Have Americans started forming new races by the process of muttification?
Have Americans started forming new races by the process of muttification?
literally built for BBC
I hope it happened 20 to 30 years ago. I want a cute Mutt girlfriend.
Is that a shoop?
looks more like downs
It is absolutely uncanny how much she looks like the exclaiming negro meme.
What do you mean by race?
she is twelve
have mercy, please
What an abomination.
yes, virtually all americans are white mutts, a mix of mostly german and english.
worth saying that germany was already the most mutted country within Europe, having the largest genetic spread within its borders.
In addition to this, white Americans from the west coast have a relatively high portion of Native ancestry. IIRC something like 10% have detectable amounts. Similar story for the south, but replace Native with Negro.
In a few centuries the mixing will reach steady state.
Happily married btw.... don't judge.
You obviously lack basic knowledge of how the gene pool works. Even the whitest nordic race has Asian. If the climate gets warmer you might want someone that has more melatonin.
No the Spanish beat them to it by a couple hundred years, go read a History book.
My family is relativly pure. Finish and Estonian. People look at me like I am a circus freak in Houston. Need to get the fuck out of here before it is open season on Whites.
mercy is for humans, leafy boi
If only you knew how mixed things really are.
Maybe she looks great from behind?
Ethnogenesis, yes
>you obviously lack basic knowledge
Press F to pay respects.
No, the Spanish figured it all out centuries ago.
white americans mostly look like british and irish people
I consider myself an amerimutt, but Europeans usually mistake me for a euromutt. (Half southern Europe, half Northwestern Europe, mutt nonetheless) That said people in Houston look at me like that too. It doesn't help that I tower over those little monkeys.
And yet all of you guys (un)ironically love Britani Venti
No. We're just very inbred and we breed way too late in life. It's a bad combination.
Same, I am 6'7 and well built. This city is mutt central, lived here my whole life and have seen the change. So many niggers and niglets after Katrina, not to mention the Wetbacks and Sand Niggers here now. This city is Doomed! Ground Zero!
I've never encountered anything like this in my life.
That’s down syndrome and inbred user
John Tyler's two grandsons are still alive. That is because both he and his son breeded when they were in their 70's, with 20ish year olds. Tyler was born in 1790. Imagine having your own grandfather being born in the 18th century.
It's not us who are concerned about our age and fertility. It's the women.
I do. But she refuses to show feet when that would get her views up
>Have kids very late in life
It is risky, could lose your only son and your bloodline ends. On the other hand you could breed like a nigger and have 30+ kids by 20 different women...so what if half of them die
Because whiteoids are pigskinned niggers.
Oh God, can't Yas Forums at least spare this girl cruelty and meanness?
This has been going on forever within the major racial/continental groups. But The USA is pioneering the process on a full global level
We are all following their example though, so no need to be too smug.
She's obviously blind.
Kek. Yeah your inbred family is pure and shit in your retarded imagination world.
>Nurgle the -1% Demon Prince
We have to stop this
Never introduce any African genes into your bloodline.
Not really. All studies show 95% or more 'European Americans' reproduce with other 'European Americans'.
Is this future miss USA?
That’s a cope. Just go to PH on the amateur section how many white girls got blacked.
Asking on behalf of your cousin?
That's almost Chadlike in a way. But yeah sperm is cheap, eggs are the limiting factor.
Honestly don't know which is worse. I would never use my dick again.
She looks like this Russian rapper
>I saw it on PH it must be true
Come on, you know (((porn))) isn't representative of the real world.
La monstera de america
12 extra chromosomes?
>Not Pure
Visited Finland years ago. People were surprised that I was American. No one is really pure anymore, but I am definetly better off than these other freaks walking around here in Houston.
retard isnt a race
Wait, 56% mongrels are considered human?
>Wait, 56% mongrels are considered human?
By the United States of Greater Israel, Yes
La Luz Extinguido reporting in
Only about 3% of Americans are mixed.
kike shills flooding every post with this faggotry.
Its some kind of disguised nigger. There are techniques to unmask this. Like playing rap and see if it twerks.
The Venti fans are few but vocal and the others are mostly just shitposting for keks.
She has a banging bod and a disgusting face.
She is all the evidence you need on why miscegenation is bad.
She literally just has the face of a nigger with white skin. This is what niggs look like in human skin, truly terrifying.
These are memes but degenerative breeding is a real thing.
Humans recognize it in horses and in dogs but pretend like it doesn't exist for us.
The results are literally existential in nature.
And now you understand the one drop rule
This thread is killing me...
she has really nice hair: golden.