"stateless socialism defeats pandemics" edition
"stateless socialism defeats pandemics" edition
droppin some sweet lefty memes
Daily reminder that modern anarchism is cuck tier. Read Fight Club.
>"FIGHT GLUB!!111"
I'm hijacking this thread!
This is a monarchist thread now!
>I'm hijacking this thread!
Kill all authority and live in freedom together!
How many cocks did your wife have inside her today?
The needs of the working class must take priority over the profit of capitalism.
>Become enslaved to your own biological needs and survival instead of enslaved to a system ensuring as many people as possible fulfil their biological needs and survival
Absolute state of anarchist fanfiction fags
Reminder that mutual aid is key to the survival of any species. Humans included.
All for one and one for all.
Social darwinism is a death cult.
Biology is a death cult, anarchists have no way of imposing their will other than killing everyone who isn't a demoralised chinksect that will comply with the imaginary sky rulebook
>>Become enslaved to your own biological needs and survival
>he's never heard of zenanarchy
>instead of enslaved
Lol y don't u like freedom bro?
>system ensuring as many people as possible fulfil their biological needs and survival
Capitalism is incapable of this. The means do not justify the ends.
Only social anarchism is capable of solving great social inequality.
you are retarded, it has been proved through this neo-liberal jokery that humans don't need to be wall street kikes or hollywood stars to be satisfied, they need food, a roof over their head and work that suits their interest
you don't want it, you're free to fuck off
>imagine being a tradcuck.
I much prefer my pansexual FFA orgies.
Communists should be burned alive.
Fuck off and find out
Answer me this:
If anarchism is natural, why didn’t humanity already organize in such a manner?
Also, anarchism is incompatible with communism. Both contradict human nature and are opposing anyways
>If anarchism is natural, why didn’t humanity already organize in such a manner?
Indigenous humans have for the vast majority of history. The forces of capitalism and state destroyed primitive communism via land theft, racism, imperialism and violence. Look up enclosure in Britain.
"Law" and private property exist to enrich the few at the expense of the many. It is up to the working class, who produce without meeting their needs, to expropriate their stolen wealth from the capitalist class via a social revolution.
Please read the FAQ.
Cringe. Anarchism will always fail.
>Please read the FAQ.
Specifically Section F
>falling for the “indigenous human tribes wuz ancom” meme
Indigenous tribes were almost always patriarchical and had division of labour with gender roles and hierarchy. Also, le fully automated luxury gay space gommunism exdee is nowhere near tribal society. Such a wide scale society needs a hierarchy to manage.
Also, Marx supported western imperialism and slavery and was a racist
cooperation and competition are not mutually exclusive, brainlet
anarchism has absolutely nothing to do with communism. the ideology youre looking for OP is anarcho-communism. Now kill yourself for posting those dogshit reddit memes.
You've swallowed the lies, my friend.
>Indigenous tribes were almost always patriarchical and had division of labour with gender roles and hierarchy.
This is simply untrue in practically every sense. Also "primitive" communities have much more leisure time, something capitalism can only accomplish for those who criminally exploit the labor of others.
Matriarchal societies were the norm. Patriarchal societies exist by treating women as property.
>Such a wide scale society needs a hierarchy
>Also, Marx
This is an anarchist thread.
>cooperation and competition are not mutually exclusive, brainlet
They basically are. Read Alfie Kohn
It is not criminal if people want to work for people who offer them money, dumbass
>Matriarchal societies were the norm
No. Primitive societies were patriarchal and warlike
>primitive societies had way more free time
Guess what people did in that free time? Watch out for predators and sleep around. And guess what, there was no HRT back then, and gays got hit with stones.
I’m actually totally fine with genuine back-to-the-land anti industrial folks like varg, but anarchocommunism is modernist and has nothing to do with indigenous tribal humanity
>matriarchal societies were the norm
>source: my boyfriends ass
>they need food, a roof over their head and work that suits their interest
What about a harem of eternally young and fully loyal genetically engineered sex slaves?
>people want to work for people
Labor is never the problem. Capitalists are the problem.
>No. Primitive societies were patriarchal and warlike
I'll address this in a minute.
>read my meme philosopher
>forget everything you see in both nature and human society
Ok rabbi
>Labor is never the problem. Capitalists are the problem
So, if a person works for you he gives you work and you give him money
Is that really so hard to understand?
Unironically, "fully insurrectionary luxury queer space anarchism" is all I want. I ain't even gay. But fuck you for telling me I couldn't be if for some weird reason I wanted to be. In space.
All anarcho-communist have really hard time understanding what is an agreement.
This is why we need libertarian communism we seize the means of production and do nothing with them
>There are certainly many who believe that early civilizations existed that were matriarchal. But no anthropologists or archaeologists, feminists included, have found evidence of such societies. “The search for a genuinely egalitarian, let along matriarchal, culture has proved fruitless,” concludes Sherry Ortner. [3]
I guess I was thinking about bonobos. Fascinating creatures. Oops.
>There was, however, a long span of time when women were generally less subject to men, before male-defined culture became fixed or universal.
Implying that a tribal government can work on anything other than a small community
You fags got that old PIECE NOW PEACE LATER meme?
Your literally arguing for the autism of governments styles
>if a person works for you he gives you work and you give him money
A very reductionist view of the social crisis.
>there was, however, a long span of time when women were generally less subject to men
Tribal societies smashed women’s heads with stones and raped them in caves for hours on end, you niggerbrain. How is that not patriarchacal? Don’t care about spelling.
Also, capitalists invented feminism to double the workforce and half wages
I don't want any anarchism that's leftist
don't no true scotsman me
That obviously is patriarchy, potty mouthed user.
People will always die from lack of water, hunger and from disease.
This has been so before and will be after civilization and has more to do with technological advancement in a region which will make life conditions better than with socialism/anarchism which will make it worse because this because will generally ruin the economy and therefore make it less possible to offer those things.
No matter what period, if people want their life conditions to be better they have to have better technology.
Also better reproductiveness for the weak/sick is bad for eugenics, which will make people more genetically weaker, which is I think the strongest argument of keeping it back at least a bit. Otherwise if civilization were to collapse, humanity might die out because people can't survive without medicines, surgeries. The whole idea of evolution is eliminating the weak to make species more strong, but they still have to be balanced (meaning if species get too strong they might die because of ruining the environment, they should be on the level of the other species in order to prevent this).
Me on the right
Reminder that capitalism is unsustainable and leads to fascism.
How do you get socialism without a state?
>>All anarcho-communist have really hard time understanding what is an agreement.
>First of all, there are two kinds of agreements: there is the free one which is entered upon humanity, -- not by free consent, as a free choice between different courses equally open to each of the agreeing parties.
>And there is the enforced agreement, imposed by one party upon the other, and accepted by the latter from sheer necessity; in fact, it is no agreement at all, it is a mere submission to necessity. Unhappily, the great bulk of what are now described as agreements belong to the latter category.
Distributism is kinda like a state version of Anarcho-syndicatism
You can do it in very small, tight knit communities. Like the zapatistas in mexico. Forget about doing it on a large scale tho. You will never get an anarchist society on the level of the USSR or USA.
Anarchism is a total fucking meltdown. Anyone still advocating it today should be shot.
Former ancom here. I became a distributism after I decided anarcho-communism can't exist beyond the local level.
>Anyone advocating it should be shot
I'd say you with your violent beliefs is the one that should be shot
>implying 'queerness' isn't a product of capitalism
lmao yikes
>roman empire was capitalist
Not a communist but the more you fascists advocate killing others for their beliefs the more I think killing you guys is just taking precautions.
Well you have multiple choices actually and life has been never about just existing. There are no infinite resources within the hands of society. People who want to just exist without any kind of function are parasites and parasites can't exist on their own, if everyone were a parasite, the whole system would collapse and all parasites would die.
Not only is being a parasite bad for the society but it is also bad for the individual as he will lose his willpower, his health and mental health will go worse.
In America you are free to start your own business if you want. You are free to get your own land and farm there. You are free to choose between different jobs.
>enforced agreement
If you are arguing that you can't get this type of agreement what you want then this has been so since forever.
People have never had a choice but to do what's necessary, people have always needed protection, food, water.
Both the enterpriser and the worker will make the agreement how it suits them. Enterpriser cannot provide you with luxury cars, millions of dollars because you clean his office and you want this kind of agreement.