Everything I know about Russia is from the western oblasts and republics.
>Does anything significant happen here?
>What kind of people live here? (White or Mongolian)
>Is it a secret paradise or a poor crime infested wasteland?
Everything I know about Russia is from the western oblasts and republics.
>Does anything significant happen here?
>What kind of people live here? (White or Mongolian)
>Is it a secret paradise or a poor crime infested wasteland?
Sekrit research bases
>90% Russian
It's basically what Alaska was 40 years ago (Alaska today is mexicans on top of filipinos collecting oil welfare in the snow)
it's extremely advantageous to control Kamchatka - but be assured you will fight to keep it (if you are playing RISK)
cold shithole
Cold and wilderness mostly, as is most russian landmass
Besides the obvious cold, could a foreign have a decent life here?
>>Does anything significant happen here?
>>What kind of people live here? (White or Mongolian)
Pre-native american
>>Is it a secret paradise or a poor crime infested wasteland?
Its a paradise if your native
Poor cities and military bases. In general - boring cold shithole, same depressing shit as everywhere outside moscow or saint petersburg
Probably this
So what is actually good about living in Russia nowadays?
>be Yas Forums
>be nationalist
>have an urge to move to anywhere else in the World than your own nation's lands
>have an urge to reproduce with women outside of your ethnicity
>believe offspring WON'T be rootless, cultureless, consumerist social liberals
I knew a guy from there. he was an asian looking guy, he said his ancestors were Japanese but he only spoke Russian and very poor English
Not true, there's plenty of stuff going on out of urban settlements that isn't frozen.
Gulags are frozen shitholes.
93% Russian, cold af, mountains, volcanoes, nature reserves, natural parks, tourism, mining of ore and minerals, decent small cities. That's pretty much everything.
>NOOOO!! You can't make criminals do hard labor!! You must make us pay to have them live in cozy facilities!!! Not the crimarinooooos!!! Not my heckin epic rape-a-doodles!!!
Have you been there?
Just more Siberia. Which is a giant cold forest with nothing in it. You can move to Siberia, illegally build a house there and spend your entire life without anyone ever stumbling upon it. That's the kind of place it is
I'm fucking filtering leafs again.
I have. Been working in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for half a year as a fisherman on a small vessel with a team of 6 people. AMA I guess.
I'm only aware of Kamchatka because it's on the Risk board game map
wasn't Abramovich governor there? Basically kikes have a monopoly there, I suppose
How much did you get paid? What are doing now for a living
What are you most proud of your country for?
What do you think of faggots like OP who want to move to Russia?
In your eyes, what does Russia in general, but more remote places have to offer? Privacy, security, lifestyle, etc
user the red Indians that ogtet worked against the founding of the country called America can hardly be called native. Instead that distinction belongs to the ex-british colonists who decided to set up a country of their own.
They pay you good for this. It was always around 100k roubles per month. One month it could be 80k, the other month it's 120k.
Obviously not. Full of active volcanos, its directly on the Ring of Fire (tons of earthquakes), is frozen for most of the year, so its not like a super booming port city and more. Even as the planet warms up, its not projected to be all that great still, as the soil quality is not all that amazing to begin with. Vladivostok and probably Sakhalin is probably infinitely more valuable to the Russians. They just keep the peninsula occupied because if they don't, we will.
Is everyone miserable where you live like most frozen towns/cities?
What kind of job are you working now?
What is a russian?
Why do Americans here always ask Russians these stupid questions? We don't asking you about how's life in Alaska or Texas or what are you most proud of your country for. It's becoming annoying. You want to know more about Russia I'm getting that, but for fucks sake check yourself.
Why do you need to know that?
Just curious
t. soft-on-crime faggot
Nothing. If you are not born in camorra and worth your shit then pack and leave. And if you are born in camorra then parents will sent you abroad anyway. People from small cities go to regional capitals if they can. From regional capitals to Moscow, from Moscow to North America, Europe or Australia.
> What do you think of faggots like OP who want to move to Russia?
They are jaded and delusional usually worried about some ridiculous shit like feminazi oppressing them on twitter. Here they will probably face real problems and then go back.
Moscow and Saint Petersburg, duh
the milkies
>Why do you need to know that?
Just think, if we pollute enough Russia could become a giant swamp instead of a giant frozen shithole.
bro thats where you invade into north america in risk
There's some dumb meme about russian women being some superior bride to western women, however; in my own experience (real native) Russian women are some of the most psychotic, sociopathic, vindictive, disgusting, money grubbing women I've ever met. Appearing in essence like a palette swapped China woman.
Is this a common experience, or have I just had bad luck around Russian women.
Bro I admit I am so ignorant I don't even know what to ask. I'm curious beyond the gopnik vs. mutt memes. I expected some shit talk or banter, not this depressing response.
Yes, especially the ones looking for westerners intensionaly
>Appearing in essence like a palette swapped China woman.
kek, you're not the first to make that comparison
It already has beautiful marshes. You would create ugly bogs.
kek "real native" right you chink nigger kike
>picks tree hugger
fucking larping shitbags from lardistan
>u arr not ze ferst tu make zat comparison
You can make very nice living while not working that much if you have any talent whatsoever, you can write your political opinions on the Internet without hiding behind anonymity on Yas Forums, taxes you have to pay to pretend that you own your land and living space are rather symbolic, and infrastructure nowadays is downright better than in your country.
By the way, this guy
is certainly just another Jew, pretending to be a Russian. I happen to be personally familiar with their sort, and that's how I know that Jews cannot help but irrationally hate every country that is not Israel, even if that hurts them personally.
>that nasty wet bullshit
>beuatiful marshes
Bro, it's only that way in the winter. The parts that were permafrost ARE a giant exploding swamp now. But we also have the European part that barely dropped below zero this winter, and we have Siberia that heats up to +45C° in the summer and -45 in the winter, although as my friends from Krasnoyarsk say, they face the same conditions we have this winter. Enisey turned from a huge river to a creek, winter was very mild and bone-dry.
All the lakes and rivers have receded by several meters everywhere, smaller ponds have been gone by December. We didn't get a real winter or a real summer, nor did we get enough rainfall.
I bet you thought nobody noticed these pretty quads
The lack of self-awareness, exemplified by this quote, is one of the reasons, if not the main reason, why despite every conceivable advantage of nature and political constellations USA has already failed in its attempt at world hegemony.
Volcanoes generally produce the best soil. Why is Kamchatka an exception to this?
Mmm... You are missing a treat.
>What kind of job are you working now?
What kind of job are you working now?
kamchatka is retardese for tundrified wasteland for fuckheads
the mutant jawless wonder
Even Volcanos in Russia aren’t capable producing anything worthwhile
Who the fuck are you?
>kamchatka is retardese for tundrified wasteland for fuckheads
>the mutant jawless wonder
check your genome, mutt
Siberia is full of Alaskan natives. Same eskimo and Yupiks.
and russians are niggers
good posts ivan
This is nupol. We don’t check digits anymore you fucking boomer
Typical Yakut girl
the only niggers we have are african students in universities. Suck on that, le 56%er
I was watching some documentary long time ago a farmer in kamchatka was growing some massively oversized vegetables he attributed it to the volcanic soil
Who the fuck are you?
yep, I'd bet that thing is fucking death on a stick
just from looking at it
Your superior
>You can make very nice living while not working that much if you have any talent whatsoever
This, Russia might be the best place on the planet right now in terms of quality of life/cost of living ratio. You can live in a nice central area of a big million+ city and spend $300 a month including food and bills and rent. Nowhere on the planet can compare to that. EU is much more expensive, SEA is much less comfy, Latin America much more dangerous. I'm an indie game dev, this unironically might be the best place for this kind of job. I just make whatever games I want and don't worry about money, I don't need much.
Russian people, especially older rural Russian people, believe weird psuedoscientific shit. They think they can sense spirit energy with these bent copper wires
Swamp can be pumped, it would then become the more fertile land on earth