US Gov is selling 4x4 Corona bug-out vehicles only $3,000

Thank you Trump!
LMTV is perfect Corona vehicle.
They can run over any terrain, including other vehicles.
Bulletproof, use very little gas, they can fill the tires from inside the vehicle, and they are only $3,000.
Trump is selling these to us so we can survive.
How many will you buy?

Attached: bug-out-truck.png (1188x414, 498.01K)

Other urls found in this thread: Gear?kwtag=cat-surplus,c|4526,msg|48424,sm|0,isAuc|yes,mf|1&rr=0.125&hitprm=&pnLink=yes

When was the last time it was used? 2002? Let me guess, the engine has only 600,000 miles on it?

Good luck finding parts for that shitbox.

click the pic numb nuts, 13K miles

>using these tanks in Coronapocalypse instead of a trusty mountain bike

maybe you should have been doing cardio like me

Honestly you people laugh at LMTV hoarders, but you really dont have enough LMTVs yourselves. The average person uses 1 LMTV per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 LMTVs a week. Over 100 a month. LMTVs will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.

Hit you with that blapper switch

Parts are cheap

You'd rate this in hours run, fren

13,333, miles looks like. And don't be fooled, bids on these kinda rare shit goes up fast

Mmm al dente.

there are literally hundreds for $3600 here is another one

Attached: corona-truck-asdflkj.png (1113x413, 534.83K)

This. I have 50 LMTVs which I use to transport pallets of toilet paper

oh yes when i think reliable and engineering conveinence my mind goes directly to stewart and stevenson
fuck you op no ones buying your rust bucket lemon. just scrap it for $500 you fucking kike

Might be fun if I was a mechanic chad.

>bidding starts
americlap education

What is a "Starting Bid" user?

The mileage isn't accurate. If I remember correctly, the government would swap out some component of the engine so they can get away with resetting the mileage when in fact the actuality vehicle has seen well over 100k

Please do not buy army vehicles holy fuck they are pieces of shit. Good luck going over 30mph and finding replacement parts


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the list is many pages long nigger

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Bro are you really dumb enough to believe a vehicle from 1996 only has


get an older 5-ton truck, these things are garbage. Total piles of shit.

You don't buy these to use. More like lawn ornaments.

Hey stupid, did you know there are serious laws regarding correct millage esp from a govt agency thee will be no fucking around

You can tell they're shit quality because they were sent to the surplus dump that are Alaska NG Garrisons.

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they are anti-corona vehicles from the military.
how can they be bad?
Yes, low mileage you twink gay

wrong nigger, they are top quality 10/10 all terrain bug-out trucks

Nigger, my neighbor collects these, and what do they do? sit in his backyard.

I'm actually an army mechanic and these vehicles fucking SUCK. Get a jeep or suzuki samurai if you can wrench.

>top heavy
>shit at fording
>pain in the ass to repair
get the uparmored ones at least. Those have air conditioning

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Those surplus vehicles are beat to hell and parts are hard to find. Even the low mileage ones are hard miles, driven by 19 year olds who dont care, maintained by a primate resembling a human and barely at that. Having said that, I would spring for a 7 ton if I had the money.

I'm not talking about your gay boomer bear father nigger, I'm talking about trucks

>shit suspension
it hurts every bone in your body to drive these - at times i would literally squat over the seat because it hurt my kidneys so fucking bad

As someone who actually drives one for non-military work, they are fucking shit.

They are fucking expensive! And parts are hard to find.... the fucking tire inflate/deflate system on numerous LMTVs I operate is always down, the parts are hard to find and expensive. It's a known problem. The fucking plastic trim always breaks, we've had issues with the air breaks, but those are easy to fix. Tires and wheels? Cant go commercial.... they are fucking hard to find and expensive.

LMTVS are like HUMVEES. Fucking garbage that should burn in a fire. Lowest bidder, rattle traps (and death traps) that dont function any better than commercial vehicles, are probably more dangerous and shittier and are prone to breaking with higher service intervals so the military industrial complex can make a shit ton of money.

The only nice part was the gun hatch up top. Talk about a fucking sun roof.

Alaska is where equipment and guardsmen's careers do to die. By the looks them vehicles haven't been run in a hot minute, what do you think -30 degrees does to a vehicle that leaks oil 24/7?

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What the fuck do you plan to do with it? drive around until somebody shoots you and steals it? When corona hits you should be bunkered up in your house.

If you could get a JLTV on the cheap this would be a different story

whats the link you moron

Veteran here. We barely used our vehicles before they bought us new ones. Our most used vehicle had 60,000 miles on it before we turned it in.

Never underestimate the governments ability and willingness to waste money.

he's on, they sell US gov surplus, vehicles and other shit, like 108 bayonets or 43 sets of boots or perhaps a vehicle that hasn't been started in 3 years.

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fuck the vehicles they got some other cool shit Gear?kwtag=cat-surplus

thanks. here's an off center pussy

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Used ones have always been this cheap dumbass. They're just junk no civilian needs. Have fun getting 5 MPG


It's the US military. One of the most wasteful orgs on the planet. You think they care about doing a profit here.

Is this one better?

Attached: 8979879879798.png (1240x498, 686.19K)

So not a Unimog then?

How about this one instead buddy?,c|4526,msg|48424,sm|0,isAuc|yes,mf|1&rr=0.125&hitprm=&pnLink=yes

>buying a LMTV that has been PMCD's by privates for the past 20 years

big nope

You’re forgetting all the thousands of idle hours on these vehicles bro lol.

Good luck finding diesel for that during the apocalypse, retards. Better off getting a hybrid and finding a way to power it with solar, while still utilizing gasoline when it's available

that's tempting

Fucking retard, my silverado is filled with computers and other faggot shit and gets 11mpg
This clearly isnt a daily driver you FUCKING MORON


you niggers can shit on me all you want, but you'll be begging me for a ride when I'm rolling over boomers in this thing with the back LOADED up with poon tang

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what silverado gets 11 mpg retard. even 20 year old silverados get like 20. stop larping

please correct me if im wrong, why can women have theese veteran stamps on their id ? as i understood it you'd have to have seen combat to earn that veteran title, right ?

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Anyone with a pilot license?

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Fucker even has a crane to load-up all your fat wives