Why is Trump so obsessed with the stock market and propping it up?

Why is Trump so obsessed with the stock market and propping it up?

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cause its like penis xDDD it dont go up anymore :(

buy TP

built for bbc

thats a dude right

she is gorgeous , whats her name ?


Kill yourself, tranny faggot.

He's bringing honesty to the system.


Robert Mueller

God I wish it were me.

He betrayed all of his other supposed principles so Israel and stonks are all he has left.


user I.......



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god i want to see him get dicked

Because that's what the US government has turned into. It's totally beholden to corporate/financial interests. And the citizens exist as a sort of cattle to milk for tax revenue.

Because the good economy (until corona chan anyway) is the only reason most people tolerate him

Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with this particular femboy? Every day I see a thread about him and only him.

Guess I'm a fag now

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Because he is making money out of it?

that was his main issue while running aside from the wall, hes known as a business man, so he that imagine plus a lifetime of being obsessed with the stock market, it doesnt just go away

the stock market is determining the value of your economy, whether or not you will retire etc. sorry its not like how the movie zeitgeist explained it

teepee for bunghole ahaha

The stock market is not the economy.


>why is rich guy worried about the stock market

Who knows

He is not.
But the people who pull his strings are obsessed.

Why is the right so obsessed with ugly twinks? Is it because you can only be attracted to "people" that look like you all do? You do realize there are attractive twinks, right?

>the stock market is determining the value of your economy


god i would do unholy, unspeakable things of a sexual nature to this dude. he should be thankful were not in the same country

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Exxon. Trump tillersen and Rosneft have a yuuuuge deal going on.
Trump is sooo smart and knows business so well.

If the economy tanks he loses the election, period. He's alienated his primary voter base already, and sickened the rest of the world with his too little too late Coronavirus response. If he loses the economy too, the people will call put for real leadership and he'll lose in a landslide. You can't get elected form Qtard boomers alone.

Why are you gay?

This. The stock market is unfortunately the pulse of the American market. Investors are irrational sure and its not always the best insight into the economic wealth of the country, but I'll be goddammed if it's current state doesn't change voters minds.

whos gae?

If you really want to do this with your life you have to believe that you're necessary, and you are. People want to live like this with their cars and their big fucking houses they can't even pay for - then you're necessary. The only reason people get to continue living like kings is because we've got our fingers on the scales and we're tipping in their favor. I take my hand off, well then the whole world gets really fucking fair really fucking quick and nobody actually wants that. They say they do, but they really don't. They want what we have to give but they also want to play innocent and pretend they have no idea where it actually came from; and that's more hypocrisy than I'm willing to swallow, so fuck 'em.

god damn I love boyish brunettes, what's her name?

When stock market crashes too hard, everything goes bad.

Because the central bank of the Rothschild group tells us that if their Jewish market is doing well we're all doing well.

You're a stupid little faggot.


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Because that's one of his election promises. Me for one I don't like how he is purposely buying oil to drive the price back up this is the first time in half a year gas prices have been good and Trump is fucking it up. He is also using federal money to do it so that also means more inflation. But hay this what happens when Jews run your banks.

He uses it as a metric of popularity that has an air of objectivity to it that things like polls don't have. The problem is that if you live by that sword you die by it.

sauce on the dude

found this 2

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Jesus, you’re all fucked. Anyone with a solid understanding of derivatives and $2k in the bank is going to come out of next week with their retirement paid for. I know all this, in advance, and still there is nothing I can say here that is going to change anything for any of you. This, THIS, is why the gap between the rich and the poor is what it is.

Except if your me have a mutual fund that just lost 30gs in a fucking day. I am confident it will rebound when the economy does. Except if I just pulled out a week ago I would have made 30 not just recouped my money back.

Can’t change the past dude, iron hands. The east can’t sustain this price war forever.

I don't I'll end up losing anything but I certainly won't gain. Missed opportunity.

He’s cute

>anorexic dude with no clothes on

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He probably fucks girls what a FAG

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Start again bro. You’re not out till you tap.

because he always took credit for it when it went up and he said it's only because of him the stock market is up so much because he did such a wonderful job

>you live by the sword, you die by the sword

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Thank you.

Sayuri mattar, aka felippe

>why are fags posting fag content

To disrupt a good thread.

>tranny faggot in the OP
>memeflags sliding early on

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Checked and same

Cause he’s a banker puppet.

Not even cute. Have some standards.

What a cute girl source pls

Um, 'cause he's cute?

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Jfc. I like how the happenings are coming and going so fast now that the memes and topics change every day except this fucking nasty trap. Lmfao.

>muh sliding

nimm deine Pillen Schizo

oh shit im sorry , why we dont talk about the Corona virus ? oh , what was that ? There are 200 active threads about the corona virus ? Oh well lets go back to discussing cute femboys

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no, but it is a proxy. The big drops can and seem to indicate liquidity problems.


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