Why did God make black people?

Why did God make black people?

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Built for HIV

>the year of our Lord 2020
>still believing in a magical sky wizard

because earth is not supposed to be heavenly. life is about struggle.
god gave white people niggers, to test us.

satan rebelled by doing something. gentile animals were made by angels and demons who treated them as pet projects. it's just that the aryans were made by the good ones.

So Johnny rebel would have a subject matter to sing about

He didn't.

because. you have to work your way up. with karma.

Who's God? Second, why you concerned with black people when they don't care about you.

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Are they just early humans, who we decended from in Africa, and they stayed that way while other humans went to harsher areas to innovate?

>be good in life
>work your way up the reincarnation chain from a 6 year old girl in the congo to a white person in sweden
>nice, finally
>suddenly, your neighborhood is overrun by somali refugee niggers

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The Jews think Noah cursed them to be black because their forebear Ham saw his daddy Noah naked when Noah was shit-faced drunk.

Someone has to build the cars

blacks are obsessed with whites.

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Create the coal, pay the toll.

Their race is directly descended from Cain, the first homicide.

Chess game.
White on top of board.
Black at the bottom.
Boredom. eternity is a long time faggots.
Now get after it.

no why would the be early humans when they exist today?


did you just cherry pick something and then try to use mental gymnastics to prove a point?

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

pure fantasy

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Well, they're still human, just earlier draft of genes. It's not as though they had any reason to be wiped out. Africa was a pretty plentiful place. Colder and harsher places forced innovation.

Noah got really wasted one night and his son Ham carried him home. As he is putting his father to sleep, Ham notices that he acidentally left Noah with his dick hanging out so he reaches to cover his dick. All is good. Then Noah wakes up in a rage and says "HAM. I saw you looking at my dick." Ham tried to explain that he was attempting to protect Noah's modesty but he wasn't having it. Noah curses Ham's son Canaan to have all of his decendents be black skinned.


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I'd put it in her butt

no no no what do you mean early draft of genes?

fpbp, it can only go downhill from here

go on lipstickalley and type in "white people" you'll get hundreds of thousands of results.
black twitter is also obsessed with whites.
cope more, nigger.

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I thought the devil made them

>Jewish establishment freaking out over America First
>Malkin, Carlson and tons of other extremely influential groypers preparing a coup
>Our victory inevitable
>galaxy brain niggers still running victory laps.

I cant wait to see the looks on their faces

Technically human, better off than earlier ancestors. And as time goes on, natural selection chooses genes better suited for the new situation, in this case, genes for intelligence and social interaction, rather than just physical adaptability. Humans mastered the environment; the next greatest challenge was each other.

based and real

wait a second... it seems what you are accusing black people of is the very thing that you are doing right now

God made them, they were violent in their previous life, went to Hell, the devil sends them back burnt

genes for intelligence? wtf are you talking about?

what god?

to give us the song b.o.b. by outkast

To test our resolve.

niggers never had to evolve for any other type of environment, it's also why they're low IQ.
Good farmland yet cold winters. So you have the basis for civilization yet also the need to store things and plan in advance.
niggers are so dumb, I feel sorry for you.

>God made niggers
Holy shit is this larping. Clearly by accident


earth is hell, niggers(and Chinks) are the punishment.

why you feel sorry for me? cause im calling you out as a hypocrite?

Pitbulls are genetically dumber than shepherds and poodles. why is it so hard to fathom some races being smarter than others?

Wrong one

so you saying your own kind is a punishment?

To punish the rest of the world.

first of give me an example of what you mean by intelligence

Woah that's based. Fpbp.

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Apparently he castrated him and sodomized his father. Dooming his lineage to being niggers

>who we descended from in Africa
Yeah that's a no. Modern Africans weren't originally from Africa they were put there by Vedic sages because they couldn't handle their shit. Kinda like how we can't but let them roam free for some reason

God? God supposed to be good. God doesnt exist btw

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of course. living right next to China is the punishment for our sins.

>genes for intelligence? wtf are you talking about?

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no, you're just a low IQ nigger, and you feel attacked. :(

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how do I feel attacked? you seem like you feel attacked calling me the n word all the time

im asking you , what do you mean by intelligence , like you are saying that something doesn't have intelligence?

I feel as though the Orientals, Chinese, have some genetic advantages, such as intelligence, but either through genocide and artificial selection or charismatic dictators, they now have a propensity for low empathy.

I am Chinese, and from my upbringing and observations, this seems to be the case. Cultures have their influences. Everybody loves family, but everybody loves family in a different way. Mexicans seem like survivalists, surviving in deserts, fighting against Spain, bandits, America, trying to find who they were.

Similarly, Chinese people are hardcore survivalists; they will do anything to survive, including egregious copyright infringement and factory slavery. They're also mad about past dealings with the western world, so now they see themselves as the good guys, righteous in their uprising. It's their turn to rule the world, and they won't let the environment and newfound values stop them. They haven't had an Enlightenment Era.

Then again, a historian friend told me China wasn't always like this; it was just after Mao.

>he thinks God is a "sky wizard"
Bruh read a book or something

Even God poops.


fpbp & /thread

you clearly must feel attacked if you are calling me the n word

Oh shit, Rick....

No, youre just a nigger.

>cherry pick
someone has clearly never been on twitter...

Even outside of Eden life was pretty good...

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>this kills Christianity