Dispute this racists!

Dispute this racists!

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most pizza around here is made by greeks

Does this kid want some kind of attention?

>twitter shit
>inflammatory sperging
>1 post by this ID

fuck you, retard. i shit in your fucking mouth. kys.

fool, Pizza is American

Pizza came from China you fag

I will coof on your pizza

Motherfucker stop reposting your shitty ass thread.
Nobody gives a fuck what some nobody on Twitter said.
Your thread was slightly amusing 3 days ago but your repost spam is fucking annoying.

One is the cause, the other is a victim.

Because Italians have good hygiene standards and don't eat animal alive.

>not making your own pizza
Lazy bitches.

Because the chinks we're the ones to eat the bats. We are protesting them on principle. Why would we want to eat food that was probably prepared on the same table as a delicious bat soup dish?

get a brain moran

>This is what gets a million likes

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I avoid chink food because their kitchens are filthy. Corona just made the world see what we've always known.

Chinese food in America is made by Chinese people
Italian food in America is not made by Italians

I literally just watched a video of some chink eating intestines from a rotting animal carcass.

Last time I checked Pizza is flour,yeast and salt then tomatoes and cheese.

I fucking hate Twitter so much

How many pizza restaurants are own e by actual Italians? How many Chinese restaurants are owned by actual chinks?

Pizza is better for you than Chinese food and it is harder to find good Chinese food than good pizza.




American-style "chinese" food is really good desu.

Pizza Margurite was the first pizza. It was made and named f9r an Italian princess

have you ever seen the inside of your average pizza restaurant?

pizza hut is NOT an italian restaurant

Underrated post

you know what goes great on pizza memeglag?

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Italian Americans travel back to Italy far less than Chinese travel home. You should be avoiding all food deliveries as the people doing the deliveries are often migrants and students on casual pay who will show up, sick or not.


reminder that Chinese collect fecal matter from sewers to boil it down and collect oil


Fuck your overpriced delivery pizza when frozen pizza can be just as good or even better.

All restaurant food here is made by spics.
"One bouillabaisse, Paco!"

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Yeah because Pizza Hut is staffed by native Italians, fucking retard.


Italian's don't eat bats either

Yeah...They have open kitchens where as every chinese place has a closed one. They have a lil window the orders and food are slipped through.

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I never stopped eating chinese, the chink cashier at my local chink buffet is kinda cute and I want to drop a few Panchos in her womb.

Pizza is a victim you molestered cunt.
Chinese and bat food are the culprits.

Italian Americans are so far removed from actual Italians most American Italians don’t know any Italian or anything about Italian culture and have never been there.

A lot of Chinese Americans are fresh off the boats and make regular trips back to China.

Also Italian American restaurants source locally for their ingredients, Chinese import their shit food and shit ingredients from China.

There is no need to fear Italian food in America, there is legit reason to be nervous about Chinese food.

it's almost like pizza is made by everyone in every country instead of chinese food mostly being made by asian people. hmm that's so hard to understand.

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Who was avoiding Chinese food? You mean deep friend chicken whatever is actually associated with Wuhan? Lmao options field

Spotted the retard. Most Italian joints have spics doing everything, that includes cooking

nice spacing. kill yourself



I dont think Italy cooks their food in gutter oil, nor do they cook dogs, monkeys, and bats.....but I could be wrong

>muh enter key
reee more sperglord

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A Chinese immigrant couple owns my nearest pizzeria

Do people really think Italians are making all the pizzas here? And I'm pretty sure they don't put bats on their pizza in Italy.

OK chang

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Walk into a pizza shop. Not everyone there is Italian. Walk into a Chinese takeout shop. Everyone there is Chinese.

I dont care.
I dont like chinks and i have not liked chinks well before it was cool.
I dont like wops either to be honest they are not white and they are lazy.

Pizza is okay but unless its flatbread pizza i get an upset stomach when i eat it and chink food does the same

When it comes to ordering out (Which i rarely do because im smart with money and i know how to cook) its indian food

Pajeets know how to fucking cook. I recommend shahi paneer, Paneer Pakora, Chaat Pari.
Paneer is a cheese like feta but they usually fry it in a batter

Fuck the chinks. Kick them out of canada

Pajeets are okay if they are high caste. I think their women are good looking when they are in their dresses and have all their makeup on

Oh and of course fuck the jews and fuck the jannies

P.S Reddit spacing makes my shit post look cleaner

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I'm italian descent and never eat pizza, too many carbs brah.

That's very true, but not only that, and let's be 100 percent honest, the treatment by the Chinese of dogs, their sanitary conditions (which can be contrasted to Italian restaurants, which is all a matter of public record, due to inspections being public knowledge, at least in the US, your local newspaper records will have it all freely available), in addition to the fact the corona virus actually started in China in a wet market with bat soup and rhino penis etc.

There is really no comparison, you can never, no matter how hard you try, tweet enough to get Americans thinking about Italian food the same way they do about Chinese.

Also being 100 percent honest, and more to the point of your post, people have figured out how to make good pizza whether they are Italian or not. Making really good, restaurant style Chinese food, is still in the domain of ethnic Chinese.


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The virus didn't originate in pizza. It did originate in chinese food.

Yes, used to work in one as a dishwasher when I was younger. Clean as fuck, nice and tidy.

Pizza is a staple food. Chinese food is for when everything else is closed.

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No way bruh, I love my bat pizza!

Wait, so you fucks keep saying how American Pizza was not real pizza and made by spics (mostly true), now it’s magically Italian and made by Italian immigrants only?

Fuck off and I hope you die painfully from corona-chan.

I manage a pizza shop and unironically coofed on some dude's pizza today when I took it to the back because he was being an asshat. Get fucked boomer.

The answer is so obvious though. Chinese food is made by Chinese people at Chinese restaurants. They may hire a Bangladeshi or some Korean occasionally, but they're almost always owned by a Chinese family which doesn't interact with non-Chinese very often. They have the mothers that don't speak a word of English who just smile at people and expect their sons to do all the talking. They have their calender's and take time off for traditional Chinese events etc. Chinese food isn't necessarily 'hard' to make but it requires more speciality than a pizza. It's their own food so it's easy to cook for them and they don't interact with followers enough to teach them.

Pizza on the other hand is made by every two bit shit show takeaway joint across the world, and it's never Italians. It's greeks, turks, pajeets etc. The only place with authentic Italian will be pasta places or New York Pizza places, and those Italians have almost no connection with the 'homeland' anymore.

This is so patently obvious but of course, this radlib cunt has to signal how high status he is with his high status holier-than-thou worldview that he doesn't even follow. I bet good money he lives in a white area, avoids blacks and isn't ordering Chinese food either.

Frankly, everyone should be avoiding takeaways of any kind, but bigotry in this situation is extremely healthy. It's usually healthy, but it's extra healthy right now.

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What do these NPCs get out of this?

>chinese restaurants all run by chinese
>everyone and their mother has a pizza shop

totally the same things guys! im a smart liberal!

>Pajeets know how to fucking cook
Imagine my shock.

did you come here legally?

Holy fuck, you sound like antifa or an intersectional.
People have bad days you know, you cant fuck with ppl's food

it feels good to be oppressed.
it is the dopamine hits they chase..


Is being THIS not racist really that much of a prereq now?

Italian food made by Italians is terrible. Too much sugar in the marinara

Nice summary of what I said. The Chinese than run Chinese takeaway's always go to new years in China. I haven't ordered from one that doesn't.

Most Italians who own pizza shops are third or fourth generation Americans who speak perfect english and order from Reasturant Depo instead of ting tong u want oedah while going to some filthy gook place.

this, plus the fact chinese are notoriously cheap and love to dodge rules concerning labor, food and health safety if it will save them 2 cents.

Imagine still ordering food made by some rando.

We've already come to terms that we eat cat from ching chongs. After the world got redpilled about their cruelty to animal's we just can't deal anymore.

Absolutely fucking not. Having bad days is no excuse for being rude to random people. Fuck boomers, hope he dies.

Doesn't matter what job I worked in the service industry, boomers always made up 60 - 80% of the problem customers, and were ALWAYS, CONSISTENTLY worse than niggers. They're rude, entitled, think everything is about them, and expect you to give them everything they want and more because they're God's gift to this world (and Israel). I fucking hate boomers. I hope every last one of them dies. It's a shame that Trump will go with them, but I unironically think boomer genocide would improve this planet, even if it meant the left wing takes over for a couple of years.

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Italy don’t eat dog. Or bat. Or cat. Or rat. Or ....

First explain why people avoid Corona beer. Is it because of racism too?

Hey man, the local Kiyoshi has a 90% Asian staff. Most of them are Pinoy, but there are some legit Chinks and Japs in there.

Then again, I live far outside Phoenix, and Spics only come here to do yardwork .

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Born and raised here. Can trace my family lines back to the early 1800s, with the majority of my ancestors being born here. Can you say the same?

You fuck with service people and you get what you deserve. He was harassing two of my employees, was trying to rope in a third, and was making a scene including shoving by other customers. Not sayng I'm a saint but I don't feel bad for him and neither should you.

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I didn't avoid chinese food though because it's also fucking delicious, check mate you stupid twitter loving faggot.

Holy shit your arm looks just like mine

It's well known that the Chinese will give you what you pay for. Safety, quality, etc cost extra.

These are the kind of people the boomers sold our futures off to. And now the Chinese are crashing boomer retirement funds. Rot in hell, boomer scum.

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