Can someone explain to me why the stock market went up by close to 10% on Friday? Was the virus contained...

Can someone explain to me why the stock market went up by close to 10% on Friday? Was the virus contained? Was a cure for found? Is everything okay now?

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1.5 trillon in jewjew cash was pumped in

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Dead cat bounce

Just another pump and dump scheme by the government

So you’re saying it will fall hard again next week

this. fed doing lots of money printing buying up s&p futures with free money

Because nothing ever happens and we're doomed to continue in the mediocority

whats changed? besides the jewjew cash

logic can do wonderful things.

wish my flag had a sword on it

The last person panicked

Corona cucks got BTFO


because guys like me who were smart enough
to see a stock that was 500 dollars yesterday go for 100 dollars and bought that stock like a mother fucker.

thats why
Im going to be rich by the end of the month

the actually virus is going to be a joke compared to the econ
ill we got was 3k back with 1,5 trillion and the banks only took at like 80 billon at 1.57% apr
this is why trump looks like shit

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Nothing except now it seems like more places are shutting down and more emergency alerts are happening

I have a feeling Monday will be a bloodbath after that last second jump.

Just make your own flag
you're an American you're supposed to be all about freedom and liberty


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no one wants to go into an uncertain weekend, certain that the market was down. An up market on Friday means that people can sleep well friday night, and then start panicking again Sunday night when more information starts coming out.

i like the cut of your jib
might send you pictures of other saudis drinking in the us so you can behead them later

I've studied the market for over 30 years and am moderately well off from that. There's never been anything like this.
I never believed that q larp bullshit, but I'm starting to think this is all related to a global effort to defeat Trump.
And it has no ordinary reasons.
I'm beginning to think that there might really be a "cabal" and they'll do anything, absolutely anything, to keep from being exposed.
That's what all of this is about.
Or not....
Who the fuck knows anything anyway???

Market is convulsing. Big down days followed by big up days. The basis point movements in the last couple weeks are more movements than happen in most years.

Market screamed by 4-5% alone in the last 30 mins of today’s trading alone. The exact time when Trump marched out the lineup of corporate CEOs to talk about what their companies are doing to help. Pretty smart move by Trump there to grab some cheap gains for $0 cost. Moved the market more than the Federal Reserve printing and dumping 1.5 trillion new dollars straight into the market. Fuck the fucking worthless Fed. They are going to be crushed into oblivion if/when this blows over. That being said, it ain’t blowing over anytime soon unless a miracle happens. The market will continue to drop next week.

Trump drained the swamp and told them to give back trillions of dollars and he put it back into the world economy for us all.

Jew tricks

Now that schools are shutting down everywhere, as well as city and social functions, I see no reason for market gains right now. Flights are empty, travel is slowing to a halt, people will now purchase necessities but nothing more.
Many parents will be out of work to handle the kids for the next 2-3 weeks or more. So spending is grinding to a halt which will create long term repercussions.

>Can someone explain to me why the stock market went up by close to 10% on Friday
because in a price crash?
its a DEAL to buy otherwise expensive stock.
it always comes back UP and more
like buying houses after the housing crash.

I agree.
It's going to be a long bumpy ride.
At least until June (if this virus is like others and dissipates with warm weather).
But the virus will most likely return for fall, just in time for the elections.

Nothing like this before.

Meh. It was a last hour of the week rally triggered by Trump's speech. So it's basically based on nothing. It might get fucking stomped first thing Monday.

I don't think Trump really even said much. 50bil in state aid doesn't mean shit. It prob calmed people down a little.

When oil goes down, our domestic energy sector goes down, and pulls "the market" as a whole with it.

>trying to time the market
>not just have a comfy return with dividend-paying stocks robust portfolio

Oh goyim

I'm getting geared up for the dip. This weekend I'm getting everything ready to dump into the market hopefully I can pull out a big fish

This isn't a dip, you moron. It's a fucking cliff and we've barely even started falling.

>he cant see the forest for the trees
Stay poor champ, only winners know how to play this game

You making any plays yet, user?

I’ve been all cash waiting for something like this, but still have cold feet as there is no sign of it getting better and stimulus announcements seem like pissing in the wind.

I did buy a small position in an oil tanker company after oil got floored though. Tankers are either shipping when oil is up or charging storage when down. Has been a pretty resilient investment so far.

pelosi and trump made a deal to print US dollars until the virus goes away

All the pedo Elites have the coronavirus now, markets will go back up.

Only person in this thread that actually knows what's going on. I only read four comments tho

Trump expertly timed speech was ending just around closing. He was very comforting and had many professionals testify to working their hardest to keep America great as we defeat this evil virus.

Me too. I’m getting antsy, but holding steady for now. I don’t see the bottom in sight yet, but who knows what the fuck is going on.

Dude made a really good argument for shorting 10yrs the other day.

I know you're full of shit because you would be agonizing over your massive losses if you had any capital.

I cashed everything into government bonds once the first case made it to the United States. Once Royal Caribbean hits $20 I'm going to load up.

People are not going to stop taking vacations. After an extended quarantine period people will be itching to get out and do stuff. They will come out of this with a renewed appreciation for life and full yolo.

You can bet big but don't put everything.
We likely aren't near the bottom yet.

The rate of new cases in China are leveling off.
Disruptive supply chains that are fueling the market drop may be mitigated very soon.

But this is a buyer's time, especially if you're young.

>if you kill your enemies they win

He really did play that well. It makes the rally not meaningful but the scoreboard is the scoreboard for him.

Every time he gets on tv he calms people. Investors aren’t retards who get their news from cnn, they actually watch press conferences and what the president and the coronavirus task force are DOING, not what some dipshit news anchor is SAYING ABOUT what they’re doing.

But yeah as shit continues to hit the fan, trump will be forced to continue to make statements and put peoples minds at ease.
We are in for a few months of crazy ups and downs.

>Royal Caribbean hits $20 I'm going to load up.
study the Fed and when they start offering bail outs to cruise lines
insiders will probably load up right before this announcement

>jewjew cash
i want some jewjew cash

when government bails something out the public is usually not allowed to buy its stock.

When all the automakers got bought out the stock was considered "toxic" and only "sophisticated investors" and "industrial banks" were allowed to buy it.

Regular people were allowed to buy it when they did a ''new ipo''.

Look up GM stock and notice it only goes back to 2010.

Yes buy put options now, market will continue to fall unless Government halts the market or stops people from shorting.

>You making any plays yet, user?
Only conservative adjustments.

>I did buy a small position in an oil tanker company after oil got floored though.
That sounds like a pretty fucking stupid thing to have done. It's like how a normie who watches movies thinks you make money.
Please tell me you're larping.

Lol. Give your picks, financetardanon. I'm constructing an index that does the opposite of what you say. Gonna be bigly.

Retards don’t buy stock now, buy put options then when market hits the floor buy stocks with your gains.

Even dead cats bounce when you through em off a building...

me too

STNG, not a larp user. 15% today. It’s a short term play while oil is getting shocked.

Long term allocation to a growth model I’ve built out will happen gradually as we reached certain markers on the way down.

wow that doesn't sound good
is that the accredited investor status "to protect you"

Ring ring. It’s your margin call after a day like today.

>I'm constructing an index that does the opposite of what you say.
Go for it, if you can handle the stress and it's what you want.
I'm 54. I don't go for big risks.
I never wanted to be a lifetime wage slave so I've got a little bit of money and a lot of land.
And I barely have to work and haven't since I was 37.

The market only tell by like 10%.
No stock worth 500 fell to 100 (80% drop).
Stop being a moron.


Go Toots, lil fighter

>I'm 54. I don't go for big risks.
Corona-chan is coming for you, boomer.

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