Wow, what a great guy Jeff Bezos is!
Wow, what a great guy Jeff Bezos is!
People really made Lex Luthor the richest piece of shit on planet Earth and they're surprised he's maniacally evil?
Nice to see morons unable to differentiate between wealth and income.
Also sick days shouldn't be transferable, let alone something that are limited. People shit on unions then bosses turn around and say give your sick leave to someone else. What happens when the people that gave up the sick leave get sick and no one has any sick time left?
The more time goes on the more I want the 3rd option.
He's got the virus. We'll see proof of it soon. Amazon will become a USPS possession: the jewel in the crown.
how in the fuck can any hr be ok with swapping employees sick days / hours
that's a logistical nightmare of paper work that i doubt would work out even if you spent forever putting it together
>bullied nerds get money and power
>expects them to be nice
>thinking bezos was ever a bullied nerd
none of the wealthy beyond our wildest dreams billionaires born in the US were bullied nerds.
A greedy jew? Stop, you're blowing my mind.
I’m not a commie but Bezos is a real greedy piece of shit
We do NOT. NOT. criticise capitalism on this site. Fucking disgusting COMMUNIST.
Enjoy your ban.
I would assume you would just take the total number of sick days this quarter and figure out the budget and distribute it accordingly. The quarter is over in a few weeks. Then you would come up with a new system in the time period
you're pretty fucking wrong bro
Post pooh to show you're not Chinese
I don't think he runs whole foods.
Wealth corrupts. Absolute wealth corrupts absolutely.
cheaper to foist it on them than to pay for it
big thinks
The quintessential bugman strikes again.
You're literally a communist.
Feels good working for a pretty big company that is encouraging us to take all of their equipment home and work there. About to make my cuckshed complete famalam.
That’s called socialism
I thought people loved that shit?
Oh wait, not using their own money!
Only other people’s money!
How much did you donate, faggot?
Because he is your average capitalistic Jew. Just like all of them.
based bezos dabbing on muricans
reminder Bezos left his qt3.14 wife for some bogpilled goblina
>Wow, what a DIRTY KIKE Jeff Bezos is!
Is this some kind of trick? Or is Yas Forums actually censoring Poohs?
the workers should organize to take sick days all on the same day to fuck with him. Too bad workers are non verbal NPCs now that cannot manage that.
Yeah, this guy wasn't ever bullied
>That’s called socialism
Explain how this is socialism.
die you commie fucker
as a skinny fat, I'm mirin that low body fat percentage
>hurrrrr he doesn’t have 100 billion in cash, he only has 5 billion!!!!!
Explain what a communist is.
Hes just a symptom. America is literally a super villain.
I guarantee that at least half the people here buy from Amazon and all of you have bought something off Amazon. I don't just so you know.
btw, musk was bullied hard too.
Agreed. Because of capitalism. Also, you will never be permitted to fuck children.
By his families slaves during Apartheid?
The fact you numbskulls want to attack a man that built a great product that everyone uses is pathetic. Rather than steal his wealth, how about you work on creating your own? He sure has created plenty of jobs for people to do that but I doubt you shits want to work at all.
Surprisingly, Bezos is a semite only in spirit.
nope never bought anything off of amazon
Now I'm the bully.
You would have a point except corporate welfare regulatory capture and severe entrance fees as well as the fed make your point moot
How's no-one posted the laughing, raping mongoloid Russian comparison to this picture yet?
Nice to know you are an envious poorfag that just wants successful people like Bezos to be as miserable as you
I work for Whole Foods. This existed long before Amazon bought us. A team member can donate a buck or two per pay check to help cover other team members who are out because of disasters. We had a drive after the hurricane in Houston for example.
Hi trannies try dilating
You idiot, I want Bezos to be far more miserable than I am. Then I want him to die.
>Um actually you're a tranny if you don't want comic book villains running the human species
>Lex Luthor
Top kek
He’s on more welfare (corporate) than every nigger and spic combined
>country that has no understanding of debt and doesn't have any sense of responsibility
>talking about U.S. affairs
Enjoy your shithole. I'm sure you have a blast reminiscing about what Greece once was LMAO
Bezos is a kike who used his kike connections and nepotism to get where he is with his Amazog.
I know, that's a bit of hyperbole. Lex Luthor is actually smart.
Try growing a sense of humor, bud.
Nothing shows responsibility more than letting USA become the gangrenous tumour the founding fathers wanted it to be right?
>comic book villain
You schizos literally make this shit up. If you ever bothered to actually listen to the man speak, you would see he is a much more down to earth guy than you all make him out to be and actually cares about helping people.
kek cannot unsee
Went from soiboi nerd to an evil version of Mr Clean.
what if Yas Forums starting creating unions out of these big companies's wagecuck employees just to troll?
Thinking Jeff bezos is personally making decisions like this
Blatant lies.
He's a chink testing out his Brazilian VPN
Ok Shlomo.
Kys bootlicker
Remember it isn't YOUR sick days, it's the people's. Based Bezos is just cutting out the middle man govt from having to do it.
what a fruit
he's not a jew you cock sucker.
OK Bezos
he goes to bat for them
>hurr durr joos herrr gibs me muney der