What does he mean by this?

People in China are calling COVID-19: the American virus.
Article: globalresearch.ca/covid-19-further-evidence-virus-originated-us/5706078

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19% mortality

Typical chink move trying to save face. He needs to face the fact they're dirty slopehead savages and disease ridden insects.

"Vaping same as COVID-19."
When you walk before God, know which side you fought and willingly lied for Chang.

Daily reminder, commies literally lie about everything.

He knows once the health scare settles we're going to bomb every single medical research facility in China and it'll be WW3. Hes playing a last ditch hail Mary.

This is probably a prototype for a global killer deliberately made to be minimally lethal. It's a lab virus developed for the purpose of bioweapon testing and probably studying the social and economic effects of a pandemic outbreak.

The whole media drama around it is pretty bs and a virus like this simply doesn't happen like this and spread like this unless helped through artificial means.

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People casually call it US flu in a business email

daily reminder we need to completely decouple from the commie chink bugpeople and make all of our own stuff. also force all their shitty people out of our country and repossess all their property

The time for that was decades ago when we still had a country. Now we are just an economic zone in the nwo

>be dirty stupid chink
>steal virus that was studied from canadians when they aren’t looking
>peddle 2$ bike all the way to wuhan, china with virus in backpack
>drops sealed virus while slurping bat soup because chinese bag disintegrates from low quality slave material
>pretend nothing happen because chang can’t miss lunar festival, only chance to touch females
>china infected
>create world pandemic because chinese bugs scatter all over the world to take a break from disgusting home country
>entire world tracks and provide evidence it’s china’s fault, no one even surprised cause china is notoriously retarded
>again no one surprised

The only thing confirmed is Chinks spread diseases by eating wild infected animals. Happened in the past, will happen again, and because of that fuck you, with all the hate.

This and only this

100% accurate. How does anyone still fall for Chang tricks?

enlist at your local recruitment center

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I have a feeling they're pushing this because as soon as it blows over the rest of the world is going to get real pissed at china.

it's literally chernobyl 2.0. kek never thought i'd see something like this

He's declaring war to America and kick its when it's down.

Chinks are showing their true face.

It's time.

>steals virus from America
>America did this
china numbah wuhn

"Limitless" by Smoke DZA and Pete Rock

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Better than some shithole country that is run by some feminist cult and have very high circumsicion rate

korean bantz are the best part of Yas Forums.

They stole it from Canada though. So its more like they punched themselves in the face and then blamed America

They were all arrested as soon as they were found out, i.e. before you had ever received the news.

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fuck chink

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there's still hope
t. Ron Paul

It's the insectoid brain. Koreans are blaming and lashing out at some christians for instance

>He says this while Korea's laws are still insanely biased against men

>blaming the people that spread it for spreading it is wrong
Europe is lost because of thinking like yours.

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Cope harder you limy shit.

they are just butmad we still call it the "wuhan virus"

like japanese encephalitis, spanish flu, and nigerian AIDS

How so?

Didn't they blame Japan, South Korea, and Italy 3 weeks ago? why the fuck is Xinnie playing the 'fake it till you make it' game?

they call everuthing made in china, "american products"

You can't convince the hive-mind otherwise. They're beyond hopeless. We'll blame them and they'll blame us. Sounds like sowing the seeds for WW3 if you ask me.

Not bad. Tweet that shit and post.

Chink cope

Fort Detrick contractor here. Lijian Zhao is a schzoid, we have not closed operations at all. We're developing the virus right now. We don't do any kind of offensive weapons research, this is horse shit, there was nothing to leak.

Unless Americans starts hanging chinks in the street for this outrageous shit, then they are complete cucks who bow down to commies

I obviously meant vaccine

who cares fuck china. all they do is send spies to the USA. Although also fuck the USA for giving them jobs that require any kind of imporant clearance

can't we just glass china and pretend it was a mistake? i don't think anyone would really mind

Stop larping mutt. Chinese brought and spread the virus you koreaboo

Probably correct. Dumb Chinese stole a Trojan Horse weapon.

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It's just as retarded as Americans claiming that it's a Chinese bioweapon.

The only Chinaman at my place of work is an engineer who also happens to be the only person allowed to take photos/videos of the machining process. 90% sure he's a spy, and we joke about it, but the rest of us whiteys are told that if we use our phones we'll be in violation of their security protocols and will lose our jobs. Real clown world shit

Almost certainly there is already some mandate from the CCP about how not to name this disease (or else).

Pretty amazing that they're continuing to lie about it, even still. Then again, what other course of action do they have? Telling the truth? Lying is second nature to them. It's because the government was lying to themselves about the severity of this virus in the beginning that it was allowed to spread, and it's because they're still lying about it that viruses like this will continue to break out again and again and again in the future.

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are you actual Korean or an expat?


What was this all about?

And it coincidentally sprouted up at the locations of the cult's temples?

>Coronavirus affects the rich
if youre rich and you catch the virus youre just a retard. i have to go to my job a 5am every day. rich people can just stay at home and order uber

Found the expat gook

Based Korean

Kill every chi-na (支那), burn their communist party to the ground
Chinazis are the very virus itself.

>only level 4 bio facility in china
>just happens to be within 30 miles of wuhan
>some scientists used to work in canadas only level 4 bio facility


biowar is best war because you cant see your enemy and he's decimating you
its only natural to lash out at foreigners

You’re fat.

yes this is literally 100% accurate;dirty worst korea dog does not lie;chang is a liar, and a terrorist. I suggest we nuke the shit out of China, and strip them of any trade;all of it. participating in any trade with china will lead to trade cut-off. fuck china, and its associates.

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These people are all stupid liars. I never met a smart Asian not once ever in my whole life. So don't give me some stupid shitty IQ chart with a "Made in China" sticker on it as proof of their fuckin intelligence.
Just because of what they do to dogs they can all fucking rot from their bat flu virus bullshit. I really hope nobody even sends them fucking aid. Let them sort their own shit out.

better than a country whose slogan is "part n parcel"

More to love baby.

According to the mainstream narrative, apparently Asia is doing an amazing job right now for dealing with it while they're blaming Europe and saying it's white people's fault that it's spreading everywhere.

So with that said - what's the real situation right now? I don't believe that China is telling the truth, that's for sure. Is the "white people bad" thing accurate here or is it just example #2356065432 of brown people and white cuckolds trying to blame literally everything on "yt" (which I see some of them using non-ironically)?

i have absolutely no problem with china or iran blaming america
fuck this mutt shithole. now if the chinese start blaming the jew and ahmadinajad gets re-elected in iran..
then we have a winning hand

And a lot of people live with the animals. Thats how viruses get compatible to humans.