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praise kek

President Pence coming at ya

he's obviously been sick in the last few press conferences. he'll try to deny it until all of the sudden he's not making any appearances, then ded.


you cant get sick from a make believe virus

Fuck (((testing))).

Coming in contact with someone who has flu doesn't mean you will get it... how retarded are you?

He's one of the most powerful people on the planet. They can literally pump him full of vitamins and drugs until he's cured

he's like 400 lbs, 80 years old, and survives off a diet of diet coke and big macs. not gonna make it.

trump is pure evil. The walmart guy was invited to speak and he held both his hands behind his back. Trump looks down at his hands then after the walmart guys speech trump shakes his hand and the guy clearly wanted to. I would say trump is infected infected everyone around him. Maybe he is based.

Literally wtf is the point of testing
If you get sick enough go to hospital otherwise ride it out


US presidents get highly classified, highly potent vaccines towards numerous illnesses. When was the last time you saw a sick president? Hell, how did Ruth Bader Ginsberg survive cancers with near total mortality?

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>guy clearly wanted to

>didnt want to.

What if the swamp refuses to help him.

If Trump got sick/quarantined himself it would only cause panic.

Dont test him

FINALLY. PPG here we come! /PPG/ President Pence General, The ascension from /PTG/ ashes.

>Built for BBC

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so you stay the fuck away from children and the elderly you high school dropout dipshit

>how did Ruth Bader Ginsberg survive cancers with near total mortality?

That knowledge would probably warp the fabric of your soul and lead you to the answers of why god has forsaken us.

That's like 95% of Americans too though

Covefe > Covid

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about time

It's quarter pounders, faggot.

he was with turmp and the Brazilian guy, all of them are infected

I had close contact and feel a lil sick. They won’t test me unless I have a 100 temp or can’t breathe. They said even if I have it just self quarantine unless I can’t breathe.

Shut up, faggot. You want Mueller to draw up murder chsrges or something?

You don't understand the Trump cultists already gave up on containing it to any degree. They just want you to think everything's fine until your parents are gasping for air and there's zero room in the local hospital.

In otherwords its very unlikely I will have more than a flu

Why is he standing like the fucking ground is on a 10 degree incline?

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>absolute unit

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Chad as fuck desu

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FDR had fucking polio and hid it for years
People are freaking out and Trump didn't even coof
If Trump dies we get to legally electrocute fags
WTF are you crying for?

Look at Ginsburg. They can do the same with him.

>Trump takes down the entire deep state with him

I know he's /ourkikepresident/ but for some reason I just can't stay angry at him. He's so adorable and chad-like, even if he is deepthroating Israel

This. If he got a Vitamin C I.V. hooked up he’d probably be fine in 2-3 days.

I'd actually be pretty curious to hear Pence talk about traps.

Somebody find a way to ask him about bepenised women on camera

This, he knows.

>then ded
don't count on it.

did he do it?


He doesn't have it, it's for sure.


You should pull out your English-Spanish dictionary and look up this word; you don't seem to understand what it means.

Trump probably gets Vitamin C IVs and is healthier than 99% of pol.. I mean /pol

Same here. I had the flu, took a few days off for it and i feel fine. Called into the foreman at the jobsite and was told that i needed a dr note to get back to work.
I got handed a 14 day quarantine and told to call the health dept.
The health dept doesnt even want to test me and the fucking foreman shut down the entire jobsite because of it. 100s of ppl are now laid off because of hysteria

yep, he aint dyin

President Pelosi here we come

Is this real

When he overcomes the virus he will be stronger than ever.

Agreed, you have to remember who the republicans and democrats had to offer opposed to Trump.
It's not even close. He is /ourretardpresident/ in my eyes.

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What do you think?

>Yeah, no, I don’t take responsibility at all....

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Who cares?
Wilson had the Spanish Flu and he was fine

checked, he's going to die from coronavirus

Covid19 is infected by Trump.

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what the fuck does self-isolation to prevent contamination of at-risk individuals have to do with Trump or Mueller? you orange nigger lovers have spent so much time in your bubble you barely speak the same fucking language.

Anterior pelvic tilt from years of wearing lifts in his shoes, not even joking

>Maybe he is based.
Maybe? LMFAO.


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If he gets tested and is confirmed, markets will see 2008 again

Pence is 61
With God and Anime on his side, coronachan is finished

He's fucking human, He's not immortal or invincible no matter what drugs the government has.
He's overweight, eats a poor diet, Is old(73) which puts him at the highest risk there is for coronavirus. He's not going to come out and say he has it ever, He'll just make less public appearances. If he announces that it basically tells everyone "since the president has it, anyone can get it."

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>Why is he standing like the fucking ground is on a 10 degree incline?

Height insoles. He is basically wearing high-heels inside his shoes. SAD!

He does need testing he is immune.

lmao you watch paolo from tokyo?

It's 12:35 in the only timezone that matter, I would go for some covfefe myself.

30 minutes late, Trump rambled for 10 dropped 200pts. As soon as the mic went to the health experts and retail leaders, the market jumped 1,366 pts to close at 23,182.10
pic related

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Imagine eating a big mac in current year

Few reasons, for one - he is on a slope. Look at the ground plane shadow of the chopper. It's more than a few degrees off. Look at the Washington monument.
Also they very likely caught him in an odd position. He jacket is unbuttoned which gives the illusion that there's more weight forward.
Don't get me wrong, it's not great posture. But you're dealing with people that will show you a bold faced lie, and the truth at the same time and demand you subscribe to it as though it were reality.
They can lie wordlessly.

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This was all an elaborate plan to finally stop Blonald Blumpft?

Based Pence. Gays beware

maximum COPE

Yes. But my point is he'll never announce he has it if he does. Only thing that will be the doomsday sparker is if he dies, That won't go down well. He's old AF. 73 is the highest tier bracket of risk for corona, A 15% chance to die from corona if you are hospitalized and go into ARDS.

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Please let it be pelosi and not Sealab daddy

>73 is the highest tier bracket of risk for corona
No it isn't. 80+ is.

Chimps gonna chimp

This plague will cost this orange retard the election. Too little, too late, people are scared, they'll be desperate for real leadership.

Based. Keep up the good work Corona-chan!

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I have a friend who comes from a family doctors and he has some horrific stories. Modern medicine has the ability to keep a mammalian body alive long after it would have died without intervention. It’s just almost never done to the extreme because of ethics.

Guy has a story about his family dog getting hit by a car and having its spine severed in two. His dad revived it after it passed naturally and kept it alive for six hours on a mix of adrenaline, painkillers, and vitamin heavy IV, just so the kids could come home from school to say goodbye to it. As soon as he pulled the drug cocktail the fucking thing died again within 15 seconds. Docs won’t do this to human patients for obvious reasons but I’m sure there are planned exceptions, especially if you’re talking about POTUS

He's overweight, that's good enough to push him up. I unironically hope drumpf dies along with the rest of america.

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Bet he smashed her ass as well

He’ll be dead by end of April. Sad really


D.E.S.U. because no one is being honest here, president Pence would be the best worst thing to happen to this country.

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Look up anterior pelvic tilt

No one asked about your angsty hopes, faggot.

Israel already vaccinated him.

LBGTQ about to get BBQ'd

Why the fuck is this retard refusing to be tested? I fucking hate boomers.

>Right to try

Ay nigger, stop talking shit about my McBurgers before I nuke every KFC in America

We can guesstimate all day, but chances are trump has it. He's not admitting to not getting tested, but obviously that's not true. Trump HAS coronavirus magatard.

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All hail Pelosi (unironically)

What did Q mean by this?

the test is highly inaccurate
>The multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analysis results supported the base-case findings, with a 75% probability for the false-positive rate of positive results over 47%