Tell me Yas Forums

Tell me Yas Forums
Just tell me RIGHT NOW
That you wouldn't ANNIHILATE Greta's rectum
Just say it to me
"I wouldn't do it"
Without lying! I dare you.
That's right, you can't.
Everyone wants to obliterate her anus
And she wants it.

Attached: greta thunberg 3.jpg (1186x1522, 249.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wouldn't do it OP you giga faggot

Yeah of course. Whats your point?

Well that's legal in my state.
Would go for the pus and not the ass though.

Why is her face so punchable puffy?

>Everyone wants to obliterate her anus

Attached: 1565574565159.png (800x769, 126.27K)

I’d rather tweak her tiny, sensitive nipples as she rode my cock.

Great.. we got another autist obsessing over someone and will now have to endure him spamming pictures for a few weeks until his autism calms down.

That would be unchristian of me. I wouldn't obliterate her slutty young anus. I don't promote degeneracy.

She's legal here so I would absolutely annihilate every one of her sperg orifices.

Attached: 1583279651248.jpg (712x717, 64.29K)

I’ll wait a year since AOC in my state is 18.

I would put my penis so far up her tight rectum that my coom will solidify into her next bowel movement

This desu

There was a porn meme about her, but I didn't want that shit in my pc lol.

Attached: nazi greta.jpg (700x765, 106.63K)

I’m more into throat fucking. Can I do that instead?


Attached: greta the sausage girl.jpg (713x713, 271.88K)

Does she even have TITS yet?

Attached: greta.brainwashed.1569377607981.jpg (750x539, 44.13K)

cute like a pug faced dog is cute

I hope not!

>That you wouldn't ANNIHILATE Greta's rectum

Only if she wore a school girl uniform and said "Oh Mister.. How Dare you..It hurts so good" as i slide into her poop hole bales deep as a pull on her pigtails

asexual celibate (voluntary) here, no thx

Do you think we hate her like dumb boomers here or something?

you fags are obsessed with anal
faggots in denial

Dude, a nordic leftist downy... fuck ye

my sides

if i wanted to fuck a retard i would fuck your mom again

Teller in pigtails.

Attached: Teller.jpg (332x499, 110.35K)

Protet le embironmentz!

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When did she turn into a swarthy shitskin? Did they really make her look 'whiter' before putting her on television to manipulate people?

No. Anal sex is literally homosexual. I would gladly fuck her missionary style though.

She looks like that fucking loaf of bread with that stupid face.

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Ya gotta admit, she's kinda cute...

I wouldn't do it... cause I'd go for the vagina and breed her.

She looks like Pug don't get the attraction?

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Greta brought coronavirus to the US, that's why she came on a yacht

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can anyone post the blonde with makeup edit of greta so we can move on with this thread.

the absolute state of this board

>hey user, you wanna stick it up my bum tonight?

Attached: unnamed.png (512x321, 219.67K)

stop insulting my waifu

Attached: 1583338386788.jpg (948x1024, 114K)

She's fucking 17 you pedos. You're fucking scum, kill youselves

>anal sex
Fucking degenerate

Will she ever announce who she is dating?

It will definitely be a pollack

built for medium sized white cock

I don't like anal.

>I base my morality on arbitrary law created by feminist kikes and not on natural law
Neocons are never gonna make it are they?

Attached: A680E2BE-C233-4374-92FE-9E0880199494.jpg (600x503, 87.31K)

what’s medium sized? asking for a friend.

She Cute Doe

5-6 inches

I wish motherfuckers would learn the meaning of words before using them.

Legal here, I'd fuck her half

I wouldn't do it. I'm not into the mentally retarded.

I would but I'm Canadian so I've fucked uglier women.

>That you wouldn't ANNIHILATE Greta's rectum
Why her rectum? The point is to inject a baby into her infant oven.

Socialism isn't communism.

I guarantee you she will end up dating some alpha male, like a soccer player.

with the girth of a large carrot

>Socialism isn't communism.
The objective of Socialism is Communism. Its the gateway drug.

Google the word pedophilia.

Communism is Jewish, depending on how Jewish your socialist country is, is how communist it gets.

Sweden is socialist, and all of its media and banking are run by Jews. Sheer coincidence, goy.
Here you go.

the closest apostles of jesus were jews; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

small: 3-4 inches girth of a broom handle
medium: 5-6 inches girth of a carrot
big: 6.5 to 8 inches girth of a banana
anaconda is anything beyond that

>media and banking
Is the same and democratic election to see where wealth gets redistributed.
Fucking politically illiterate.

Jesus is bullshit.
Allah is better.

i love how we're watching greta develop into a full woman in real time.
cant wait for her to fuck an African man

fucking homosexual

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user; that means whatever you're talking about is something good


idk she looks pretty ugly in a lot of pics desu

Guys , just image her AUTISTIC RAGE, when she finds out how many trees she has to plant with all this toiletpaper madness.


I dont like poopdick.

I would eat her disgusting puss as there no tomorrow.