>synthetic adrenochrome is manufactured in Wuhan, supply now shut down, possibility it was infected with COVID-19
>adrenochrome, the shape of the molecular compound found to resemble a white rabbit (follow the owl & Y head(rabbit))
>massive number of stars/idols speak and move about after getting sick (coincidence)
>bill gates resigns along with hundreds of other CEOs over the last months
>travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to
>national emergency declared which leads to martial law and arrest of deep state actors
>hillary files appeal to TRY to stop court order that she must testify about emails
>congress on break from the 14th to the 22nd
>schools and many major businesses already temporarily shut down for the next month
>entertainment shut down for the foreseeable future leaving plenty of time for people to get caught up on current events
>national guard being activated across the country with major cities already being locked down
>trump making moves against the IRS and FED, while installing those who wish to return to the gold standard

guys it's happening
it's actually happening

Trump also just said
>The coming weeks we will all have to make changes and sacrifices...but the short term sacrifices will produce long-term gain...

continued from:

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Other urls found in this thread:

reposting my reply from the last thread because i realized i made it after bump limit:

I'm the last person to believe any of this Q user bullshit. In fact I think it's all bullshit and i normally troll the hell out of these Q boomer threads. But I've seen zero-point energy in use. I was driving near boeing access road on i5 and saw all the cars in front of me stopped, for seemingly no reason. i looked overhead and there was an unmarked white 737 with a large white dish underneath hovering silently in the air for several minutes. it then moved to the side like a fucking UFO or something. it was barely above the tree line and did not seem to be emitting any kind of wind or heat etc. i thought i was losing my mind, but 2 of my family members were in the car and saw it too. there were also social media posts about it from the other drivers, all of which were scrubbed off the internet a day later from what i can tell. this happened years ago, it's been around for a while. i looked up every possible optical illusion involving planes standing still in the air and none of them apply to a side view like i saw, only front-on. i looked up all possible radio/etc equipment and nothing looked quite like what i saw. i want to say this happened around 2012-2014 or so, but i can't quite remember. crazy shit.

growing up all my friends' parents were boeing engineers, one of them was a pioneer in drone tech and confided in us that drones have been around since the mid 90's or even sooner when he took LSD with us. i thought it was bullshit so i imaged his work computer when he wasn't home and i was hanging out with his son one day. yep; mil tech is decades ahead of what the public sees.

inb4 schizo etc

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tldr give quick rundown

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Thread theme

>>Dragon Family Support


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here's a QRD in picture form for you

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I'm going to bed, but thank you OP.
You gave me hope again, I would have not known what's going on without you.
God bless, fren.

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tl;dr zero point energy is probably real, weird shit happens at boeing.


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Good luck Space Bros.
Keep your chins up everybody.
Tomorrow we may yet BLOOM!

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BUMP. Based Baker

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>it's actually happening
I'm unironically swelling with joy. This is beautiful. God is good. Oh man this is crazy its finally happening. it's actually really happening this time oh shit

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sleep tight fren
an amazing future awaits

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This is what nofap does to the mind.

The oxidation of adrenaline to the N-methylindolequinone, adrenochrome, is catalyzed by ferritin iron in the presence of Hz02 at acid pH

>ferritin iron
>When Fe++ was substituted for Fe +++, the colors appeared more slowly; the higher the pH, the more rapid was the color development. Fe++ is able to produce colored complexes with adrenaline as a result of its autoxidation to Fe+++. The colors disappeared on addition of reduced glutathione or hydrosulfite to the solutions and reappeared on subsequent shaking with air.
>Oxidation of Adrenaline in Presence of Fe +++-Al

2 irons studied, regarded as FE+

COVFEFE chemical sign FE

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this might make me seem less credible but i also used to buy servers at auction from boeing to part-out and make money on ebay. i put myself through college that way. they were supposed to remove and destroy all hard drives but sometimes i would get racks full of them. found lots of pedoshit, reported it all to the FBI, was never contacted and boeing stopped selling server equipment at auction since.


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Finally, the wait is almost over frens :)

Yo Zion Don actually coming in clutch? I'll take back all the shit I talked if the """plan""" really comes through.

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>these people are sick
>public safety response
fucking pottery

the netflix miniseries is going to be amazing

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Just found this patent, respiratory cure all containing adrenochrome

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this would be the most genius thing to ever have been done in history. better than a movie. no way it's true

Good catch

Guys I just took a huge shit and it looped around kind of like a Q. THE STORM IS HERE

>vitamin C has been mentioned fixing coronavirus
>wikipedia page on adrenochrome: "they speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome."

poster from last thread said this
might be yuge

I didn't believe this at first, but my uncle got drunk with us last week. He used to be some sort of engineer at NASA working in the FREDDY'S DICK department and he confirmed that there is in fact zero point energy there. They've known this since at least 1987 when he retired.
Voatanon was right

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explain user?

holy fuck absolutely confirmed happening, its been real boys, cya on the other side

adrenochrome was the trojan horse to infect the bads with coronachan
think of it like a marker

they've been tagged
next comes the bags

Q predicted this.

So is there any confirmation that covid targets adrenochrome/epinephrine?
I'm just concerned for young kids that need to use inhalers with epinephrine in them. They don't deserve any of this.

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an entire day of prayer before it all kicks off

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Thanks user, saved
Hoisted by their own petards

What does this all mean?
Should I stay home because people are coughing? Or should I go outside?

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I fumbled my phone while texting my brother about this shit and accidentally typed the capital letter Q

Yes, user. It's a very poorly kept industry secret that the best source of zero point energy is in fact FREDDY'S DICK. It's basically a spigot of the stuff. Far superior to all other sources.

Maybe that's what this is for,

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Can somone fact check this? Some q account I follow on insta posted this.

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>red dragon society

not surpised Xi is an occultist at all.
i know trump is too maybe the occult is more knoweagle then us on this virus shit because they seem to let on they are ahead on everything. 2spooky4me

it means bad people are going away and after 30 days we return to the gold standard, debts are wiped, and usury is outlawed

>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.

>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.

he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all

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>have asthma
>stopped using an inhaler or meds years ago because it was expensive and I was poorfag
>poverty saved my life from the virus designed to kill kikes
Finally god's plan makes sense

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Oh, thank you user.
I hope all goes well with this plan.
Do I need to fear this disease though?
I don't want to miss out on such a glorious future.

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If all this is true than where does it leave those who survive when it's all over?

those aren't occultist
also time travel confirmed

it was the lab manufacturing it that was targeted not inhalers guys

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Even if it does, it appears children are largely unaffected by this virus. At this point I'm betting it was engineered to be like that.

hopefully hes packed enough diapers

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trump has said everything will be gone like a miracle once the weather warms
you won't be targeted as long as you're not a satanist who preys on children

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The part about the earthquake in Glens Falls woke me the fuck up. I live north of there and I was just told today that the only confirmed case of the virus is in Saratoga, which is RIGHT NEAR Glens Falls. So this makes perfect fucking sense.
>adrenochrome-using kike lives in saratoga and has his escape plan nearby in glens falls
>"earthquake" destroys his escape route as the virus takes hold

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>looolll DRUMPF big POO POO HEAD!!!! haha dummy drumpf!!!

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>travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to
you can go there anytime you want, you just can't return without a mandatory quarantine you homo

STAY INSIDE, just stay inside its safer, just wait for a couple weeks.
That's what I'm gonna do.




you seem troubled, friend

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Virus for life, no more adrenochrome for you !

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Didn't Q recently post, GAME OVER?

do you think it'll be him first? that'd actually be insane

Yes and this

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Yes. What date was that?

It's really good to hear user.
I will be praying that everything goes well.
I'm an American. I can't afford to not go to work.

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very true
the easiest way to tell it was real was with how hard it was shilled against
this video is great

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Holy shit im sick but i have schizophrenia

No possible way this will happen.
Screen cap this shit if you need to, but I'm too skeptical for that shit to be real.

I'm not understanding. I'm severely autistic. What did they mean by coronachan is a trojan horse for adrenochrome? What is the significance of any of this?

Stop trying to slide faggot pedo jew

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megadose vit C
also if you read the other post like
we'll have massive numbers of cures coming out so maybe you'll be fine in time once they come out
good luck fren you'll make it through

Yea, I'm hoping this is sort of the case, and all the kids come out unfazed while all the sick fucks that prey on them are ravaged by disease.
The thought of the pedo elite all getting pozzed is one of the few things keeping my mind at ease right now

Users of adrenochrome are either infected by a tainted supply or are suffering withdrawal symptoms due to the Wuhan supply being closed down.

wow now i under stand why i read a brave new world on the aussie womans weekly saying the code word 'brave new world'
and death by virus.

fucking creeps
good prayer but very morbid.
god bless our paitroits.