Trumps face from today

What drugs are they pumping into him?

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purple gatorade

It's well known that Trump snorts Adderall. That pic is likely a result of him not getting his fix for awhile.

Liberal bullshit . And he's had enough.

he's infected, RIP and praise kek!

Without a doubt he has been functioning on maybe 3 hrs of sleep a day for at least a week. Love him or hate him, anyone can assume he has been up and working constantly.

Trump is the embodiment of peak masculine form.
You can tell from the way his eyes remain half open that he is actively diverting blood-flow to maintain circulation for his massive balls.
Such is the natural instinct of an ultra-chad.

Fast food

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Activated almonds.

>What drugs are they pumping into him?
Black mans seed straight from melania's asshole.

Start paying more attention. Most of the time he either looks smug or pissed. But that's his "serious, not kidding, this is totally important, grownup time" face. Probably the face he was wearing when he kicked Marla Maples to the curb.



Yeah this. It's just like how people said he sounded "tired" during his speech. No, that's his "serious" voice when he's reading a teleprompter, he did it for the state of the union too

The face you make when you've been facing daily assassination attempts for 5 years, constant betrayal and insubordination from your personnel, glowniggers who just won't goddamn stop trying to ruin the world, and nothing but disrespect from people you fight for 20 hours every day

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After having borne witness to the last 5 years, you trannies are really going to bet that Trump won't beat both Biden and Sanders at the same time in Corona-chan's game of last man standing?

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I look like this when I haven’t slept for more then 24, either.


He’s tired. Not like blubbering joe Biden would be lookin any better

the barely keep him alive, he only gets the antidote after he sucks enough israel dick, antidote is in the jewjew cum

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biden is sexier

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Fuck yes.

If he truly is sick, a shit ton of codeine cough syrup to prevent him from coofing during his speeches.

This made me laugh I'm retarded


He's infected dude. But he doesn't want to admit it

COVFEFE explained
FE is the atomic symbol for Iron
The Atomic Number of Iron is 26
Atomic wieght of FE is 55.847
Square root of atomic wieght of FE = ~ 7
The atomic number of Iron minus the Square root of it's atomic wieght equals 19.
(26 - 7 = 19)
therefore, FEFE = 19.
COVFEFE literally means COV19.

You're a nigger

What the fuck is wrong with you?

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>Still thinking he is working for you

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ribavirin and tenofovir

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Hes on morphine and adderall. He took forever to come on stage because he was coughing like crazy. Its obvious he is infected. That was the only way he was going to make it.

Am I the only one who would like that fast food lmao


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Yeah, demonic game show hosts are hot as hell

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jew cum applied anally

shouldn't you be in bed you old faggot?



What is that on the dudes head in your picture...not the medusa the head of the starue

It's from the bronze statue Perseus with the head of Medusa

herp derp desperation from OP... As Trump turns the stock market around in under 30 minutes with one single presser. But nice try, commie cum guzzling faggot.

It's called being in your seventies and having the most stressful job on the planet(and that was w/o the media going psychopath stalker serial killer on you).

Let's see puffy eyes vs. FULL BLOWN RETARD DEMENTIA... I will take the very stable and coherent, best POTUS since G. Wash in this lopsided no contest TYVM

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No sleep plus antivirals. He will be fine.

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Simpler Times

I work at the White House I assure you he snorts Adderall

Dudes gonnna od


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Marla Maples, what are you like 60?

>And he's had enough.
Good, maybe he'll resign soon...or die.

everyone looks stupid if you take a frame of them mid-blink

Not as good as what HillDawg and Huma are on in this pic.

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>dude just trust me

"its well known"
okay faggola

These pictures are extremely cringe

White stuff.

he looks beyond tired, like when you reach a point of tiredness where you are just active and no longer need to rest ever again


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explain ?

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no.Never met one.
You are a burger though.
Feel sorry for you.

the blue ones.

Boomer central.


Google Interferon

Every president gets it. The reason he can't tell these dumb fuck journalists is because of optics. How would it come across if the president has some magical medicine that no other citizen can get? (It's 100K a dose)

Uh oh here comes Bloombergs meme brigade.

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boomers go back to facebook

>sits on lap

Mfw the retards start yelling nonsense again.

He's good. Fuck off chumps.

Isn't that the stuff thats basically like chemo therapy for hep c

That's alpha senile gaze. It's what high charisma chads develop into old age. pic related has the same thing

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He's wearing a winged helmet like Hermes.

+something to sleep, something to wake up
+whatever he's into (alcohol and/or benzos and/or opiates)
+he's post-menopause
+nigga ain't slept since kobe died

Attached: nigga ain't slept since Kobe died.png (813x462, 285.32K)


wasn't from today

The dudes not even alive. kek.