>bernie’s going to be DNC again >biden’s going senile >hidden abortion funding in covid-19 bill shut down >cortez getting gerrymander’d out of congress >hillary’s book in the bargain bins
it is NOT a good weekend to be a liberal. laugh at them. MAGA
It's Gary though. The lovable CCP shill who underplays the deaths in China for his Communist Masters.
Daniel Roberts
>pro white anti immigration
Is that why his wife is a parasite green card holding whore that brought literally all her family in with her?
Justin Flores
If this turns out to be a real happenning, it'll be world-changing, which is exciting, should I survive. If it turns out to be nothing, then at least the shitposting will be fun while it lasts.
Wow! You're talking about the Russians, right? Or is it Isis? Manufacturing jobs? Not outsourcing every motherfucking thing under the sun to China? Wait, it's gotta be not following The chief neocon's wife's policy in Ukraine, amirite? Fuck, dude, what is it this week? What's the TDS of the day???
Or a MAGA hat, given recent events and the GEOTUS meme.
Chase Cox
>pic "Christwave" is almost as bad as "Christian" rock. Cringe, gay, and blasphemous.
Kayden Fisher
we take the piss out of each other on the regular. in fact, pretty much all of us think our friendship is the reason shit like anime and video games are under attack from so many angles; they’re platforms where people come together regardless of personal politics.
True, although the Sign of the Cross is still Catholic/Christian, and the Eastern Catholics still use Orthodox imagery.
Jordan Ross
COVFEFE explained .. FE is the atomic symbol for Iron .. The Atomic Number of Iron is 26 .. Atomic wieght of FE is 55.847 .. Square root of atomic wieght of FE = ~ 7 .. The atomic number of Iron minus the Square root of it's atomic wieght equals 19. .. (26 - 7 = 19) .. therefore, FEFE = 19. .. COVFEFE literally means COV19.
Liam Ramirez
>raked for a reason instead of default They all get raked, the question is whether or not they can earn an exemption
>set this to alert tone for college fren turned bernout >he's panic texting everyone lately Definitely got some interesting reactions while at the bank today
NY is losing congressional districts for 2022 post census. Local Dem party is PISSED she cost them billions in tax dollars and plan to split her district 3 ways to ensure she can't hold a seat
>having leftist friends They must be assimilated. Tell them about the Jews. >set this to alert tone for college fren turned bernout >he's panic texting everyone lately that's good stuff m8
Well all the other incests are being (((pushed))) so probably.
Camden Allen
Video games are also a way for politically incorrect opinions to slip through unnoticed to the children. Schools and media want that demographic locked down like it has been for the past 40 years.
Hey. Wanna hear a joke? What's black and laughing, and what's red in the face with tears in the eyes mostly because those student loans aren't going to be forgiven?
Now I'm slightly curious how well the kikes did selling Bernie cuck porn, was it profitable.
Adam James
Just got in been away a few days...anything worth mentioning going on ?
Justin Evans
it was some internal party shit where if she didn’t start toeing the party line, there was talk of redrawing districts in NY to combine her district into two others around hers where she’d supposedly have little chance of winning.
That would make sense, considering no one here (Catholic nor Christian) is pro-contraception except shills.
Jordan Brooks
It's niggers laughing at Bernouts as they don't vote for Bernie and Bernouts crying over how niggers don't like Bernie!
Parker Rivera
Reminder! Bush Republicans != Trump Republicans. Every poltard calls the President a kike, but can they explain this??? We are literally Trillions of dollars in debt because of these fuck, and they have the nerve to pretend to be "liberals" when they are just more pro-war Bush-era scum reinvented as Demoshits?