All men should be strong

One lesson from this health crisis is that we, collectively and individually, can't always rely on others for everything. At the end of the day a man must be responsible for himself.

Every man intuitively feels a drive to secure resources and safety for himself, whether it's by getting a gun or planting seeds or even panic buying toilet paper. Taking responsibility for ones self means many things - hard work, financial security, physical safety, a strong mind and a strong body.

So - are you strong, user?

Strength is the ability to produce force against an external resistance. To gain strength requires Training, or specific exercise which improves over time. A man who can push 200lbs is stronger than the man who can only push 100 lbs and as a result will have bigger muscles. Muscle and size is a side effect of strength. The most efficient and effective approaches include the following:

1) Barbell. Buy one and a power rack + olympic weights or join a gym that has them. Don't waste your time with machine and dumbell work.

2) Compound > Isolation. You want full body movements that move more weight through larger ranges of motion.

3) Progressive overload. Start with low weight and next time add 5lbs. Add 5lbs the time after that. If you do this 3x a week you will go from squatting an empty bar to hundreds of pounds in a few months.

4) Recovery. 8+ hours of sleep each night and eating lots of calories and lots of protein will fuel your body in growing muscle.

Workout MWF, or any 3 days you want with 1 day of rest in between and 2 days rest at the end. You have 2 workouts, A and B.

Workout A-

Lowbar Squat 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Barbell Row or power clean 3x5

Workout B

Lowbar squat 3x5
Overhead press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

So your schedule looks like AxBxAxx week 1, BxAxBxx week 2 etc.

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yes goy go to the gym to catch corona you dumb shit

This isn't the only way to be physically healthy but an introduction to some concepts and a good starting point.

For questions/how to do x go to Yas Forums or search online. Starting strength YT has videos on how to do each of the above lifts correctly. There's countless other places like stronglifts, barbell logic etc. Or find a coach or friend.

This virus will pass and odds are you'll be fine. Instead of obsessing about it, why not set plans to make yourself better in a realm you have total control over. Get under the bar and get to work.

Good luck.

>Will answer any questions as long as thread is up.

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Not a bad thread user.
I’ve been powerlifting most of my adult life, and what you say is on the right track. A basic 5x5 is away to get into weight lifting, and easy too.

Put a rack and weights in your garage lazy ass

>eat tons of calories
>do low volume strength training

that's a great way to get fat and end up like those faggots at the gym who do 3 sets of squats in their Converses and look like melted butter in a plastic bag and

-intermittent fasting
-low carb, zero sugar
-HIIT training

based and bumpworthy

he may think he is strong. until he meets my blade. all those mussels will only slow him down. i can run faster and farther than him and spin around him like the wind. he will be cut in twain before he can even react. no one can surpass raw speed.

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I just don't like inflicting pain on myself, seems retarded, you're gonna die anyway.

I follow a similar program. I'd add some pull-ups to the mix. I never see anyone else do power cleans at my gym. They're criminally underrated.

Im pretty strong. 455 x 1 rep bench (no wrist wraps, special shirt, back flat on bench), 495 squat (past parallel)

Yeah, give me money for 3200 calories diet and I can go work out.


Haven't got flu a single time since 2016, when i started lifting. When tou accelerate your metabolism you also improve your immune system.
Fuck chink-flu-aids, It won't keep me out from the gym.

Just start eating 2,2x your bodyweight/kg in proteins. You gotta start somewhere

Post physique. Not saying you’re wrong, but low carb has always made me look like shit

Weightlifting is generally fun and beneficial but would be absolutely useless in a shtf scenario. You'll just have permanently lowered testosterone from having abused steroids and your muscles will quickly deplete when you're eating rice everyday. Its just a vain product of our purposeless modern existence that is devoid of any real hardship

What's wrong dumbbells?

You have to do intermittent fasting.. once you stop being a pussy and get used to it, you need to eat one large evening meal and you will burn fat and gain muscle.

The main stream will say its impossible, but they are wrong. They will call it (((starving yourself))) but it is actually healthy

Fasting is the truth

Oh yeah you also have to lift heavy but know what you're doing.. if you don't know what you're doing exercise wise, then your gains will only be gaynes

I also unironically realized going to the gym is about the ONLY thing you can do for Corona. It's a low skill high spread fakeburger imo. Got my clean and jerk up 35 lbs and snatch up 25 lbs in the past 10 days. I was untrained though. I do oly only, max c&j, max snatch, max front squat day one, day 2 is power cleans, back squat and pulls / behind the neck press. Unironically if you are from a different part of the world and don't have many of your kind around, you basically need to workout to keep up your metabolism if you can't live off beer and pre-marital sex. Stay frosty anons I know I will

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lol don't talk to me unless ur in the 500 pound club weakling

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Yeah and in a shtf scenario, muscles won't stop bullets. Being bigger just slows you down and makes you a bigger target.


>behind the neck press
This exercise is fake and gay

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How does a wrist wrap help for bench?

No access to gym? DON'T WORRY!

Literally everything you need for full-body fitness is:
It's just literally That stupid simple!

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Ignore this garbage. This does not promote strength.

Cardio is a Nigger sport

Ideally of course, you will want to do other stuff besides push-ups and pull-ups. But nothing else is essential for full-body strength.

Your triceps do not recognize the difference between pushing your bodyweight from pushing a barbell. Your biceps do not know if you're curling dumbbells or if you're curling yourself up a pull-up bar.

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>. 455 x 1 rep bench
>495 squat
you're making up numbers or your balance is all fucked up

There is a hard limit to what you can do with just body weight workouts. If you don't have access to a gym or don't want to go to one just go to a sporting goods store and buy a weight set.

Why is everyone on Yas Forums a copefat powerlifter?

>don't work on stabilizer muscles with dumbbells, don't use machines for mass building after main movements
You have never entered advanced territory in lifting just from this information, this is advice you give to someone if you want them to snap tendons.
>no isolation burnouts
See first point
>Extremely basic programming
Novice lifter confirmed

I instruct all new lifters to start with dumbbells and then after two months start them on mesos.
If your lifting total is not at least 1400 drug free you don't have an opinion as far as I am concerned.

Yeah he is. I hit 550 on squat before I hit 400 on bench.

They are too lazy to do the assistance lifts and 40 minutes of cooldown at the end of a lift. They want to do 15 sets of their pathetic maximal effort and then stop.

Do you guys think this is a good source? I remember there used to be a general for translating this, but it seems to have died. I really don't have more information about it other than the link, and that it is a wehrmacht training manual some other user found.

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>your lifting total is not at least 1400 dr
Which lifts do you count

If your only goal is to get a 500lbs squat, go to the gym. For most guys that kind of ''strength'' is unnecessary though. Our ancestors didn't squat and they were strong.

Almost no people reach the 'hard limit' where even weighted variations of the harder versions of exercises are too easy.

Go to a football field
Sprint as fast as possible try to make 100 yrds in 15-25 seconds.
Rest 45 seconds.
Repeat 5 times.
Do once a week and every week try ti increase by one.
My best record was 32.

These, if you actually want to look like you lift you have to do accessories after.
I do compounds first and then some accessories trying to hit each muscle twice a week I do ULUL.
I've added about 80lbs to my squat in like four months but my bench is very slow going.
I did bro split but plateaued for a year until I actually started doing compounds and dropping the brosplit shit.
If you aren't on roids you have to work harder btw.

>meme fasting
>soi eating
>HIV training

OP routine is for getting people strong, not to get them looking like gay porn stars.

Strength training always ends up with lower back pain. No matter how good your form and technique is.

Back pain from Squats & Deadlifts is only a matter of WHEN, not IF.

I Squatted/Deadlifted for about 5 years with no issues, then suddenly I started getting nagging pains, and eventually I had to stop. I notice this happens with pretty much everyone.

Its rare to see any guy never end up experiencing back pain from strength training eventually.

>intermittent fasting

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There was a stink behind the fridge and I mopped it down with bleach and pinesol and bleach again. I'm resting easy now. Feels good taking care of business!

Powerlifting was a meme to stop Zyzz's Aesthetic revolution. It was a terrific success. Instead of having vitalistic Bronze Age legions we got sad fat powerlifters more concerned with their squat numbers than making a change in their surrounding.

No goy don't care that nobody even notices that you're fit, impress those wojak friends on Yas Forums

Holy fucking shit, this is 100% true.

I admit, I feel for it for a long time.

Now I just do aesthetics training, at home, with dumbbbells, kettlebells in very high rep ranges. No more strength training full body barbell compound shit.

That's squat deadlift and bench. I use it when talking to retards.
Among other lifters like me overhead press and weighted dips are much more important. Bench uses inefficient lat activation and it is impossible to gauge weaknesses from it.
I train back squat only when I am about to compete. When that is over, I use front squat/ good morning and glute bridge/weight lunge splits for leg training three times a week (I'm a leg nut) Good mornings will also improve your deadlift and fix all spine stability issues.
OP does not row enough, considering he hates dumbbells. If I do barbell row, I start out heavy bent over row, then move onto high pulls, and then dumbbell row supersetted between elbows tucked and out. I cooldown with rhomboid work (lay flat on a bench and pull dumbbells to center of chest, lean against wall and isometrically pull elbows down and push off with them)

I replaced my deadlifts with rack pulls and Romanian deadlifts, usually way less weight like 225lbs but more reps like a 3x10 scheme.
My back is curvy from the scoliosis but a lot of the guys I talk to say they only deadlift heavy for like one set of five or only once a month.
Might try the sumo meme if anything a stronger back is good for a guy like me.
Also your knees and hip flexors are going to start hurting before your back on the squats.
I stretch after each session for 20 min.

Way ahead of you, cuck.

Accessories will stop you from btfo'ing yourself down the road. Met lots of guys on gear who got strong really fast and mocked natural lifters like me, and then blew out their knees, spines and shoulders.
One guy tore is IT band, decided to shoot more andros and then folded the knee.

This is also so very true. Ask ANY lifter or those ''yeah I used to go the gym'' guys and they will tell it to you. The human skeleton really wasn't designed to endure a decade long progressive overload regime where you end up squatting 600lbs. Sure some people will be able to do it without injury, but not most.

Muscle imbalances.
Do good mornings for back pain. If you are too far gone for that, get a reverse hyper.

Nah, they aren't real powerlifters. They're just lazy faggots.

2/3/4/5 master race checking in

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300 bench
305 squat
455 Deadlift
200 Overhead Press
1060 Total

I fell for the meme so bad myself too. Bulked up, did SS + Madcow. Didn't do curls or accessories because of the powerlift meme. My squat/deadlift was advanced level and I didn't look like I had ever stepped into a gym.

Aesthetic-type training is anyways way healthier than powerlifting training. If you want to look good for decades, you can't afford lifting injuries.

You should not squat or bench more than 225. I know I sound like a faggot but just dont, reach it and stay there and then go for reps.
Source: did strength training for college athletics, bench max 425 squat 580 now I can hardly walk or bend over and both shoulders are shot to hell. Im only 29

Indeed self reliance goes all the way. Including killing human evolution yourself. Doctors are not Judas goats to kill. In fact the foundations of medicine is to save lives. Self reliance builds character and strength. So do it yourself.

hell yeah brother