I fuckin hate nig-

>i fuckin hate nig-


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>Her husband, also homeless, stood across the street as the two conversed.

Built for bbc

>muh dick

Sorry but the overwhelming majority of all experiences I've had with blacks have been negative. This once outlier does not make all those bad experiences just go away, nor does it make me feel any safer about blacks. polite sage

It's real, I thought you were joking.

An overwhelming majority of blacks are niggers it’s honestly quite sad to see the few blacks that are considered human to be grouped with these animals

She's a 9 in the black community.

homeless people make good and cheap informants, they are always hanging around the streets watching and know whats going on in the criminal world. The cop is working her.

Was he playing with his nintendo switch?

Fuck off shortstack

I consistently meet upper class blacks at my job/where I live. Almost every interaction I have is pleasant.
However this doesn’t change the fact that they come from a community that disproportionately commits more crime or on average have lower intelligence than their white counterparts.
Outliers or not the majority still act in a “niggerish” way.
And when you have interactions with “niggers” nothing could be a saving grace.
Bad goys exist in every race of man, it’s just with them the majority of their entire race is bad and the good ones are just far and few between.

woah it's so fortuitous that a camera was nearby and rolling.

Memes become reality

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man that bbc made her somebody for like 30 minutes

homeless people are crack/heroin/meth addicts

You kinda just answered yourself without knowing it. It's not a racial problem but a socioeconomic problem. Any black raised in an upper class neighborhood is fine, but blacks don't have generational wealth to be able to do this, so majority are stuck in a never ending cycle of poverty and crime. This also goes for white people raised in ghettos, they are just as bad as blacks.


Just be being a couple shades paler than them makes you their enemy, it's always some bullshit going down with them.

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Notice whenever a police officer does something nice its news?

Literally do anything for white pussy

great snitches if they think the only alternative is prison. just hop a train to the next town over, drug dealers are too niggerish to care about what happens outside of they hood

This is completely false. Beattyville Kentucky (the place that liberal-leaning rags always reference to laugh at white people) is one of the poorest towns in the country and overwhelmingly white, yet their crime rate is LOWER than the average for the country. Race is much more of a predictor of criminal behavior than socioeconomic status.


>Any black raised in an upper class neighborhood is fine
No, just "more" of them are fine

>This also goes for white people raised in ghettos, they are just as bad as blacks.
No, they patently aren't you retarded leaf. How can you come here for long enough to post and yet completely ignore all evidence to the contrary of your brainwashing?

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He probably had heroine on him

Of course there are good blacks, it doesn't change the statistics behind their community as a whole. If we were allowed to properly research eugenic genetics, we might figure out which geographical strains of negroid are the best/most functional in a white society.


Then shoots her dog.

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Just fucking maybe

Some people, regardless of their race are still decent and not everyone's doing something to get something.

+1 humanity

The rest of you, go back to playing Fortnite and jacking off to trannies, what have any of you done to brighten someone's day?

>relating to their own kind
>getting coronavirus because that bitch looks asian
racism and only racism will save the west

Literally desperate for BBC

I've also sat with bums. They'd try to make me take swigs off of warm bottles of vodka. Then they told me God's wrath is coming and our town will be destroyed by tornadoes because we don't turn two large old hotels into shelters. They also compared "Seven heads" or whatever in the Bible to G7.

Which one of you did this

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Honestly I've never met a black person I didn't like. They're always very friendly and polite, and usually make for good conversation.

None of this changes the statistics. Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant.

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>It's not a racial problem but a socioeconomic problem. Any black raised in an upper class neighborhood is fine
Retard alert.

What a good guy. Thanks sir.

Woah nigger does something for social approval.

I would too.
Niggers smell man.

i never understood These Kind of interactions that americans Always pull off for good optics… like how do you interact after this when These People inevitably get Problems with the law again?

> uhh yeah, remember how i gave you that Pizza 2 weeks ago , can you kindly fuck off now and stop being an eyesore to the other fine People working ty bye bye

Are you a cop or white trash?

this is the future of thots when AI and sex dolls became perfected

Id explain how under trained and under staffed police are to deal with Americans who in their own regard are and always will be...niggers.
Hitler was right about you people.

>government employee slacks off
government employee slacks off
>government employee slacks off
government employee slacks off
>government employee slacks off
government employee slacks off
>government employee slacks off
government employee slacks off
>government employee slacks off
government employee slacks off

its on the news again

>Some people, regardless of their race are still decent and not everyone's doing something to get something.
Grow up.

>The rest of you, go back to playing Fortnite and jacking off to trannies,
Projection, accuse your enemies of what you're doing, ad hominem.
I personally dont help people anymore especially Americans.

>what have any of you done to brighten someone's day?
Kill yourself.

Based fellow leaf.
Government employees dont work and we pay the niggers.

It's called copaganda. It happens when the police commit a few too many crimes and have to try to push a PR campaign for a few days to try to up their image with the public, despite being organized criminals.

Didn't work. Still hate niggers. Can you post another one?

Hitler had organized gangs masquerading as cops too.

>i fuckin hate nig-
-gers, fixed that for you, mate :-)

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Her shirt does make me sad.
She'll have a home from the city by morning and I'm glad.

Yeah that’s what I’m trying to say. I don’t see them having to be stuck in poverty or crime, it’s choices and ideals of behaviour they’ve constructed and follow. Blacks who are motivated and usually top tier usually avail themselves to very comfortable positions. However they mimic the success and behaviour of average upper class whites, which I think speaks then of them being removed from “nigger” culture. They are still black but however and will always default to that no matter what, it’s not even a question to them. So then it seems the problem therein lies with the mother culture, you and I can split differences about who and what caused it, however that doesn’t get the issue at hand.

Yeah it's weird. It started in America, but it's spreading it fingers across this globe. This sentimental good deed, which kay or may not help, but either way the person's motive for doing do is to look good. It's a strange level of narcissism. It's like these people cannot conceive of doing a good deed because of its goodness. The good deed always has to be publicized in one way or another.

Thanks for replying to me 3 seperate times, schizo. Guess I hit a nerve. :^)

Note: she was still homeless after he left - never actually helping her in anyway

Giving me PTSD flashbacks to my normie reddit days. Every post that involves a black person doing something remotely human gets massive amounts of upvotes. In particular: a black man doing anything at all with his kids, a black person achieving academically, and a black person doing something nice for a white person. I'm convinced it just a way for white redditors to "own" the racists by showing something that runs counter to their prejudices. Meanwhile none of them have spent any appreciable amount of time around blacks in their lives. Their view of blacks is as cartoonishly positive as some of the more delusional Yas Forumstards views of blacks are cartoonishly negative. It soothes my soul knowing that at least some of them will at some point have to live in an area with at least 15% blacks (that's all it takes) for them to realize what these people are.

Reddit has a point. For black people to be as successful and influential as they are today is amazing considering the shit they went through for the past 300 years.

fucking nigger this lady isn't committing any crimes get off your ass and do your job and arrest your brethren who are killing people

Yeah I do hate them. Another innocent man dead because of some stupid feral fucking nigger.


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>leaf has a cuck fantasy
the one thing we can always count on even in these troubling times
thanks for being there

Hey look, it's a single halfway decent black person, don't you feel bad now?

I went to college with the nicest black dude ever. Super smart and went on to medical school. If I missed class he’d always hand over his notes and vice verse. His parents were African immigrants and I think that has something to do with it. He hated the other blacks and would regularly tell them my family were never slaves during discussion in our history 2000 class. He was cool af. I feel bad for him because he has to be connected with Tyrone

Their "success and influence" is relegated to rapping, sports that prioritize explosive speed, and a handful of entrepreneurs like Oprah. The rest of the "success" stories are all affirmative action bullshit narratives like "a black girl got accepted to all 10 ivy league schools!". It shouldn't be shocking that some of them have succeeded. It should be shocking that more of them haven't succeeded considering how many advantages they've been granted. Pic related. It's an example of the hardships the poor negros face these days.

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I have a few black friends I’m close with and I feel bad being kinda prejudiced but then again I take one walk in the city and quickly reminded. Plus they openly hate everyone else so whatever

>Every post that involves a black person doing something remotely human gets massive amounts of upvotes.
who cares why the end result is a good thing

>we got it from here cracka
damn, what a good nigga

This will last from here, unto eternal. They're taking down blacked.com too, out of respect for the sanctity of proper white/Caucasian pair bonding. They don't want to badly influence young white girls or boys into thinking it's perfectly okay behavior. God is with us. Progress is made. No more race riots. It's all going to last!! Yay!!

Read the article, its literally what the husband was doing.

Built for HIV.

>it's real

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