Brit/pol/ Shitposting Animus edition

>Europe is now the EPICENTRE of coronavirus

>Man barricaded ex-girlfriend's home with wheelie bins before setting them on fire as she slept

>David Cameron ‘targeted’ by crazed arsonist who burned down his neighbour’s house with a Molotov cocktail

>"Don't leave our kids sitting in a bedsit in Camden living off a can of baked beans"

>Group of youths set Glen Parva dog poo bin on fire and claim 'it's funny' and 'it gets you high'

>Bowdle Binfire takes three days to extinguish

>Youths believed to have started Binfire involving large wheelie bin in York

>Fire crews from Bangor and Caernarfon tackle Binfire

>Premier League and EFL suspended for three weeks after coronavirus crisis

>Wheelie bin torched in Edlington resulting in Binfire,wheelie-bin-torched-in-edlington_35380.htm

>UK may be included in US travel ban

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see for that you're no getting an answer fuck off

if i had shit to sell i wouldn't be fucking taking tramadol

keep me posted

>You'll probably still be here kek.


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hi bongs

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Even Daisyfags having a go

I mean i've never seen a photo of them, don't think they new what cameras were desu
The new generations will be lucky to know so much about their great grandparents etc. Unless they were a nonce or something.

Do bongs buy toilet paper?

based brits collectively agreeing to kill their grandparents

And so it begins...

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Yes, from me.
You buying?

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Bulit for bbc

Love ya really, even with hetroflex.

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Based bible basher!
Just about to be suicided by hajies
>Man who 'accused mosque worshipers of insulting Christianity as he brandished a Bible' before crashing his car which was examined by bomb squad is arrested

Fuck the boomers, less than 1% of them can be saved at his point. You could look at it from a karma perspective. They really didn't learn anything at all from the "greatest generation".

wish i could sleep

It's based lad but he's going to get a life sentence for that, then probably murdered in the can, like the bloke who put bacon on a mosque door handle.

imaging the drones praising the NHS after this, the only country saying fuck it lets use this time to kill off boomers
disgraceful and i hope a revolution happens
this is going to get ugly since all bread and circuses are closed to norfsmen

>see for that you're no getting an answer fuck off
Aww please. I just assumed by how intelligent and insightful all your posts are that you must be a woman because women are strong, intelligent and inspiring.

Funny how they mention the bomb squad like it matters. There was no bomb there, they only went to the scene as a precaution considering the nature of the incident. But they're going to try to milk this hard.

>based brits collectively agreeing to kill their grandparents
Not fair
Boris and his cabinet are 1/3rd British at best, yidds and pajeets are in charge

Killing jews is not illegal, its moral obligation.

Bacon sandwich terrorist is ded
Bible basher just about to

It's all for a reason, not just for the pakies.
Must get awake lads, before it is too late

you're just mad you've never had a bird

I already know it from my power bar
Same honestly, not afraid to say I'm being a pussy and missing the wife

it will be the drones praising the Tory party, retard

Saving myself for the one.

reckon i could like get a bird and get her into heroin so she'd buy heroin? or is that too much of something i would do?

I reckon you could pull it off with your charm and wit.

jokes on you i already tried and failed at the first step

im a mess

Didn't take you for someone who gives up

Someone give me one, demonstrable, cohesive reason as to why large scale immigration is bad.

fuck off we're full

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All the train lines along South Western Railway into Waterloo are cancelled, so I can't attend the Patriotic Alternative conference! What a load of old shit!

Don't like em, simple as
Fuck knows mate, you seem to be slinging coke to random women and snorting off their tits often enough so why not

2 legs motherfucker.
If you really wanted to go to it, you would be already walking.

I bet Morgoth knew him

If everyone mixes together there'd be no Human diversity. You may not see it now but it'd happen eventually.

1000 year old traditions and institutions cannot hoped to be maintained by foreign peoples that simply never even dreamt of such concepts. Large scale immigration is for the sole purpose of killing the original population and dividing the remnants into manageable irrelevance.

I'd sweat too much in my suit.

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Who cares about old traditions when there are so many new things to consoom?

>cohesive reason
>large scale immigration
cohesion is the best reason it's bad

The first is a subjective reason and the latter part of your reason is speculative.

I'm looking for a concrete, and again demonstrable reason that large scale immigration is bad. I can say that the old culture is inferior and should be done away with, I could say that we or you have plenty of room and immigration is good for the economy, I can say it's just helping people live a better life, blah blah blah, what is actually bad about it that isn't subject or at least is near objective? Keep in mind I'm a retard.

im slinging dick bro

My feet hurt

I work in health and social care, supporting learning difficulties and autism in the community. Shits hitting the fan. The government want to hear our contingency plans in case all our workers have to isolate, and if it's autists with ridiculous routines get disrupted. The government guidance is lackluster. The business continuity is not guaranteed.

It destroys. Its only purpose is to create a coomsumer race ignorant of history.
An entire world of brown 90 iq consoomer beings all propping up muh banks. No god/gods will reside in such a place.

The trouble with a subject like this is that it's been so heavily propagandised that at this point solid reasoning doesn't work on people, only emotional manipulation works. So the objective reality of the introduction of exotic diseases (for example) into the population is massively outweighed by the emotional pictures of the starving brown kids. That meme that says something like "10 photos that will make you say 'fuck having laws and borders and shit'" is a near perfect representation of contemporary discourse on matters like these.

Virus has now been confirmed in Guernsey after Jersey found it earlier in the week.

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Shit poster reporing in

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Lmao at India. They're bragging about how they've managed to have so few cases in their country but the only reason why they have so few is because it's such a desolate shithole that nobody can tell the difference between regular suffering and coronosuffering. It's like bragging about never getting caught by a speed camera in a country that has no speed cameras.

>Madagascar is safe
Not even subtle anynore

Sorry this just wont do. It has many purposes, like helping people who are less fortunate than ourselves. You sound paranoid.

You gave the reason of the introduction of foreign diseases, which would be a good one, except the U.S and other countries are existing proof that it is not something to be worried about.

Claps with glee

Adverts incoming.
>For just £3 a day you can save lil nigger lips.
>txt nigger lips to 009 now

>Coronavirus spreads to more African countries

>Homepage : News : Islamic State's advice for fighting coronavirus: 'Put your faith in God'

Rate it

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think i've got it boys

Fuck the Guardian.

But I fort dey wuz immune.

>You gave the reason of the introduction of foreign diseases, which would be a good one, except the U.S and other countries are existing proof that it is not something to be worried about.
Chagas disease is one disease, atleast relevant the the US. It's endemic to South America and it wasn't really heard of in the US until relatively recently. It can be spread from person to person orally.
>However, the infection has become a potential emerging disease because the vector is
found in non-endemic areas, there is migration of infected asymptomatic people that can infect the vector,
become blood donors, or pass the disease vertically (congenital infections).

this virus is fake af

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>the only country saying fuck it lets use this time to kill off boomers
and WHY...
because boomers made BREXIT possible
Seething globalist kike traitors like Boris, want them dead.
Left want them dead too.
White Britons to be a minority ahead of schedule.
A huge chunk of british culture is going to die with them :(

>muh herd immunity
>Just let 500,000 people die bro!

What is he an idiot?

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And this same disease is an issue in Spain too. And because it can pass orally it means that it can be passed onto native Spaniards.

hold off, i'm fine

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The boomers are the only reason we left the EU, without them we’re going to get a labour majority in the next election.

>removing boomers and increasing minority political power
Is he, dare I say, our accelerationist?

For fuck's sake. Dark ages anyone?

dunt count unless you stick it up your bumbum mate

>for generations we were told “respect your elders”
>you all fell for the “muh boomers” Jewish tricks
>I hope your mothers get corona first
>but survive because I’m not a cunt.

got to do anus first
then mouth
if you want 100% accurate reading

tbf I'd never heard of "boomers" until I came in contact with Yanks. I'd never known anyone who genuinely despised their elders until I came in contact with Yanks. I hope Mexico kills them all.


mum is in thailand which is honestly safer than here at the moment

Excuse me, do you have a problem with The Right Honourable Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson? He's a man of the people, just a common fellow I'll have you know.

How big's her cock mate?

From what I'm told American elders are far more spastic and stuck in their ways than ours

based plague gamer.
everything about Covid-19 makes me think its engineered.
Also that it randomly blew up in IRAN is (((interesting)))

(((who))) does the dirty work for US false flags again...?

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You never heard the term baby boom for the post war generation born out of squaddies all coming home with balls like cans of carnation?


think i'd miss an opportunity to stick something up my arse?

Woke up feeling like shit, started to panic a bit but then remembered I got steamboats last night so all’s good, lads.

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>muh bioweapon

Retards have crept out of outer/pol/ I see

I did it for the meme mate you don't need to go all schizo on me alright?

hi bongs
another house party tonight

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