Dementia Joe is at it again - Wanders off screen during Facebook Livestream

The Biden campaign attempted to host a Facebook Town Hall Livestream earlier tonight and had technical difficulties for two hours straight. When they finally got it up and running, only four minutes made it through.

Biden rambles incoherently and wanders off Stage.

How fucked are we guys? I mean just about all of us?

Good stuff starts at :40.

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You pathetic Trumpists never fail to make me laugh with your "Joe Biden has dementia" topics.

Face it. Joe Biden is more successful than you ever will be and he will be our next president.

Shameless bump. Can we get this trending on social media? #SleepyJoe

Maybe some #DropoutBiden

A Sanders/Trump faceoff is what we need. This guy needs to be put in a home. Why is the MSM ignoring this? Especially CNN and MSNBC?

Dude, I'm not even pro Trump. Biden's seriously got cognitive issues. I had relatives suffer from dementia in their final years, Joe's got it. This is fucking insane. He's being used as a pawn by the establishment Democrats and their corporate overlords to save the party and the status quo.

this is going to be hilarious, watching you faggots claim he doesn't have dementia for like seven more months

Can you imagine this walking corpse being president? I'd be surprised if Joe doesn't have a full-blown aneurysm on the debate stage with Trump.

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I would prefer just the Biden clip minus the Bernie shill. It is sickening yet funny to watch Biden though.

I love this pasta, it’s so flexible.

My neighbor was seriously fucked with this shit but it varied. Sometimes he would be totally sharp as a tack. Then suddenly he'd descend into total confusion.

I’d be surprised if he gets through his debate with Sanders.

Sanders is a bitch that keeps fucking up his chances. now he's basically got a hail mary and that's to push biden hard and really spotlight his mental decline. I don't know if he can do it though or is willing to do it.

My Great Grandmother got it the last couple of years before she died. She was in and out of reality. Didn't know where she was at times, constantly confused, misplacing things, saying totally outlandish shit. It was hard to see it. Same as you said. Sharp as a tack some days. Totally lost on others.

But when I see Biden, you can just tell something isn't right with him. It's definitely onset Alzheimer's. Fuckin Chuck Todd and the rest of those neoliberal cocksuckers are saying nothing. It's mind blowing to me that this party is literally pushing this guy just to save face. He's visibly not doing well. He constantly looks confused. Constantly. He struggles for words. You can see it in his face he's concentrating really hard to try and say what's on his mind. The DNC is committing literal elderly abuse.

i was expecting the man to forget where he was and completely walk away from the camera shot.

but no, he just turns away and goes slightly out of frame before coming back.

OP is a faggot.

>2 years
>1 year

Those that have/had relatives dealing with debilitating mental decline recognize the patterns he has, and it's not re-emergence of a stutter.

Ol' Pedo Joe is at it again!


No kidding. Isn't it fascinating that nobody ever talked about Biden's stutter, but now that he has Senior Moments every 5 minutes, it's all because of this "life-long problem"?

to me he is just a mediocre politician who is not goal oriented, has no real concern or interest in what he is doing and is basically the epitomy of boomers.

he doesn't give a shit about the economy. he has always lived the easy life and his family is all well off. he knows nothing in his own future is at stake.

there is obviously cognitive decline, but lots of people even in their 20s might act like him just because they don't give a shit or are hung over or plenty of other things.

the simple fact is that there is no reason this guy should be running for president. he has nothing to offer and NEVER did.

>>but no, he just turns away and goes slightly out of frame before coming back.
dude is rambling and walking off-screen casually in a """town hall""" where he is expected to be in the frame, facing the people he's talking to.

can't wait for the presidential address where he goes up to the podium, waves to everyone and then walks away before secret service stops his dementia ass. they're going to have him reading word-for-word from scripts because he is too incompetent to formulate his own thoughts.

stupid fuck.

he's just an old man. senile or not, what did he ever have to offer? this is the man leading and representing us through crisis? yeah right. baloney.

he's just a spoiled old man. he doesn't care about anyone it is just an act he is just going through the rounds.

most career politicians are only successful at turning a blind eye to evil shit, see any of those child sniffing videos sleepy joe continues to star in

this shit seems planned or orchestrated at this point... there cant be this many fucking morons in his campaign unless the people working for Biden fucking hate him.

this is honestly peak clown world for me right now. not even leftist moral decadence can beat this. a literal senile old man is making a succesful run for the presidency of the united states. absolutely fucking insane if you think about it

Biden wasn't super rich until recently, since he left office as Vice President. He almost sold his house but Obama helped him out

the guy is freaking 77 years old. what the hell do we want or need a boring 77 year old do nothing nobody former vp for, even if he were not senile.

he never had anything to say and his bullshitting skills are diminishing. but even if he weren't senile, what the hell would he have to offer? it's so fake.

and I'm not trying to argue with anyone i'm just stating how odd the charade is, that they are putting these tired old boomers out front and center and trying to make it like they resonate with disenfranchised and impoverished millenials and the emerging non-white, third world horde class that is anxiously waiting to loot his mansion.

We already lost, 4 more years

i agree. it is absurd. like a joke.

nice adaptation, very impressive

I support socialized dementia.

Man this is too funny for not wanting him to be the nominee. If he gets a little more demented, he's my oficial candidate to win the elections. Trump is funny but the perspective of getting a literal senile man in the office is too tempting to pass.

This. It might be a poly to have Biden drop out at the last minute and be replaced by the DNC with a candidate who will not have to go through all the debate and press scrutiny, because they would not have survived it. No idea who that candidate might be though

I miss the obligatory Canadian flag but I guess it wouldn’t work on this adaptation.

He's a cuck and a stablishment lapdog. He will abide.

>linking to some narcissistic faggot instead of just showing the actual footage
op is a faggot

>a literal senile old man is making a succesful run for the presidency
Boomer politicians are really starting to piss me the fuck off. DO YOU KNOW WHAT RETIREMENT IS YOU BUSY BODY FUCKS???
Their time should be over. They've done enough to screw up the nation. They're turn should be over now. What, does the generation before them have to get to be 60+ before they get the FUCK out of the way and we can be politicians?
I mean we bitch about boomers destroying the country? They're still doing it.
They're still there. Doing it. They never got the fuck out of the way.

Not to mention that back when he still had all his marbles together, he helped the Jews literally suck the blood out of Ukraine and got paid to do it, then bragged about it on camera in a room full of people.

Sanders will mop the floor with this guy

It makes more sense when you factor in the likelihood that the DNC has no intention of winning the election, and that their primary objective was to stop Bernie from taking over their party like Trump took over the GOP. Imagine you're a Democrat establishment functionary who lives and works in DC. You just spent the last 3 years watching many of your Republican establishment counterparts get ousted by Trump and turned into pariahs. What is more important to you, winning the election, or stopping Bernie from winning the election?

no he won't. sanders is a pussy ass bitch

>the guy is freaking 77 years old
sanders is 78 and still is a very effective speaker, even beyond his rote talking points. though "muh overton window" won't allow socialism to help poor people. only the rich. biden supports the rich, so he gets the spotlight.

should he win the presidency, his administration will be doing the heavy lifting and only drag him out for appearances only. the less exposure the better. I'd be surprised if he can even sign his own name on papers anymore.


At least I know which room of my house I'm in.

>though "muh overton window" won't allow socialism to help poor people
FDR enacted the New Deal in 1933.

based op
reminds me of how john glenn used to joke about his own senility
except biden's is real and its not quite as funny as it is pathetic and sad

I always thought this was the most crazy stupid plan ever and that's why i have refused to consider it until now...
The Vulture is going to swoop in.
wtf...Biden is based now???

which led to the CCC and millions of poor men being put in labor camps and worked to death then having it along with draft roles covered up while uncle franklin came out le ebin hero super gimp

Skip to 3:30 for Rogans's take. This is going to be the normie reaction when Biden has the microscope on him for 7 months

Why aren't we memeing him more? A Biden presidency will be even more hilarious than the Trump presidency

Imagine Joe just blabbering about Amazon and Delaware rivers then walking off camera at a whitehouse televised event

yes, only in times of great crisis do you see those radical socialist policies come into play. like our national emergency right now. but even during a crisis like one we're facing now, they will not bother to back Sanders because he is "le commie Jew" and "socialism bad because my textbook says so".

CCC projects weren't fucking labor camps. Goddman you're stupid.


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He's one of three major candidates for presidency. Most people on the West coast back him.

Must be, he's definitely one of us

Based and accelerationist pilled

I didn't see him helping putin weaken us and sow discord for years to ease the upcoming occupation. Stop talking out of your ass.

He was part of the administration that did nothing when Putin annexed Crimea. Not that they were wrong.

The whole Biden situation has made me confront the reality of my grandma's cognitive decline. It's actually pretty upsetting, and when I realize that the DNC is doing this to a vulnerable senior citizen it makes my blood boil. Like if someone were to trot my grandma around for their own gain I would flip out and do something stupid.

I've been taking care of my grandma lately and I've sort of been in denial about what's happening. I still am I guess. I don't want to admit that this person I love with all my heart might be nearing the end. Thankfully she is still the same person she has always been in terms of her personality. Her short term memory is really bad, like she will forget conversations from 10 minutes ago but her long term memory is actually quite good. I like talking with her about the old days and can tell it really makes her happy. Joe Biden is a bastard but even he doesn't deserve this. I hate shitlibs but I'm stunned that they would treat one of their own so cruelly. This is an embarrassing farce and everyone propping up Joe should be ashamed of themselves.

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Dude I'm so down for those hashtags.

Fuck the DNC. I want this shit to crash and burn at this point. Burn it down. All of it

The guy is visibly sick and the MSM is literally ignoring it. They're trying so hard to save themselves it's hilarious how badly they're failing at it.

So what happens Sunday during 2 hour debate? The guy with dementia will be exposed to 50 million American viewers?