you will spread out the number of infected over a much larger amount of time, meaning the NHS won't be overwhelmed because people aren't falling ill all at the same time.

not only guns and sporks but logic is banned in england apparently

All the paddys i've met have colossal chips on their shoulders, bitter twisted cunts.

>Our economy won't be wrecked due to 70% of population being ill for 6 months and 10% got ded. Economic activity goes to zero. All the rest world put us on quarantine. Food and meds start falling short, because no one works and no moniez for import. Also martial law prevent free market and travel.


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>If 2/3 of the herd are immune, the bug will fuck off over time (in theory).
It stays infectious on surfaces for days and letting the virus infect 40 million people increases the chances of mutating into a new strain. We already know that there are two common strains and one causes lung fibrosis and decreased kidney function. Neiter grant immunity to the other. Add in coronavirus infection and sick phase and the paitent gets the seasonal flu means ARDS. This is not a strategy to make the herd "immune" it's a strategy so politicians don't take the blame for being fucking incompetent since they made sure getting sick was all part of the plan.



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That's the plan, but that doesnt mean it will work.

Lots of people make lots of plans. Japan planned on hitting pearl harbor and wiping out the majority of the US Pacific fleet. Napoleon planned on winning Waterloo. The US planned on subduing the populations of Iraq and Afghanistan within a few months.

All I'm saying is, sure, sounds like a neat plan. No chance that anyone is sure it will work.

you're not flattening or delaying anything, you dumb cunt, you're going on with life as usual ensuring the virus is able to continue to spread and infect those who may not have been infected before. countries that are on lock down can do things0 you cannot such as wait until the point that a vaccine is close to completion or stagger the lifting of the lock down region by region to reduce pressure. right now the UK is simply doing it's best to destroy itself.

that nigger was based as fuck. hacked that limey arty whore up and told the world to fuck out of his people's shit