Tfw a boomer. a-am I doomed kids? 1% of the world has this and 6% chance of dying if over 60...

tfw a boomer. a-am I doomed kids? 1% of the world has this and 6% chance of dying if over 60. I'm not a big fan of those odds....

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as long as you stay away from chinks youll probably be ok

Those are rookie numbers

Just isolate yourself in a bunker. Also have a gun ready to blow yourself if you get infected

grow a pair

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half of pol posters are boomers, why do you think cvg threads are popular?

You don't talk like a boomer...

God, you're over 60 and posting on this website?

I GENUINELY feel bad for you.

You'll be fine if you're not a fat diabetic. This seems designed to kill off negative assets.

ok, you caught me. I'm after '65, so an X-er. Still though...

remember that you're here forever

Just wash hands, disinfect everything u got and pray. Also don't go on twitter, every young person ever on that filthy platform is celebrating your peril. I'm praying 4 u

I’m in my 20s and I’m scared of dying. Don’t know how to comfort you if I can’t even comfort me.

What do you expect him to say? “Anons how do I open this PDF”?

based boomer, you can have the rest of my toilet paper grandpa

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Pathetic. Get off this board and never ask advice from people who could literally be your grandkids.

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Ah Ha!
You spend enough time with boomers you start to notice the patterns.

You sound a bit like a boomer

Just don't leave the fucking house

Dear GOD in Jesus name please protect this person.
>>Don't go out. Wait it out, pray to God.

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I hope it takes all your kind until then fuck off

If you're healthy. You got nothing to worry about

Isolate yourself whenever possible. Sleep when you're tired and get at least 8 hours every night. Eat plenty of calories and vitamins. It's all common sense stuff. Stay safe, boomer.

Not all boomers are bad I remember this one guy would go off on the Jews every day 8pm in the steam room at the public pool unfortunately I was not redpilled back then so I just ignored him.

37 year old here. I'm ready to die, yet not suicidal. I try to enjoy every moment as if it's my last.

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this, have faith in the Lord.

its ok man think of all the good things the memories the fun you had the people you met we all die eventually your time just came sooner then you might of once thought

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wash your hands
pray to god
same shit

Yeah, a boomer has near illiterate grammar with lots of commas and ellipses


its time

think back on your decadence
do you deserve infection?

Farewell, boomer.

fuck you
farewell yourself, frenchie.

I'm a 25 yo in good health. I'll be ok. See you on the other side, gramp.

You have your whole life ahead of you, don't worry!

Kill your self boomer. Nothing to do with Corona, all boomers should just kill themselves.

Try to isolate yourself. I worry about my parents who are about 60.

rot in hell boomer scum

hand over your 401k & your rental properties before you croak and i wont rape your granddaughter

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you'll be there before you know it kid, and then stupid user-kids will say the same to you. just wait.

Boomer Doomer World Tour 2020. Get the T-shirt so you never forget the memories...

it's Yas Forums you rebbit weekender faggot

That hand looks rough.

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You have to go back [to the earth]. Also, you should have done better.

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"the kids didn't get the virus though" - said based dindu.

50% chance of dying if you are a boomer and soon it will be a 100% chance of dying
The chinks? Are you retarded? It’s already everywhere you stupid nog.

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no retard, a 90 year old got it and his chances are STILL above 50-50. Nice fear troll though.

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Look I was scared and paniced about this virus when it was below SARS 2003 outbreak (around 20 jan) and everyone could see that the WHO would have to declare a world emergency.

Today I woke up and noticed we shifted into the timeline where it is just a flu bro. All one big nothingburger. Just wash your hands and enjoy your toilet paper masks. Finally we got this under control. All will be well.

Fucking poo-in-loo scum. That's what you get when these shit-colored, wagon wheel worshipping fuckers try to understand good hygiene.

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Its really uncool to be concerned about the virus now.

The just-a-flu bros were just behind the trend. Silly hipsters.

Say it an mean it: It is just a flu bro!

There that feels good. On to the next happening, this one is cancelled and everyone is sitting at home now.

>Mom just take a picture of me, it will look cool for my internet friends!!! :)

Please don't die, my beautiful boy. I will cast meme magick to protect you.

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You knew you were gonna die some day , you haven't made peace with that yet ? You could get hit by a car tomorrow .
FFS , BoomerAnon , growing the fuck up means accepting that your time is gonna be up some day .

Jesus Aland so aggressive and masculine

>I'll be ok.
Someday you wont be , maybe sometime soon . Good luck , FrenchieAnon .

>Someday you wont be
You'll be far long gone by then. Good luck, coronachan.

I do appreciate that, Aland Fren.

Tyr is better

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