Kilju. Learn how to make this shit in a collapse

A bottle of this will get you 20 ramens, 2 lighters, sex with a virgin, a horse, a pack of ammo, or 5 cigarettes. People need to get hammered when they're depressed in a bunker with no heat

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Thanks for telling us how to make it. Now we have to google and sift through like 10 potentially shitty pages to find a good recipe. You have done great dishonor by inconveniencing the fellow friends on this board.

A shitload of sugar like 10 cups mixed with a gallon water, a packet of yeast, and either an air filter lid or balloon with a hole poked to let out the co2. Let sit it in a cool dark place for a week then you have vodka

that sounds fucking awful

>you have vodka
No, you have sugar wine. I refuse to acknowledge anything with 17% ABV as vodka, excepting that you then proceed to distill it. Although you could also "jack" it by freezing it and skimming off the ice as it forms, thus leaving a higher concentration of alcohol, but that wouldn't be vodka, that would be...sugarjack, I guess?

I used to brew my own wine back in highschool, what I did for a fermentation lock was, I poked a hole in the lids of the water bottles I was brewing in, ran some clear refrigerator tubing I got at a hardware store into the holes, made it air-tight with hot glue, and put the free ends of the tubes into a glass of water. Let the CO2 bubble out through it, a quick DIY water lock. In retrospect I could have probably used a bottle of water, the taper would probably keep the ends submerged without my having to clip them to the glass.

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>thinking niggers won't drink anything that you say will get them drunk

>waste a shitload of sugar, yeast, water, and a container as well as a bunch of time making your house stink for 20 ramen packets aka like $2
>could buy a big ass jug of shitty bottom shelf liquor for $10 that would likely have more alcohol content, taste better, and be safer to drink, and be better for trading

This is how every fermented drink is made. Water, yeast, sugar. If you substitute the sugar for, say... grapes, you have wine.

It's better when you use a clarifier and a siphon, or re-racking, to get the yeast out. And besides, OP is talking about post-SHTF alcohol. Whatever you brew ain't gonna taste like no Kool-Aid. It's going to be unpalatable to some degree, hell, commercially available alcohol now is an acquired taste, and we're pre-apocalypse. But people will drink it if shit gets bad enough. Look at prisons, and the pruno they make.
>thinking a nigger is going to trade supplies for booze like a civilized entity
Tyrone is just going to try and rob you for your hooch, user, so you'll have to shoot him first. Why are we even bringing him into the discussion? I'm talking about making alcohol for white men.

Catchy name

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>not owning your own personal nigger slave during the apocalypse

>>could buy a big ass jug of shitty bottom shelf liquor for $10 that would likely have
>more alcohol content
Depends on what yeast you use, how much sugar and how much the $10 bottle has
>taste better
A $10 jug? No way in hell. They cut so many corners making that shit.
>be safer to drink
Yeah but you'll only infect your drink if you're braindead. I guess decontamination supplies will be rare when SHTF
>Be better for trading

The alcohol will all get drunk and then you need ways to make new alcohol

>that would be...sugarjack, I guess?
No user, that would be an instant migraine in a jar.

>Depends on what yeast you use, how much sugar and how much the $10 bottle has
user, there is no possible way to match the alcohol content of an 80 proof, $10 bottle of Crystal Palace vodka by volume through fermentation alone. It's just not scientifically possible, the alcohol content itself is going to kill the yeast before it gets above, like, 19%, tops. Distillation and jacking are the only ways to concentrate alcohol above that level. Stocking alcohol as a trade item is far and away the better tactic for a crisis as opposed to home-brewing, assuming civilization as we know it isn't ended permanently.

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Based, thanks user, can't belive Yas Forums is bitching about somethng called "Kilju"

i has wuestions
1) can you use canning jars to release CO2
2a) do u need yeast
2b) can you make it funky and fermented other ways by leaving the jar in the hot sun if you have no yeast


I just noticed that. 'kill-jew'. This is /our/ drink

No i like seeing. Thanks though!

I made some kilju about 4 years ago. Been sitting in plastic bottles. I don't drink anymore, potential alcohol was around 13% when I made it. I wonder if it is still good? I made a few, regular sugar, brown sugar, and a mixed sugar one. I thought the regular sugar one tasted like some cheap boxed chardonnay.


No no, it wouldn't be all that bad. Again, I made my own wine in highschool, to speed up the process of getting fucked up I often jacked it. After my parents found my brewery in my closet and decided not to try and stop me, because at least I wasn't cooking meth, I was able to jack wine in the freezer openly and did it to my bathtub-burgundy all the time. I'm speaking from experience, here. It's not as bad a final product as you're imagining, provided you add a clarifier, and siphon the hooch away from the dregs and yeast.
>1) can you use canning jars to release CO2
You potentially could, but you shouldn't. There's like a 1/1000 chance you'll be able to seal the canning jars exactly tight enough to keep oxygen from getting in and spoiling your batch, but loose enough to let the CO2 out before your brew explodes, or that you'll be able "burp" them often enough without having a jar burst. We use fermentation locks, and have done so for thousands of years, because they work.
>2a) do u need yeast
>2b) can you make it funky and fermented other ways by leaving the jar in the hot sun if you have no yeast
Yeast is absolutely necessary, even before we deliberately added it, fermentation relied on yeast spores that naturally found the surface of the fermenting fruit/grain. It is vital to the fermentation process. Fortunately, it is cheap as shit. If you're underage b& and can't order brewer's yeast off the interwebs, you can use baking yeast. It's an inferior option but it works.

It can't be airtight otherwise it'll explode from the co2 pressure. Yes there's needs to be yeast as it eats the sugar to produce alcohol. Sun exposure will likely kill the yeast or increase likelihood of bacteria exposure. Also you can get creative adding fruit and shit maple syrup etc, anything that has a sugar content

>t. jew

At the very least add some juice to it.Or better yet make some AJ cider with no more than one pound of sugar per 5 gallons if you don't want it to taste like asshole a a nigger.

>Sun exposure will likely kill the yeast or increase likelihood of bacteria exposure.
That's right, fermentation must be performed in a cool, dark place.

What happens if you use starter yeast and flour?

no thanks I don't wanna get poisoned

1) What about torquing the ring of the canning jar very gently in a way to minimize oxygen entering while still letting CO2 escape. Would filling half a jar, leaving enough room in the jar for air, help it so the brew doesn’t explode?
2) Thank you. What about fruit salad booze using berries as the yeast? How do you do that?

Bread yeast deals with the gas release by just using the mason jar lid without the screwy part. Just the flat part and a rubberband.

whoops missed the (You) sorry

additional questions:
Could you not use a jar filled with non-yeast bacteria + sugar and water?

Can this bacteria be anything really? Assuming you distil the dank mess really well afterwards.

Would sunlight followed by darkness initially not help induce anaerobic conditions?

Oh lord so much misinformation, l2fermen

You...make bread?
>1) What about torquing the ring of the canning jar very gently in a way to minimize oxygen entering while still letting CO2 escape.
user, you are talking a precision level of..."sealedness", that your mortal hands are not going to attain. Use a fermentation lock.
>Would filling half a jar, leaving enough room in the jar for air, help it so the brew doesn’t explode?
If you were somehow able to vacuum-seal the half-empty space, maybe, otherwise the room in the jar is still being taken up by air and the vessel will burst when additional pressure is added from the CO2. user. Use. A fucking. Fermentation lock. OP described the balloon method, I described the "tube in a vessel of water" method, you're trying to engineer a solution to a problem that has been well and truly solved already, you're making this far more complicated than it needs to be.

>2) Thank you. What about fruit salad booze using berries as the yeast? How do you do that?
The berries wouldn't be the yeast, they'd be the sugar. Unless you have a berry patch, they might naturally get enough yeast spores on their skins to induce fermentation, but anything you get from the store is gonna be too washed and heavily treated to make that work.

>rubber band
My god I honestly never woulda thunk. Ty.

I posit that you could make any nasty brew by breaking down the sugar with bacteria and keeping it sealed. You gotta filter it, distil it, make it not pure poison.

Did this shit in high school. Buy a gallon jug of distilled water. Empty some out. Add a pound of sugar, packet or two of yeast, and some kool aid powder for flavor. Shake. Lightly place the cap on top to where it could fall off if bumped. It will let the co2 escape without letting air in. Let it sit at least two weeks. When it’s done, filter out the shit that grows and drink.

I don’t have balloons, user. :(

By half full jar I meant that it would produce less CO2 overall given that there is less of the liquidy brew reacting. The constant pressure increase being marginally less

I did for a while. It was more interesting than edible. But the yeast starter was awesome. Just making flatbread with that was prob the best. All the actual breadmaking was kinda gay and really hard work.

Thats why this topic interests me. The yeast. Water and flour in a bowl in a warm spot for a week will attract natural wild yeast and begin a culture. But this yeast vs the dried store packets takes way longer to rise in bread. So it might be way slower than your way.

>not stockpiling crack for the negro overlords tribute

If you use yeast I mean, why not use whatever funk flowers in the sun in a pinch? It’s gross as fuck but could a sock substitute for yeast?

Kek, same.

I think so. Bread stuff is just using the grain instead of just sugar.

Wow I never knew it was so easy to go blind

alcohol will degrade plastic
should be stored in glass

>Could you not use a jar filled with non-yeast bacteria...Can this bacteria be anything really?
It certainly cannot, not every bacteria ferment sugar into ethanol. Like, salmonella and escherichia do, but I can't even imagine what you'd have to do to salmonella-fermented hooch to make it safe to drink. And where are you going to cultivate salmonella for brewing? Yeast works. It's abundant, cheap, shelf-stable, and capable of being cultured safely and easily.

>Would sunlight followed by darkness initially not help induce anaerobic conditions?
Not noticeably, the yeast is meant to be activated by warm water. Any drop in heat that induces the optimal anaerobic conditions is already going to be happening. Any additional heat above that, as from sunlight, is capable of retarding or stopping fermentation altogether.
That...may actually work. I feel as though it lacks the precision of the balloon or water lock methods, but it's not unviable. Interesting idea.

Where am I supposed to find sugar after the boogaloo? It only grows on ape escape islands

what are you, a baby nigger?

I can hit 90+% after 2 runs, 16%-19% before it even hits the pot.

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Bottom shelf liquor is awful, but I doubt some prison tier brew is going to be much better. You could stock up on higher quality stuff, but shitty tasting stuff can get the job done just as well.
Not to mention, the amount of space that all the ingredients take up would still be better served just stocking up on already made booze, with brewing coming into play long after when the stocks are gone, and you'd need to focus on renewable ingredients vs any kind of refined sugar. It's still a good skill to know but it's practicality is limited without that.

Also as far as safety goes, there's a lot of factors that go into proper brewing too, especially if you ever plan to distill stuff. If you figure a low proof prison wine could be better served turned into moonshine, you'd have to know about impurities like methanol too, especially in bigger batches.

Throw in carrots, sour patch kids, ketchups, peanut butter, anything with sugar. They do it in prison all the time

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>balloon with a hole poked to let out the co2
I remember doing that with my first batch of alcohol, it actually works pretty well. I made a batch of mead and liked it enough that I bought carboys to brew wine it.
I made ~25 batches of wine so far (mostly made of fruits other than grape), but stopped for a few years. Currently waiting on a batch of muscadine wine
Pic related is when I first started it a few months ago. Gravity is at 1.018 now, so it is a bit sugary and has a few more weeks to go. Will be ~12-13% alcohol when its done

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>Not having your own still

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That sounds so gross. All my experiments with kool aid powder were miserable failures, I found it had too much acid to let the yeast really be healthy and do their work. And capping it that loosely, that seems to me like tempting fate to get some kind of food poisoning. I mean, I kludged water locks because the balloon method didn't seem foolproof enough for me, what you're suggesting just makes me cringe. I guess it could work, though. It wouldn't be my method, I tell you that right now, I need more quality control.

>A shitload of sugar like 10 cups mixed with a gallon water, a packet of yeast, and either an air filter lid or balloon with a hole poked to let out the co2. Let sit it in a cool dark place for a week then you have vodka

This is nothing more than a simple sugar wash, and certainly nothing less.
water, sugar and yeast.
easy 10% (20 proof) alcohol yield
its NOT vodka unless you distill it.
adding in some flavoring or making tea with it or *whatever* flavorings? makes it drinkable.

Pro tip: you can add fruit or fruit juice to make the kilju taste better.

Taking someones virginity isn't to be taken lightly.


Ok this looks doable. Wtf. I want to make Meade

Where have you encountered this Finnish delicacy?

honestly? if you are going to be not distilling it, anything over 10 or 12 percent isnt best tasting anyways, and bread yeast works FINE up to 10 or 12.
honestly? i personally find "turbo yeast" tastes like shit to make common table wine with
i say,use bread yeast and the proper amount of sugar and water... then add in a packet of koolaid when your done and call it a day... or, make cold tea with it.

Flavored tea also. Remember that preservatives in juices stop the fermenting.

>Bottom shelf liquor is awful, but I doubt some prison tier brew is going to be much better.
You'd be surprised. My pruno-inspired burgundy was the equal of or superior to any commercially available burgundy I've ever tasted. That might speak more to the paucity of my wine budget than the quality of my homebrew, but I was making a product at the age of 15, out of Welch's grape juice, that I would confidently put against Yellowtail or Apothic in a blind taste test.
>Also as far as safety goes, there's a lot of factors that go into proper brewing too, especially if you ever plan to distill stuff. If you figure a low proof prison wine could be better served turned into moonshine, you'd have to know about impurities like methanol too, especially in bigger batches.
True that. I personally only know about small-batch distilling. With a bucket-still and a heating element. I'm not yet prepared to go full Popcorn Sutton.

i mean fresh juice, squeeze it yourself.

Honestly just buy a shitton of cheap vodka now

>implying people won't just beat your skinny virgin arse to death and steal your pissy wine

Just you stop it with your wise-arse common sense, sonny

I heard about fermenting but i never knew what it really meant until the other day.
My mom left a bowl of gravy with some sliced ham in it out for a couple days only half covered. I heard a bubbling sound and I looked around then noticed the gravy was kind of like it was boiling with bubbles coming up and it smelled bad. I guess because the yeast in the flour.

You want to use honey to bring it up to at least half the gravity (densisty) you want, you can use sugar to bring it up the rest of the way. Add sliced apples and/or pear to add flavoring.
>inb4 whats gravity and how do i figure that out
Use a tool called a hydrometer. Water has a gravity of 1.0. When you add sugar, gravity increases. When it ferments, the sugar is replaced with alcohol (which is lighter than water) and co2. So if you start with a low 'starting gravity' (aka you didnt add much sugar) it will ferment out to something lighter than water, which gives the 'dry' feel on the tongue of dry wines. Just google 'abv calculator' and you get a calculator that finds alcohol content using 'starting gravity' (when you are done adding sugar and ready to pitch the yeast) and 'final gravity' (when its done fermenting and sugar turned to alcohol)

If you have super strong yeast, you can get REALLY high alcohol contents. I tried making kilju with watermelon. It ended up tasting like shit and not at all like watermelon, but it was 18.5% alcohol. Took a fuckton of sugar for just a 1 gallon batch, i nearly used as much sugar as water lol

So If i just basically blend assorted fruits, stuff all of it in a bottle, sprinkle yeast, and cap it with a pressure valve, I'll have grappa in a couple months?

why the flying FUCK does everyone try to make easy home wine making so fucking complicated to get decent results? common "table wine" is easy and very drinkable to make...
look up "paw paw wine recipe" on youtoob.

I'll actually have a gun to defend myself unlike you fork boy

>implying other people don't have guns and won't gang up on you

>then add in a packet of koolaid when your done
>when your done
...oh my fucking God, that's where I fucked up! I added the kool aid to the mix at the outset, of course the acid harmed the yeast! If I had made, just, kilju, and added the kool aid to it after it was done brewing, it probably would have tasted fine.

Jesus Christ, how have I not have this epiphany in the ensuring decade+ since my teen years? How can I be smart enough to figure to have secured a supply of unlimited booze in 10th grade, but too dumb to realize this self-evident truth on my own? Fucking...I killed too many brain-cells. I drank young, killed a lot of brain-cells, and became a dumbass.

I helped a friend brew beer so i understand that stuff.

Will this potentially make me turn blind?

It sounds way easier than it is though

Like where the fuck do you get pure lab-grade yeast in an apocalypse

I drank a lot of this once and had anal sex with my own son.

He was 6. Incredibly good vodka.

if he answers "no" then it isn't really good stuff.


Also the water needs to be distilled/completely sterile with no microorganisms in it apparently

I've never done beer, only fruit wines. Banana wine tastes really good, but there is a lot of settlement on the bottom so you dont get as much.
It starts as a murky brown liquid and all the muck falls to the bottom leaving you with a clear golden wine. Its probably one of my favorites.

I live in a 90% white community and can easily form alliances. You'll be fucked with the towelheads and groids

dont beat yourself up...
any moron is a genius ONE day a year
any genius is a moron ONE day a year
its just a matter of how often you do which one, LOL

This is why i mentioned the bread yeast. Flour and water in a warm corner will culture yeast. But it sucks compared to packet yeast. So i dunno how it would influence this process.

we usually use something called turbo yeast and ferment it for a week or two not months

Don't forget to coffee filter it with charcoal a few times.

You'll then have something drinkable.

Wherever people got their yeast from in the thousands of years that they've been making booze.

also dont forget many kilograms of sugar

>Like where the fuck do you get pure lab-grade yeast in an apocalypse

actually back in the colonial days? bread yeast and beer yeast were often the same yeast.
also? when "done" making beer? you can SAVE the yeast culture and grow it for the next batch... the yeast lasts forever, just like sourdough breadmakers make their own yeast... same thing.
google is your friend, dude.

ATF glowing again.

>Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation creates methanol
Mutt education.

Do you boil the fruits first for sterilization?

once again for the cheap seats...

look up, "paw paw wine" on YooToob and have fun watching his wine videos. he has an easy fool proof recipe.