Would you rather have Sanders or Biden as pres

Would you rather have Sanders or Biden as pres

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Bernie of course. Is it not possible to give people some hope in times of need?

Biden will win the election so we'll see. Trump screwed himself with his handling of the Corona plague.


Bruh socialism is gay

>i'd rather vote for a communist kike then a deranged manlet boomer with brain tumor

Why do you guys want to suck Bernie's old dick so badly (fuck biden to)

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America Will fall

Neither. All Democrats are terrible.

Yes america will fall and fucking Brazil will lead the Americas

Sanders because it would make myself mutts seethe

Trump simply because he exposes the pure delusion Jesus warned us about in the book of Mathew. Personally I think he's a puppet just like every other selected president, but the rate at which these.... people... expose themselves is insanse

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I would prefer not a Jew or a Jew puppet.



Bernie is not a jew puppet but Trump..

Both of them are just a puppet masked to what their vice president will be.

Whenever Trump cums he cumps.

I dunno about you but I fully support socialized dementia and access to disrupted speech patterns for the poor and minorities.


I'd prefer no president to those two. Balkanization of the United states is the only solution at this point.

He'll ruin the economy leading to the collapse of the US thus leaving a power-vacuum that will result in WW3 AKA THE HAPPENING
It's gonna be interesting.

To be honest, if Trump dies of corona, I think Pence would be a pretty cool president.

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These are the best

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No. Our politics have become so tribalistic it's the only thing that make sense. Break it up peacefully if possible.

>died by boomer china virus

I prefer feelings and thoughts of suicide which lead to suicide and eternal damnation for your kind .


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Trump I love trump I spank the monkey to him every night!

Bernie for maximum acceleration.

Okay pony soldier enough Malarkey now where's my soup?

Most americans would prefer to have the position vacant.

Trump for Chaotic good. Sanders for chaotic neutral

I never thought I'd see corruption on this level. I knew it was bad, but good fucking god he takes it to another level. I got a cousin still thinks he'll "cleanup the swamp."

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Trump 2020




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I’ll believe it when Ginsburg bites the dust

I'd rather have all you fucking "muh team" losers dead.

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Bernie, are you fucking kidding me. I rank him as top 10 humans to ever live. Just fucking compare his response to this virus to Trump’s



I just donated again to Bernie.

Half the states haven't voted yet. Obama was losing more at this point against Hillary.... this isnt over dont listen to the media

The original version of that picture actually has donald trump wearing a very dark orange tie.

I can see the debate as being a potential turning point. Especially now that the there’s no audience and it’s one on one


sanders the only candidate who consistently cares about average fucks

Fucking lol.

As an Australian, I’d rather Bernie be President because our soldiers wouldn’t be sent to the Middle East to die for your stupid wars.

He’s right though. And Tulsi is a Hindu nationalist so fuck her


Because accelerationism!


Biden obviously
Sanders is a dictator loving commie

So you’d rather have a socialist that has no actually plan, than a woman who actually has a plan and truly believes in what she says? Ok.

I hope both biden and trump move abroad.

He’s less “radical” than FDR was and he was reelected 4 times in landslide victories. The fucks on top realize that if he ever gets power it’s over for them for good. The way this whole country thinks will be fundamentally changed and that’s what they can’t have

Trump is gonna win, he has the Black vote

It's sad that Trump will be President for only 2 terms. After that be prepared for permanent martial law police state that ((they're))) test running now.

I hope somebody assassinates Chris Cuomo. Just had to make that known.

Kushner 2024

99.9% of police and military will not go along with that. Don’t talk about things that you don’t know about.

He has detailed plans, from healthcare, foreign policy, trade, education you name it. Tulsi has one thing to say and nothing else, and she already admitted she’s willing to bend the knee to conservatives if she feels any pressure and presented it as “reaching across the aisle”. She’s a fucking loser who doesn’t know no one cares about her, she even endorsed UBI as a desperate attempt to get Yang’s endorsement and he ignored it. Lol

They are going along with it fine right now.

>Would you rather have Sanders or Biden as pres

And why would you not want Based President Trump, the best US president in decades?

>theyre all old
>corona will probably be popping up around DC, especially rallies
>all the old candidates die of pneumonia
>tulsi wins by default because only non-boomer candidate still running
looks like mommy is back on the menu boys

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Everything is free
Yes, that makes sense. Money has to come from somewhere. Stop being an idiot.

That’s not Tulsi by the way

who the fuck is tulsi? some military rat nepotism baby. where was she when sanders was yelling at corrupt politician bitches in the 80s and 90s?

No, it’s not happening. Try again and grow a brain.

fuck thats the worst news ive heard all year