Nobody cared. Coronavirus will probably kill less. The world melted down.
The only advice I give is take advantage of this in whatever way you can.
Nobody cared. Coronavirus will probably kill less. The world melted down.
The only advice I give is take advantage of this in whatever way you can.
That is because we were more than prepared for it, we are NOT prepared for this virus now and will likely suffer for it. Also swine flu went on for months its only been in the US since the new year
The swine flu caused respiratory illnesses that killed an estimated 575,400 people worldwide in the first year, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.
They were not more prepared for it.
500'000 is the number of confirmed deaths when it was still monitored it
millions probably died
but how hard did Yas Forums try to meme swine flu?
swine flu wasn't a bio weapon was it
>nobody cared
Really? I remember news talking about that shit all the time for a month.
Swine flu wasn't going to help liberal media push an agenda. Corona popped up at just the right time!
Swine Flu infected a shit load more people. If we're lucky we'll keep it that way.
If you get swine flu, you're probably inconvenienced for a week, you probably catch a little day time TV. You almost never need to go to the hospital but casually visit your GP. You'll probably spread it to one other person, maybe 2.
if you get diagnosed with COVID-19 it means you've been casually infecting everyone you spend time with for the past month. And it's going to kill anywhere from 1/5 to 1/20 of those people. Why does this thing keep getting compared to the flu? It's way more similar to SARS.
More people die in car accidents, but that's because fucking everyone drives a goddamn car, not because cars are a dangerous disease.
COVID-19 is bad ass, and if we can all just fucking chill at home for a few weeks it doesn't have to be a thing at all.
>you've been casually infecting everyone you spend time with for the past month
Oh, now it takes a month before it hits you?
most covid-19 threads are slide threads made by glowers to distract us from something bigger
I don't know what, but definitely (((((((((something))))))))))
Swine flu killed a lot of people in niggerinsectoid countries. It killed 3000 people in Europe in the entire 09-10 period.
That's what we're quickly approaching in month 2 of the Boomer Remover.
The numbers given range from 14 days to 21 days, i did round up a bit. It's still way fucking longer than even the duration of the flu including incubation.
Unironically this. If Obongo nigger (or any Dem) was POTUS then life would be going on as usual right now.
so you want swine flu AND corona to wipe you all out?
Got a source for any of this shit?
Nice ID fag
Washingtonian here, can confirm.Jay Inslee's very first conference addressing coronavirus he basically tried to surrender to it, with around a dozen confirmed cases at the time.
All those years of predictive programming to pull this panic off.
Media will lose all credibility by April 2020
My Question is this Swine flu hit us like a tidal wave there was nothing we could of done before we where in the shit. Corona is weird we are playing hardball with it. Locking shit down old school style.
I hope you're not demanding case studies, those obviously wouldn't exist yet. Just various statements from professionals.
-up to 24 days
-14 days
-14 days
The WHO and CDC are trying to maintain order, always take the high number.
swine flu is a pussy disease that barely kills anyone. its fatality rate was 0.2% same as a normal flu
covid 19 has a 7.2% death rate and its a silent killer, it wont start killing you until youve transmitted the disease to at least a thousand people.
Nuhoh my god
>Swine Flu
1.46 reproduction rate
0.02% mortality rate
>Kung Flu
4.82 reproduction rate
3.7% mortality rate
i missed the time when Yas Forums wasn't full of summerfag boomers from 2016
This is just a media hype job. It's amazing how worried they have you normies.
>Nobody cared
Nigger, swine flu dominated the news cycle when it happened. Just because you were too young to remember doesn't mean no one cared.
This is not true.
This is mandela effect fake news.
They're able to edit all evidence retroactively somehow to create differences but unable to edit human memories of the actual facts.
No, I will not take my meds.
I am in my mid 30s, I was a fully grown adult when H1N1 happened and it did not kill half a million people, full stop.
Kek has spoken through his ID.
The 2009 flu pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic that lasted from early 2009 to late 2010, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus, albeit a new strain. Wikipedia
Number of deaths: 18,036 Trending
user is a moron
swine flu death in usa 12k...imfected millions...even flu kills more
That last part makes no sense. As long as even 1 person has it in this country, they're a carrier to infect countless of others. It's going to be here forever. It all depends on how deadly it actually is.
8. Globally, an estimated 151,700 to 575,400 people died from swine flu in the first year of the pandemic.
We're going to see that in every country.
It dominated the kike media for sure, then people got vaccines that fucked them up real good
Swine flu had a 1-4% mortality rate and 2-3 reproduction rate initially
it's just that with time people became less retarded and started washing their hands
>This is just a media hype job.
No it's been 2 and half months you retard leaf.
And it's just setting in good in the US.
My friend in Texas is talking they now have hospital cases in his small town.
The schools in Colorado just shut down where I live because a student tested positive.
We're JUST getting infected so come back in 2 weeks and say it's nothing.
>reproduction rate
What exactly does this mean?
Which is why we need to lockdown for the duration of people being infected. It only gets harder the longer we wait. We're the only country not even trying.
In a contest of humanity we're being embarrassed by China.
15M is the "best case" scenario from naive chucklefuck orgs like WHO. Which means at least 60M will die, and probably more like 300M.
Also all these retards saying low kill rates which are produced through dishonest methods.
Go to the official statistics about how many have died and recovered in Italy. Go ahead, do it now, in a new tab. I'll wait.
Then do this one simple calculation that health officials don't want you to know about. Politicians hate it!
Calculate the kill rate for yourself. It's so easy a grade schooler could do it!
Normal flu has a fatality rate of 0.02% you fucking retard.
OR massively test people until we find those infected, and lock down just those people, but you gotta move quick to do that.
large-scale pandemics are a fantastic argument against open borders. No matter how it turns out in the end, don't allow people to push the narrative that covid-19 is/was a nothingburger. We want people to remember that this is what happens when you let people into your country without any control, and that it can literally end the world if unchecked.
way it spreads
covid 19 is SARS x10 that didnt got contained
at least 800 million will die if half the planet got infected.
The reason people panic is because of the name of the virus. Coronavirus is much cooler and badass than swine flu which to most people means that the swine will have the flu and not humans.
>OR massively test people until we find those infected
It's too late. It's everywhere now. I don't feel good myself today. I went grocery shopping yesterday.
There's cases in my town now. All the schools are shutting down. I mean I used to live in Sherman Texas and my friend there says they have two cases there. That's a small town.
Fact is the infection is now widespread.
Most people who have it probably don't know it.
Good point. But I don't think we'll need to worry about that. I don't think a lot of governments that exist today will exist in 10 years. China and USA are done.
>at least 800 million will die if half the planet got infected.
10% mortality rate?
>They were not more prepared for it.
>obama created a specific pandemic unit of the CDC
>declared a national emergency when 1000s
we were objectively more prepared for the swine flu than the coronavirus
There weren't 500k people that HEARD about swine flu
>he believes the death count from iran and china
correction: that would be 20% because
>half the planet
Coronavirus isn't over Igor.
What i want to know is, why toliet paper? Why run on the stores and buy out toilet paper of all things. It doesnt make sense
60% of the world is projected to get infected according to chucklefuck naive WHO.
At a 44% death rate, that'd be 2 billion dead.
In reality, the death rate comes down moderately as the disease runs its course, since people weaker to it get picked off first, but on the other hand the infection spread will be much higher than 60% globally. Only the most isolated people will avoid infection.
Ok Nick Fuentes thanks for the hot take.
It's going everywhere. Almost everyone will get it if they can (i.e. their immune system is average or below). You can thank the CDC, AMA and NIH for keeping clinical doses of intravenous vitamin c hidden for 80+ years. Most of you are still too stupid to figure this out.
i realize that sperg, i said its only been two months because that explains why the death count isnt in the 100k's compared to swine flu which was going on for months. Think before you type, its only been in the US for less than 3 months but our lack of testing and treatment capabilities and lack of vaccine will lead us to a worse fate than other countries. Its not about the disease its about government incompetence which would get us killed
And wu flu has killed many more people in that span of time than swine flu had.
yeah, that "small" mortality rate of 2-4% is assuming the hospitals have the capacity to deal with the 20% of people that need to be hospitalized. So far, they've been signally that they can't deal with what they're getting right now. So at a certain threshold we will run out of capacity and it'll be probably more than 10% lethal id 20% of people need treatment.
I work at Walmart. Can I quarantine myself or do I have to go to work and suffer?
so far they've been signalling* if 20%*
This. All data for 2% was CCP data. Current fatality to recovery rate world wide is 8% deaths and it's almost all first world cases.
Millions will die just in the US.
So now do you get vitamin c intravenous ?
This. Am I a retard for not understanding it or what? I'd expect people to buy out preserved foods, soap, bottled water, maybe vitamins but the incredible demand for toilet paper has really caught me off-guard
Millions of boomers, who gives a fuck
It is fear designed to get you to accept the unacceptable. 9/11 was used to pass legislation to spy on all Americans. Americans accepted the intrusion into their lives because the evil Muslims hated us for our freedoms, so the government got rid of our freedoms to protect us.
Is it a good job? I'd check local listings, not that those guys would give you sick days in time anyway, i only know of a few companies that don't have probationary periods on the PTO.
If you go to the ICU or aren't recovering, then present all the research, studies and evidence that it is a legitimate therapy for acute viral infection. Have it preprinted. Then refer your doctor to the right to try act, which prevents them from being sued for your decision to use it. Have that preprinted as well.
Thanks to "right to try" they can't say no to you.
The point is, Swine Flu infected way more people. Thousands of people died. It was in the news and was a discussion point back then, but it's NOTHING like the hysteria being pushed by the media now. Like how yesterday moring CNN had a headline "US death toll from corona growing". Wow scary. Of course the vermin filth who wrote that headline must have known that at that time the death toll was like 36 people but stating the number would make it sound like a nothingburger so they leave that out. Right now they have a headline "The declaration comes as there is only one US state left without coronavirus cases". They don't mention that most states have 10-30 cases, hardly a fucking health disaster but that's not the emotion these lowlives are trying to engender in the public.
I used to roll my eyes at the conservative narrative of the liberal media but it's a fact that they are actively, purposely trying to push hysteria over this fucking literal flu virus.
Right after 9/11, the government gave everyone $500 or more to go shopping. The government is now offering wagies paid vacation if they just shut the fuck up and accept martial law.
Based on Italy's numbers, this is going to blow swine flu out of the fucking water.
as stupid as it sounds this is likely a strong factor
>no more severe than normal flu
Yeah, I wonder why faggot. Put more than 10 seconds of thought into it.
>existing flu, new strain
>ultimately no more severe than standard flu
>had existing fire break because of 1918 pandemic. where it was... NOVEL.
>Novel, no firebreaks at all
>same family as SARS, functions very differently than flu
>CFR ranging from 5%-27% based on deaths/recoveries
>CFR of 1%-5% based on deaths/total infections
>no vaccines
>no natural immunity, racial disparity disproven early in outbreak
>no known official cure
I wonder why people are flipping out about this? I wonder why the swine flu outbreak was so comparatively understated?
Lying filth, stop trying to shitpost on people with anxiety problems. Death rate for people who aren't elderly or suffering from a serious health condition is like 0.2%. The large majority of cases are just mild flu symptoms.
Walmarts probably will not be shut down, in the worst conditions, as they sell food and have a pharmacy, which are the only kinds of stores that not even China locked down in Wuhan.
If you're less than 50, which I'm assuming you are, and without comorbid conditions, like diabetes or asthma, and you don't smoke, it'll be a bad time, but it's very unlikely that it will kill you.
But if you do get infected, you should quarantine yourself, and there is legislation in the works, which hopefully will pass soon enough to give some relief. Though Democrats want paid sick leave, and Trump just sent back their first draft today. I don't think the payroll tax cuts Republicans are pushing for will be quite as useful for someone like you.
Disagree. That was when we were being retards. We are started to institute serious measures to stop the spread of the virus. We are FINALLY going to get testing up to date to further prevent the spread of the virus. We will see thousands of deaths tho