> symptoms
> officially diagnosed Y/N ?
> how long ago did you get it
> how you think you got it
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literally no one on Yas Forums has been visited by that vixen Corona-Chan?
Well good then.
btw i have a scratchy throat but no other symptoms
> symptoms
Coughing bad, fever, aches
> officially diagnosed Y/N ?
> how long ago did you get it
Started yesterday
> how you think you got it
Was only at Costco
>Just started getting a runny nose today
I'm fucked!
Oh shit, WTF do all those 6s mean? G-g-guys? Am I gonna make it?
annnddd rip
I have like a euphoric feeling, it sort of feels like a niocin flush... is that a cytokine storm or something?
>btw i have a scratchy throat but no other symptoms
Is it pretty much 100% you have it if you're throat is scratchy? Cause I'm the same.
They won't test so we'll never know.
Kek has doomed you son. Time to make your peace with God.
I live in a very busy ski town. They announced today most restaurants will be closed on the mountain today, the ski resort will probably close sooner or later.
Once one person in staff housing is confirmed to be sick it's all getting closed. My house mate has been coofing all day in his room, and I met a girl tonight and her friend was coofing all around the bar. Why the fuck she didnt stay home I dont know.
Pretty sure I'm going to get it soon, we have at least 5,000 visitors a day. Probably the worst place to be if you dont want to catch it.
Started with a mild sore throat a few days ago. Developed into a runny nose. That's going away now.
Not diagnosed.
The thing, I've had literally zero contact with the outside world for 2 weeks now, since I can work from home and bought in bulk. A normal cold doesn't take that long to incubate.
Probably a few weeks ago. At the doctors office or interacting with a co-worker who had come back from San Francisco.
> symptoms
headache, dizzy, weak, tightness in chest, no coofing though so maybe not corona
> officially diagnosed Y/N ?
> how long ago did you get it
About 24 hours ago
> how you think you got it
No fucking clue, I don't even go outside
feels bad anons :'(
>Is it pretty much 100% you have it if you're throat is scratchy?
I dunno bro, I know they won't even test if you can't give them a story about how you were in a high risk situation for at least 15 minutes. Which is fucking bullshit given how super infectious the CDC says this is, Australia's numbers are probably literally 30x what the official rate says because this country is retarded
I have a sore throats and a cough therefore I have covid19 even though I have not been tested lol.
Sending a hug your way fren.
Started with a soar Throat yesterday
Fever during the Night, Shoulder Hurt, Headache.
its getting better now and im not sure if its Kung Flu, but it happend very Fast
it's time to make a video where you get to say goodbye
throat acting up is one of the first signs you have an infection. But it could be anything from rhinovirus to influenza to coronavirus
coughing, sneezing, sore throat, weird chest pain and migraines
>officially diagnosed Y/N ?
no but I'd have to pay for a diagnosis and they won't test you anyways
>how long ago did you get it
two weeks ago
>how you think you got it
was sitting in the back of a bus, coincidentally two Chinese fags who didn't know how to speak German sat right next to me and a hipster fag. felt sick the day after
what is the first symptom please? soar throat?
Checked. Sorry user. Some of us have to die on Corona Chan's sacrificial alter.
> symptoms
Sore throat, tight throat
> officially diagnosed Y/N ?
> how long ago did you get it
Started yesterday
> how you think you got it
Work as a waiter, been doing a lot of shopping, I've also been stressed out, not drinking water at work (afraid of ppl coughing on bottle), so I'm not sure if my throats just raw or what.
Go and be woke, visit some feminist dance therapy sessions, democrat gatherings, and learn how to fight evil fascist from antifa.
what do you mean "tight throat," leaf?
Live in urban environment?
I had a vaguely scratchy throat all morning and now I have a headache and I feel kinda out of it chilly and achy.
I'm sad with someone would cuddle with me :(
>not getting up and moving away from chinks.
It's like you wanted it user.
This is the storm
Notice how our leaders are not wearing masks
Shaking hands touching everything
Pay attention
Now Trump is the supreme law of the land
Think about what that really means
Everyone will be home very soon
While the takedown begins
This condition of shutdown will mitigate retaliation
He can even have the "media" shut the fuck up while it all happens no questions asked
Remember all those special powers granted to the president under national emergency passed via midnight laws right before Bush left office
Right now Trump is poised to take it all down
Awful coincidental though hey.
yeah it's a shame, well if this it, doesn't seem too bad yet. Just hope a fever doesn't start.
what do you do when you have it?
What do you eat? Do you take a bunch of showers? everything on the internet just says stay away from other people and clean a lot. like nigger what do I do to get better
>Ocassional coofing/sneezing
>A week ago
>TAFE chink area
Was it worth the 12 pack of toilet rolls?
Yeah I'm in an apartment complex in a small-ish city.
You are probably suffering from faggotitis
insatiable urge to coom and drink grape juice from concentrate
>officially diagnosed Y/N ?
>how long ago did you get it
2 days ago
>how you think you got it
i dont know i never liked grape juice from concentrate but now i see it tastes very good when ice cold.
nice try mi6
I had flu like symptoms for around 5 days about 3 weeks ago. Something about this whole thing seems so orchestrated though. It's as if the narrative is already set for Trump to become infected. The way that all of these A list celebrities are saying 'hey guys we have just tested positive', or OMG 37 deaths IN WASHINGTON and Trump just happened to stand next to someone who tested positive etc etc
Confirmed in the air.
guys if you dont have a fever you probably dont have it
It's really not, if you went with these symptoms to a doctor last year, he would just diagnose it as probably the cold (rhinovirus). That's the problem with the coronavirus, the symptoms are literally just your typical upper respiratory tract infection symptoms.
>if this it, doesn't seem too bad yet. Just hope a fever doesn't start.
My thoughts exactly. But I just remembered something: Im a landscaper and today I started noticing a weird feeling in my chest, kind of sharp pain if my arm goes a certain way, or if I turn my head to look straight down.
Hope I'm just freaking out but I've been so vigilant with masks and isolation and shit I'd be pissed if I have it. If i got it, it would be through cash (I get paid mostly in cash) or maybe from the TMR -- had to fill a form. Should have worn my mask. God damn it.
Sounds like you have a bad case of being a nigger
My throat feels constricted. It's like it's swollen or something, and it hurts a bit when I swallow.
It's different than just being sore or scratchy. It's like the muscles are all tightened up.
So back in late January, early february, i got sick, shortness of breath, extreme fatique, dizziness , light headedness, chills and fever. I've never been sick like that . Never went to a doctor because I'm uninsured and im not paying 180$ for some cocksucker to tell me to stay in bed and drink water. So fuck it i rolled the dice and took took some amoxicillin. which by the way is a bitch to get without a prescription. but not impossible. There's really no telling how long this covid19 shit has been around. 31yo btw CALifag and last month people kept talking about how there was a lot of people coming down with pneumonia
mega dose of vitamin c
double dose vitamin d, and zinc
might as well throw in the a b complex and magnesium
if you have phlem - mucinex get that mucus out sterlize the drain afterward
avoid people
green tea, vics vapo rub
A lot of people probably have it and have no idea or symptoms.
Then they pass on to other people.
Asymptomatic sounds fucked.
Only way stop spread: ( 1 ) ,, Fuck it — mask on '' & full suits on that get disinfected once back to home base; ( 2 ) Quarantine the whole fucking globe; ( 3 ) Test literally everybody.
If the mortality was 99% I don't think the society is prepared to deal with the consequences of following a complicated procedure — even if it meant life or death.
People now keep going to buy toilet paper in crowded shops, dumb fucks — at least wear mask.
You would think hand washing would always be followed, but people don't give a fuck.
I don't give a fuck about my own health.
>> I'll be fine even though smoker.
>> The point is I don't want to pass this Chinese People bullshit to my gran grans.
>> Fucking Chinese.
Same here, for the lasty two weeks. No fever, no mucus.
I’ve had semi-labored breathing the last two days, with sharp pain in my lower lungs if I take deep breaths, no other symptoms though. Non-smoker, healthy and usually in tune with my body, 90% sure I have beerflu and I’ve been spreading it
Keep in mind that this is cold and flu season, and millions of people will feel like they have a cold and/or flu right about now. Psychosomatic illnesses are real too, however, and you can have the symptoms of whatever disease you're thinking about and not have come into contact with said disease. Thousands upon thousands of people die of the flu and complications it causes with other conditions (like being old or a transplant recipient... or heart work... or a cancer patient... essentially every old person ever) Coronachan isn't even keeping up with the old, boring flu strains yet.
Chills. Body aches. Runny nose. Hoping its just a cold or flu.
Woke up with an headache, dry throat, fatigue and nausea.
During the night
Not sure, been here for a week shit posting and fighting the anxiety with a few drinks
thank you
Sounds exactly like bronchitis mixed with flu
This is exactly the issue anonymous.
You bring up such a good point of the fact that you may be wearing mask, wearing full-body suit, wearing gloves —, but all it takes is one singular vector to infect.
>>Fucking Chinese.
I am in a remote area of the pacific northwest 60 feet underground isolated in my 14 foot thick concrete bomb proof bunker with quadruple redundant air/power/water backup systems that will enable me to survive upwards of 70 years if I ration my food supply carefully.
I'll see you fuckers on the other side, I'm cutting connection and going dark for my own safety now. It was good the time we spent together. Good luck out there.
>never sick
>last time was 2 years ago and even that was under exceptional conditions and before that was probably 5+ years maybe even a decade
>corona starts
>minor scratchy throat, cough and runny nose
I don't even go anywhere or talk to anyone, which is why I never get sick. So why the fuck would this start now all of a sudden.
that's what I've been thinking too, but still can't get the thought away.
Haven't heard about chest pains being attributed to it, but i have no idea.
Not cold and flu season in aus yet
Possibly have it now and 100% will catch it eventualy. I have been having high doses of Vitamin C, Healthy diet and regular exiersise also im a slight preper so i went and got 6 months of food supplies back in feb with all the required hygene products and can / will self isolate if things change
Miss's is a nurse and at St Charlies hospital where a corona virus patient died (in WA) she works in respiritory ward so im basicaly going to catch it at some point.
> Symptoms
Scrachy throat and cough, No flem or "wet" cough
> Officialy Diagnosed Y/N
No havnt even asked to be tested yet as it dosent seem to mach what requires testing
> How long ago did you get it
Most likely had it for 5-6 days so far with this cough and a little run down
> How you think you got it
Most likely dont have it as the wife has no cough or any symptoms and would most likely get it from her
I have a constant burning feeling in my upper chest like what you get when you apply Vix.
No coughing or fever.
I asked to work from home last week but my boomer boss refused because "it's not company policy".
Everyone in there was coofing their lungs out. At least they'll suffer more than me.
they didn't show any symptoms man
ey lmao cali out here too — los angeles out here — I got some cold symptom bullshit literally late January early February — so, like, big chance I already fucking have it.
Also, what is up with the instruction not to wear masks?
Are the government fucking retarded?
They would rather have virus spread more than initiate panic. Dumbass manipulators — just come clean and say don't panic but yea wear mask.
>> Fucking Chinese.
>> Can build advanced cities, but can't just fucking stick to pork, beef, and seafood.
>> Shake my head.
>chest burn/heaviness
>3 days ago, possible I contracted earlier
>coofed on by a coofer, shaking hands or from my oversocialized parents
Second opinion confirms.
Its the flu. Might be the chinese flu, but whats wrong with letting the inevitable happen and start recovery sooner. Its not life or death for us, the everyday people. Its life or death for the control stuctures of society and the ones pulling those levers to finally be put back into natural order. Money, power, and control. Sounds like the drunk rich kid who killed a bunch of people driving his dads truck.
Interesting. I would like to tell you to get yourself checked out in a hospital for pneumonia. But, like, I feel, like, that might be a bad call since you could just increase your exposure.
they'll be expecting someone in the wreckage
have you told the wife? Is she going to stop going in to work?
Take care. Enjoy the hentai and Evanessence albums
lmao this guy
>>based as fuck image though
Not a coofer but I lost my job because of wuflu. Fuck it. I'm just gonna use my savings and watch the world coof.
> symptoms
cough/phlegm, runny nose, headaches
> officially diagnosed Y/N ?
> how long ago did you get it
a few days ago
> how you think you got it
public transport
co workers parents were at a charity event hosted by tom hanks wife a day before her infection so by proxy i am infected live in little saigon so probably been infected since the outbreak
Same, and Im coughing a bit. Nothing serious yet, I had a bit of fever too. Nothing serious tho Im only in my second day feeling like this. Its definitely a weird feeling
>Met with someone in mid February who was coofing
>Didn't think anything of it
>4 days later I start to develop a scratchy throat, runny nose and headaches
>I also notice that my lymph nodes are very swollen, so obviously my immune system was kicking in
>Do what I usually do, take 5 drops of GSE before going to bed the night I feel symptoms
>Wake up the next day feeling fine, lymph nodes remain swollen for a few more days, but subside after a while
I'm hoping that I already caught it and got it over with, that way I can ride out this shit storm in comfort assuming I don't encounter some mutated strain in the future.
I've had a dry cough and sore throat the past 2 weeks started going away but now its starting to get hard to breath. Anyway I'm 19 and healthy asf I'm gonna be fine and think I'm just relatively asymptomatic because this feels like no cold I've ever had but it also doesn't feel like the flu as of yet.
I’ve got the scratchy throat too. I thought I was just being a hypochondriac until my sister texted me saying she has that too (without me ever mentioning it). No fever, but some shortness of breath last week. Might be something else that’s going around I suppose.
Yea she knows but just says im being paranoid of it, because i have no other symptoms exept the throat and she cant see any sort of irritation its not likely a viral infection.
But if i have anything else appear or change she wants me to tell her asap.
Because she has zero symptoms and is most likely the only person i could have it from unless she is a carrier its probs un related the ppe & way the isolation room was set up its crazy low anything got out from that person who was in her ward
Fever, dry cough, runny nose
>how long ago
almost 2 weeks ago
>how did I get
I live in neo CHYNA
I jus wanna get it now, so when I die my family can at least bury me in the family plot. Vs a few weeks from now when the forced mass burials start.
My office building had an italian with corona working for the past 11 days.
Odds are we're all infected but they literally told us nothing we can do lmao just like dont be around old people and children. Working in 2020 is slavery wish i stayed neet.
>amoxicillin. which by the way is a bitch to get without a prescription. but not impossible
Tell me more
Tightness in the chest, coughing, sneeze. Shallow breathing.
Not diagnosed.
I started feeling a tad unwell two or three days ago. If it is COVID-19, I got it from those Koreantown cafes I frequent.
actually you're right, it's not on the list
still it might be a precursor to shortness of breath idk
Freaked my nan out with full mask and gloves today when i had to see her, she lost her shit and said "GOOD GOD MAN SOMETHING HAS SPOOKED YOU GOOD!"
She has cancer and is so weak she can barely walk 10m without collapsing. If she gets corona, she dies, so at least she was OK with my precautions and didn't mock me at all
It started with an itchy on and off sore throat. At that point didnt worry me much. Took some strepsils and show must go on. Then I had a cold for a week. Developed sinusitis and productive cough, it went away on the weekend. Back to work. On Monday suddenly fever hit again and I developed flu like symptoms (joint pain, headache, tiredness) and dry cough (both especially pronounced during the night). Doctor prescribed loads of meds and asked me to stay home and keep my head higher than body during the night. After another week I felt almost healed, then that fucking cough came back. Coofing so vigorous my wife tells me to shut up. Shortness of breath when I walk anywhere or get up quickly. Finally classify for the test but not sure if I want to go in the infested hospital or wait and see at home...
>imagine not licking escalator rails on a daily basis to have a fort knox immune system
report back in a week on how its going, fever is good news btw it helps kill the virus.
Megadose means at least 5000 milligrams of C a day. 50 to 100mg per kilo of bodyweight.
Dr John Campbell took the time out from his Crona vids to go over a British Medical Journal report on Vitamin D2 & D3. Either will do. One 1000iu /25mg capsule a day reduced the chance of resperatory infection by 20%, by 70% if you are deficient in D. Its so efective they recommend it be added to flour so everyone in England gets doses daily.
Zinc is an antiviral, which is why zinc lozenges work with the flu. Also required for sperm production.
I'd add Tumeric to that anons list, you can buy it in pure powdered form at health food stores Its a natural anti-inflammatory. I no longer take Ibuprofen, after ten years of daily use I have actual brain damage, a dead spot that effects my memory. So I take Tumeric, one teaspoon in water at night and I can sleep. No tumeric and I am still awake at dawn. So if you get the aching muscles thing happening, try it.
Housemate went to doctor with sore throat and slight cough. No test. He's going out to dinner now
Also I live on the goldcoast which is where a lot of cases have popped up and I catch public transport everywhere
TFW your hayfever has the same symptoms as Corona
cough, headache, stuffy nose, fatigue, occasional ache, also slight difficulty breathing but that may just be because im stopped up
>how long ago did you get it
felt sick after a bunch of friends from different towns came to my house and we went to a concert
>officially diagnosed?
No because since i didnt travel out of state for the concert, in a college town, i dont qualify for the test
>how do you think you got it?
its either some dumb stacys coming back from their school europe trips or some chink bringing it to campus
had the worst flu of my life month and half ago. body ache fever cough like a mother fucker couldnt do shit and lost my job over it vecause even with dr notes (3 in total) my boss is a jerk off. anyways, pretty sure i had it months ago. I worked in a hotell with lots of chink guests
>I'm hoping that I already caught it and got it over with, that way I can ride out this shit storm in comfort assuming I don't encounter some mutated strain in the future.
I've got bad news for you bro:
"ADE also requires PRIOR EXPOSURE TO SIMILAR antigenic epitopes, presumably circulating in local viruses, making it a possible explanation for the observed geographic limitation of severe cases and deaths."
"Individuals suffering the most may have been primed by one or more prior coronavirus exposures, and due to antigenic epitope heterogeneity, are experiencing the effects of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)."
TLDR: you are significantly more likely to die on reinfection of a related virus on reinfection, and there is actually no generalised immunity to all coronaviruses
I caught it and beat it like 3 weeks ago it was just 2 day of coofing and cold sweats at night. Literal nothing burger
You could have a neck subluxation. Former tradie here, I've had similar issues. Getting my back cracked by a competent chitrpractor helped.
type 2 diabetic checking in. i sleep all day. stay up all night, every night drinking vodka, smoking cigarettes and weed. i also do lots of drugs. coke, adderall, oxys and molly. i kinda feel like shit the last 2 weeks. i'm pretty sure it corona guys.
chilly + achy is probably the start of a fever
when you start getting a fever you feel cold first and then when the fever is ending you feel hot.
getting a fever is a good thing if you end up with the virus, the heat helps fight it off.