White man here.
I used to only date asian girls until I began to notice the inherent beauty of white girls.
This is literally what a goddess looks like.
White man here
ok simp
Asiatic man here. I also used to date only girls of my own ethnicity but now I understand that white women are better in bed, easier to have sex with and more sexually liberated than anyone else in the world
that girl looks average and no goddess like women of any race want you.
You’ve never fucked a white girl in your life, Chang.
Don’t lie.
Says HE cares about the White Race.
Also Insults anyone who compliments one half of the race.
Simpin aint easy
Aryan Princesses aren't real, simp.
>This is literally what a goddess looks like.
LOL. Cringe and Blue Pilled
I live in Sydney and am only surrounded by yellow cunts who are open to being slutty to any white guy so I don’t really have the choice at the moment other than my hand but that’s more effort.
whoow, mister
I might be a Kara Boga sandnigger type, but no yellow small dicks and neoteny here. We ooze testosterone
Of course I can't prove my sexual experiences here but the truth is that I've had dozens of women of all races (except aboriginals), but most of them were white. Mostly Slavic - sure, they are the easiest but still white-ish , they are also with Asiatic flavor, as slavs are basically blonde mestizos, but unlike us Georgians (white + sandnigger) they are white + chink
Why would you want something that fucks dogs and niggers?
Caucasians are subhuman
White women are, without a doubt, the easiest women to sleep with. They think one night stands are empowering
maybe that's what drive white women crazy. Their wombs hunger foreign, genetically distinct seed so the inbreeding doesn't make their already effeminate children even sicklier
top notch reply good one chief
You don't even know until you travel to the parts of europe that are still white.
I visited Belgium and Germany right before the immigrant hordes showed up, and damn near 90% of the women I saw were 10/10 by american standards. Their average is our hollywood star. Our tour bus got pulled over to check for illegal shitskins and the female cop who gave me a face full of uniformed titties as she walked by was so blisteringly fucking hot that I could feel my boner become sentient and try to work the zipper to escape my pants. Returning to the US and seeing all the obese creaturas at home made me suicidally depressed.
Stfu subhuman turk
Northern Europeans are the least inbred people in the world and also the number one in weightlifting and strongman competitions. Kys
>muh genetic diversity
There are enough white people in the world to interbreed and children will come out healthy. Genetic diversity is globalist propaganda.
dating is code by sluts for sluting
also orbiters are destroying society
did you just pain that map? lol
it wasn't worth the hassle mate, relax. sometimes you will fuck other race's women. sometimes other races' men will fuck your women. just enjoy life and don't be a faggot (but if you really want to take dick in your mouth, you're free to do that too)
It's literally almost a given at this point that any girl who has a male dog that isn't neutered is getting fucked at least once a day by it, they are fast replacing dildos because they're "warm and automatic".
>guys why are their so many dog moms?
Every race is jealous of the white race. Stop seething whites don't want ur stank dick, its less than 5% for interracial marriages.
How horrendous are American women?
Listen mate I'm a descendant on the Yamnaya culture. Fucking other races women is what we've been doing for 5k years
Truly awful. I've never felt the urge to pursue women, my whole life I thought something was wrong with me because I wasn't driven by the urge to fuck like all my male acquaintances seemed to be. But it turns out I just have standards and I never saw natural beauty until I left this god-forsaken shithole of kike influenced mutts. I can never accept any of the subpar women within these borders after knowing what's out there. I never accepted any of them BEFORE knowing what was out there, but before I had this cursed knowledge I just assumed I was asexual or a faggot or something.
benis or gtfo
well, for me fantasizing about my ancestor's sexual prowess is not enough. I actually need to get off in a real vagina and enjoy various types and breeds of women.
In time, you will differentiate different vocalization patterns between north euros, south euros, west asians, east asians and even africans (if it's your thing). sex is one of the greatest ways to forget that we're gonna die some day
U are not aryan
If u are 100% white u can always come back to the mother continent
You're such a fucking larper most people think your country is a state in the usa
I have some native american in me, and I'd rather die alone hugging an anime body pillow and fucking a rubber pussy than ruin some pure aryan maiden's lineage with my mutt genetics.
How much?
I dunno percentage but the first full-native was my maternal grandfather's mother, so however that works out. Everyone else was euro or colonist white.
>plows through asian clams
>after hes had his fill hes ready to settle down with a nice white girl
lol you're like those white girls who have to get the black guys out of their system before theyre ready to settle for betabux
So you are around 90% white? Just find a Southern European girl and bleach it even more out.
And that's why non-white men have to resort to gang rape, grooming gangs and drugs in order to have sex with them
Also this
They didn't resort to anything, that's just the way they normally conduct their business, because they're violent subhumans.
Hard to find a white women that has had the same attitude as my current gf, who's native american. I'm mixed and a lolbertard/conservacuck, Love my guns and hate my fucking taxes.
Ok CXlo0mer
why are you using Stephanie's picture?
She's fucking polish bro
and that's her with tons of make up
too old
oh well, some people think earth's flat or the moon's made of cheese. their problem
I last visited America when I was about 16 and even back then I was stunned at how ugly everyone was, like legitimately floored when I saw almost no attractive men or women, the most common type of person i could see was just average looking.
Now I am aware that the UK is also full of trolls and we're not exactly in a position to talk about attractiveness but God damn was I still surprised. I grew up on holidays to Europe where there were pretty girls and women everywhere, it makes me feel so sorry for burgers, they don't know what they're missing and they will only get worse as the gene pool gets more and more muddy
White woman without make up or cheap angles.
Easiest way to find a simp is this cringe lingo
Quit groveling for women
Do you not see how thickly her face is caked is makeup? I agree European blooded girls are hot but only when they are natural and not fake
Honestly you people laugh at asian girls, but you really dont have enough Asian girls yourselves. The average person uses asian girl roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 asians a week. Over 100 a month. Asian girls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.
Asian girls are better white girls than white girls.
White girls are for fucking...
Asian girls are for marriage.
>Source: Jaymans Blog
Come home white man.
Hardly goddess' but they're the best by far.
They need 60000 plastic surgeries to look like this
Slide thread is still up, I'm not surprised
Sage desu
This is important stuff user.