Believe me or don't, I can't give proofs. Know people inside the CDC, just received a paniced call. In 24hrs the city of Seattle will be put under quarantine. Cities in California to follow. Its HAPPENING.

Attached: Attention!.jpg (350x268, 41.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you I saved Seattle once. never again

I can confirm part of the above. I have some sources in the White House who I won’t doxx but have told me that Trump has plans to quarantine California and give mandatory shelter in place orders very soon (either this weekend or early next week). Apparently CA hospitals have given Pence the assessment that they are not ready for a surge yet and they need to take more draconian measures to slow down the spread to give them time to prepare. California is also home to the largest population of elderly which is a force multiplier. Yas Forums you guys are good in my book so use this information wisely. Stock up while you can because if you don’t you will most likely have to rely on FEMA and the national guard to deliver you food.

The time for last minute acquisition has come and gone. Consider what you have on hand to be what you’re going to have for what is to come. For the unprepared: Sorry dude, you should’ve listened

Anything in particular we should expect or be aware of?

Is Trump going to use ICE to patrol the streets of Sanctuary cities ??.

Shit guys I believe him, Seattle just flew over my house!


Are they finally gonna quarantine the street shitters so we don't look like a 3rd world country anymore?

you're probably a young person, but if you can help or organize it so a vulnerable person (your grandad, or maybe your dad) to stay home for ONE week... you might save his life.

next next 2 weeks will be the crazy times. then it'll end. after that he's safe. keep him isolated from now to next sunday!

why would quaretining a state make the CA hospitals better able to deal with the virus?

I honestly don’t know much else. It was all I was told. I guess I can let you guys know the more I hear. Trump is an autist though about leakers and opsec so hopefully the next info is serious enough to give my source a feeling of moral obligation to leak it again.


dont care, in fact it should be nuked check these digits

Holy shit this is the gayest thread I’ve ever seen

I have no idea but my own logic sees that California is screwed no matter what. Not only do they have a huge number of illegals that will flood ERs like they usually do but you also have the border with Mexico that a lot of people are going to try and rush as Mexico healthcare is shit.

A plane just flew over my house and did Corona roll. It must be true.

Don’t read it as whole state. That would be retarded. Read it as cities that have the highest growth rates of infected and or vulnerable hospitals to a surge (aka Los Angeles).

Some normies posted on their story that Northridge CA has 10 confirmed cases. A nurse leaned the information. Wait a couple days till so cal is fucked by this

have there been any confirmed cases in mexico yet?

yeah good. okay


Even if it doesn't save their life, it may save someone else's, or at least save them from dying sitting on a bench out front of the hospital.

I'm watching some of the preparations from this from the inside. If there are too many patients at once, they're going to start progressively voting people off the island, so to speak.

First people over X years old, in then X-5, then X-10 and everyone with A, B, or C conditions.

Bunch of you, particularly zoomers, think this won't apply to you... until you get your ass in a car accident and need intubated. Oops, sorry, they ran out of tubes a week ago and/or every machine is spoken for. You had a good run, sorry bro.

I go to Mexico and go to the pharmacy. Doctors are pretty good and give great discounts for american dollars. Never use a dentist or get surgery though unless you're sure they serve high level cartel members.

It feels like forever ago but it was so recent.

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OP, are you an Atlantafag too? I also have sources in the CDC which told me early on about stocking up on two months of food and then shutting down sporting events like the final four. Everybody is leaking like crazy.

Will the fucking homeless be wiped out finally?

I was in those threads also, Seattle showed no appreciation at all ,fucking faggots

There's no patient's anywhere. My hospital in cali has had 0 patients. Call your hospital, ask how many. Now stfu

So how do you be ready when your family doesn't think this is a big deal?

This isn’t even that far fetched considering the circumstances. How the government plans to enforce city/state wide quarantines is where things get interesting.

If renters are allowed to go homeless from lack of income to pay rent, the current homeless have the advantage.

Your dad told you ?

I don't need to call any damn place, I got these two things in the front of my skull that lets me see things provided they're in front of me. Mine has had dozens, and dozens of deaths.

Hospitals in several states are cancelling their high-margin elective procedures. They're not doing it because they hate money, dumbass. They are also shutting down floors and moving staff into backup capacity for their ICU's to deal with the number of people they're going to have out when their people start getting it.

Bunch of you are acting like there aren't already hospitals in the US getting their shit pushed in. There are.

nobody asking the important questions here. when the califaggots inevitably start leaking out and ignoring the quarantine, what measures are neighboring states authorized on to keep the coof out?

Yay!! I get to be in quarantine.
Will 12 rolls of toilet paper be enough?

bro, you'll need more than just a weeks worth

Show them the data. Doctor’s stories out of Italy. Videos from Wuhan. CFR and R0. Number of ICU and ventilators in US compared to population and expected cases to need those. No herd immunity so 70-90% infection rate until a vaccine is made. Virus spreads just as easily in warm weather like Singapore and Australia who are at the tail end of summer (SARS also still spread easily in summer which is closest to Covid-19).

Quit samefagging faggot

How you gonna close off seattle roadblocks all the way out to enumclaw, block off the federal interstate, stop all boats. Inslee is a retard.

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OP is a faggot as always, business as usual in Seattle, minus the grocery store shelves being empty

they’re seasoned vets of the street life, and bums fight dirty.

Listen you fucking idiot. You have no concept of history. My grandparent grew up in Carraroe in Connemara. Right in those cottages. Before she died she told me of what it was like. Abject poverty, abuse, starvation. Not owning shoes till you were 15. Watching half of your 10 siblings die as children die before they were grown. It was awful. You have some stupid romantic view of what the world was because you’ve never had a hard day in your fucking life pal. I’m 45. I remember Ireland without money. I remember the want. The sadness of people going with basic things. Losing loved ones to things that could be beaten. Grow the fuck up you entitled twat.

Its still funny!

I have even heard normies at work saying Cincinnati was on that list too.

Close I-5, i-90, highway 2, hwy 99, white pass, hwy 410. Puget sound locked up.


Hopefully everyone in Seattle is shot on site. Degenerate deviants



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Been to Connemara. Beautiful place.

You are lying. A person I trust 100% is an extension of homeland security. He promised to share any immediate info related to quarantines. Its NOT happening in twenty four hours.

Shills or bots not recognizing moldy pasta

Surge of what??? Non existent pneumonia cases??? My girlfriend works at a hospital in Portland. We arent being overrun with sneezy casualties. This entire thing is a false flag. .


Saying Connemara is beautiful is pasta? Go choke on a potato you drunk mic piece of shit.

My co worker today was telling me he got into a scuffle over the last two cases of water. I shall transcribe his story into green text:

>be me
>co worker
>need water for wife
>she just had surgery
>go to store
>two cases left wtf
>see 7'4 Chad ubermench
>chad says the water is his
>tell chad I need it for wife
>Chad doesn't give two fucks
>can't win the fight
>pull out my pocket knife and slash the water bottles
>Scream "now we both can't have it"
>walmart wage nearby now has to clean it up
>go to work and tell my coworkers of my heroism

tl;dr psycho coworker would rather destroy the water than share. I'm not shopping anymore.

Awww, what a shame. And to think their immune systems are probably already suppressed from all that Fukushima radiation. Tough luck.

Lol like homeland security would know this early. Info flows this way:
CDC/Hospitals up to Pence then Trump. Then back down again through internal gov comms (homeland security) and external comms (news media). Quarantines are in FEMA and national guard’s camp. Not homeland.

That knife happy co-worker needs to go to jail for a year.

Give it a few more weeks to reach peak.

your digits are bad and you should feel bad.

It's the ghost of Skyking.

Yes, 12.

>How you gonna close off seattle roadblocks
The 520 and 90 bridges. You're basically done.

All the exits and entrances from I-5. Over 200 accessways such as Greenlake and such. Closing Seattle wouldn't be easy. The National Guard would be activated for sure.

Mexico doesn’t care about the wuflu enough to even test for it, they have rampaging cartel wars and crippling poverty, a week of coof is the last thing on their to do list