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Other urls found in this thread:

coronavirus central
boomers are fucking stupid, they could literally order stuff online and avoid crowds

How ironic that these mass panic buyers will probably be what spreads the virus the most.

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Go into the crowd and just start coughing non-stop and into everyone's face

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These morons will spread the fucking virus everywhere

You can see how the body's been transformed by the genetic restructuring of the Flood infection. The small creatures carry spores that cause a host to mutate. The mutated host then produces spores that can pass the Flood to others. It is insidious and elegant. As long as any hosts remain, the Flood is virulent...


The UnFuckables. How is it the hot chicks never have to worry about resources?

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A bunch of boomers and minorities panicking too late. What a fucking surprise.

Absolute Kek

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> Plague outbreak
> Let's all go flood the stores together and stand in line together in close proximity that should help the spread of the disease nicely

If I just want some banana's, would the shoppers kindly let you ahead?

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What I wonder is do they have signs like that in reserve for shortages or did they have to hustle together to make that sign?

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>Zero white people

look what the kikes did to our country

i was in line at costco with just a bag of pork jerky
some old lady let me go ahead of her, even though I said nah don't worry about it, she insisted
i just really like that pork jerky

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some people really are completely shameless

>Came for the toilet paper
>Left with Wuhan-400

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My supermarket has been like this for two weeks now, I have to buy rice at the arab because people
Don't know there won't be any shortage before around mid summer
Too retarded to buy in January

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You did good user.

From a local grocery store

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It's spider man again. I love you spider man.


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They sell it everywhere, Costco just has the best price for it

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>not a single mask.
>close contact indoors with hundreds of people
it's almost as if no one is looking out for them.

Lol, he's checking his lymph nodes.

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kek what happened to no gatherings of 250+ people?

Holy shit, the flag really completes the picture. Propaganda creates itself in this day and age

been thinkin' about dem pork jerkies

Typical Friday.

that excludes stores

its only events of 500+, same here in AUS

ugh this is so fucking dumb its hurting ME

serious sheep like behavior. The kikes must be laughing their asses off.

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Are they retarded?

>rush to a place with a lot of bustling people in close quarters


>Anthony Bourdain is alive!
gained a some weight too

I hope a bunch of douchebag youtubers go pretending like they have corona virus in these crowded areas panoc buyers are the epitome of mindless drones.

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>Waiting in line with empty shopping carts.
They're not gonna make it.

It’s quite silly, isn’t it? These animals probably don’t even clean any of the packaging or rinse any of the produce either.

is costco the western states sams club or something? i've never been to one but they seem to be quite similar.

That is a black friday picture. Its not that cold here right now.

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Absolutely disgusting. This nation is over. I'm afraid to ask where this Costco is located.

Imagine the stain

>we are afraid of the coronavirus
>let's stand really close to a bunch of strangers for hours
>what could go wrong?
Fucking idiots.

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>zero white people

shit hole

I cant find Costco/China
What region

Because they are worshipped endlessly and never have shortage of anything

Attached: ESMwnvkU8AYOgjN.jpg (1440x1440, 295.84K)

>there's not
>a single white person
>in this pic
>except for the pozzed boomer

>2 white people

look at all the minorities, guys. diversity is amazing

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that just seems like a normal day

>Buying water
is tap water in the US that shitty?

All the peppers look like subhumans

What are we even clinging to at this point?

Is tap water somehow poisonous all of a sudden?

how low iq do you have to be to decide it's worth your time to wait in that line

Just got on my Nextdoor app and the boomers are all kvetching "Oh my gracious, shopping was crazy! Leave some for others guys, be considerate"
Translation: I'm an NPC who won't move until Anderson Pooper says it's OK, so I went to the store during prime time three weeks too late."

Fuck these cunts. 'Oh, I just went out for a few staples and it was too busy" yeah, everyone just went out for a few staples, "for my grand babies".

I can't give them any beans and deenz, but I'll be sure to swing by their estate sale.

creative substitute for toilet paper

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It's funny how you observed this. Literally all a hot girl has to do is exist.

this is literally every day at my costco

Did all my shopping a few weeks ago, could still go for some meat though.
Probably gonna mask up and hit up a few meximarts

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is this San Diego?

This is a store in Anaheim, CA right now. They're out of many things and lower than 25% stock on others. Even onions and garlic are gone. I went to get a feel of how bad things will get (already prepped). They had already had unloaded trucks and put everything on the shelves and did not know when to expect more. Herd mentality is going to panic tomorrow morning in SoCal.

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why are humans so fucking retarded.
>mass amounts of toilet paper, WHEN you constantly have a shower available for cleaning
>mass amounts of water bottles, WHEN water would have zero reason to be shut off from a fucking VIRUS
It's a fucking 2 WEEK COLD. CAN THE ILLUMINATI PLEASE seriously just kill these dumb ass fucking boomers already.

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Pic from my local supermarket this morning (Australian time), normies are panicking.

Question for burgers: do you really have a guy that says "I love you" at the entrance of each store?

I don't understand why people don't just use old newspapers.

Bay Area, see the Giants fan. Fuck I do not miss being so alone in a sea of that brown. Fucking disgusting

does costco has low price or what

why dont people go to wallmart or target?


you work in pairs, dummy. one person holds the line spot the other person gets the stuff and brings it back. halves the time you have to spend in the store

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>not using dirty socks

they're already on the floor from when you took a shower. it's fine.

Some parts of the USA. Some people are NPC's, and don't understand the simplicity of buying a large PUR water dispenser and filters. I keep mine in the fridge and fill it constantly.

Fridge filters are expensive and not as effective.

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>People get sick
>People that treat the water can't get chemicals
>Water ends up needing to be boiled
>Get sick
>Get up for water every 30 mins vs having it right next to you.

Or a water main bursts and you need to water your plants.

Holy shit ... how do you know where that is?

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unironically based

Might as well throw mine in.

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that cant possibly be why, but really why is she buying that many towels?

I don't have enough friends to do this, bro

It's really just a good place to buy thinks in bulk.

No one knows how to cook the fucking polenta.

>I'm sooo scared of corona virus!
>I don't want to get sick so I'll self quarantine! Time to stock up!
>Let me go to an indoor space with poor ventilation and masses of people in extremely close contact, all coughing on each other
>let me spend 3 hours there because the aisles and staff are overwhelmed
>let me grab products that have been handled and coughed on by literally hundreds of people
>let me bring these products into my home and not even rinse them before consuming
>this will make me safe from the virus for sure!

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Costco literally delivers RO water for a buck a gallon. Why the fuck are these idiots showing up in store to buy bottled tap water with cheap ass plastic floating around in it?

mexicans really have replaced whites, sorry bros. I atleast have China to go back to when this country turns into a spic shithole

Some people have no shame, why is this allowed?

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yes, and you can really get a handjob at starbucks

.... this looks like a regular fucking day at Costco to me. Most of these do. Have any of you even BEEN to Costco before? This is status quo shit.

This is a bit abnormal.

I just went to Sam's Club and bought all the buffalo chicken dip they had, get fucked losers. I'll be surviving off this ambrosia for the next month and you can't have any.

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This thread has horrified me. Goodnight!

No, but it’s usually just “welcome to *store name*!” and “have a nice day!” when you leave.

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Bulk quantities and usually a discounted price. Honestly though, smaller shops everywhere still have TP.

They are coming to my fucking city and buying all of the toilet paper wtf!

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The only white guy looks terrified. It just occurred to him where he lives and what's coming.

what's the obsession with toilet paper, it makes no fucking sense

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>asians, spics and boomers
Oh say can you see?

Imagine worrying about toilet paper when diapers are still plentiful

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I wish I could have Yas Forums friends in real life. The nice ones, not the assholes. And they must play video games, even though I don't anymore.

Good thing you took that pic in portrait layout so we could see the credit card advertisement, instead of landscape layout so we could see the size of the crowd instead. Kike.

Yeah I was just thinking about this today. In their attempt to save themselves they are in fact harming themselves and others.
I fucking hate normalfags so much.

Always Low Prices user, Always Low Prices. God Bless America. God Bless President Trump.

but its still a massive group of people in close quarters for an extended period of time with everybody touching everything (food, card readers, shopping carts). its basically a virus' dream come true

I feel like the toilet paper buying craze is purely psychological, like one guy went in early (say a week ago) and bought a shit ton of toilet paper, like just massive amounts, and then a couple people saw that and maybe told a few others and then as news develops those people who have already thought about it and decide to go out and do the same and then new people who never saw this see it for the first time and think holy shit BUY ALL THE TP

and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger

the TP virus is more dangerous than the corona virus

You are now remembering when you went grocery shopping with your mom and she left you in the line up to grab something and the line kept moving and you were finally getting rung up and she was still running around somewhere

Kek, that lady's nick name is probably Buffalo Bill. Also, where the fuck are you taking pictures at with all of those brown people?

As long as people are working very hard for the Jews' benefit, the system continues.

Americans shit like three times a day, and it's all liquid. The artifical diet is hell for any colon.

>no Diet Coke
why even live

I tried to convince a couple TV Zombies to get toilet paper and water a couple weeks ago because it would eventually be hard to get but they just shrugged and mumbled

What the fuck is she in line for? Her cart is empty.

Is there a white store where all the white people are going to?

I always thought the mutt and shart in the mart memes were exaggerations but my god

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The one white guy is carrying some nigger's kid. A plague is probably the best case scenario for this area.

dudes going to make BANK

all by design, goy



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Fuck me that's a big woolies.

FUCKING KEK whole pallet of water hauled in a fucking mini van

level five: 12 hours

I wish. The walmart greeter at my store is just a fat disabled bum who gets hired to sit on a chair and grunt at people who come in.

That'll just give the NaruSaku fans waiting in line bad flashbacks.

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Alarmist horde mentality. As soon as a low iq spic or white trash loser sees one instance of people buying tp in bulk, and state daddy told them to be worried, they instantly have to replicate. Bugs don't think, but do as the army does.

holy fuck lol. you can't make that up

If those are from the same series of pics, the snack bar is on the wrong side for Mission Valley. Gawd they all look the same.

Dude, costco people are fucking weird.

This guy is about to take out coronavirus himself

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San Francisco...#kek

He’s trying to kill himself with the Vulcan death grip

the TP virus will unironically be a bigger issue than the coronavirus itself
imagine the smell
permeating throughout the entirety of society

The best seat in the circus.

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>Is there a white store where all the white people are going to?
They went to Costco a month ago when people weren't panic buying everything.


Our main dietary staple is deep fried lard with double butter gravy. A family of 4 will use 1 roll of TP per meal.

Lmao the total cuck on the left with the niglet.


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They’re morons, you see.

Oh shit that bitch did this to me

Is that white rose?

Yup. My mom and sister went grocery shopping earlier and they were in the checkout line over 2 hours and they had people following them out to the car for their shopping cart.

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Didn't know China has costco.

Actual preppers are /comfy/ in their homes filled with giant stockpiles because they’ve been steadily prepping for years now without making any absurdly enormous purchases. The people crowding the stores are retarded normies with an extremely low time preference.

Shit I should do this. All the stores in my area still have all their water/TP/cleaning supplies. Literally nothing stopping me from spending probably ~1000 dollars to aquire their current stock and turn it around for 100 times that amount easily.

nu/pol/ is gay

there's so many opportunities to troll the public right now

That damaged the suspension, wish there was an after pic

yep, and by federal law if you ask them to suck your dick they cannot refuse
t. doorgreeter

Yeah, I went to costco like two weeks ago because I'm not a moron. Feel pretty damn good.

Depends on where, but you get a 40 dollar filtered pitcher.
Lot of idiots here though.
There are multiple locations that have filtered water dispensers too.

www... did she buy the whole pallet? they got the forklift, and let her buy it? seriously?

I appreciate your post

'after' pic

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