All the middle guys are in Brazil.
they died out you fucking moron
>So where are the millions of these?
Africa, Australia, South America, and various islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Same reason you see a fuckload of sharks that were around during the dinosaur era, all of the species in between sharks and more evolved marine animals is natural selection you giant moron. These species in between died out as nature selected more capable and fit species for whatever reason, more developed frontal lobe, skeletal structure, etc.
inb4 someone posts the webm of that creepy monkey guy
But there aren't millions of the first ape in picture. There aren't any left.
Atlanteans coomed inside them and created the different races we see today
Why do fucking retards think we came from chimps.
Chimps are our cousins you fucking moron, we have chimp telomere dna in our chromosones, right in the middle of the dna, as there was a chromosonal fusion event.
We share the same common ancestor with chimps.
Makes no sense
Belief in evolution requires you to have zero understanding of metaphysics and ontology. You basically have you be a -10iq positivist, who has never seriously reflected on the order of nature, cosmology, or ontology, and has only a confused idea (more likely is it that they have not even considered it) concerning dualities like essence and substance.
These are the mentally afflicted types who lack genius, and can only think in quantities. They have never felt anything true in their entire empty life.
Chimps aren't the same thing as ancient primates
This dumbasses
That is nit-picking the question desu. OP is a retard but what he is trying to say can be inferred and is a relevant question which can be answered.
They died, lol
Chimps and homo sapiens in general don't compete over same ecological niche. On the other hand if there are several human species, they will compete and "best" will survive.
Humans did not "come from chimpanzees." We had a common ancestor.
And the dark-skinned races are unironically the "between species."
Christfags are so fuckin' cringe.
humans are chimp/pig hybridizations produced by aliens.
Homeschool your children. Public school constantly oversimplifies till the information is actually harmful. Men came from "monkeys." Women earn 70 cents of what men earn. Etc.
Sensible people exterminate niggers. We used to have sense, we lost our sense, and now we have niggers that we are not exterminating.
>common ancestor to chimps
That's called the " MISSING LINK ".
You may have heard of the term.
It means in hundred or so years since Darwins dumb ass theory, in all that time of digging, we haven't found evidence for this bullshit.
Meaning it's a false theory. The end.
The other races are hybrids of the "between species" and cro-magnon. The "between species" or archaic hominids as anthropologists call them also contributed admixture after the original hybridizations. It is worth noting that the "between species" only fully died out relatively recently. For example: bbc.com
Insufferable cunt
>they died out you fucking moron
There's no bones you fucking moron.
no such thing as “an understanding of metaphysics”. it’s literally meaningless babble, defended as meaningful by retards who never in their life had the experience of actually understanding something, so they have no basis for comparison.
Muh fedora
Glad you wont breed
The answer is that monkeys and humans share an ancestor that branched leaving both. However there still is a legitament critique of missing links and this is designed as a straw man to poison the well and posture.
Muh aliens
Fucking fag
>However there still is a legitament critique of missing links
Yea because there's no links. The proof for the theory of evolution which should be PLENTIFUL in the EXTREME is entirely lacking.
Means your theory is false.
So why it is teached at school like an absolute truth?
There's literally tonnes of bones of archaic hominids. Neanderthal, Denisovans and Homo Erectus are some of the most well known but there is a plethora available. Did you even search?
I already have 3 kids faggot and your wife is pregnant with my fourth.
Because its harmful and democrats want to harm children
Christcucks on pol should be eradicated. They make no sense at all and their bullshit does not fit with our agenda, yet they try their hardest to mix our ideology with their bullshit. Without evolution, race realism would seem invalid. Yet, Christcucks will never decide race realism or Cuckinsainity. They will probably give some bullshit about how niggers came from Cain or Canaan (which have been debunked). Christcucks deserve the bullet.
>So why it is teached at school like an absolute truth?
Along with all this shit?
The kikes insisted we take God out of schools a long time ago and replaced it with this bullshit.
Atheists are insufferable
You can larp all you want but no one believes you
In the off chance youve had sex, she was fat and disgusting, ie as insufferable to others as you are
Im also not married
Proof Im smarter than you are
>Neanderthal, Denisovans and Homo Erectus are some of the most well known but there is a plethora available
And yet there's no skeletal remains of these people transforming from a species into something else. There's no skeletal remains of them having been transformed previously from something else. And it should be a LONG transition with a LOT of evidence. Which is entirely lacking.
I find this to be common with those of you believing in evolution. You don't begin to understand it.
This man holds knowledge
He is your friend.
>triggered again
Insufferable incels, lol
>Christcucks on pol should be eradicated. They make no sense at all and their bullshit does not fit with our agenda
And what agenda is that precious? Why do you have an agenda?
>where are millions of these
retard tier bait
what do you expect, fuzzy-looking bones caught in motion, or a notarized line-up of 350000 skeletons in direct paternal relationship?
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
For society to know the difference between all sub-species. I want people to finally realize that we Europeans are completely different from niggers, abos, and mongoloids and that we are all different sub species, which many of us even Christians here agree. But what you Christcucks do not know is that, this proves evolution, which you fucks would close your ears and deny the facts.
>Says the retard that legit worships a Jew and believes in pic related
who's to say you can't have both? link related.
i doubt it's only spirit that we've got.
> what do you expect
What would be natural fitting the theory.
So species evolve into other species.
Like fish into a man.
Where's the fish men?
You think a man evolved into a fish overnight? That's not even the theory of evolution.
It's a LONG gradual change taking place over the course of millenia.
So I ask again. Where's the fish people? Where's the monkey people skeletons? Where's the change we should see in the fossil records?
Come on, use your little brain for something.
christfags who haven't taken the science pill are retarded*
I find atheists often don't understand science at all.
>You can larp all you want but no one believes you
In his mind, having children is such a far-fetched concept that he thinks people lie about it to get an ego-boost.
You fuckin' faggot incel. The only sexual experiences you've ever had were with your priest when you were 9.
We evolved in a tree form. Not start/finish left/right up/down
Its weird how many reich worshipers on Yas Forums claim evolution is bullshit, you'd think they'd all be on board with social darwinism you know.
feeding trolls can be fun, but only if they don’t pretend to be dismally stupid. mend your ways.
for the benefit of victims of inferior school systems: there’s a lot of amphibians, reptiloids, protomammals etc. known from fossils in between man and “fish” - the contemporary animals colloquially called fishes are extremely different from the “fishes” we and every other currently living tetrapod came from.
Darwin is jew. Feeling stupid yet?
You realize that bones arent fucking indestructible right?
Any number of things May have happened
Erosion, animals digesting the bones, humans doing weird shit to the bones, beung whisked into the ocean and again, eaten
Considering that humans and chimps primarily live near water and places that have predators that are likely to knaw on bones, you should take a hint as to where they are
Id also like to inform you that we have a literal shortage of egyptian mummys due to human cannibalism, so humans eating their own bones or other weird shit isnt unlikely.
No there is still the " missing link ". There is no link between evolutionary models.
Animals adapt. They do change. But they do not evolve into a different species.
>You realize that bones arent fucking indestructible right?
Stupid ass argument, but I like that you concede you've lost it before you begin.
So we can dig up dinosaur bones millions of years old but we can't dig up bones that are younger than that? Dumb ass.
So was jesus? whats your point
Damn. Ever wonder what the next branch will look like? Or when it'll happen
Crazy stuff
Considering that dinosaurs all fuckin died at once or changed into birds and were buried yeah its likely.
I didnt concede anything dumbass
>Im also not married
>Proof Im smarter than you are
Learn to spell, type, and space properly before claiming you're more intelligent than someone you fuckin' brain-dead christcuck.
I was directly responding to the person's post. Read it and then you'll understand and stop asking stupid ass questions snaggle tooth.
The vast, vast majority of remains are not fossilized. It takes very specific conditions for fossilization to occur.
Holy shit you must be a brain dead fool to believe in this horsecrap. He was of Welsh descent and not only that he was born in a radical Christian family. And the people that argued against the idea of evolution weren't only Christians but Jews too. You Christcucks are sad as shit.
In Africa
Yeah, my post? whats your point, Ok darwin was a jew, ok so was jesus, whats the point you are making?
>Considering that dinosaurs all fuckin died at once
No they did not all die at once.
The bones are from different periods of time. They are dated at different periods.
Some dinosaurs are much older than others.
You stupid sad mother fucker. See this is what I'm talking about the people believing in this shit don't know jack ass about science. That's why they were spoon fed it and believe it.
>synagogue of satan
These can't both be true. I believe in evolution, but these can't both be true.
Also the remains of archaic hominids we find are not fossilized but are still organic material. Christcucks asking where the fossils are is cringe.
Browsing Yas Forums
what are black '''''''''''people'''''''''''
>awfully CONVENIENT that all the inbetweens died out but the chimps and humans haven't
>whats your point, Ok darwin was a jew, ok so was jesus, whats the point you are making?
You asked how reich worshippinng people could deny evolution and Darwin. I said Darwin was a Jew. What the fuck are you missing about this?
Dumb fuck. Bringing up Jesus won't fucking save you. You fucked up. You got schooled like a bitch. Now suck it.
Dumbass the meteor or volcanic explosion killed everything that couldnt escape, yeah they pretty much all died at once.
The others from different periods of time had very specific fossilization events such as falling into bogs, flash freezing, and landslides.
Do you realize how rare it is to find bones in general just because of how fragile they are compared to nature?
Christians are so fucking dumb.
>Dumbass the meteor or volcanic explosion killed everything that couldnt escape, yeah they pretty much all died at once.
> Dinosaurs never died before that they lived forever.
You're stupid. Sorry momma didn't have better genes.
>straw man
Your religion is fake and for stupid babies.
You dont believe in it, you were merely born in it, and psychologically manipilated from birth to believe in fairy tales.
>nit picking the argument
Yeah, pretty much done here.
Ran into a point you cant refute so all you can do is nitpick and use adhominem
God you Christcucks are cringe. Even a Christcuck himself corrected some fuck who kept cherrypicking that verse. The term"fake Jews" that was used in the verse, was more of a spiritual term than a ethnic term. I forgot the thread where the Christcuck had to explain the verse, but here is a page about it.