China blaming US for COVID-19
Right now Chinese officials are blaming the US for the coronavirus on twitter and China drones are in the replies defending it to the death. Go through their posts and just reply

"六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre"

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I think most people who are aware of Tiananmen over there understand it was an attempted color revolution like the US has attempted in Georgia, Iran, Hong Kong, Ukraine, etc. It's been in the tool box for a long time.

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Not like there hasn't been an ultra wealthy american preaching about overpopulation and also is an expert on viruses... why would china think such a thing.

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>六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre

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wojaks are just rage comics 2.0


Only basedboys care about The Tiananmen Square Massacre. It doesen't shock the Chinese.

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August 2019: Fort Detrick bioweapon facility is closed because of protocol violations.
October 2019: Wuhan military games with 200 amerikan soldiers.
October 2019: Event 201 sponsored by Bill Gates.
November 2019: western media creates the narrative about contamined bats inspired by the movie Contagion (2011)

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This is why I don't believe their fake fucking news that "Wuhan is safe now!"
The chinks are losing it.

>I think most people who are aware of Tiananmen over there understand it was an attempted color revolution like the US has attempted in Georgia, Iran, Hong Kong, Ukraine, etc. It's been in the tool box for a long time.
An amerikan with a brain

10 social credit have been deposited into your account

Whats wrong with this?

based if true. Fuck chinks

>A Mongol defending his chink cousins
Why am I not surprised

I thought Mongols and Chinese were ancient rivals.

have some ammo

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idiots think vaccines are the method of reduction not condoms and feminism destroying any reason to have children.

I love how the only insult the chinese on twitter have is to insult something about your mother. Put any of their replies in google translate to test

I want every country on the planet pointing fingers until we uncover the fucking truth

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Trying cover their asses before the people figure shit out and lynch the politburo.

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The Tiananmen Square protests were mostly hard line communists angry about the capitalist reforms going on at the time.

go back to china, Chang.
you are the reason your brazil is shit

What truth do you think you're going to find from a country with a government that prides itself on silencing and censoring it's own population? That's why this happened, it's the same reason why similar outbreaks happened in the past, it's even why it's going to continue to happen in the future.

The evidence is in the RNA. We need experts to speak up and at least confirm it's edited and by what methods (enzymes vs crispr)

they get silenced and made to retract such statements

even funnier is israel with their "We worked on a pangolin corona vaccine for humans by chance for months"

Overpopulation is the elephant in the room you aren't allowed to name because reproduction is considered sacred in many places and as part of many religions. A virus is probably the only feasible way to quickly reduce the population to a maintainable, healthy number.

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wow this is a level of dumbfucker and ignorance that's rarely displayed, even by americans

For pinyin, “Tianamen datusha “

If the US doesn't respond with evidence everyone is going to assume the US did it

Why would anyone do that? Chinese government is about to lose power completely. They've lost the plot and military, police and citizens refusing to follow orders or he quiet. They're just desperate

>China is somehow relevant
huh? I'm accusing the US

It's no coincidence he stepped down today.

>The Corona Vaccine will kill you.

Having an enemy who is overpopulated and poor works in your favor. The reason middle eastern terrorists are told to go blow themselves up in the west is because their clerics and oil magnates don't want them to chimp out locally. The larger the population is and the more people there are who dislike their own government the more likely they are to revolt. China's failure is entirely their own and they don't want their peasants losing trust in their government. That's too late though since they thought it was ok to lock people in their homes by welding their doors shut and holding them at gunpoint for not submitting to a false positive test or washing their hands. Ching chongs, your government clamped down on you, interfered with your daily lives because some old people died, not us.

how strange
Kate Carter, despite having an English name makes all the same grammar mistakes of a Chinese ESL student

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Really gets the neurons firing

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How worried should we be that North Korean tier rhetoric is coming out of China now? When was the last time they did this sort of thing?

It's not supposed to shock them, it's supposed to trip the chink government censors

How exactly do you engage in bio-warfare espionage and all Canada does is suggest you leave? What exactly do you have to do to get into real trouble in CA?

>go back to china

Very welcoming of you.

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Just declare war on us Xinnie

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Take your meds schizo

They're not gonna ban the wild animal market are they? I'm not even racist and I'm starting to think nuking China will be unironically the right thing to do.

Sure 2 billion innocent will die but the 5 billion will survive.

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I'm not Chinese. I've got no use for the empire's yellow coolies no matter how many union jacks they wave around or how much opium silver is in their pockets. Most of you slopes over here are your types anyway.

That got be banned with one fucking tweet

drugs destroyed my brain /lol

>be me
>engineering school
>graduated with honors
>good big boy job
>get into nitrous oxide aka whippets
>huge hinges of hundreds
>move to pain killers and nitrous then heroine

my memory is shit. it takes me so long to learn and i generally feel retarded.

how long til my memory comes back? i forgot a lot of the critical ways to solve engineering problems and i’m a brainlet that is expected to perform this way at his job. so far it’s been one year and somehow joy fired yet somehow got a raise

yet i don’t feel as smart as i did in college. is this me being more humble and less of an egomNic

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How dare they blame (B3 scientific) us (lab funded by gates and sorros) on the atrocious events (lab creates synthetic adrenachrome) that have caused pandemic around the world ? ( and most notably around the elites in Hollywood and Vatican) dare they...

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Well I mean it probably was one of you Amerikikes.

U done son.

Reproduction IS sacred, vampire apologists fuck off.

>doesn't trust vaccines
>makes a hazmat suit out of condoms
>implicitly stating that he's fucking everyone that lay eyes on him, but he's gentle enough to wear protection

Fucking based and hedonismpilled

This shit was designed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They've been sucking with SARS-CoV since 2007 and released papers in 2015 showing they spliced it with other virii

The lab where corona came from was completely isolated from the synthetic adrenachrome lab (it wasn’t) no reason why the highly populated pedo areas of the world are getting effected except for viral spread (the pedos are hosting the synthetic and dropping spores)

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Largest tech and social media Giant Huwei leaks info to Iran. Meng indicted. Viruses stolen from Canada. Canada shut down by antifa.
China gets sick from a wolf coronavirus. Not bat. This shit came from wolves in Alberta.

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>China gets sick from a wolf coronavirus. Not bat. This shit came from wolves in Alberta.

Someone create a propaganda bot on WeChat and let the Chinese know who's boss and that government is lying

Alex jones has been pushing this narrative too. Wonder why. Maybe some (((faction))) is trying to play China and the US against one another?

Not too fast user, this could be both governments.

>What exactly do you have to do to get into real trouble in CA?
Support the USA.
>pick related
>1980 - Most favored Nation Status for China (J. Carter)
>1984 - Caribbean Basin Initiative (Free Imports to USA)
>1994 - WTO Formed, Marrakech Agreement (W. Clinton)
>1994 - War on Jobs, NAFTA, Deregulation of Trade, 3 Nations (W. Clinton)
>1994 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)
>1996 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)
>2000 - Pemanent Normal Trade Relations with China and WTO Membership for China (W. Clinton)

>1996 United States campaign finance controversy

>Lincoln Bedroom for contributors controversy
"Fat Cat Hotel: How Democratic High-Rollers Are Rewarded with Overnight Stays at the White House". This report, written by Margaret Ebrahim

>China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia
>In 1996, a foreign government didn’t just meddle, it donated.

>Remember When Bill Clinton Was Accused of Trading White House Access for Political Favors?

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For a fact the Corona virus did originate from USA, Aug 5 2019, the New York times posted about a prominent USA bio chemical base in fort derick been put on lock down by the government due to a leakage of virus, but as at then the effect and the enormity of it wasn't know so I guess it wasn't taken seriously as it ought to, most importantly close to the biochemical base was the USA military training base for the upcoming military games that was to be held at wuhan come October of 2019, and so not knowing the enormity and severeness of the virus leakage, the USA military delegates kept on with there training at there base close to the lab and when the time for the event came at wuhan, most of the USA military delegates were unable to participate owing it to flu infection, whereas they have unknowingly and unintentionally been infested by the virus, and for that the USA military delegates had a dismal performance at the event in WUHAN and recorded there poorest result ever in a military games with 3silver 5bronze and emerging 35th position amongst 56 delegates. #Facts