I'm just gonna...
I'm just gonna
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Leave this here :)
Lol holy shit it's real
nothing *ACHOO*
ever *cough*
happens... *sniiiiiiff*
>most populated states/cities have the most activity
what no way
I'm in Idaho, the panic hasn't started here yet, but we're all on edge. Those cocksuckers in Washington are going to poz us out of spite
Almost Heaven
>sealed cases
>Updated at 12:30 am EST
>Everywhere but WV
From my time in WV, I’d be surprised they even report coughing with how shit the medical system is there. Then again, drug overdoses may as well compensate for coronavirus
the summer isn't going to save you OP.
>West Virginia is still free of corona
Is moonshine a cure, or do they just lack the medical facilities necessary to test for it?
Enjoy the show
wonder why WV doesnt have any cases yet
I know...
either you're spreading disinfo or we're completely fucked.
this is fake as shit
Lack of testing.
Anybody living there?
tfw the government of west virginia is completely incompetent and can't implement tests. unsurprising.
What's going on, on the state you called West Virginia ?
2 things:
a.) utterly incompetent government run by the dumbest of the dumb voted in by the dumbest of the dumb
b.) west virginia has basically 0 economy and so has no reason to have interstate or international travelers come or go from west virginia
it's a fucking shithole.
That's where the big international airports are.
It's over OP.
We are all going to die. Kumbaya ma lord.
both people in Wyoming got it?
Lol these are entirely unrelated.
It was a “foreign national” who came in on a cargo flight
The most based of all states
hopefully all the jews in new york die, so we don't have to pay interest on loans anymore.
Those numbers are bullshit. I went to the ER with flu like symptoms 3 days ago. They tested for flu A and B not Corona. The real numbers of infected is probably 5-10x by now
Hey I'm in the hospital where the first community spread case happened. What should I do before I die?
That's out of date. New York Times has a live map that isn't blocked by a paywall.
Also what the fuck West Virginia.
This is a very good metric
can anyone make a map that can correlate sanctuary or heavily liberal cities to the spread of this disease?
Some dumb bitch just got back from traveling abroad and infected a lot of people. I give less than a week before it goes up to 50+ once they start testing in Bangor or Portland around the airports.
>can't get chinkflu if there are no chinks in WV
>can't bother to get tested if you're too busy going balls deep in your cousin/sister/mother/daughter
>if you feel sick just chug some moonshine and feel all better
>fresh mountain air
>basically off grid
>too poor for the feds to care about you
>travel roasties don't typically go to WV
>nigs/spics/gooks don't bother going to WV
>any outsider gets immediately lynched
>confederate flag proudly flown
>no big cities
>illegals don't try to go to WV for jobs since there are no jobs
>high alc moonshine kills off any unwanted bacteria and viruses. cityslickers rushing to buy sold-out purell meanwhile we drink liquid purell
dubV is immune to zogfaggotry. note that the W is composed to 2 V's...VV, the V itself being the 3rd. we have zero jews, unlike NY, CA and WA which indeed have jews.
What the fuck happened in Colorado?
colorado is pozzed. so is TX. that's why they had to cancel south by southwest. CA pozz spread to TX.
There's a strange, omnipotent being called Christine Weston Chandler protecting the entire state with its mind powers.
Theres a case 17 miles from my house.....
Montana is no longer white, we had four confirmed today. Two in Idaho as well, I believe.
I think it might be because no one goes there. I asked a lot of people I know in real life if they have ever been there because im thinking of visiting, and no one has ever been. Isolation.
Depends where you go in Texas. Austin/Dallas/Houston/San Antonio/El Paso are all poz as fuck. Mostly just the big cities and most of that is expatriates from other states or mexicants.
I don't live in any of those areas.
Rich tourists coming during ski season which peaks in March. Also Denver is a shithole
if you want to live, go stay at the greenbrier resort. There is a nuclear survival bunker built under the resort that was made for members of congress so that the government could continue, but now its open for tourists. Be there when the bombs start going off and close the doors.
WV is largely ignored aside from the stereotypes of hillbilly incest and meth use. if you are white and truly want to be left alone, take a one-way trip to WV and live in the woods. the coronavirus infection map supports that theory. citydwelling is bad. cityslickers get what they fucking deserve.
congrats on not living in pozzed areas
>west virginia
I don't believe you.
I have a feeling a confirmed case from Martinsburg will be reported soon.
They always are, remember the 9-12 day time lag. When Wuhan introduced the lockdown, the confirmed cases have barely made it above one hundred, but in reality they had 2.5k infected already.
And the new infection rates seem to nosedive with the next day's 15 city lockdown. Both of our countries will resist locking down for as long as possible, because we value (((economy))) more than people. And when they do, everyone will be so disillusioned that they will break curfew and it will not work.
Fort Worth is an exception. Yes, it's a city but it's not a liberal shithole like the aforementioned. I also live out of city limits, so do I really live in the city at that point?
>if you are white and truly want to be left alone, take a one-way trip to WV and live in the woods
Based. Have a nice plot of land for your own private shooting range. Go for a nice send on the backroads in the mountains. I was in a car group on FB back when I still used it and there were some based hometown racers from WV.
It will be 50+ by the end of the weekend.
Sxsw cancelled
based. spbp
you live there? I havn't been yet but I want to go soon. It looks beautiful in pictures
CO gov implemented drive through testing allowing for more tests we got to see the real number that way. Also internationals love coming here and skiing, a shit load of our cases are foreigners who came down with it in aspen and rich boomers fresh off a cruise or flight.
West Virginia
Stfu jew
White trash are always better people than weak pussies like you that niggers lord over
Infl A has a local nursing home on lock down, not coronachan
Cough on niggers and jews
Also, any fat bitches you see, especially if they have nigger bastards
It really is
if you take both of OPS pictures and OVERLAY them.
It's good from camping tho. West VA is my first stop out of Alexandria, VA(10 mins away from washington DC). I rather not be near the rioting once Trump fucks everything up.
Muh drumpft
Im certain you wont be welcome, city jew
Wait, are you saying climate of a region determines whether or not they'll want to settle there as a city?
Preposterous, someone get this one to a rubber room.
meth and opioids provide immunity. that's why there's so few in Oregon, too.
West Virginia ain't testing user