/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2038

► Detected: 145,857 ► Died: 5,436


Spain using hotels as hospitals

France closes schools and universities

More than 100 US colleges shut down, go online

Spain declares emergency, shuts down schools and public events

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Virus invades nervous systems

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

01:42: 1 new death in the Philippines.
01:25: 1 new case in Puerto Rico.
01:06: 107 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea.
00:35: First 2 cases in Puerto Rico.
23:46: 120 new cases in Norway.
22:59: 4 new deaths in Switzerland.
22:00: 559 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
20:50: 1,001 new cases and 12 new deaths in Spain.


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Other urls found in this thread:


A nice, timely tune.
>Together with Mr. Trot 7, "Corona Fight Song" Corona Fight Dance ~ I wish Corona 19 disappears quickly



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The PRC has LOST the Mandate of Heaven. 共产党不再有天命. The Chinese have failed to observe the proper rites and rituals honoring Huang Di, the gods, and saints, for 108 years. 108 being the most auspicious number to the Chinese pantheon, this is the proper time to correct the course of China and mend their broken ways.

China needs to do three things:
>restore the rightful Emperor's rightful heir to the throne so the proper rites and rituals can be perfected in accordance with the rules set down from ancient times
>abandon communism and return to the feudal system with a shellac of democracy to pacify the internal and external disharmony of the oppression of Communism
>restore the ancient Imperial Examination system, using the power of the Internet to aid study and matriculation, ensuring that only the brightest AND most highly moral people will be involved in government of the newly restored Empire

Only when these three are done faithfully will harmony be restored to China, manifesting in peace and prosperity for all the Chinese people, who can then take their place as a true first world nation. As long as Godless Communism reigns in the Middle Kingdom, there will be social and political disorder, explosions, plagues, and other punishments from Huang Di, who we call simply God in the West. China is on a path to self-destruction and only a return to correct ways, as devised by Mencius and Confucius and the Yellow Emperor before, will ensure harmony. Until then plagues, suffering, and disharmony will become more frequent and the people will feel fortunate to eat gutter oil and vermin.

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► China 80,817 (3,177) ► International 64,431 (2,239): Italy 17,660 (1,266) Iran 11,364 (514) S. Korea 8,086 (76) Spain 5,232 (133) Germany 4,234 (10) France 3,661 (79) US 2,269 (48) Switzerland 1,143 (11) Norway 1108 (1) Sweden 814 (1) Netherlands 804 (10) UK 798 (11) Japan 701 (19) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 559 (3) Austria 504 (1) Australia 203 (3) Greece 190 (1) Canada 158 (1) H. Kong 132 (4) Iraq 101 (9) Ireland 90 (1) India 82 (2) S. Marino 80 (5) Egypt 80 (2) Lebanon 77 (3) Thailand 75 (1) Indonesia 69 (4) Poland 68 (2) Philippines 65 (5) Taiwan 50 (1) Albania 33 (1) Argentina 31 (2) Panama 27 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Ecuador 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Morocco 7 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Denmark 801 Qatar 320 Bahrain 210 Singapore 200 Malaysia 197 Finland 155 Brazil 151 Czech Rep. 141 Slovenia 141 Iceland 134 Israel 126 Portugal 112 Kuwait 100 Romania 89 S. Arabia 86 UAE 85 Estonia 79 Russia 45 Vietnam 44 Chile 43 Brunei 37 Serbia 35 Palestine 35 Luxembourg 34 Croatia 32 Slovakia 32 Pakistan 28 Peru 28 Belarus 27 Mexico 27 Georgia 25 S. Africa 24 C. Rica 23 Oman 19 Hungary 19 Bosnia 18 Latvia 17 Colombia 16 Tunisia 16 Macedonia 14 Cyprus 14 Malta 12 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Maldives 9 Armenia 8 Jamaica 8 Afghanistan 7 Cambodia 7 Lithuania 6 S. Lanka 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Paraguay 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Réunion 5 Turkey 5 Cuba 4 Kazakhstan 4 Liechtenstein 4 Uruguay 4 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Faeroes 3 Puerto Rico 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Martinique 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Tri. & Tob. 2 Honduras 2 St. Martin 2 Venezuela 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Nepal 1 Ant. & Bar. 1 Bhutan 1 Caymans 1 Ivory C. 1 Ethiopia 1 Gabon 1 Gibraltar 1 Guadeloupe 1 Guinea 1 Vatican 1 Kenya 1 Mongolia 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1

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good game frens

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I love you friends

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Happening cancelled? Looks like Lombardy is going to be the only hard hit place outside China now that they’re locking everything down. Should be over in the US in a few weeks.

Italybros how are you hanging in there

Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.

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We've been duped by an increasingly click and hold online media haven't we?

map time

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R8 my beans

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-Billie Eilish


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>Daily per capita reality check
Italy remains the worst affected on a per capita basis, with 0.029% of the population infected. Germany has increased its number of infected to pass France now in the top 10, but is still at a very low 0.0044% for infection rate. Only 0.0007% of the United States has gotten infected, including repatriated Americans from overseas.
>Still way less serious than the flu

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What the fuck is this pagan worship shit?

Honestly, you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.



Robin Williams

it's like 6:30 in the god damn italy, do you really think here are pizza-anons at this time of the morning?




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Who here /nogunz/??? I'll stop by within two weeks to claim your loot

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I use one roll a minute. I'm wiping right now


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cringe, millenials are doom... DOOM I SAID!!!!!

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get the frigging basket bois
we are going toilet paper hunting

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Bro they pissed off God by rewriting the Bible. Switching rulers won’t help

Does it cause nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea?

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
That's a very bloody ass

Dude, our health deparment just announced that they believe 1% of the population is already infected. They just haven't tested anyone.

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The number of dead will go higher as medical workers will stop showing at work. I'm working this weekend. We have 1 infected in our hospital. Still, we have 0 respirators. Thanks God I bought them in January and February so I will be going to work for approx 2weeks before my stash of filters will be low. After this I'm sitting at home. There were already some people at our work who refused to test supposedly infected people because They weren't provided with respirators. Fun fact, last 2 weeks we had around 20-25 patients everyday at my unit 1/4 was pneumonia. Now we have 32 beds and 1/3 is pneumonia. We dont even have space for more beds and no more beds in storage. Also two nurses refused going to work. 1 is caring for small kids after They closed schools. I will be quitting int wo weeks if gov cant provide us with more tests and more respirators. This will be complete collapse of healthcare systém in our country in no more than 1 month.

>tfw you are infected

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I'm gonna feel really weird jerking off to coronachan if someone in my family then dies from it

I just realized that the original upload has a lot more views. 5 million. Nice.

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The moonshine purges it from their system

Unironically yes, this is a fascinating case of global media manipulation.

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You wake up and you literally cannot breath until your lips have gone purple and you cough up a mugful of green slime.



I wake up at 6 every day, it's not unlikely.



So 3+ mil? That seems plausible. A large chunk of our cases in Ontario are US travel related

Is it really that big of a deal you?

cope harder fag

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Anons please tell me the truth. How bad is it going to get in the US?

mad max within our lifetimes


Not gonna lie, fucking comfy, I have supplies for years and the ones who are dying are normies and leftist cucks who ignore the danger and believe the fake media and governments, this is the cleaning that we needed

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user, if you're over the age of 21 and a no-gun, you are never going to make it. Boomers got lucky, and people didn't fight themselves, but instead were scared of other nations. Today we fear ourselves. I blame niggers and mexicans.

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what did you say about me you little bitch I'll let you know I am a big pussy and get spooked very easily and you fucking bet I'll cry and lose you cunt

don't you test me

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Hopefully apocalyptic

Welcome to 4channel kid, enjoy!!

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it's 27

That, and the snake bites.

The incinerators won’t stop for months, and the mass graves will be football field sized.

I go to sleep at 6 every day/night. you morningfag

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Jesus the legalise medical-babble is abysmal. Please tell me this is a pasta. 4/10 needs to include the article.

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Can someone please post /cvg/ anime and movie lists? I wanna be comfy during quarantine.

Did Trump catch corona from the Brazilians? What is /cvg/'s take

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Your numbers for infection rate are completely wrong.
I explained to you why in the last thread.
I don't understand why you've posted this again.
Are you actually a retard?



Fuck off Abrahamic cringelords

This really wont affect the US that much. We are stopping it early enough to where it wont spread like it has in some backwards European countries. I'm looking at you Italy.

Agreed. I was a nothing burger turned something burger turned back nothing burger. I remember all these exact same doomsday scenarios being played out before, most recently brexit.

>its in east TN
its been nice knowing you dudes

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Imagine being this wrong

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Someone did a tarot card spread for the happening back in late January or early feb. I’m looking for it.

>600 new cases today
pretty bad

We need a Yakko in hazmat

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so err, this is literally a chinese bioweapon with hiv entry protein homology that causes ADE infection and ended China... America's fucking done. It's over. Go to the stores and get what's left, that's it.

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I assume it's pasta, I've seen it before and some nurse user or someone said that it's bs. So eh, continue as usually.

Probably not.
If there wasn't a stand user here before, there's one here now.

Have you seen The Road? That but with more emphasis on eating children.

Useless. Get a map that shows
Infection per country.

He'd be given IG antibodies from survivors in the US, so he'd be immune for several months. All the very important people would have by now.

dude what the fuck, why so many beaners in my thread! STOP SPEAKING SPANISH YOU CUNTS!!!!

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Fix your habits.

Angela Merkel

Jesus fuck, how many cases it is per day in Europe now? Is it doubling?

I’m reading an occult book as I browse pol. Hardly that

it's been an honor to shitpost with you all, and may God have mercy on us

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idk man, just hope retards follow the CDC guidelines, but according to some posts ITT, they can't even follow the fucking basics....our retarded president can't even do it...



I don't think anyone knows who is giving it to who in government levels.
One of our ministers has it and was in the US last week meeting with Ivanka and a bunch of other bigwigs.


Yeah, blame me, bitch.

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So millions have it...

...and the bodies aren't piling up in the streets?
...the rivers aren't running red with blood?
...life is just going on as normal?
...nobody even noticed millions of people have this meme virus?

Wow, this is more and more starting to sound like pic related.

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Yeah it is a pasta :3
I like it. When I first saw it I spent a good amount of time looking those terms up. It all means nothing luuuuuuuul

angelina jolie

lmao maybe if we started two weeks ago. our window when containment was possible is now long gone

Put your finger in your ass and sniff it

there is no need to do that. the night is cool, quiet and nice. why should I want to wake up when the things get noisy.

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anyone has the full pic for this corona?

No, seriously. How long has it been stuck at 5,436?

90% of the rites and traditions in Christianity has European pagan roots plus Christianity is not a LARP religion like neo-paganism

go outside faggot

But very important people have been getting sick...

I don't understand how US intelligence has had two whole months to study how this went down in China and is still fucking it up so badly.

if it keeps on doubling every three days...

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4 minutes? 5 minutes?

Governor Jay Inslee said that "many disturbing changes should be expected in the coming days."

He didn't just mean the school closures. Or the ban on events over 250 people. The Governor at this time wants families to be close together. The real horror is yet to be seen, he then claimed that we should not "sugar coat" the situation. In other such releases, he's also claimed that cases will skyrocket, doubling every day and becoming exponential regardless of decisions to improve anti-social behavior. He's insisted upon the idea that total lockdown of WA may be necessary and other draconian measures taken as well. Militias are also considering voluntary activation to protect local governments' rights.

I've never read than maybe to the "lombardy" part and no further.

on the upside, wait until the basement segment of this starts

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I'm convinced that pandemics won't ever be civilization ending. It's too easy to stop once awareness becomes widespread.

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lol, this is going to go down as the biggest dupe ever.

I'm up. We've been in lockdown since Monday, but it's calm and quiet.
Live in small town of 5000 in Como province Lombardy.
local Coop, Tabac and newsagent open. No shortages of anything, plenty of pasta on special offer 42 cents a 500g box.
Church bells stopped chiming the hours.
Internet gets hammered during the day, everyone online at home instead of at work I guess.
police checks at entrances to town, you need a form declaring valid reason for travel: work, going home, family emergency.
Hardly any traffic, all shop staff have masks and gloves.


Nobody is talking about how catastrophic this is. Nobody is talking about ADE anymore. Nobody is talking about reinfection anymore. Nobody is talking about lack of immunity. Nobody is talking about how vaccines are unlikely to work.

It’s coz the people who were saying all this were Amerifats. And now the virus has infested the United States of Amerifat, they’re all too scared to even consider the possibilities anymore.

Sorry amerifats, you’re done. If you survive the first wave, the second will get you.

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47 minutes, last death in SK.

It's not meant to kill but to overload the healthcare systems and cause economic instability

now hundreds are dying every day in Italy

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Modern day Christianity (especially Catholicism) has nothing to do with the Christianity Jesus preached. Furthermore it was completely bastardized by the Roman Empire when they adapted it - hence the overwhelming peganism


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I'm pretty sure I just did you fucking idiot.

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>he thinks the spread can be stopped

that's cute

Did you see the US' """"early response"""" within the past month? Testing numbers were and are still fucked over there in the States.


Christianity is the biggest LARP in theological history

user, thank you.

Rollin' for the European Plague

Coronavirus endgame predictions?

>Despite the governments' best efforts, corona will keep slipping through the cracks. First world countries will still put up a fight, but third world ones will miserably fail

>meanwhile, as more military officers, politicians, doctors and other essential personnel gets infected, the system will slowly but surely collapse, resulting into increased mortality, criminality, unrest and of course infections

>quarantined people will sooner or later lose their patience, demanding for it to be lifted. It won't take long until, somewhere, a revolt explodes

>should any first world country government allow the use of lethal force, all hell will break loose. Everywhere, with the illusion of "freedom" shattered, riots will spread like wildfire

>once the riots become unmanageable, one after another all countries will have no choice but to lift their quarantines

>the virus will infect almost every on Earth. Between 2 and 10% of people, depending on their location, and mostly 60+ old ones, will perish

>everyone will start blaming each other for letting this go out of control. EU will be dissolved, with Italy being the first to go as all other members will gang up against it for being the unlucky first country ro succumb

>most countries will distrust China and stop importing from there, as they start being more self-sufficient

>politicians involved in this event will be asked to step down by their respective citizens

Sounds realistic so far?

Jap user here. Did another run for non perishables. Have a shit tonne of food now. Still plenty of food here in the stores.

>plenty of pasta on special offer 42 cents a 500g box.

Fucking hell!

What's the word on the street there about why your region has been drybummed compared to everywhere else?

meme flag

I think they are overstating it by an order of magnitude or two. Sure not literally 1% of the population is infected. "One percent" is the smallest percent people name when asked to make up an arbitrary small percent.

The point is they have no idea what percentage is infected. But they are sure it's a hell of a lot more than the official figures.

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Another new case in St John the Baptist Parish. Total cases now at 40.

Totals in past 24 hours:
3/12: 19
3/13 6 am: 33
3/13: 5 pm: 39
3/13: 11 pm: 40
Pic related; 5 pm totals by parish (County)

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ooow man, fuck you.

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A roll in my household lasts about three weeks. A costco pack lasts us six months. The only reason people are buying huge amounts of toilet paper is to illegally resell them without a retailers' permit.

It’s also the fact that now we have more people actually experiencing it so people are shit posting about that. We are not getting much info anymore

George Soros

Washington has a huge homeless problem in its largest cities. There was a story tonight about someone who was presumed to be homeless who was tested and brought to a makeshift isolation center at a Motel in Seattle. Before the test results could be completed, he robbed the 7-Eleven across the street and escaped on a public bus before police could arrive.

Containing the mentally ill homeless will be like herding suicidal cats, and Seattle's problem pales before San Francisco and LA.

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This a million times. It must happen. Taiwan #1

Don't post your stash user - the TP Raiders will come and loot it



>Church bells stopped chiming the hours.
That's concerning. The rest is pretty much what I expected. Stay safe man.

I know user, Christianity was born in Rome when the empire adopted it

your knowledge in theology is very pathetic

I'm 21, about to graduate college, working a job where I'm exposed to people all the time, and a really bad flu went around where I was exposed to it so many times that I no longer got sick from it and my immune system is on full alert. Also my state just barely had a single case, but the guy immediately self-quarantined himself and it was caught early, so even if I get it I'll have adequate medical treatment since the hospitals aren't swarming with people.
I just ordered a N95 mask but it'll be here in a month, and I'm stocked up. I'll probably be ok, right?

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People are actually panicking here, in case the world isn't aware. America is actually shutting down in slow motion, and people are all acting out in all sorts of delusional panic modes where they create imaginary places. Meanwhile, 10% of America is about to die in the next two months and every business you know is going to be nationalized after they collapse.

Epic turn of events

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Redpill me on original Christianity senpai

The sight of the first wave of African countries getting the clap is so relieving it's almost cathartic.
Under no circumstances can they be spared.
I'm imagining it's going to spread among the chimpanzee tribe like wildfire from here.
God is real.

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>increasingly desperate daily cope
kung flu infects cells through furin cleavage like HIV/AIDS but unlike any know coronavirus.

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>tfw no little blue eyed cutie boi to follow me around and for me to hand wash during the apocalypse

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>grandma’s funeral on the 17th
>lots of people coming from all over

How ironic, pray for me anons.

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There is no evidence of any of that. Come on man.

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I have an urgent need for Corona Chan breathplay pictures.

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oh nonononono

I wasn't prepared for this to happen this soon.

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>28 rolls a week
Fuck man I can't even comprehend what you're doing with TP to need 28 rolls in a week.

I do still wonder if vaping related illness had something to do with all of this. Kids were getting lung transplants... for vaping...

Agreed. Why are so many young people dying in wuhan?
Because it’s not their first exposure to a corona virus.
So when a young person gets a coronavirus a second time with covid, they’ll die just like the old folks.

Start shitting bricks, kids.

with this timeline, no.


It's going to be a really good year for vultures and other scavengers.

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Corona panic fucking sucks. I used to get 7-10 calls per shift (mostly OD or medical, along with one violent crime) and now its up to 19-23 of people thinking they have corona. This fucking job. You can drive yourself to the hospital if you think you have a minor coof and all of a sudden its corona.


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what do you mean doesnt uk have a lot of people with it now?

that's 19 days btw.

Meanwhile the funeral for mine was postponed indefinitely.

Chances of water getting shut off? Can it be shut off if you use a well?

Fuck outta here with your Jumbo XXXL SuperSized Gulp Fat mutt sized shits you fuck head, i bet you use 2 ply.

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India is at 85
You can get the official stats from the health ministry here mohfw.gov.in/

Anyone know what is going on with covid19info.live ? They were doing pretty damn good, up until the last few days, where there have been constant issues, and now the graphs are like 2-3 days out of date

Chuck Schumer

hope you have enough gold to buy the blood plasma of a recovered person, who will be a sort of medical warlord demanding tithe for their precious blood in the world to come

Raider anons, our time has come

ONLY THE FAITHFUL, user. Sigmar will protect you if only you'd but let him.

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>1 roll per day
Is this a weird tacco-burrito-chipotle diet?

Guys can I go outside?

>Politicians not dying en masse

if i was to kidnap a survivor would i be able to use his blood to stay alive?

>uses a roll of TP a day

Checks out

I quit the cigs a week back, the only time I tried vaping I got an almost instant asthma attack I never got with 15 rolled tobacco cigs a day.

Vaping is the real Corona-tier lung killer for the young.