ITT we respond to CBS

Attached: 4chan-please-respond.png (1322x1230, 86.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what was their question?

post the link you niggerfaggot. I was out shopping for coronavirus shit


why are you such hateful antisemitic racist bigots who deserve to be sexually tortured and murdered and why is your answer unacceptable?

Why did they say nigger and call out jewish tribalism for their media hit piece and lie about it?
That type window only appears when you're the poster dumbasses

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do they not know the abo's are laughing at them?

this cant be real

It actually is
They are literally this fucking stupid

Dear CBS
I just want a happy life with a family also I hate niggers

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Seriously, I'm starting to think everyone who says the "n" word or anti-Semitic comments are journalists. They are attempting to shut down public discourse of serious topics by antagonizing Yas Forums. Most discussions I partake in Yas Forums are quite civil and intelligent until the journalist kike comes in.

a classic

its the people watching the show that do not know any better.

I'm not a filthy kike/journalist, you nigger

I like cats.

I'm not a journalist. You're just a faggot. Nigger.


Remember that retarded FBInigger who outted himself shilling on 8c? These people aren't smart, just evil.

I didn't post that shit, you did.

He looks like a spic

if you dont like it then fuck off
first amendment, faggots

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Samefag CBS posters get the rope.

caught with their hand in the n*gger jar

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Typical CBS posters. Is this for your sequel?

>democrats are the REAL racists
fuck off nigger

Niggers tongue my anus

Attached: cbs lockdown.png (586x252, 23.58K)

I never got an email asking for my comment. I always respond to my emails, NBC.

Little Chang looks like he spent way too much time at the gym coping for his race and height and not enough time on research :^)






>Yas Forums
>a single entitiy

Attached: 4chanfamecbs435.gif (750x523, 3.78M)

Cops literally murdered a Yas Forums nigger last night while he was sleeping but you haven’t heard shit about it all day have you?

>anyone whos antisemetic is journalist
>says kike
ok this is a troll post

notice how the "unfunny meme" they are referring to is a no fap meme? Why would CBS want to discourage no fap?

I can't believe how horribly dumb this is

Absolutely astounding

Dear CBS News,
I have revived your email and I am here to say the following

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got a chuckle outta me


>Downvote ratio
They got what they deserved, it looks like.

Were they ever implicated? Was this even brought up?
Settle your kettle cbs

Newfags stealing threads
Original here

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I'm old enough to remember this.

Yas Forums isn't a single person. it's the will of the people.

>e-ville companies have no business as public leeches prostinograping user data around town via government funded tubes without being fined or otherwise held accountable for privacy violations and infringement of taxpayer rights in a shifting web of unregulated lies

>e-ville social media corp is a platform claiming neutral party immunity from lawsuits
>e-ville social media corp is a speaker editorially censoring free speech for publishing
pick 1 or 0, or 1010, pick all the ones that are good for you

Dear Friend,

There's no need to cause fights, simply burn the Bill of Rights.
Don't think it harsh or make drama, just ban the Supreme Court's decision in Marsh v. Alabama.
Content rating litigation nightmares aren't fair, share hell with "the modern public square".
Whether you object or not, constitutionally protected material should rot.
Bake the cake and like it too, civil rights are for niggers, not you.

End goy, you're A(((i)))DS.

>Jannie Tranny Fanny, BABA
>Precedent & CccpOohpOoh
>E-Ville Incorporated, an illegal subsidiary of The Game

Pleez Subzcribe
-1 = 1, if you don't concur you can get bent.
Taking something down is the same as putting it up, read the fool proof in Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content.

Petty Pleas Scribe
If you prick us, we do not bleed, our growing old does not lead to death.
Your guns we need not heed, we draw profit from your last breath.

Peepee Poopoo Pusspuss Snot
(You)'s a fag. Check my got.

Peter Piper Picks Pepper Snacks
>kikeghoul image captcha
>anonymously posting facts

>Blockchain, Distributed social network, Decentralized computing, Ad blocking, Do Not Track, H-1B visa#Fraud, Competition law, Scams in intellectual property, Commercial use of copyleft works, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Atomic spies, Sayanim

Attached: twitter double standards.jpg (1200x1200, 235.21K)

Check out the nose on the ADL drone

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>Original here
there were threads yesterday, not original

It's interesting how so many chicanos turn into white nationalists. I don't even get why non-whites are even drawn to Yas Forums, this place must be horrible for their self esteem.

Well said.

get a load of this nigger

filthy pilfering shirking parasites
hateful brown-nosing loxist termites
exaggerating conspiring shapeshifting reptiles
restrictive obsessive kidnapping pedophiles
incessant backwards babbling creeps
greedy cheating lying thieves
bloody prick sucking mutilators
flaming faggot herpes vectors
insane schizo tay-sachs inbreds
insensitive miserable defiling rapists
deviant eurasian-nigroid fetish prostinograpers
disloyal divisive subversive connivers
untrustworthy turncoat strife instigators
assassination plotting terrorist traitors

Jesus Christ offered the New Covenant to the Jews first and was betrayed, so he then expanded the Chosen People to include Gentiles.
>Matt. 10; 21:23-46, John 4:7-26, Acts 13:23-14:7, Rom. 1:16
The real Jews repented and converted to Christianity, leaving behind the demoralizing cursed impostors of the Synagogue of Satan.
>Rom. 9-11, Rev. 2:9; 3:9
That Brood of Hypocritical Blood Guilty Satanic Vipers must not be allowed to murder mankind's savior again, as it threatens.
>Matt. 16:1-12/ Matt. 27:1-44, Mark 15:1-39, Luke 23:1-47, John 19:4-22/ John 8:12-59/ Matt. 3:7-12; 12:34-7; 23:13-39, Luke 3:7
The invasive rats have been kicked out of dozens of nations, yet everyone else is the problem.
>1 Kgs. 9:6-9, Matt. 24:1-2
The Inquisition, pogroms, and Lollicost weren't enough.
>Luke 19:27
Boycott overrepresented kike media monopolies (((kikesnee, kikenn, kikeghoul, kikeborg))) and usurious financial puppets.
>Mark 11:15-8
Unconverted kikes burn in hell.
>John 3:14-21

Deport the obstinate kikes and kiked fuckees back to Kikesreal to get re-enslaved or nuked by the mudslimes.
>Mirror of the Polish Crown, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Mein Kampf, The Rothschilds (film), Jud Süß (1940 film), The Eternal Jew (1940 film), Hitler: The Last Ten Days, Atomic spies, King David Hotel bombing, USS Liberty incident, Sayanim, Jewish deicide, Jewish ritual murder, Host desecration, Jewish Bolshevism, ZOG

Attached: kike talmud expulsions.png (1542x867, 188.32K)

Here's the actual link you dumb niggers.

Attached: 1582621012901.jpg (618x770, 78.51K)

>Lavon Affair
my nigga